Dems are very upset with Manchin derailing the BUILD BACK BETTER train

He had a democrat House, though, I doubt with the pandemic he could have balanced it.
Trump and the Republican House and Republican Senate DOUBLED the federal deficit in his first two years.

Trump also submitted the largest federal budget in history.

Nice try.
Manchin responded to the haters


One day after sinking President Joe Biden’s signature social and climate spending legislation, Manchin (D-W.Va.) laid out a path forward that could take months and still fail. He wants the legislation to go through Senate committees and focus on rolling back the 2017 Trump tax cuts. He also wants Democrats to stop trying to force him into compliance.

“I knew what they could and could not do. They just never realized it, because they figure surely to God we can move one person. Surely, we can badger and beat one person up,” Manchin said on West Virginia MetroNews, his first response to the blowback he’s taken from the White House and Democrats for tanking Biden’s signature legislation.

He added: “Well, guess what? I'm from West Virginia. I'm not from where they're from, [where] they can just beat the living crap out of people and think they’ll be submissive.”

Manchin advised Democrats to put legislation through committee to have any chance of success, saying party leaders spurned his requests to do so on the $1.9 trillion coronavirus aid bill. That bill passed on a party-line vote via budget reconciliation, but Manchin said that’s not going to happen again without the committee process.

“I won't continue to go down everything you want to do, major policy changes and reconciliation. It needs to go through a process,” Manchin added. The House held committee hearings for the legislation, the Senate has not.

Progressive Caucus chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) said Manchin called her this morning.

“I took his call and there’s nothing I have said here that I didn’t say to him,” Jayapal said shortly after telling reporters Manchin had gone back on his word to the White House. “That lack of integrity is stunning in a town when people say the only thing you have is your word.”

“We've been way far apart philosophically,” Manchin said. “The same bill I have in front of me right now that they kept putting in front of me, was the same $6 trillion bill from the beginning."

Senate Democrats will discuss the party’s plight on Tuesday evening, a special virtual caucus meeting on the longest night of the year. And if there’s a bright spot for Democrats in all this, it’s that Manchin is still committed to rolling back the 2017 tax cuts signed by President Donald Trump.

In fact, Manchin said the only reason he even voted this summer for a $3.5 trillion budget resolution, which paved the way for Democrats to continue negotiating the bill, was because he was so eager to “to fix the taxes so that everybody paid their fair share."

“We have one chance at this, OK? You have a chance to fix the tax code that makes it fair and equitable,” Manchin said. “So if we all disagree with Republicans’ reconciliation on tax cuts, don't you think we can sit down and fix a fair and equitable tax code?”

Yet in a 50-50 Senate, even that isn't simple. Though Manchin’s proposals to raise corporate taxes and taxes on the wealthy are widely popular among Democratic senators, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) opposed the rate increases that Manchin supports. She hasn't commented since Manchin shot down Biden's vision.
Just wait. The radical Communists in the Dem party will have their loyal idiots confronting Manchin in public and threatening him at every turn. They’ll probably even follow him into the bathroom. They best be careful. If Manchin goes independent, Schumer loses the gavel.
I believe we can pay for every American to have access to medical care. I've stated over and over that I am perfectly willing to pay for that.

I could entertain such a program with restrictions and safeguards on and against the government and that would likely never happen.
Too big, too vague.

The Democrats do what the parties always do: They misinterpreted a win as a mandate and went too far.

2020 was a referendum on the ugliness of Trumpism, that's it.
"Core American's" who practice, love and respect ALL THINGS that make up the American Way....they love and respect America's founding, American sovereignty, America's history, America's principles, moral and value systems, America's traditions, America's culture, America's religion and even America's know, all those things the globalist America haters hate. This is TRUMPISM.

Good ole Mac…still throwing his favorite word around…..TRUMPISM
This “Trumpism” has him paralyzed and paranoid….Meanwhile he says little to nothing about brown cockroach invasions, jungle people riots, a corrupt and Dem complicit media and social media, a Dem complicit academia, CRT being shoved down our childrens throats….you know, all the REAL issues that plague American society….Mac, please don’t wonder why you aren’t taken seriously….you have slid to the depths of this board…you’re down there with Daniel Palos.
"Core American's" who practice, love and respect ALL THINGS that make up the American Way....they love and respect America's founding, American sovereignty, America's history, America's principles, moral and value systems, America's traditions, America's culture, America's religion and even America's know, all those things the globalist America haters hate. This is TRUMPISM.

Good ole Mac…still throwing his favorite word around…..TRUMPISM
This “Trumpism” has him paralyzed and paranoid….Meanwhile he says little to nothing about brown cockroach invasions, jungle people riots, a corrupt and Dem complicit media and social media, a Dem complicit academia, CRT being shoved down our childrens throats….you know, all the REAL issues that plague American society….Mac, please don’t wonder why you aren’t taken seriously….you have slid to the depths of this board…you’re down there with Daniel Palos.
I love how far up I am in your heads!

I can say ANYTHING and you guys go full drama queen!
I love how far up I am in your heads!

I can say ANYTHING and you guys go full drama queen!
We’re just trying to help you man…I’d like to see your ability to reason be restored.
You got way too caried away with this Trumpism / Trumsters stuff….You have to realize, we were all kicking major ass while he restored American virtues and tweeted mean shit at the filth that drag America down the shitter.
We’re just trying to help you man…I’d like to see your ability to reason be restored.
You got way too caried away with this Trumpism / Trumsters stuff….You have to realize, we were all kicking major ass while he restored American virtues and tweeted mean shit at the filth that drag America down the shitter.
We’re just trying to help you man…I’d like to see your ability to reason be restored.
You got way too caried away with this Trumpism / Trumsters stuff….You have to realize, we were all kicking major ass while he restored American virtues and tweeted mean shit at the filth that drag America down the shitter.

Macadoodle has a BIG problem, lol. He and his party are in the dumpster. Now he will try and convince you how bad the GOP is, and in some instances he is correct; sad but true.

Still, just like the wall, he has a wall to climb. What do Americans really want?

As long as he and his minions tie Trump to the objectives, seems they do at the very least, OK. But, take Trump out of the mix, and look what happens, lol. Americans tell them no, hell no, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.

People like Mac have totally based their debate points on Trump, because they HAVE to. They have nothing else!

When was the last time you heard Mac, or any other Leftist, DEFEND their policies? Why is that?

Yes, we point at Biteme and his incompetence. And yet, we are making it personal between Biden and Trump.


Their policies are soooooooooo bad, not only will Manchin and Sinema run from them, so will most of the American people. Yes, we always throw in a dig for the incompetence of Biden; but we need point out exclusively, the policies they want.

Do that, and come 2022, they are DOA! I know it, you know it, and most importantly, THEY know it!
Manchin has already signalled that some of Sippy Cup's advisors added poison pills to the Build Back Badly bill.
These are people who were not even elected!!!

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