Dems Believe in Free Speech and the N Word is Free Speech, Right?

Free speech is free speech.

---Spotify CEO Pledges $100 Million to ‘Marginalized Groups’ After Joe Rogan N-Word Clip Goes Viral---

As the GQP so USED to love to spew...

Free speech ain't free. there's consequences.
Then they got slapped with their consequences.
If blacks can say it then everyone should be able to say it. Either it's all ok or none of it's ok.

No one tells blacks not to say cracker or whitey or some other derogatory term towards whites.
Free speech is free speech.

---Spotify CEO Pledges $100 Million to ‘Marginalized Groups’ After Joe Rogan N-Word Clip Goes Viral---

Anyone is free to say the N-word. Just not in my house or at my place of business.

All caught up now. tard?
Anyone is free to use the N-word. But then they can't whine when I use my free speech to rip them a new asshole.
Free speech is free speech.

---Spotify CEO Pledges $100 Million to ‘Marginalized Groups’ After Joe Rogan N-Word Clip Goes Viral---
Money is speech, remember?

And $100 million is a whole lotta talking.
Dems Believe in Free Speech and the N Word is Free Speech, Right?
Correct – and Democrats oppose government preempting free speech, including hate speech.

And the doctrine of free speech concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and private entities.

Consequently, when Democrats as private citizens appropriately denounce the hate speech of rightwing racists who are private citizens, no freedom of speech is being ‘violated.’
What about censorship?
What about it?

First Amendment jurisprudence affords government guidance as to what speech may be preempted and what speech may not; when government preempts speech consistent with that jurisprudence it is in no manner ‘censorship.’

Private individuals and private media are at liberty to censor content as they sees fit; how that content is censored in no manner ‘violates’ free speech.
So you think there should be limits to free speech?
There is no ‘should’ – there are in fact limits on speech:


Fighting words

Defamation (including libel and slander)

Child pornography



Incitement to imminent lawless action

True threats

Solicitations to commit crimes”

We really need a class on the Constitution.
True – but this is about politics, not the Constitution.

It’s about the dishonest right trying to contrive and advance the lie that Democrats are ‘inconsistent’ with regard to their advocacy of free speech when they oppose and denounce rightwing hate speech.
True – but this is about politics, not the Constitution.

It’s about the dishonest right trying to contrive and advance the lie that Democrats are ‘inconsistent’ with regard to their advocacy of free speech when they oppose and denounce rightwing hate speech.

There are hypocrites everywhere but one does have to understand what they are arguing to argue it and sadly many do not.
1978. Some Nazis wanted to parade through a Jewish neighborhood in Skokie, IL where Holocaust survivors lived.

The left wing ACLU came to the defense of the Nazis' right to free speech and took the case all the way to the Supreme Court, and they won.

That's how committed the left is to free speech.

The second amendment? Not so much.

"I hate Illinois Nazis."

There is no ‘should’ – there are in fact limits on speech:


Fighting words

Defamation (including libel and slander)

Child pornography



Incitement to imminent lawless action

True threats

Solicitations to commit crimes”

So libs like you are against free speech.

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