Dems Big Push for 2014: Minimum Wage

lol, they had a hand in setting the last minimum wage now acting like they are champions for wanting it raised

man people really fall for this stuff?
Raising Minimum Wage is a small part of the solutionm but one that can have a large impact for those who benefit from it.

As to MW causing inflation?

Never ever EVER happened.
Oh goody! MORE vote buying as it will run more businesses out of business AND cost more jobs.

The left still doesn't get it, they never will.


If you can't beat them...
Meaning what? Americans are as stupid and gullible as YOU? Dems have a lot hanging on their necks...largest ObamaCare. Dream on.


After Obamacare passed and was ratified by the Supreme Court.

Ask President Romney how he feels. Oh..that's gotta hurt.

Because the were too busy taking everyone's insurance away. They're all like, "who cares about minimum wage or unemployment benefits, we have our crowning achievement, Obamacare!"

Has your insurance been taken? Mine hasn't.

Yeah TK...has your employer paid insurance been taken? :lol:

Neither has mine.

Let me's right around the corner (along with the proof of thermite at ground zero and the real birth certificate)

Last I heard, TK was among the chronically unemployed. Unfortunately, he may have lost his long term unemployment benefits just recently.
This is more damage control targeted at their lowbrow constiuency; ingratiation - an attempt to recover some grace, and their further continuence to destroy wealth. The free market should be the sole establisher of wage - it is the only fair institution!

You must have an amusing idea of what 'fair' is.
How do you all like that Unions and Liberal advocacy groups is dictating what policies should be put on you?

warm fuzzies
Yup, my wonderful, all-inclusive insurance remains intact.

This does not preclude me wanting to see all americans with health insurance, especially those with pre-existing conditions.

And we wouldn't have to be addressing the minimum wage issue if Americans had gotten a cost-of-living increase every time Congress gave themselves one. :thup:
Congress is mainly a bunch of scum bags! Insurance for all Americans is not affordable; it is a ideologue's fantasy. Millions of Americans don't deserve anything - they can eat shit, and, die. Insuring pre-existing conditions without monetary conditions or the ability to flat out refuse, is not insurance at all! It is more entitlements. When a person thinks they are entitled to what others have - that is the impetus for theft, and robbery! Obama is both a thief, and a bandit! :eusa_boohoo:
Pretty smart move if the DEMS are willing to play the long game with it. The nation is ready for a higher FMW. The basic lie about it is that it will raise prices. Prices are rising anyway without the added benefit of additional pay for the workers so, at least, this will include that benefit.

Again, when you have a consumer based economy and wages for the consumers remain flat, you're going to have some economic problems since your engine isn't getting any fuel. At the very least, this will be fuel for the engine. I doubt the engine will go very far at the outset because a lot of the new monies will go toward debt reduction but after that, you'll see some real growth.

THey just raised the min wage what, 2 years ago? Tell me how everyone is better off today. Yeah, that didnt happen. Why is it going to be different this time?
The min wage is not a free lunch. There isn't some huge fund of money out there that employers can tap to pay higher wages. Of course Democrats don't understand this, never having met a payroll in their lives.

Apparently it was 2009, not 2 years ago.

Federal Minimum Wage plus 2013 State Minimum Wage Increase Rates from

It's time to raise it again regardless of the politics.

Politically it's the right thing to do for the Democrats.
Whether the GOP wants to oppose it in an election year is up to them.
Yup, my wonderful, all-inclusive insurance remains intact.

This does not preclude me wanting to see all americans with health insurance, especially those with pre-existing conditions.

And we wouldn't have to be addressing the minimum wage issue if Americans had gotten a cost-of-living increase every time Congress gave themselves one. :thup:
Congress is mainly a bunch of scum bags! Insurance for all Americans is not affordable; it is a ideologue's fantasy. Millions of Americans don't deserve anything - they can eat shit, and, die. Insuring pre-existing conditions without monetary conditions or the ability to flat out refuse, is not insurance at all! It is more entitlements. When a person thinks they are entitled to what others have - that is the impetus for theft, and robbery! Obama is both a thief, and a bandit! :eusa_boohoo:

Must be more of that "compassionate conservatism" we heard about.
This is more damage control targeted at their lowbrow constiuency; ingratiation - an attempt to recover some grace, and their further continuence to destroy wealth. The free market should be the sole establisher of wage - it is the only fair institution!

You must have an amusing idea of what 'fair' is.
Fair Market Value! Please enlighten me - what is your definition of fair?
Yup, my wonderful, all-inclusive insurance remains intact.

This does not preclude me wanting to see all americans with health insurance, especially those with pre-existing conditions.

And we wouldn't have to be addressing the minimum wage issue if Americans had gotten a cost-of-living increase every time Congress gave themselves one. :thup:
Congress is mainly a bunch of scum bags! Insurance for all Americans is not affordable; it is a ideologue's fantasy. Millions of Americans don't deserve anything - they can eat shit, and, die. Insuring pre-existing conditions without monetary conditions or the ability to flat out refuse, is not insurance at all! It is more entitlements. When a person thinks they are entitled to what others have - that is the impetus for theft, and robbery! Obama is both a thief, and a bandit! :eusa_boohoo:

Must be more of that "compassionate conservatism" we heard about.
I guess you think that Robbin Hood was compationate? Steal from the earners, and give to those who don't. Robbin was a Hood - like Obama!
Raising the minimum wage is a job killer. Simple as that.

So, naturally, you can show where jobs were "killed" when the minimum wage has been raised in the past?
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Facts have a conservative bias.

No, actually they don't.


Raising the minimum wage had no discernible effect on employment or unemployment.

As for teenage employment or unemployment, I'd fully support a graduated minimum wage like they do in Australia.
So, naturally, you can show where jobs were "killed" when the minimum wage has been raised in the past?
JSTOR: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

Facts have a conservative bias.

No, actually they don't.


Raising the minimum wage had no discernible effect on employment or unemployment.

As for teenage employment or unemployment, I'd fully support a graduated minimum wage like they do in Australia.

But you knew that.
The fact is that every time the min wage goes up, teenage unemployment goes down. Black teenage unemployment is even worse.
Why don't you care about black teenagers? Oh yeah, you just want to abort all of them. So much for Dem compassion.

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