Dems Blast McCain After Bailout Negotiations Go Sour

Amen brother! Atleast there are a few people in our government that still believe in personal responsibilty!

Don't act like this is the Democrats pushing this plan. Admit your party has been taken over by corrupt elitists!!!

If the Democrats tried to stop this bill, the rich bankers would crash the economy on Monday and the media/Republicans and Voters would blame the Democrats.

This is the second time Bush has forced a bill down the Democrats throat right before an election. I say give them $100 billion now and the rest MAYBE after January 09.

This won't hurt those conservative Republicans. Their constituents want them to say no to the bailout. And if it crashed the economy, those voters won't switch to Obama, so they are better off voting against this bill.

You do know this is how Bush forced the Democrats to vote for Iraq, right?

Compare his 2003 speech to the speech he gave two nights ago:

Bush talking about Saddam 2003

we cannot wait for the final proof -- the smoking gun -- that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud. Some have argued we should wait -- and that's an option. In my view, it's the riskiest of all options, because the longer we wait, the stronger and bolder Saddam Hussein will become. We could wait and hope that Saddam does not give weapons to terrorists, or develop a nuclear weapon to blackmail the world. But I'm convinced that is a hope against all evidence.

Now Bush today talking about the $700 billion bailout:

"Without immediate action by Congress, American could slip into a financial panic and a distressing scenario would unfold," Bush said in a 12-minute prime-time address delivered from the White House East Room that he hoped would help rescue his tough-sell bailout package. "Ultimately, our country could experience a long and painful recession."
Amen brother! Atleast there are a few people in our government that still believe in personal responsibilty!

Bunch of BS... they backed out to push McCain and TRY to separate from Bush, who was the one on TV the night before pushing the plan -- not the get your facts straight.
Don't act like this is the Democrats pushing this plan. Admit your party has been taken over by corrupt elitists!!!

If the Democrats tried to stop this bill, the rich bankers would crash the economy on Monday and the media/Republicans and Voters would blame the Democrats.


If it passes it is Bush suckering the dems

If it fails the GOP is crashing the economy to take it over.

You have a conspiracy for every contingency, don't you?
Reid is on TV (CNBC) whining again. It seems that he thinks the Senate Committee on Banking should have the only say in formulating the final legislation for this 700B$ Loan to Nowhere, that the House of Representatives should stay out of it, and that the mere presents and participation of McCain and Obama constitutes “Presidential Politics” which he claims is interfering in the process.

Imagine that…

Did ya hear him tell the President to tell McCain to get out of town? Isn't John McCain a sitting Senator? Pansy assed Democrats.
Only if you're too stupid to understand that the idiot is screwing around with our economic future....

I wonder if McCain hired a stunt double for this one.

Its amazing you're too stupid to recognize facts right in front of your nose...
Political hack first, honesty takes a back seat....

No less a figure than Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said McCain's support was necessary to pass the bill. But once McCain's announcement came, Reid switched signals and claimed he wasn't needed in Washington. Talk about cynical politics. Reid recognized McCain was exercising leadership that the Democratic nominee wasn't, and he tried to demean it.
Here is how it is going down. The Democrats were going to give bush his money rather than start a fight. Their proposal would not only go to the rich, but even still, this bush bailout is bullshit. But what does Bush care? He'll be the bad guy and sell this to us. He's the ultimate used car salesman. So here comes the McCain guys. The no regulations guys. 9 out of ten don't approve of this bailout, so bush and the democrats will take the blame. If we don't bail out the banks, the banks will strike. Shut down. Stop lending. So the dems were forced to get their hands dirty.

I'm not even really sure this isn't made up.

Oh, the gop deregulated a rule that banks have to keep so much on reserve for this such thing. But then the economy was bad so the gop wanted to free up some cash.
And MuOh's ceo worked 13 weeks and walked away with $13 million.

I hope America sees the game the gop are playing. It is genious! The rich didn't get where they are by being dumb, but many of you did. Wake up. The gop should never be trusted with a majority ever again. They are 10 percent population so that's how many of them should be in congress.

The Dems better not get played on this one. It's playing out as we speak.

ps. Only give them $100 now and maybe the rest in Jan. Not al 7.
I hope they don't. I hope everybody just sits tight and lets this shithole of a country go down. See how everybody likes life in the bread line. Good old experiement. Hell the rich guys are already gone with their money. I've been asking what yer backup plan was when you ran out of rich guys.. maybe we will soon see. goodbye national health care..

If it passes it is Bush suckering the dems

If it fails the GOP is crashing the economy to take it over.

You have a conspiracy for every contingency, don't you?

Isn't that the way you will spin it? Be fucking honest. If Mccain apposes this bill, that bush insists we need, along with most republicans, and it doesn't fix anything, you will blame the democrats because they had the majority. So instead of just giving bush everything, the dems are going to give the money to bush, but it will come with legislation, regulations, help for home owners, oversite, accountability. But that is too much information with most voters, and you know it.

Luckily, Mccain is a joke.

Anyways, bush wants no string, mccain wants no deal and the dems need to take the whitehouse.

If the gop can fuck up this bad and still get your vote well then.
Everyone knows that McCain did nothing in Washington except take a few pictures and then leave. He knew that Boehner and his boys was not going to go for the current deal days ago. They hardly like McCain most of the time so give me a break!

Why should the DEM's let him come flying in to act like he is saving the day when he CAN'T?

Also, since McCain is running for President and has not voted since April, it's joke to say that he is going back to Washington to 'do his job'. News Flash for ya -- Campaiging and Debating is his JOB this week and until Obama is elected the next President of the US in November. :D
Everyone knows that McCain did nothing in Washington except take a few pictures and then leave. He knew that Boehner and his boys was not going to go for the current deal days ago. They hardly like McCain most of the time so give me a break!

Why should the DEM's let him come flying in to act like he is saving the day when he CAN'T?

Also, since McCain is running for President and has not voted since April, it's joke to say that he is going back to Washington to 'do his job'. News Flash for ya -- Campaiging and Debating is his JOB this week and until Obama is elected the next President of the US in November. :D

Oh? Is this true? Well then it follows if he did nothing that Harry Reid is a fucking liar then for saying McCain mucket it up... :lol:
Everyone knows that McCain did nothing in Washington except take a few pictures and then leave. He knew that Boehner and his boys was not going to go for the current deal days ago. They hardly like McCain most of the time so give me a break!

Why should the DEM's let him come flying in to act like he is saving the day when he CAN'T?

Also, since McCain is running for President and has not voted since April, it's joke to say that he is going back to Washington to 'do his job'. News Flash for ya -- Campaiging and Debating is his JOB this week and until Obama is elected the next President of the US in November. :D

Yeah, that's why the secretary of the treasury called him practically in tears begging him to come and try to smooth things out between the Republicans and the Dems.

It couldn't be done. The Dems wouldn't budge, they were trying to force their deal (created without Republican input) and said openly that if the right wouldn't accept it, there wouldn't be a deal.

No deal. Let them rot. They're the ones that are in it up to their eyeballs.
well, youse guys thing coporate america is your enemy, let's get rid of em

Enemy? No... they're amoral. They have no moral choices... and I'll say the rest slowly enough for you to understand....


Get it now? Seriously, I know you have limited intellect. And I really don't want to be too hard on you, but your posts are really pathetic.
Not only did the gop pull this trick on the democrats and lead us to war, they pulled this on immigration before the 06 midterms. So the democrats will keep getting played until more of you independents and moderate republicans leave the party. Join us. And if the dems get corrupted to the core like the gop clearly has, then go back. But enough is enough. There aren't good republicans and bad ones. They are all republicans.

Great, mccain doesn't want a bail out. Can't wait to hear what his ideas are tonight.
Enemy? No... they're amoral. They have no moral choices... and I'll say the rest slowly enough for you to understand....


Get it now? Seriously, I know you have limited intellect. And I really don't want to be too hard on you, but your posts are really pathetic.

tough shit honey, you know you hate corporate America now let's get rid of em. put yer money where your mouth has been.
Enemy? No... they're amoral. They have no moral choices... and I'll say the rest slowly enough for you to understand....


Get it now? Seriously, I know you have limited intellect. And I really don't want to be too hard on you, but your posts are really pathetic.

Wrong, Jillie.

You want to bankrupt banks? Let the government start meddling with the way they do business. Let politicians force them to make loans to people who have absolutely no business borrowing money.
Wrong, Jillie.

You want to bankrupt banks? Let the government start meddling with the way they do business. Let politicians force them to make loans to people who have absolutely no business borrowing money.


No one forced a single bank to make a risky loan. They just said they couldn't redline.

But if that spin works in your fantasyworld alliebabykins, then no worries.
Oh? Is this true? Well then it follows if he did nothing that Harry Reid is a fucking liar then for saying McCain mucket it up... :lol:
That's Reid's problem. I'm just calling it as I saw it.

I am in agreement with the house republicans that basically say Wall Street needs to come up with a plan that does not leave Main Street holding the bag. This is a first for me, but I give credit where it's due and I'm not a "puppet, blind idiot" or any of the other names I've seen some posters called. :D

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