Dems burning down cities is OK VS Trump said stuff?

it was inflamed by Trump, not democrats

The people burning the cities following the martyrdom of Saint George of Floyd were with few exceptions black ghetto thugs. Most of those people have IQ's below 75. At that level they cannot be educated, and they are unemployable. They are not Democrats. They do not know who the Democrats are. They should have aborted. They are the reason I regret the Supreme Court Decision overturning Roe vs Wade.

Now, some Democrats did sympathize with the rioters. They live in neighborhoods where housing prices keep most blacks out. The fewer Negroes one has known, the more likely one is to like Negroes.
It wasn`t about George Floyd Einstein. It was about seeing the same thing go on week after week for 300 years.
It wasn`t about George Floyd Einstein. It was about seeing the same thing go on week after week for 300 years.
A criminal justice system that is effective for whites is insufficiently harsh for blacks. Before the civil rights legislation that was understood in the United States, and particularly in the South.
Nothing justifies looting and burning stores.
I agree but this is nothing new and that`s how mob mentality begins. The first broken window lights the fuse when people are pissed off. We`ve been having riots longer than we`ve been a country. Every place on earth where there is injustice has riots, upheavals or whatever you want to call it although it`s not always racial. 1968 Chicago comes to mind.
I agree but this is nothing new and that`s how mob mentality begins. The first broken window lights the fuse when people are pissed off. We`ve been having riots longer than we`ve been a country. Every place on earth where there is injustice has riots, upheavals or whatever you want to call it although it`s not always racial. 1968 Chicago comes to mind.
1992 Los Angeles Riots come to my mind
I agree but this is nothing new and that`s how mob mentality begins. The first broken window lights the fuse when people are pissed off. We`ve been having riots longer than we`ve been a country. Every place on earth where there is injustice has riots, upheavals or whatever you want to call it although it`s not always racial. 1968 Chicago comes to mind.
The American people respond negatively to those who use violence politically. Segregationist violence against peaceful civil rights demonstrates in the South caused the civil rights legislation to be passed into law. If southern whites had responded to the civil rights demonstrations with calm forbearance, I doubt the civil rights legislation would have been passed into law.

The immediate effect of the black ghetto riots from 1964 to 1968 and the disruptive behavior of many anti war demonstrators. caused Richard Nixon to be elected president in 1968. If it had not been for the black ghetto riots and the 1968 riots at the Democrat National Convention, a Democrat dove would have been elected, who would have ended the War in Vietnam. Instead, the War continued for seven more terrible years.

The long term effect of the black ghetto riots was to turn the United States into a Republican country. The prison population grew. Welfare spending was reduced.
The American people respond negatively to those who use violence politically. Segregationist violence against peaceful civil rights demonstrates in the South caused the civil rights legislation to be passed into law. If southern whites had responded to the civil rights demonstrations with calm forbearance, I doubt the civil rights legislation would have been passed into law.

The immediate effect of the black ghetto riots from 1964 to 1968 and the disruptive behavior of many anti war demonstrators. caused Richard Nixon to be elected president in 1968. If it had not been for the black ghetto riots and the 1968 riots at the Democrat National Convention, a Democrat dove would have been elected, who would have ended the War in Vietnam. Instead, the War continued for seven more terrible years.

The long term effect of the black ghetto riots was to turn the United States into a Republican country. The prison population grew. Welfare spending was reduced.
You're speculating and presenting your opinions as facts. Except for the MAGA riot, riots happen spontaneously. There are no pre-riot meetings where people plan which windows will be broken and which businesses will burn. If it had not been for the murder of MLK by a racist loser, there would have been no riots in 1968. Nixon won in 1968 because he said he had a plan to end the war and Hubert Humphrey was not a dove. He supported the war until he realized that his position would keep him from being elected. By the time he changed, it was too late. There was no way he could distance himself from LBJs disaster.
You're speculating and presenting your opinions as facts. Except for the MAGA riot, riots happen spontaneously. There are no pre-riot meetings where people plan which windows will be broken and which businesses will burn. If it had not been for the murder of MLK by a racist loser, there would have been no riots in 1968. Nixon won in 1968 because he said he had a plan to end the war and Hubert Humphrey was not a dove. He supported the war until he realized that his position would keep him from being elected. By the time he changed, it was too late. There was no way he could distance himself from LBJs disaster.
Yet Democrats ran to the polls in 72 to vote for George Wallace D ( Until he was shot by a nut job Republican in a black turtleneck )go Figure
Trump said stuff, it pissed off liberals. SO? OK. AND THEN? Liberal Democrats sanction race riots and their handmaiden legacy media blasts out lies about bad cops and exaggerated racism/anti white cop police brutality. And then pushed that pro vaccine pro mask crap. 99.99 % of that anti white anti cop vax /mask shit turns out to be all made up exagerated bullshit. WHAT actual proovable THING has TRUMP been proven to have done that is worse than what DEMOCRATS have ACTUALLY done? What?
What cities have been burned down?
So far, democrats ALLEGE TRUMP did X, Y or Z. Yet democrats actually incited race riots, and bailed out race rioters aftwards. Democrats where ok with burning down and causing civil unrest, Democrats DID this Billions of $ damage.. What did Trump do? January 6, he told followers NOT to hurt and damage and not harm. And the FBI even verified that, Trump did NOTHING wrong on January 6th.
You need MORE HELP than you will get on an online message board
TRUMP controlled the PROUD BOYS

He wanted to HANG his own VICE PRESIDENT

Trump said stuff, it pissed off liberals. SO? OK. AND THEN? Liberal Democrats sanction race riots and their handmaiden legacy media blasts out lies about bad cops and exaggerated racism/anti white cop police brutality. And then pushed that pro vaccine pro mask crap. 99.99 % of that anti white anti cop vax /mask shit turns out to be all made up exagerated bullshit. WHAT actual proovable THING has TRUMP been proven to have done that is worse than what DEMOCRATS have ACTUALLY done? What?

Here's the rub. None of it is okay, but seeing as how you and many others still support Trump it's clear you don't understand that any better than they do.
Here's the rub. None of it is okay, but seeing as how you and many others still support Trump it's clear you don't understand that any better than they d

Yet Democrats ran to the polls in 72 to vote for George Wallace D ( Until he was shot by a nut job Republican in a black turtleneck )go Figure
Are you saying that all Democrats voted for Wallace but no Republicans voted for him? It was my first chance to vote and I didn`t vote for Wallace and neither did my older brothers or my parents. We were a working class family, not Ku Kluxxers. For the record, I drove to the poll and I don`t know of anyone who ran.
Was your Democrat POTUS Primary before or After he was shot & replaced in the Primaries ?

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