Dems burning down cities is OK VS Trump said stuff?

Progs are trying to sell a product and there is push back by many parents. A percentage are also Progs. Poverty and hunger exist. More pressing issues.
We have a party that claims to represent democracy. But then tries to legitimize teaching gay trans pedophilia to preschoolers. Now, this isn't a "Twilight Zone episode", Democrats are ACTUALLY proposing this. Actual real flesh an blood humans don't WANT THAT, that's what DEMOCRACY is all about. We Tell YOU what We want, not the other way round.
And THAT^ is what will finally trigger the Right to get into the faces of these perverts. Start demanding the ability to harm children LEGALLY and all hell is going to break loose outside the blue cesspools. Inside those blue cities those voters have lost their souls and willingly hand their innocent children over to those freaks. OUTSIDE of them, a line is drawn.
Well, that he made of with classified documents belonging to the government has been proven. If that isn't evidence to you, I guess nothing is. As for the democrats, I am fine if you throw Chuck and Nancy in the same cell with Trump. Just have the decency to pay per view the CCTV. It'll be a hoot.
So, you reject the fact that he had every right to declassify such documents? That's a pretty cut and dried fact in evidence. First we hear wailing about "nuclear secrets" then that disappears and we start hearing about espionage - then THAT loses steam and NOW it looks like they want to indict him for "obstruction". I think they'll indict, try and convict him in DC and then they'll use that to rile up the low info types once he gets to run for '24 ANYWAY.

Do you not see the dangers inherent in such a strategy? Do you just not care that your party is going to use a conviction by a loaded jury in DC (like the Sussman trial) to set the stage for SCOTUS ruling that according to the Constitution, while ruling against the supremacy of

18 U.S. Code § 2071?​

According to that statute, a conviction means disqualification from running again but the Constitution specifically defines the requirements for disqualifying a citizen for that job and a measly Federal statute won't meet the challenge. What it WILL DO is enable your media 5th column to stir rage through a wave of broadcast propaganda and effectively allow half the country to simply call him illegitimate and hit the streets to make the country UNGOVERNABLE.

For my part, I couldn't care less how many democrat cesspools get burned to the ground or how many of their citizens pay the price for supporting the dems for decades. They just need to understand their jeopardy if they start thinking they can bring that to respectable, decent parts of this nation. For THAT, the price will be HIGH.
Actually it matters. Bigtime, Trump declassified those papers. They remain declassified. Forever more. In perpetuity. Forever. And you are deluded as hell.
So, why aren't they marked declassified?

Trump doesn't have magic wand and declassify anything on a whim.
There are procedures.
The president makes his intentions known to all agencies, mentioned in the document.
They make the argument for or against declassification.
If the document is to be declassified, the document is sent to the national archives.
Where it is declassified and stamped declassified on the top of the page.
Then the document is sent back to the president from the national archives.
Trump said stuff, it pissed off liberals. SO? OK. AND THEN? Liberal Democrats sanction race riots and their handmaiden legacy media blasts out lies about bad cops and exaggerated racism/anti white cop police brutality. And then pushed that pro vaccine pro mask crap. 99.99 % of that anti white anti cop vax /mask shit turns out to be all made up exagerated bullshit. WHAT actual proovable THING has TRUMP been proven to have done that is worse than what DEMOCRATS have ACTUALLY done? What?
We have a long history of race riots and if you were to read a book, you would know that. Go for it. Visit a library and make friends with a book.
So far, democrats ALLEGE TRUMP did X, Y or Z. Yet democrats actually incited race riots, and bailed out race rioters aftwards. Democrats where ok with burning down and causing civil unrest, Democrats DID this Billions of $ damage.. What did Trump do? January 6, he told followers NOT to hurt and damage and not harm. And the FBI even verified that, Trump did NOTHING wrong on January 6th.
The race riots were incited by Derek Chauvin and he`s serving 22 years for it. BTW, this country has a long history of race riots. Read a book.
Teaching tolerance of others is not teaching anything. You want to terrorize gays and transgenders. They are not pedophiles.
Please explain how not wanting to teach kindergartners trans and gay theory is terrorizing gays and trans.
The people burning the cities following the martyrdom of Saint George of Floyd were with few exceptions black ghetto thugs. Most of those people have IQ's below 75. At that level they cannot be educated, and they are unemployable. They are not Democrats. They do not know who the Democrats are. They should have aborted. They are the reason I regret the Supreme Court Decision overturning Roe vs Wade.

Now, some Democrats did sympathize with the rioters. They live in neighborhoods where housing prices keep most blacks out. The fewer Negroes one has known, the more likely one is to like Negroes.
The people burning the cities following the martyrdom of Saint George of Floyd were with few exceptions black ghetto thugs. Most of those people have IQ's below 75. At that level they cannot be educated, and they are unemployable. They are not Democrats. They do not know who the Democrats are. They should have aborted. They are the reason I regret the Supreme Court Decision overturning Roe vs Wade.

Now, some Democrats did sympathize with the rioters. They live in neighborhoods where housing prices keep most blacks out. The fewer Negroes one has known, the more likely one is to like Negroes.
A Ku Kluxxer wants to tell us about levels of intelligence? Who taught you how to spell IQ?
Trump said stuff, it pissed off liberals. SO? OK. AND THEN? Liberal Democrats sanction race riots and their handmaiden legacy media blasts out lies about bad cops and exaggerated racism/anti white cop police brutality. And then pushed that pro vaccine pro mask crap. 99.99 % of that anti white anti cop vax /mask shit turns out to be all made up exagerated bullshit. WHAT actual proovable THING has TRUMP been proven to have done that is worse than what DEMOCRATS have ACTUALLY done? What?
No cities were “burned down” you freak
We have a long history of race riots and if you were to read a book, you would know that. Go for it. Visit a library and make friends with a book.
This is the first time they were funded by the DNC.

That we know of

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