Dems Celebrate Diversity


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City


With a lot more @ The Week in Pictures: It’s Debatable Edition

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The FBI Agents Investigating Hillary Are Furious With Obama, And Here’s Why @ The FBI Agents Investigating Hillary Are Furious With Obama, And Here's Why

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Dems Embrace Old White Men and Socialism
Party of diversity.....
Brian Lilley


Maybe old white men are about to come back into fashion. After years of progressives in academia denigrating anyone they deemed an "old, white man" as not worthy of study or respect, the "progressive" Democratic Party is becoming increasingly comfortable with an old, white dude being the de facto leader of their party and at the same time with embracing socialism.

Associated Press reports that Dem voters are digging the 74-year-old socialist from Vermont known as Bernie Sanders:

A greater percentage of Democratic registered voters view the Vermont senator as likable, honest, competent and compassionate than they did just two months ago, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll. Seventy-two percent now believe he could win the general election, a 21 percentage point increase from the last time the survey was conducted in December.

The findings underscore the challenge facing Hillary Clinton as she enters the Democratic contest's pivotal spring stretch, when primaries across the country mean that many of the party's voters will finally get their say on her candidacy.

While Sanders is attracting more grassroots Democrat voters he still faces an uphill battle for the party's nomination due to the "superdelegate" status given to party brass who typically back Clinton.
(the kiddies will be furious and not vote for hil lie ry)


Dems Embrace Old White Men and Socialism
Dems PROMOTE division

^ even dumber than the OP
White privilege vs Everyone who isn't a white liberal
OWS vs Businesses
Illegal aliens vs the GOP
Black Lives Matter vs Whites
Racism vs hard work or responsibility
Poor vs rich
Religious vs secular
Corporate vs main street
Safe space vs reality
Fags vs the GOP
Common sense vs morons like you
Obama won the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the Jewish vote, the Catholic vote, the gay vote, the women's vote.

Remind us what groups Romney won that would represent this 'diversity' problem the Democrats have that the OP is crying about?
Obama won the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the Jewish vote, the Catholic vote, the gay vote, the women's vote.

Remind us what groups Romney won that would represent this 'diversity' problem the Democrats have that the OP is crying about?
Obama won because he was black. No other reason.
Obama won the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the Jewish vote, the Catholic vote, the gay vote, the women's vote.

Remind us what groups Romney won that would represent this 'diversity' problem the Democrats have that the OP is crying about?

The Republican Autopsy Report
On Monday a Republican task force released a remarkably hard-headed diagnosis of the party’s many liabilities: its ideological rigidity, its preference for the rich over workers, its alienation of minorities, its reactionary social policies and its institutionalized repression of dissent and innovation.
Looking at the current GOP field and the rhetoric coming from them...they didn't listen to a single one of the autopsy's recommendations...not a one. :lol:
Bernie is a Jew , Hillary is a women . 100% diversity ticket .
Obama won the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the Jewish vote, the Catholic vote, the gay vote, the women's vote.

Remind us what groups Romney won that would represent this 'diversity' problem the Democrats have that the OP is crying about?
Obama won because he was black. No other reason.

And yet, oddly, he's not the first black man to run for President. If President Obama only got the job because he's black, why was there never a President Al Sharpton?
The following are the actual recommendations from the report, found here: Growth and Opportunity Project

One thing the report states is what I have been saying about the GOP. They have not moved since Reagan.

From the article: As Mike Gerson and Pete Wehner wrote recently, “It is no wonder that Republican policies can seem stale; they are very nearly identical to those offered up by the Party more than 30 years ago. For Republicans to design an agenda that applies to the conditions of 1980 is as if Ronald Reagan designed his agenda for conditions that existed in the Truman years.”2

Many claim that the GOP has moved to a more radical right. My contention is that the country has moved to a more radical left. The GOP never changed.

From the report:


1. The Grand Old Party should be synonymous with the name “Growth and Opportunity Party.”

2. The Republican Party needs to stop talking to itself. We have become expert in how to provide ideological reinforcement to like-minded people, but devastatingly we have lost the ability to be persuasive with, or welcoming to, those who do not agree with us on every issue.

3. It is time for Republicans on the federal level to learn from successful Republicans on the state level. It is time to smartly change course, modernize the Party, and learn once again how to appeal to more people, including those who share some but not all of our conservative principles.

4. The perception that the GOP does not care about people is doing great harm to the Party and its candidates on the federal level, especially in presidential years. It is a major deficiency that must be addressed.

5. We need to do a better job connecting people to our policies. Our ideas can sound distant and removed from people’s lives. Instead of connecting with voters’ concerns, we too often sound like bookkeepers.

6. The Republican Party must be the champion of those who seek to climb the economic ladder of life. Low-income Americans are hard-working people who want to become hard-working middle-income Americans. Middle-income Americans want to become upper-middle-income, and so on. We need to help everyone make it in America.

7. We have to blow the whistle at corporate malfeasance and attack corporate welfare. We should speak out when a company liquidates itself and its executives receive bonuses but rank-and-file workers are left unemployed. We should speak out when CEOs receive tens of millions of dollars in retirement packages but middle-class workers have not had a meaningful raise in years.

8. If we believe our policies are the best ones to improve the lives of the American people, all the American people, our candidates and office holders need to do a better job talking in normal, people-oriented terms and we need to go to communities where Republicans do not normally go to listen and make our case. We need to campaign among Hispanic, black Asian, and gay Americans and demonstrate that we care about them, too.
Obama won the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the Jewish vote, the Catholic vote, the gay vote, the women's vote.

Remind us what groups Romney won that would represent this 'diversity' problem the Democrats have that the OP is crying about?
Obama won because he was black. No other reason.

And yet, oddly, he's not the first black man to run for President. If President Obama only got the job because he's black, why was there never a President Al Sharpton?

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."

That's mostly why. The other reason is that there was nothing in Obama's past that qualified him to be president.
Obama won the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the Jewish vote, the Catholic vote, the gay vote, the women's vote.

Remind us what groups Romney won that would represent this 'diversity' problem the Democrats have that the OP is crying about?
Obama won because he was black. No other reason.

And yet, oddly, he's not the first black man to run for President. If President Obama only got the job because he's black, why was there never a President Al Sharpton?
Because he had a reputation of being a dick. It has taken Obama 7 years to prove it.
What is diverse about a white old jew and a white old woman who is actually in the majority?
Obama won the black vote, the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the Jewish vote, the Catholic vote, the gay vote, the women's vote.

Remind us what groups Romney won that would represent this 'diversity' problem the Democrats have that the OP is crying about?
Obama won because he was black. No other reason.

And yet, oddly, he's not the first black man to run for President. If President Obama only got the job because he's black, why was there never a President Al Sharpton?

Or President Alan Keyes, the guy the GOP could have run.

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