Dems Cheered Violence for 6 Months, Now It’s Excuse Time 180!

No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.

No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
You don't have the faintest idea what a "gang-banger" you?
They think voters won’t notice their 180 now that voters are fleeing their party.

They bring a knife, you bring a gun!

Poll driven lemmings.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump is the worst president in our history, who flaunts any law he doesn't like, and who hides from the American People. He is a wannabe dictator who must be replaced, and qualified people should be running the military and our executive-branch departments, with inspectors general in place and independent. No sycophants, cultheads, or other sneaky people.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
You don't have the faintest idea what a "gang-banger" you?

Yes, I do. These "militias" are gangs, with no legal or moral status. They can declare themselves anything they want, or give themselves military-style "ranks," but they are no more than any one of us and have no right to act like they are.
Nice family there. Hate to see something happen to them if Trump gets elected.
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To answer biden’s question there may be more violence from leftwing sore losers if trump is reelected

we may need to declare martial law in many democrat cities to restore order

which is ok with me
I agree... extermination may be the only recourse. America will return to peace, one way or the other, when DJT wins.
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Yet democrats continue to bail out their domestic terrorists in those rare cases where democrat mayors were not fully successful in preventing their police forces from arresting them.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
The Prog ability to deny what happens in front of us all is legendary. Like people leaving unsafe areas for many years while Progs saying nothing is wrong. And many of them leaving were Progs. Now they are leaving again. For it is not just communities and neighborhoods and surrounding areas. The Prog doctrines have infected whole cities. With Prog politicians complicit in their demise. They are in affect a bunch of Baltar's from the original Battlestar Galactica.
They think voters won’t notice their 180 now that voters are fleeing their party.

They bring a knife, you bring a gun!

They have been doing this for many decades now. Nothing new.

Their so called righteousness never surpasses hypocrisy so their virtue signaling is nothing more than attention grabbing bullshit. Their moral platitudes are an utter joke and you rest assured that they all do the very thing they claim they hate.


Find one of them that live like the Amish in order to SAVE THE PLANET and reduce their "carbon footprint.' Remember "carbon footprints?" Lol They are all free to live like the Amish and none of them do, they all consume fossil fuels more than anyone, yet they point their bony shit stained fingers at us.

Find one of them that voluntarily pay more taxes when they all yell that "the rich" should pay more. Anyone in hollywood paying more? No? In fact they all take tax cuts gleefully and the politicians they vote for all make loopholes for themselves along with CORPORATIONS that contribute to their parties.

Look at how much they don't give one flying shit about blacks being killed by other blacks. That proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that they don't give one flying shit about blacks, but it does prove they only use blacks as political pawns like the patronizing racist cultural marxist puppet losers they all are.

They are not worth one bit of respect.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
Where have the riot organizers denounced all violence, denounced those who commit violence in their names, and demand that the riots be actual protests? In fact, where have the riot supporters on this board done that? All I've seen is excuses for the violence from the rioters and now claims that it's not them, it's outside agitators. Laughable. I've maintained for a long time that this was going to happen. The rioters would continue assaulting people and destroying property until they ran into someone who was not only capable, but willing to defend themselves violently, then all of a sudden their supporters would be shocked and dismayed that someone got hurt. It was okay, acceptable and explainable as long as it was only the targets getting hurt. It's only going to escalate from here as the citizens tire of being targets and victims and start meeting violence with violence.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
Where have the riot organizers denounced all violence, denounced those who commit violence in their names, and demand that the riots be actual protests? In fact, where have the riot supporters on this board done that? All I've seen is excuses for the violence from the rioters and now claims that it's not them, it's outside agitators. Laughable. I've maintained for a long time that this was going to happen. The rioters would continue assaulting people and destroying property until they ran into someone who was not only capable, but willing to defend themselves violently, then all of a sudden their supporters would be shocked and dismayed that someone got hurt. It was okay, acceptable and explainable as long as it was only the targets getting hurt. It's only going to escalate from here as the citizens tire of being targets and victims and start meeting violence with violence.

You write as if there are whole armies of rioters, when there are not. You also write as if there is some "organizers" who are telling people to "riot." That is ridiculous.

You forget that the Kenosha cops laughed with armed thugs invading the city and gave them water when the cops should have been policing. The cops were running unarmed people off the street, but not the armed ones. Murder resulted. The cops let right-wing thugs have the run of the place, which is shameful and supports BLM's contentions. Then there is the issue of what ties the police chief has with this gang.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
Where have the riot organizers denounced all violence, denounced those who commit violence in their names, and demand that the riots be actual protests? In fact, where have the riot supporters on this board done that? All I've seen is excuses for the violence from the rioters and now claims that it's not them, it's outside agitators. Laughable. I've maintained for a long time that this was going to happen. The rioters would continue assaulting people and destroying property until they ran into someone who was not only capable, but willing to defend themselves violently, then all of a sudden their supporters would be shocked and dismayed that someone got hurt. It was okay, acceptable and explainable as long as it was only the targets getting hurt. It's only going to escalate from here as the citizens tire of being targets and victims and start meeting violence with violence.

You write as if there are whole armies of rioters, when there are not. You also write as if there is some "organizers" who are telling people to "riot." That is ridiculous.

You forget that the Kenosha cops laughed with armed thugs invading the city and gave them water when the cops should have been policing. The cops were running unarmed people off the street, but not the armed ones. Murder resulted. The cops let right-wing thugs have the run of the place, which is shameful and supports BLM's contentions. Then there is the issue of what ties the police chief has with this gang.
I'm sure you have links to prove all this, right?
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
Where have the riot organizers denounced all violence, denounced those who commit violence in their names, and demand that the riots be actual protests? In fact, where have the riot supporters on this board done that? All I've seen is excuses for the violence from the rioters and now claims that it's not them, it's outside agitators. Laughable. I've maintained for a long time that this was going to happen. The rioters would continue assaulting people and destroying property until they ran into someone who was not only capable, but willing to defend themselves violently, then all of a sudden their supporters would be shocked and dismayed that someone got hurt. It was okay, acceptable and explainable as long as it was only the targets getting hurt. It's only going to escalate from here as the citizens tire of being targets and victims and start meeting violence with violence.

You write as if there are whole armies of rioters, when there are not. You also write as if there is some "organizers" who are telling people to "riot." That is ridiculous.

You forget that the Kenosha cops laughed with armed thugs invading the city and gave them water when the cops should have been policing. The cops were running unarmed people off the street, but not the armed ones. Murder resulted. The cops let right-wing thugs have the run of the place, which is shameful and supports BLM's contentions. Then there is the issue of what ties the police chief has with this gang.

Since you can't provide a single link to back up your bullshit..........howsabout one to prove your post is bullshit...

Wisconsin Antifa 'commander' with flamethrower burst into tears during arrest, cops say

An Antifa leader known as Commander Red was busted carrying a flamethrower to a Wisconsin Black Lives Matter rally — and “dropped into the fetal position and began crying” when stopped by cops, officials said.

Matthew Banta, 23, is “known to be a violent Antifa member who incites violence in otherwise relatively peaceful protests,” a criminal complaint in his Green Bay arrest record insisted, according to WBAY.

He was carrying stickers and a flag for the controversial group — the name of which is short for “anti-fascist” — along with “military-grade 5-minute” smoke grenades, fireworks rockets, and a flamethrower, according to the Green Bay Press-Gazette.

Banta was stopped after being spotted with “a whole bunch of white people with sticks, baseball bats and helmets” heading toward a BLM event in Green Bay, police said in the criminal complaint.

They think voters won’t notice their 180 now that voters are fleeing their party.

They bring a knife, you bring a gun!

Do you have any real sources or just the usual discredited right wing bloggers?
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
Where have the riot organizers denounced all violence, denounced those who commit violence in their names, and demand that the riots be actual protests? In fact, where have the riot supporters on this board done that? All I've seen is excuses for the violence from the rioters and now claims that it's not them, it's outside agitators. Laughable. I've maintained for a long time that this was going to happen. The rioters would continue assaulting people and destroying property until they ran into someone who was not only capable, but willing to defend themselves violently, then all of a sudden their supporters would be shocked and dismayed that someone got hurt. It was okay, acceptable and explainable as long as it was only the targets getting hurt. It's only going to escalate from here as the citizens tire of being targets and victims and start meeting violence with violence.

Over, and over, and over again. The Blake Family has been on TV every day denouncing the violence, as have senior members of the Democratic Party, and march organizers. But over and over again, we see the violence and the looting being started by the radical right, in the hopes of igniting a race war or just for the sheer joy or destroying black owned businesses - those were the ones targetted first.

When you look at the affiliations of those who have been arrested for looting and violence, none of them have any ties to Black Lives Matter or the Democratic Party. But the 17 year old "militia" kid with the AR15 is pictured front and centre at a Donald Trump rally. Just like the pipe bomber trying to take out Trump's "enemies", or the El Paso Walmart shooter going after "Mexicans". Boogaloo Bois and 4chan looters. That's who's getting arrested. Not one member of Anti-Fa.

Right wing violence is getting more and more extreme and Trump keeps denying it even exists.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
Where have the riot organizers denounced all violence, denounced those who commit violence in their names, and demand that the riots be actual protests? In fact, where have the riot supporters on this board done that? All I've seen is excuses for the violence from the rioters and now claims that it's not them, it's outside agitators. Laughable. I've maintained for a long time that this was going to happen. The rioters would continue assaulting people and destroying property until they ran into someone who was not only capable, but willing to defend themselves violently, then all of a sudden their supporters would be shocked and dismayed that someone got hurt. It was okay, acceptable and explainable as long as it was only the targets getting hurt. It's only going to escalate from here as the citizens tire of being targets and victims and start meeting violence with violence.

You write as if there are whole armies of rioters, when there are not. You also write as if there is some "organizers" who are telling people to "riot." That is ridiculous.

You forget that the Kenosha cops laughed with armed thugs invading the city and gave them water when the cops should have been policing. The cops were running unarmed people off the street, but not the armed ones. Murder resulted. The cops let right-wing thugs have the run of the place, which is shameful and supports BLM's contentions. Then there is the issue of what ties the police chief has with this gang.
Then where are the rioters out denouncing the violence and stating that it harms the cause they're trying to further by rioting, looting and assaulting people?
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
Where have the riot organizers denounced all violence, denounced those who commit violence in their names, and demand that the riots be actual protests? In fact, where have the riot supporters on this board done that? All I've seen is excuses for the violence from the rioters and now claims that it's not them, it's outside agitators. Laughable. I've maintained for a long time that this was going to happen. The rioters would continue assaulting people and destroying property until they ran into someone who was not only capable, but willing to defend themselves violently, then all of a sudden their supporters would be shocked and dismayed that someone got hurt. It was okay, acceptable and explainable as long as it was only the targets getting hurt. It's only going to escalate from here as the citizens tire of being targets and victims and start meeting violence with violence.

Over, and over, and over again. The Blake Family has been on TV every day denouncing the violence, as have senior members of the Democratic Party, and march organizers. But over and over again, we see the violence and the looting being started by the radical right, in the hopes of igniting a race war or just for the sheer joy or destroying black owned businesses - those were the ones targetted first.

When you look at the affiliations of those who have been arrested for looting and violence, none of them have any ties to Black Lives Matter or the Democratic Party. But the 17 year old "militia" kid with the AR15 is pictured front and centre at a Donald Trump rally. Just like the pipe bomber trying to take out Trump's "enemies", or the El Paso Walmart shooter going after "Mexicans". Boogaloo Bois and 4chan looters. That's who's getting arrested. Not one member of Anti-Fa.

Right wing violence is getting more and more extreme and Trump keeps denying it even exists.
So, is it your contention that right wing agitators are deliberately infiltrating left wing riots and shooting at EACH OTHER? That's ludicrous.
They think voters won’t notice their 180 now that voters are fleeing their party.

They bring a knife, you bring a gun!

Are you convinced you can reason with the Mentally Ill?
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
Where have the riot organizers denounced all violence, denounced those who commit violence in their names, and demand that the riots be actual protests? In fact, where have the riot supporters on this board done that? All I've seen is excuses for the violence from the rioters and now claims that it's not them, it's outside agitators. Laughable. I've maintained for a long time that this was going to happen. The rioters would continue assaulting people and destroying property until they ran into someone who was not only capable, but willing to defend themselves violently, then all of a sudden their supporters would be shocked and dismayed that someone got hurt. It was okay, acceptable and explainable as long as it was only the targets getting hurt. It's only going to escalate from here as the citizens tire of being targets and victims and start meeting violence with violence.

Over, and over, and over again. The Blake Family has been on TV every day denouncing the violence, as have senior members of the Democratic Party, and march organizers. But over and over again, we see the violence and the looting being started by the radical right, in the hopes of igniting a race war or just for the sheer joy or destroying black owned businesses - those were the ones targetted first.

When you look at the affiliations of those who have been arrested for looting and violence, none of them have any ties to Black Lives Matter or the Democratic Party. But the 17 year old "militia" kid with the AR15 is pictured front and centre at a Donald Trump rally. Just like the pipe bomber trying to take out Trump's "enemies", or the El Paso Walmart shooter going after "Mexicans". Boogaloo Bois and 4chan looters. That's who's getting arrested. Not one member of Anti-Fa.

Right wing violence is getting more and more extreme and Trump keeps denying it even exists.
So, is it your contention that right wing agitators are deliberately infiltrating left wing riots and shooting at EACH OTHER? That's ludicrous.
Uh...DL is insane.

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