Dems Cheered Violence for 6 Months, Now It’s Excuse Time 180!

No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.
Your leaders cheered the violent riots as long as you thought they would make Trump look bad. But they aren't and your doing a 360 on it! Lol, too bad because blm done erased years of history at Graceland. Tell me, you're backing that?
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
After a 100 days of complete anarchy by you guys. Multiple deaths caused by blm and antifa, and your complaining about 1 of your guys getting killed? Lol, just wait till the majority gets tired of your crap!
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
Where have the riot organizers denounced all violence, denounced those who commit violence in their names, and demand that the riots be actual protests? In fact, where have the riot supporters on this board done that? All I've seen is excuses for the violence from the rioters and now claims that it's not them, it's outside agitators. Laughable. I've maintained for a long time that this was going to happen. The rioters would continue assaulting people and destroying property until they ran into someone who was not only capable, but willing to defend themselves violently, then all of a sudden their supporters would be shocked and dismayed that someone got hurt. It was okay, acceptable and explainable as long as it was only the targets getting hurt. It's only going to escalate from here as the citizens tire of being targets and victims and start meeting violence with violence.

Over, and over, and over again. The Blake Family has been on TV every day denouncing the violence, as have senior members of the Democratic Party, and march organizers. But over and over again, we see the violence and the looting being started by the radical right, in the hopes of igniting a race war or just for the sheer joy or destroying black owned businesses - those were the ones targetted first.

When you look at the affiliations of those who have been arrested for looting and violence, none of them have any ties to Black Lives Matter or the Democratic Party. But the 17 year old "militia" kid with the AR15 is pictured front and centre at a Donald Trump rally. Just like the pipe bomber trying to take out Trump's "enemies", or the El Paso Walmart shooter going after "Mexicans". Boogaloo Bois and 4chan looters. That's who's getting arrested. Not one member of Anti-Fa.

Right wing violence is getting more and more extreme and Trump keeps denying it even exists.
So, is it your contention that right wing agitators are deliberately infiltrating left wing riots and shooting at EACH OTHER? That's ludicrous.

Actually, it's been funny to watch. The 4chan rioter getting shot by the Boogaloo Boi was just the best.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
Where have the riot organizers denounced all violence, denounced those who commit violence in their names, and demand that the riots be actual protests? In fact, where have the riot supporters on this board done that? All I've seen is excuses for the violence from the rioters and now claims that it's not them, it's outside agitators. Laughable. I've maintained for a long time that this was going to happen. The rioters would continue assaulting people and destroying property until they ran into someone who was not only capable, but willing to defend themselves violently, then all of a sudden their supporters would be shocked and dismayed that someone got hurt. It was okay, acceptable and explainable as long as it was only the targets getting hurt. It's only going to escalate from here as the citizens tire of being targets and victims and start meeting violence with violence.

You write as if there are whole armies of rioters, when there are not. You also write as if there is some "organizers" who are telling people to "riot." That is ridiculous.

You forget that the Kenosha cops laughed with armed thugs invading the city and gave them water when the cops should have been policing. The cops were running unarmed people off the street, but not the armed ones. Murder resulted. The cops let right-wing thugs have the run of the place, which is shameful and supports BLM's contentions. Then there is the issue of what ties the police chief has with this gang.
I'm sure you have links to prove all this, right?

'We appreciate you guys': Wisconsin police in armored vehicles thanked armed militia and gave out water bottles

Kenosha Shooting: Video Shows Suspected Gunman Kyle Rittenhouse Being Allowed To Leave Scene

I'm surprised that you haven't seen this yet. Plus, there is some evidence out there that the police chief is involved.

These also are interesting:

White supremacists and militias have infiltrated police across US, report says

The FBI warned for years that police are cozy with the far right. Is no one listening? | Mike German

It would appear that some cops really are dirty.

There needs to be a full investigation, hopefully by Congress. The right-wingers pose at least as much of a threat as "BLM" protesters. Probably more since they are heavily armed.
Threat to what?

The folks you call right wing militias aren't demanding that everyone give them their homes, and they're not burning anyone's business or any courthouses..... so how are they a threat, and to who?
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
Where have the riot organizers denounced all violence, denounced those who commit violence in their names, and demand that the riots be actual protests? In fact, where have the riot supporters on this board done that? All I've seen is excuses for the violence from the rioters and now claims that it's not them, it's outside agitators. Laughable. I've maintained for a long time that this was going to happen. The rioters would continue assaulting people and destroying property until they ran into someone who was not only capable, but willing to defend themselves violently, then all of a sudden their supporters would be shocked and dismayed that someone got hurt. It was okay, acceptable and explainable as long as it was only the targets getting hurt. It's only going to escalate from here as the citizens tire of being targets and victims and start meeting violence with violence.

You write as if there are whole armies of rioters, when there are not. You also write as if there is some "organizers" who are telling people to "riot." That is ridiculous.

You forget that the Kenosha cops laughed with armed thugs invading the city and gave them water when the cops should have been policing. The cops were running unarmed people off the street, but not the armed ones. Murder resulted. The cops let right-wing thugs have the run of the place, which is shameful and supports BLM's contentions. Then there is the issue of what ties the police chief has with this gang.
I'm sure you have links to prove all this, right?

'We appreciate you guys': Wisconsin police in armored vehicles thanked armed militia and gave out water bottles

Kenosha Shooting: Video Shows Suspected Gunman Kyle Rittenhouse Being Allowed To Leave Scene

I'm surprised that you haven't seen this yet. Plus, there is some evidence out there that the police chief is involved.

These also are interesting:

White supremacists and militias have infiltrated police across US, report says

The FBI warned for years that police are cozy with the far right. Is no one listening? | Mike German

It would appear that some cops really are dirty.

There needs to be a full investigation, hopefully by Congress. The right-wingers pose at least as much of a threat as "BLM" protesters. Probably more since they are heavily armed.

Newsflash, Lysistrata! Most of the Police in this country can't STAND Antifa or Black Lives Matter! Can you blame them?

Where do you get your "information" from, cupcake? Care to comment on right-wing activities? Care to comment on Mr. German's report? Neither BLM supporters nor "antifa," whoever that is, show up with long guns. The white-trash gangs do. This situation requires a thorough investigation.

I just happened on this article ten minutes ago:

Family of Andrés Guardado, killed by sheriff's deputy, files lawsuit amid Compton station gang allegations

Gangs made up of cops in Compton, Cal.? The right-wing morons keep characterizing BLM as "anti-cop" when it actually is anti-ROGUE-cop; those cops who cannot protect and serve. The ones who give cops a bad name.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
Where have the riot organizers denounced all violence, denounced those who commit violence in their names, and demand that the riots be actual protests? In fact, where have the riot supporters on this board done that? All I've seen is excuses for the violence from the rioters and now claims that it's not them, it's outside agitators. Laughable. I've maintained for a long time that this was going to happen. The rioters would continue assaulting people and destroying property until they ran into someone who was not only capable, but willing to defend themselves violently, then all of a sudden their supporters would be shocked and dismayed that someone got hurt. It was okay, acceptable and explainable as long as it was only the targets getting hurt. It's only going to escalate from here as the citizens tire of being targets and victims and start meeting violence with violence.

Over, and over, and over again. The Blake Family has been on TV every day denouncing the violence, as have senior members of the Democratic Party, and march organizers. But over and over again, we see the violence and the looting being started by the radical right, in the hopes of igniting a race war or just for the sheer joy or destroying black owned businesses - those were the ones targetted first.

When you look at the affiliations of those who have been arrested for looting and violence, none of them have any ties to Black Lives Matter or the Democratic Party. But the 17 year old "militia" kid with the AR15 is pictured front and centre at a Donald Trump rally. Just like the pipe bomber trying to take out Trump's "enemies", or the El Paso Walmart shooter going after "Mexicans". Boogaloo Bois and 4chan looters. That's who's getting arrested. Not one member of Anti-Fa.

Right wing violence is getting more and more extreme and Trump keeps denying it even exists.
So, is it your contention that right wing agitators are deliberately infiltrating left wing riots and shooting at EACH OTHER? That's ludicrous.

Actually, it's been funny to watch. The 4chan rioter getting shot by the Boogaloo Boi was just the best.
I'm sure you can make any situation humorous to yourself when you can create imaginary associations between people in your mind. Especially ludicrous, however, is the idea that these are deliberately infiltrating so they can shoot at teach other.
Lol like that asshat Krugman and his cronies promised market crashes if Trump won 2016?

Hahaha....silly demoquacks
I watched an hour video from an Independent reporter embeded at a Portland protest on August 22nd. The BLM crowd started with tossing eggs, then small rocks, then broken halves of brick, spraying hot motor oil in faces, then lasers. These creatures are vile. They need to be stomped violently.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
Where have the riot organizers denounced all violence, denounced those who commit violence in their names, and demand that the riots be actual protests? In fact, where have the riot supporters on this board done that? All I've seen is excuses for the violence from the rioters and now claims that it's not them, it's outside agitators. Laughable. I've maintained for a long time that this was going to happen. The rioters would continue assaulting people and destroying property until they ran into someone who was not only capable, but willing to defend themselves violently, then all of a sudden their supporters would be shocked and dismayed that someone got hurt. It was okay, acceptable and explainable as long as it was only the targets getting hurt. It's only going to escalate from here as the citizens tire of being targets and victims and start meeting violence with violence.

You write as if there are whole armies of rioters, when there are not. You also write as if there is some "organizers" who are telling people to "riot." That is ridiculous.

You forget that the Kenosha cops laughed with armed thugs invading the city and gave them water when the cops should have been policing. The cops were running unarmed people off the street, but not the armed ones. Murder resulted. The cops let right-wing thugs have the run of the place, which is shameful and supports BLM's contentions. Then there is the issue of what ties the police chief has with this gang.
I'm sure you have links to prove all this, right?

'We appreciate you guys': Wisconsin police in armored vehicles thanked armed militia and gave out water bottles

Kenosha Shooting: Video Shows Suspected Gunman Kyle Rittenhouse Being Allowed To Leave Scene

I'm surprised that you haven't seen this yet. Plus, there is some evidence out there that the police chief is involved.

These also are interesting:

White supremacists and militias have infiltrated police across US, report says

The FBI warned for years that police are cozy with the far right. Is no one listening? | Mike German

It would appear that some cops really are dirty.

There needs to be a full investigation, hopefully by Congress. The right-wingers pose at least as much of a threat as "BLM" protesters. Probably more since they are heavily armed.
You spent a lot of time on that fail. :itsok:
It's almost amusing to see the Mayor of Portland barricaded in his apartment screaming that he loves riots. Meanwhile his beloved rioters are trying to set the occupied building on fire.

I'd love to see him dragged out in his pajamas.
They tried to do it! Why, because he let them riot? :cuckoo:
I do not understand.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.

The group in question was not a gang. They were there to protect someone's property from a violent and destructive mob.

If the cops were enforcing the curfew so that the mob was not roaming and destroying, there would have been no need for the protection, nor anyone on the streets to attack Rittenhouse for him to have to defend himself from.

You seem to be having trouble, owning your sides actions in this case. You support the use of brownshirt tactics, against your enemies,

and sometimes your enemies will resist. THat is part of the game you people have started.

It is a little late to start crying about it now.
When has anyone cheered violence. If trump is in Kenosha right now, I hope that he is comforting the families of the dead and wounded, and extending to them the condolences of the American People.

Democrats had massive amounts of people gather to cheer that the Trump supporter was shot and killed.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.

The group in question was not a gang. They were there to protect someone's property from a violent and destructive mob.

If the cops were enforcing the curfew so that the mob was not roaming and destroying, there would have been no need for the protection, nor anyone on the streets to attack Rittenhouse for him to have to defend himself from.

You seem to be having trouble, owning your sides actions in this case. You support the use of brownshirt tactics, against your enemies,

and sometimes your enemies will resist. THat is part of the game you people have started.

It is a little late to start crying about it now.
Their entire strategy is to cry and throw tantrums until they are either given their way, or bitch-slapped into next week...... which they will film, and then use to claim they are being oppressed and victimized.

"Crying about it" is literally the whole idea.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.

The group in question was not a gang. They were there to protect someone's property from a violent and destructive mob.

If the cops were enforcing the curfew so that the mob was not roaming and destroying, there would have been no need for the protection, nor anyone on the streets to attack Rittenhouse for him to have to defend himself from.

You seem to be having trouble, owning your sides actions in this case. You support the use of brownshirt tactics, against your enemies,

and sometimes your enemies will resist. THat is part of the game you people have started.

It is a little late to start crying about it now.
They're perfectly fine with people out after curfew.
They're perfectly fine with people setting fire to cars and buildings.
They're perfectly fine with people assaulting other people.
They're perfectly fine with people carrying and using weapons.
They literally seem to believe they have a mandate to break things and kill people.

Until someone pushes back. Then it's to the fainting couch, away! How dare someone be out after curfew! How dare someone try to stop or reduce the violence and mayhem! How dare someone carry a weapon!

And on it goes.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

View attachment 384148

I see that you support thugs running around in the streets with guns and do not support the rule of law and due process. Who is trying to take over property they have no right to? The idea that these thugs are "protecting" anything is absolute rubbish. Stop listening to propaganda. We saw the Kenosha cops refusing to enforce the curfew. And their chief might be a gang-banger.

Communism is an economic system, moron.

You sound like a very violent person who thinks he's always right. Spoiled.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

View attachment 384148

I see that you support thugs running around in the streets with guns and do not support the rule of law and due process. Who is trying to take over property they have no right to? The idea that these thugs are "protecting" anything is absolute rubbish. Stop listening to propaganda. We saw the Kenosha cops refusing to enforce the curfew. And their chief might be a gang-banger.

Communism is an economic system, moron.

You sound like a very violent person who thinks he's always right. Spoiled.
You sound like an angry child.
They think voters won’t notice their 180 now that voters are fleeing their party.

They bring a knife, you bring a gun!

Do you have any real sources or just the usual discredited right wing bloggers?

Links and video are available in the article that was printed.

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