Dems Cheered Violence for 6 Months, Now It’s Excuse Time 180!

No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.

The group in question was not a gang. They were there to protect someone's property from a violent and destructive mob.

If the cops were enforcing the curfew so that the mob was not roaming and destroying, there would have been no need for the protection, nor anyone on the streets to attack Rittenhouse for him to have to defend himself from.

You seem to be having trouble, owning your sides actions in this case. You support the use of brownshirt tactics, against your enemies,

and sometimes your enemies will resist. THat is part of the game you people have started.

It is a little late to start crying about it now.
They're perfectly fine with people out after curfew.
They're perfectly fine with people setting fire to cars and buildings.
They're perfectly fine with people assaulting other people.
They're perfectly fine with people carrying and using weapons.
They literally seem to believe they have a mandate to break things and kill people.

Until someone pushes back. Then it's to the fainting couch, away! How dare someone be out after curfew! How dare someone try to stop or reduce the violence and mayhem! How dare someone carry a weapon!

And on it goes.

Their lack of self awareness, literally boggles the mind. They say this shit, and you can't believe that they can say it.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

View attachment 384148

I see that you support thugs running around in the streets with guns and do not support the rule of law and due process. Who is trying to take over property they have no right to? The idea that these thugs are "protecting" anything is absolute rubbish. Stop listening to propaganda. We saw the Kenosha cops refusing to enforce the curfew. And their chief might be a gang-banger.

Communism is an economic system, moron.

You sound like a very violent person who thinks he's always right. Spoiled.

The cops couldn't enforce the curfew without disrupting the "peaceful protest".

Did you want that?

The "thugs" are citizens who are allowed to walk the streets. Your desire to take away their right to do that, is you being a marxist thug, or at least supporting marxist thugs.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.
You don't have the faintest idea what a "gang-banger" you?

Yes, I do. These "militias" are gangs, with no legal or moral status. They can declare themselves anything they want, or give themselves military-style "ranks," but they are no more than any one of us and have no right to act like they are.
Yeah? What about the Crips and Bloods?
We have clearly arrived at a juncture beyond which the division between action and reaction is blurred beyond recognition. Before this, it was clear. The rioters were causing mayhem, damaging property and assaulting people. As I predicted, they finally started running into people who refused to be victims and who pushed back violently. Now those who are aghast at the push back are starting to claim victim status for themselves. Shortly, the rhetoric will resemble that between the Israelis and the Palestinians (or the Hatfields and McCoys), in which every action will be justified as a reaction to something someone else did. Regardless, the bloodshed will continue until one of two things happens. Either Biden will be elected and the initial cause for the riots will be forgotten and shelved until the next election, or Trump will be re-elected and will shut down the riots by force if necessary. Either way, the cycle will start all over again In 2024. Isn't everyone getting tired of being used as political pawns?
They think voters won’t notice their 180 now that voters are fleeing their party.

They bring a knife, you bring a gun!

Do you have any real sources or just the usual discredited right wing bloggers?

Links and video are available in the article that was printed.

The links provided were to fake news sites and "questionable sources". None of the source materials is reliable.
They think voters won’t notice their 180 now that voters are fleeing their party.

They bring a knife, you bring a gun!

Do you have any real sources or just the usual discredited right wing bloggers?

Links and video are available in the article that was printed.

The links provided were to fake news sites and "questionable sources". None of the source materials is reliable.
You are incapable of figuring out what a reliable source is and simply parroting what you've been told.
"Anonymous sources say you're incapable of critical thinking."
You say they're unreliable? Prove it. I will take the other side of the argument.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

View attachment 384148

I see that you support thugs running around in the streets with guns and do not support the rule of law and due process. Who is trying to take over property they have no right to? The idea that these thugs are "protecting" anything is absolute rubbish. Stop listening to propaganda. We saw the Kenosha cops refusing to enforce the curfew. And their chief might be a gang-banger.

Communism is an economic system, moron.

You sound like a very violent person who thinks he's always right. Spoiled.
You sound like an angry child.

How so? The police video shows a lot, including their mollycoddling of thugs with guns, some of whom probably came from outside of Kenosha. The website of a gang of which the city police chief might be a member solicited outside agitators to come to the city.

Unfortunately, this is not child's play. You have endorsed violence and advocated lynching. You are proving BLM's contentions. Who's the child here?
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

View attachment 384148

I see that you support thugs running around in the streets with guns and do not support the rule of law and due process. Who is trying to take over property they have no right to? The idea that these thugs are "protecting" anything is absolute rubbish. Stop listening to propaganda. We saw the Kenosha cops refusing to enforce the curfew. And their chief might be a gang-banger.

Communism is an economic system, moron.

You sound like a very violent person who thinks he's always right. Spoiled.
You sound like an angry child.

How so? The police video shows a lot, including their mollycoddling of thugs with guns, some of whom probably came from outside of Kenosha. The website of a gang of which the city police chief might be a member solicited outside agitators to come to the city.

Unfortunately, this is not child's play. You have endorsed violence and advocated lynching. You are proving BLM's contentions. Who's the child here?

Your words will not matter the next time this happens. The people on your side, who are stupid or evil enough to believe they have the right to form a mob and randomly attack people and property,

will still be dead.

Would you like to discourage or encourage such behavior? Do you want more of your people killed or less?

Bullshit talk like you are doing, will get people killed.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

View attachment 384148

I see that you support thugs running around in the streets with guns and do not support the rule of law and due process. Who is trying to take over property they have no right to? The idea that these thugs are "protecting" anything is absolute rubbish. Stop listening to propaganda. We saw the Kenosha cops refusing to enforce the curfew. And their chief might be a gang-banger.

Communism is an economic system, moron.

You sound like a very violent person who thinks he's always right. Spoiled.
You sound like an angry child.

How so? The police video shows a lot, including their mollycoddling of thugs with guns, some of whom probably came from outside of Kenosha. The website of a gang of which the city police chief might be a member solicited outside agitators to come to the city.

Unfortunately, this is not child's play. You have endorsed violence and advocated lynching. You are proving BLM's contentions. Who's the child here?

Your words will not matter the next time this happens. The people on your side, who are stupid or evil enough to believe they have the right to form a mob and randomly attack people and property,

will still be dead.

Would you like to discourage or encourage such behavior? Do you want more of your people killed or less?

Bullshit talk like you are doing, will get people killed.
Mostly bad ones, so there's that. :dunno:
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

View attachment 384148

I see that you support thugs running around in the streets with guns and do not support the rule of law and due process. Who is trying to take over property they have no right to? The idea that these thugs are "protecting" anything is absolute rubbish. Stop listening to propaganda. We saw the Kenosha cops refusing to enforce the curfew. And their chief might be a gang-banger.

Communism is an economic system, moron.

You sound like a very violent person who thinks he's always right. Spoiled.

The cops couldn't enforce the curfew without disrupting the "peaceful protest".

Did you want that?

The "thugs" are citizens who are allowed to walk the streets. Your desire to take away their right to do that, is you being a marxist thug, or at least supporting marxist thugs.

The police were enforcing the curfew, except against their beloved thugs. You can hear the police announcement on the video. The whole idea that this has something to do with marxism is so laughable. Why do you want to help putin so much?
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

View attachment 384148

I see that you support thugs running around in the streets with guns and do not support the rule of law and due process. Who is trying to take over property they have no right to? The idea that these thugs are "protecting" anything is absolute rubbish. Stop listening to propaganda. We saw the Kenosha cops refusing to enforce the curfew. And their chief might be a gang-banger.

Communism is an economic system, moron.

You sound like a very violent person who thinks he's always right. Spoiled.
You sound like an angry child.

How so? The police video shows a lot, including their mollycoddling of thugs with guns, some of whom probably came from outside of Kenosha. The website of a gang of which the city police chief might be a member solicited outside agitators to come to the city.

Unfortunately, this is not child's play. You have endorsed violence and advocated lynching. You are proving BLM's contentions. Who's the child here?

Your words will not matter the next time this happens. The people on your side, who are stupid or evil enough to believe they have the right to form a mob and randomly attack people and property,

will still be dead.

Would you like to discourage or encourage such behavior? Do you want more of your people killed or less?

Bullshit talk like you are doing, will get people killed.
Mostly bad ones, so there's that. :dunno:

Very true. It might be better in the long run, if they keep escalating and we can resolve this conflict as they wish, in the streets with violence.

BUT, my goal is still, at this point, shutting down the civil unrest.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

View attachment 384148

I see that you support thugs running around in the streets with guns and do not support the rule of law and due process. Who is trying to take over property they have no right to? The idea that these thugs are "protecting" anything is absolute rubbish. Stop listening to propaganda. We saw the Kenosha cops refusing to enforce the curfew. And their chief might be a gang-banger.

Communism is an economic system, moron.

You sound like a very violent person who thinks he's always right. Spoiled.

The cops couldn't enforce the curfew without disrupting the "peaceful protest".

Did you want that?

The "thugs" are citizens who are allowed to walk the streets. Your desire to take away their right to do that, is you being a marxist thug, or at least supporting marxist thugs.

The police were enforcing the curfew, except against their beloved thugs. You can hear the police announcement on the video. The whole idea that this has something to do with marxism is so laughable. Why do you want to help putin so much?
Why are the Marxist hoodlums out on the street rioting?
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

View attachment 384148

I see that you support thugs running around in the streets with guns and do not support the rule of law and due process. Who is trying to take over property they have no right to? The idea that these thugs are "protecting" anything is absolute rubbish. Stop listening to propaganda. We saw the Kenosha cops refusing to enforce the curfew. And their chief might be a gang-banger.

Communism is an economic system, moron.

You sound like a very violent person who thinks he's always right. Spoiled.

The cops couldn't enforce the curfew without disrupting the "peaceful protest".

Did you want that?

The "thugs" are citizens who are allowed to walk the streets. Your desire to take away their right to do that, is you being a marxist thug, or at least supporting marxist thugs.

The police were enforcing the curfew, except against their beloved thugs. You can hear the police announcement on the video. The whole idea that this has something to do with marxism is so laughable. Why do you want to help putin so much?

Oh, they were telling Antifa and BLM to go home and letting other people stay out?

This is the first I heard that claim. Can you support it with anything?

And antifa and blm's marxism is pretty clear. BLM is open about it. Antifa, I'm not sure if they have admitted it, but their actions make it clear.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

View attachment 384148

I see that you support thugs running around in the streets with guns and do not support the rule of law and due process. Who is trying to take over property they have no right to? The idea that these thugs are "protecting" anything is absolute rubbish. Stop listening to propaganda. We saw the Kenosha cops refusing to enforce the curfew. And their chief might be a gang-banger.

Communism is an economic system, moron.

You sound like a very violent person who thinks he's always right. Spoiled.
You sound like an angry child.

How so? The police video shows a lot, including their mollycoddling of thugs with guns, some of whom probably came from outside of Kenosha. The website of a gang of which the city police chief might be a member solicited outside agitators to come to the city.

Unfortunately, this is not child's play. You have endorsed violence and advocated lynching. You are proving BLM's contentions. Who's the child here?
You and reality just ain't even on speaking terms are ya'll?
Hell, I'm wondering if you two have ever even met.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

View attachment 384148

I see that you support thugs running around in the streets with guns and do not support the rule of law and due process. Who is trying to take over property they have no right to? The idea that these thugs are "protecting" anything is absolute rubbish. Stop listening to propaganda. We saw the Kenosha cops refusing to enforce the curfew. And their chief might be a gang-banger.

Communism is an economic system, moron.

You sound like a very violent person who thinks he's always right. Spoiled.
You sound like an angry child.

How so? The police video shows a lot, including their mollycoddling of thugs with guns, some of whom probably came from outside of Kenosha. The website of a gang of which the city police chief might be a member solicited outside agitators to come to the city.

Unfortunately, this is not child's play. You have endorsed violence and advocated lynching. You are proving BLM's contentions. Who's the child here?

Your words will not matter the next time this happens. The people on your side, who are stupid or evil enough to believe they have the right to form a mob and randomly attack people and property,

will still be dead.

Would you like to discourage or encourage such behavior? Do you want more of your people killed or less?

Bullshit talk like you are doing, will get people killed.
He ( or she, idk) doesn't care if they get killed. He knows damn well they're useless for anything but cannon fodder.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump...

The dem leaders in these areas, where antifa and blm rule, have prevented enforcement of the law by the police.

If anyone in the chain of command is a "gang member" look to the dem mayor, he might have connections with Antifa and/or BLM.

Your lies about blm, are noted, laughed at, and dismissed.

The Kenosha police chief wrote something on the website of this "Kenosha Guard" gang, and identified himself as a gang leader. He even invited them there. His cops allowed the gang members to roam around the city instead of enforcing the curfew. How am I lying? You are the one who is lying, and you are the one who supports heavily-armed gangs on our streets. I don't. This is not a matter of which political party one supports. Your trump clearly supports gang thugs. This is totally unacceptable.

A gang is still a gang no matter what fancy name they give themselves and a thug is still a thug.
"The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang."
-Jack Donovan

Antifa, BLM, and the rest of the commies you sympathize with are gangs, as well then, and they are actively and aggressively attempting to take over territory they have no right or claim to.
It is proper and correct to repel invaders and leave their corpses hanging from trees at the edge of town as a warning to others.

View attachment 384148

I see that you support thugs running around in the streets with guns and do not support the rule of law and due process. Who is trying to take over property they have no right to? The idea that these thugs are "protecting" anything is absolute rubbish. Stop listening to propaganda. We saw the Kenosha cops refusing to enforce the curfew. And their chief might be a gang-banger.

Communism is an economic system, moron.

You sound like a very violent person who thinks he's always right. Spoiled.
You sound like an angry child.

How so? The police video shows a lot, including their mollycoddling of thugs with guns, some of whom probably came from outside of Kenosha. The website of a gang of which the city police chief might be a member solicited outside agitators to come to the city.

Unfortunately, this is not child's play. You have endorsed violence and advocated lynching. You are proving BLM's contentions. Who's the child here?

Your words will not matter the next time this happens. The people on your side, who are stupid or evil enough to believe they have the right to form a mob and randomly attack people and property,

will still be dead.

Would you like to discourage or encourage such behavior? Do you want more of your people killed or less?

Bullshit talk like you are doing, will get people killed.
He ( or she, idk) doesn't care if they get killed. He knows damn well they're useless for anything but cannon fodder.

That seems to be the case.
We have clearly arrived at a juncture beyond which the division between action and reaction is blurred beyond recognition. Before this, it was clear. The rioters were causing mayhem, damaging property and assaulting people. As I predicted, they finally started running into people who refused to be victims and who pushed back violently. Now those who are aghast at the push back are starting to claim victim status for themselves. Shortly, the rhetoric will resemble that between the Israelis and the Palestinians (or the Hatfields and McCoys), in which every action will be justified as a reaction to something someone else did. Regardless, the bloodshed will continue until one of two things happens. Either Biden will be elected and the initial cause for the riots will be forgotten and shelved until the next election, or Trump will be re-elected and will shut down the riots by force if necessary. Either way, the cycle will start all over again In 2024. Isn't everyone getting tired of being used as political pawns?
I say not quite there yet. If that ever happens, blood will be freely running in the streets, and that's bad.
Bad politicians will be hanged at the 1st thing around them.
This isn't the 1900s anymore, no more tar, feathers, and rails.
Well, maybe rails. Rails to the nearest hanging spot.
I know Trump is going to win, but I'm holding out hope the Democrats crash indicating the imminent death of their party, otherwise known as justice.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

This is always your line. "No one wants XYZ. We spend all our time making excuses for it, talking about how important it is, and shitting our frillies at the very idea that it might be discouraged in any way, but how could you think we WANT it?!"

Never worked before, not working now, Lice. But feel free to try that mealymouthed word-parsing to convince the voters that what they see isn't REALLY what they see, because "Look at the careful wording!" Don't let us stop you from shooting yourself in the foot.
No one ever cheered violence. Now please inform us as to what the Kenosha police have done and what they are doing. They are on tape interacting with gang-bangers and their chief appears to be a member of this gang.

YOu lefties have been cheering and supporting and providing political cover and ordering cops to assist and punishing people that defend themselves, for months.

Your denial is fucking stupid.
Nobody has cheered or supported violence. Now explain why the cops are supporting gang-bangers, one of whom, a minor from out of state turned into a killer.

YOur delusions are interesting.

Well, not really. I'll be over here in reality. IF you get enough clarity to engage, say something sane, and I will address it.

You like gang thugs. I don't. Are you a gang-banger yourself? I saw the video. The police supposedly were out there to enforce the curfew and clear the streets. But they didn't. They didn't check ID's and tell these guys to go home. A few minutes later, two were dead and one gravely wounded. I have no delusions. Please start explaining this shit. The Kenosha police allowed this gang to stay. People were marching against crooked cops. Then we see crooked cops on video.

There is a limit to how obvious your dem allies can be in disarming your intended victims.

The cops knew that the rifle guys were not there to cause trouble. They were not going to enforce a curfew against them, while ignoring the massive riot.

That would be too silly even for your dem allies.


There was a "massive riot" going on? These cops were supposedly there to enforce the curfew. They obviously did not. How many of these people were not even from Kenosha? Rittenhouse was an outsider who crossed state lines. Did they even check IDs? No. Then it turns out that the police chief might be a gang member.

I'm not going to blame BLM when most of their demonstrations are peaceful and when there appears to be a lot of right-wingers running around in the streets, too, and we don't know how many there are and what they are up to.

I'm not one of these people who blindly follows a political party. However, trump is the worst president in our history, who flaunts any law he doesn't like, and who hides from the American People. He is a wannabe dictator who must be replaced, and qualified people should be running the military and our executive-branch departments, with inspectors general in place and independent. No sycophants, cultheads, or other sneaky people.
So you're retarded, is what you're trying to say?

Got it.

She's not actually TRYING to say that. It's just that every time she speaks, that's what happens.

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