Dems dare GOP to provoke another hostage crisis during 2014 elections


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Dems dare GOP to provoke another hostage crisis during 2014 elections

A Senate Democratic aide confirms to me that this is roughly accurate, but adds some important additional points. For one thing, the aide tells me, Dems will demand a genuine concession in exchange for a medical device tax delay, such as the closing of loopholes on the rich and corporations. Democrats don’t expect Republicans to agree to any real concession, so they don’t expect the medical device tax to be part of the final deal.

Second, and arguably more important, is Dem thinking on the debt limit.

According to the Democratic aide, Dems are likely to demand a debt limit extension into early summer — nine months, rather than six – with the idea being that the closer to the 2014 elections we get, the harder it will be for Republicans to stage another debt ceiling hostage crisis.

Democrats don’t want such a crisis. They would prefer that Republicans simply agree to extend the debt limit cleanly. But by pushing this so deep into the 2014 election season, they are giving themselves a kind of insurance policy that guarantees that if Republicans do stage another debt limit crisis, Republicans will pay a serious political price for it.

A further interesting point was made, which I found intriguing. Tea Party Conservatives don't much care about the health of the GOP, and that's certainly how it looks to me.

So - if they kill their host, how will they survive? No third party, just GOP dies and Tea Party is the new party? There go the independents. Hell, there goes any chance they ever had at success. There just aren't enough of them to carry a party to a win, and frankly, I don't see the GOP going down without a fight.
i wish the GOP would refer Obama-Care as the real issue that is holding America Hostage.

Wish in one hand, shit in the other, etc.

Too bad FOX can't propaganda the entire nation. Then we'd all see the light, amirite?!
LOL The Teabaggers are destroying the GOP. People are increasingly seeing it as the party of the very rich and rightwing retards. Destroy the economy this soon after you boys nearly destroyed it in 2008, and the Teabaggers will be less popular than leprosy.

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