Dems' desperate "attacks" continue: Was Rush's 4F deferment faked?

speaking of crooks, let's talk about Richard Nixon..... how about that "Checkers speech"? How about let's talk about Harding and Teapot Dome.... why not let's talk about Grant and Schuyler Colfax bribes?

the alpha dance: two four six eight time to spin and obfuscate!

Seems to me you are sounding desperate here. Why?
Seems to me you are sounding desperate here. Why?

I am not desperate at all. the thread is about Rush and his bullshit draft dogging. Rush himself has had a field day going after Clinton.... now that it comes around and lands on HIM, sycophants like alpha want to make it about Clinton all over again.

You all had your fun with blasted him for a wide range of even impeached him.... time to move on.... Clinton is yesterday's news..... Ruish's hypocrisy is today's news. If you wanna go back, all I am saying is that you should be prepared to go WAY back
I am not desperate at all. the thread is about Rush and his bullshit draft dogging. Rush himself has had a field day going after Clinton.... now that it comes around and lands on HIM, sycophants like alpha want to make it about Clinton all over again.

You all had your fun with blasted him for a wide range of even impeached him.... time to move on.... Clinton is yesterday's news..... Ruish's hypocrisy is today's news. If you wanna go back, all I am saying is that you should be prepared to go WAY back

oops.. you were faster than I! :thup:
I am not desperate at all. the thread is about Rush and his bullshit draft dogging. Rush himself has had a field day going after Clinton.... now that it comes around and lands on HIM, sycophants like alpha want to make it about Clinton all over again.

You all had your fun with blasted him for a wide range of even impeached him.... time to move on.... Clinton is yesterday's news..... Ruish's hypocrisy is today's news. If you wanna go back, all I am saying is that you should be prepared to go WAY back

How about comparing apples to apples...

Oh-no... That doesnt fit your twisted anti-american agenda...

Rush L. is a "talk radio host"

B. Clinton was "The President"...

Besides both being complete assholes, the two are not comparable..
and the one before this one...:thup:

Clinton is going down as one of the most popular and well liked ex-presidents ever. We sure miss him. Your boy is going down as one of the worst, and most unpopular presidents ever.

Frankly, I'd be embarrased to admit I voted for bush twice. That is, if I did.

Wash Post:

“At this point, however, the former president (Bill Clinton) is seen in favorable terms. Two-thirds of Americans said they approve of the job he did while he was in office -- virtually the reverse of President Bush's current approval rating, which stands at 33 percent. Clinton remains overwhelmingly popular among Democrats, and 63 percent of independents and even a third of Republicans also gave him positive marks”
How about comparing apples to apples...

Oh-no... That doesnt fit your twisted anti-american agenda...

Rush L. is a "talk radio host"

B. Clinton was "The President"...

Besides both being complete assholes, the two are not comparable..

well.... first...I don't HAVE an anti-American agenda...and secondly, we are talking about present tense Rush getting called on his deferrment and the cheesiness of it. Clinton's draft status has already been discussed ad infinitum...Rush's is news....AND hypocrisy...

Remember: I was not the one who brought Clinton into the conversation in the first if you wanna bitch about the comparison...fucking go somewhere else...and quit bugging me.
Clinton is going down as one of the most popular and well liked ex-presidents ever. We sure miss him. Your boy is going down as one of the worst, and most unpopular presidents ever.

Frankly, I'd be embarrased to admit I voted for bush twice. That is, if I did.

Frankly, I don't care...

This thread was about Rush and Lizzy the classless Edwards..:eusa_doh:
well.... first...I don't HAVE an anti-American agenda...and secondly, we are talking about present tense Rush getting called on his deferrment and the cheesiness of it. Clinton's draft status has already been discussed ad infinitum...Rush's is news....AND hypocrisy...

Remember: I was not the one who brought Clinton into the conversation in the first if you wanna bitch about the comparison...fucking go somewhere else...and quit bugging me.

No bitching here...

I was just pointing out what a rediculously stupid comparisom you made...

I guess there was no need for me to highlight the obvious...
I am not desperate at all. the thread is about Rush and his bullshit draft dogging. Rush himself has had a field day going after Clinton.... now that it comes around and lands on HIM, sycophants like alpha want to make it about Clinton all over again.

You all had your fun with blasted him for a wide range of even impeached him.... time to move on.... Clinton is yesterday's news..... Ruish's hypocrisy is today's news. If you wanna go back, all I am saying is that you should be prepared to go WAY back

The second anyone mentions the draft dodging of a Democrat/liberal, what is the response? A list of accusations against Republicans/conservatives. Yet you wish to be above your behavior?

The alleged "hypocrisy" is over 30 years old ... HARDLY today's news.
Rush Limbaugh's Anal Cysts Attack Our Idiot Troops
Let me preface this post by reminding everyone that Rush Limbaugh has anal cysts, and he is therefore prohibited by law from having any opinion on the war that contradicts my own. So while I'm a strong believer in a First Amendment right to Free Speech tempered with a Democrat-crafted Doctrine of Fairness, I was so outraged by Fatty Pillpopper's verbal assault on our babykilling troops that I canceled the weekly flag-burning rally at Camp Larry to voice my anger over his remarks.

Rush McFatso Limbaugh, for those of you who haven't already been told what to think of him, is a right-wing, hate-mongering hater who uses The People's Airwaves to spew his vile hate-speech into the primitive, insect brains of the dittohead masses. Anyone who listens to his hateful tirades risks becoming one of his mindless neo-con herd. Thank Goddess we have Democrat leaders like Harry Reid to listen to Limbaugh's show for us and whittle his entire 3-hour program down to two words.

For your own safety, I won't repeat those two words here. Suffice it to say that Limbaugh, who has anal cysts, launched an unspeakable attack on our beloved troops. You know who I'm talking about: the baby-killing, Quran-mishandling, hired guns for Halliburton who only joined the service because they were too poor or too stupid to get into an Ivy League college of John Kerry's choosing, or simply because they wanted to rape and murder innocent civilians for kicks.

I guess this dispels once and for all the right-wing myth that conservatives support the troops more than liberals do. Aside from the Butchers of Haditha, the Sadists of Abu Ghraib, the Lap Dancers of Gitmo, unscrupulous recruiters, military leaders who don't enjoy gay sex, the entire United States Marine Corps, anyone who has ever killed someone in combat, and any right-wing shill who speaks out in favor of the war - liberals have nothing but huggles and kissies for those who wear the uniform. Especially those who are immune to Bush's jingoist brainwashing.

So it's especially infuriating that Limbaugh should attack soldiers who openly criticize Bush's illegal and immoral war, as those are the only kinds of troops who deserve and have the respect of progressives everywhere. So much so that we won't humiliate them by checking their credentials before we wheel them out to denounce the U.S.'s imperialist acts of aggression.

Sure thing , over 200 vets banded together to lie about kerry. Ya I believe that one, add in the fact Kerry lied about where he was, what he did and who he ferried around and, ya, the Swiftboat vets made it all up.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... you're right and snopes is wrong. Okie dokie.

And yes... they did.
That's the hypocrisy of a liberal...

They yell and scream about a conservative putting down, Murtha, Kerry, Clealand...

Yet..they have no problem putting down the vets when it suits their purpose...

And here they are yelling and screaming about Rush...

It would be funny, if they weren't such a danger to our freedom of speech...
Sure thing , over 200 vets banded together to lie about kerry. Ya I believe that one, add in the fact Kerry lied about where he was, what he did and who he ferried around and, ya, the Swiftboat vets made it all up.

the swifties were liars and they did make shit up. I can tell you....the ONLY folks in the Navy I would ever feel confident about heaping praise or scorn upon would be the ones that were on my ships. The sailors on Kerry's boat loved him. The officer above Kerry who later turned on him gave him the highest rating at the time...the peer who attacked him was caught in an outright lie.

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