Dems don't want people to have good health care. True story.

One has to wonder, since the vast majority of Doctors believe in evolution and vaccines, how many are liberals?

How many Doctors do you know, guy?

They are a pretty diverse group. It may even shock you that quite a few don't believe in evolution.
Dems just want control? Absolute brainwashed idiocy. ACTUALLY, Dems are well meaning pussies, like the OTHER half of the dupes are saying...
Doctors believe in medicine, but many are greedy, and thus father was a surgeon, and kept quiet about wanting universal health care since 1940...
Because I wanted to know. I wanted to know if you were going to go full retard in this thread.

What part of the thread title do you not agree with and why? Give me a little substance. Maybe even express your feelings about the thread title so that the OP might understand why it is a very bad choice for a title.

Blow me away, bro.
me full retard? got the wrong guy.....try Franco or Dean......

i dont agree with the thread because i dont know anyone right or left who dont want people to have health care....they just disagree on how it should be done....i have said before i think Obama should have just concentrated on those in this Country who were without healthcare and set up something so they can get it....many like myself had healthcare and did not need those who need it.....the rest of the Country they could try something is a lot easier taking care of 20-30 million people than 315 would have been a start and i think he would have had a lot more support from many on the right.....the far right i dont care what Obama would have proposed,they would have been against i was always for the existing condition mandate....that should have been done years ago.....
Obviously a lot of people needed help and didn't know it- mainly ignorant, what me worry dupes it appears...not federal employees of course. So tell me a Dem lie I haven't questioned...still waiting...
And I know plenty of hater dupes who want some people to have no real health care....
Sorry about having lost your bs cadillac plans which none of you had, unless you were a multi-millionnaire or in an over the top union...if you want it that bad, pay the piddling tax, hater dupe.
Wrong. Govt employees have cadillac plans. I had one when I worked for them.
The propensity of many on the right to lie, such as the OP, is remarkable – not surprising, but remarkable nonetheless.
shut the fuck up jones....if you dont reply when someone has a question about the bullshit you post......why the fuck are you even here?...
So, a Dem lie I haven't questioned...still waiting. Meanwhile, ANYTHING Sean, Rush, and Glenn say is bs, for Pub dupes only...or McConnell or Boehner...
Obviously a lot of people needed help and didn't know it- mainly ignorant, what me worry dupes it appears...not federal employees of course. So tell me a Dem lie I haven't questioned...still waiting...
it doesnt have to be a run with everything the left feeds you Frankie.....i never see you say....i am not to happy with this or that i need to know more....its always you calling anyone who doesnt agree with you or the left a pub dupe.....only a brainwashed fool would say that everything Obama and the Democrats do is just perfect and there are no problems associated with it.....and i have never seen you admit that....and i have been in many of the same threads with you....
Any problems are caused by Pub and insurer cronies' obstruction, or are imaginary in the minds of the hater dupes. If you've got something specific instead of the same tiresome bs, spill it...
The only "left" is an imaginary fear mongered phantom, as anyone outside of the bizarro Pub planet will tell you. Dems are pussy pragmatic centrists, the new bs GOP have fallen off their hateful stupid RW flat Earth...
Liberal scum are all about "evening the playing field" by taking things from you and giving it to scum of society.....but they get to keep their nice insurance plans.
Any problems are caused by Pub and insurer cronies' obstruction, or are imaginary in the minds of the hater dupes. If you've got something specific instead of the same tiresome bs, spill it...
every ones problems with it are caused by the Republicans? that what they told you Frankie? questions asked?.....see what i told you? wife has gastro problems,her Doctor has used every drug available,only one of them worked,but it was not on Blue Shields list of covered this evil ins company told the Doctor if thats the one that works,thats what she will get,i just have to pay a higher co-pay for it,which was fine....she has been taking this for the last 7-8 years no as of last Jan. we were told by the pharmacist this drug is no longer covered....i called BS they said its not us,we would still cover it,call your Govt HR office they are the ones who made the change....i called them.....its to expensive they told me...gee sound familiar? will have to take one of these on our list....but they dont work,gave them the story have to give these a shot the doc has to petition the fucking Govt.....we were told we will get a nay or yay by the end of the are right, fucking Pub and Insurer obstruction....

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