Dems don't want people to have good health care. True story.

Nobody cares. They're doctors.

The question becomes "Do right wingers know what good health care is?" if they don't believe what doctors tell them? How can you have faith in a doctor when your beliefs are so dramatically different than the beliefs of the doctor? How could you ever trust them when they try to give you a vaccine right wingers believe will cause autism or a flu shot where the virus has evolved?
Meanwhile, the whole country no longer has to worry about their insurer cutting them off or having to go bankrupt and losing their life savings, and just get by on great health care, just no free plastic surgery...or toothbrushes...
unless you are in prison.....
^^Brainwashed moron.
Frankie one of the most brainwashed people here....calling someone else....brainwashed....o_O
WTF do you think the exchanges are, idiot Pub dupe? Jeebus fecking CHRIST!:cuckoo::eusa_liar::lol:
hey Frankie..... are you smart enough to figure out that not everyone who disagrees with your bullshit is a Republican?.....but then you are a Dem Dupe maybe not....
Wrong again, my dear pootie- brainwashing is only brainwashing when it's BS, like the mindless propaganda Pub dupes believe.

OP- What about the transparent competition of the exchanges?- THAT is what is going to bring down costs in the long run. And what Pubs and dupes go on about- until they're confronted with it.
The question becomes "Do right wingers know what good health care is?" if they don't believe what doctors tell them? How can you have faith in a doctor when your beliefs are so dramatically different than the beliefs of the doctor? How could you ever trust them when they try to give you a vaccine right wingers believe will cause autism or a flu shot where the virus has evolved?
so were is your link on that one?....all the Righties i know go to their Doctors and seem to listen to what they say.....more shit you heard from those extreme religious right wingers that you attribute to everyone?.....
Then they at least believe some of the Pub propaganda....many Indies and Dems do.

""There comes a time in the affairs of men, my dear Blubber, when we must take the bull by the tail.........and face the situation".- W.C. Fields
So much BS Pub propaganda, so many dupes, of course they're not all Republicans duh...
Wrong again, my dear pootie- brainwashing is only brainwashing when it's BS, like the mindless propaganda Pub dupes believe.

OP- What about the transparent competition of the exchanges?- THAT is what is going to bring down costs in the long run. And what Pubs and dupes go on about- until they're confronted with it.
no ....BRAINWASHING is when you never question anything you are told.....and that is take everything the left tells you and run with it.....i have never seen you post a thread or a post were you are seriously questioning something about the Democrats....and you are so Brainwashed you told me Democrats dont lie to you.....anyone of you dumb ass party people on both sides who believe their precious little parties dont lie....are pretty fucking stupid....

Do you agree with the title of this thread?

That's a "yes or no" question.
You're only brainwashed when it's bs....

OP- ACTUALLY, it's the transparent competition of the exchanges that will lower costs the most. What Pubs and dupes are always saying they're for, until they're confronted with it...
I question everything, and find what Pubs say to be either obvious stuff EVERYONE is for, or total BULLSHYTTE.
no.....why do you ask?

Because I wanted to know. I wanted to know if you were going to go full retard in this thread.

What part of the thread title do you not agree with and why? Give me a little substance. Maybe even express your feelings about the thread title so that the OP might understand why it is a very bad choice for a title.

Blow me away, bro.
It's not about healthcare it's never been about healthcare it's about power and control of the population. The democrats want both.

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