Dems don't want people to have good health care. True story.

Actually we want good Public Health, and a better bang for the buck of our healthcare dollars. You shouldn't have to be rich to live a health or long life, and that's been the norm on this rock, and in America especially, long enough.

Then why the need for 2,00 + exemptions and continued delay of the employee mandate?
Those are waivers that run out by next year or when union contracts run out, the delay is also over next year- both were necessary because of a tidal wave of fear mongering bs , lies, and obstruction that fools like you believe...Dems don't have a giant propaganda machine...just facts...
me full retard? got the wrong guy.....try Franco or Dean......

i dont agree with the thread because i dont know anyone right or left who dont want people to have health care....they just disagree on how it should be done....i have said before i think Obama should have just concentrated on those in this Country who were without healthcare and set up something so they can get it....many like myself had healthcare and did not need those who need it.....the rest of the Country they could try something is a lot easier taking care of 20-30 million people than 315 would have been a start and i think he would have had a lot more support from many on the right.....the far right i dont care what Obama would have proposed,they would have been against i was always for the existing condition mandate....that should have been done years ago.....
Unlike me, you don't post a single link supporting your tarded allegation. Sorry Dupe, that makes YOU the "tard".
every ones problems with it are caused by the Republicans? that what they told you Frankie? questions asked?.....see what i told you? wife has gastro problems,her Doctor has used every drug available,only one of them worked,but it was not on Blue Shields list of covered this evil ins company told the Doctor if thats the one that works,thats what she will get,i just have to pay a higher co-pay for it,which was fine....she has been taking this for the last 7-8 years no as of last Jan. we were told by the pharmacist this drug is no longer covered....i called BS they said its not us,we would still cover it,call your Govt HR office they are the ones who made the change....i called them.....its to expensive they told me...gee sound familiar? will have to take one of these on our list....but they dont work,gave them the story have to give these a shot the doc has to petition the fucking Govt.....we were told we will get a nay or yay by the end of the are right, fucking Pub and Insurer obstruction....
every ones problems with it are caused by the Republicans? that what they told you Frankie? questions asked?.....see what i told you? wife has gastro problems,her Doctor has used every drug available,only one of them worked,but it was not on Blue Shields list of covered this evil ins company told the Doctor if thats the one that works,thats what she will get,i just have to pay a higher co-pay for it,which was fine....she has been taking this for the last 7-8 years no as of last Jan. we were told by the pharmacist this drug is no longer covered....i called BS they said its not us,we would still cover it,call your Govt HR office they are the ones who made the change....i called them.....its to expensive they told me...gee sound familiar? will have to take one of these on our list....but they dont work,gave them the story have to give these a shot the doc has to petition the fucking Govt.....we were told we will get a nay or yay by the end of the are right, fucking Pub and Insurer obstruction....
I'm sorry to hear that, really, but it doesn't have anything to do with O-Care. At any rate, once Pub crony insurers start joining in the exchanges, it will get easier to find a solution. I hope. I also expect a little Dem gov't regulation will help end that kind of bs...that's been going on forever...
I'm sorry to hear that, really, but it doesn't have anything to do with O-Care. At any rate, once Pub crony insurers start joining in the exchanges, it will get easier to find a solution. I hope. I also expect a little Dem gov't regulation will help end that kind of bs...that's been going on forever...
thanx Frankie.....i just thought it was kinda strange how the ins company ok'd the drug.....but the Fed. Govt shot it down saying it was too expensive.....i thought this was supposed to be the other way around....:dunno:
thanx Frankie.....i just thought it was kinda strange how the ins company ok'd the drug.....but the Fed. Govt shot it down saying it was too expensive.....i thought this was supposed to be the other way around....:dunno:
With my long time gf, it was her a-hole brother calling the doctor saying she was overmedicated, while he's on pure morphine for the same thing. There's always something...:dunno:
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Glad you agree...let me introduce you to the exchanges...
dont need it.....Blue Shield has never given me any problems.....they have never turned down anything my wife has needed.....they even let her keep 10K from an ins payment to when we had Kaiser.....that was a different story.....they were just like the stories about how fucked ins companies were....
There is a way out of the partisan deadlock that would appease both sides, even though there are aspects both might hate.

Basically you would have to repeal all Federal laws and regulations on healthcare and allow states to run healthcare as their constituents want, a terrifying new democratic concept. Vermont could have its universal healthcare and Texas could have a fully private healthcare system.

Alternatively you could have a nationwide universal healthcare system , but allow people to opt out and not pay their taxes to it - and pick private healthcare instead.
Thanks, but this the only thing that HAS gotten thru the disfunction- ie mindless Pub obstruction. Not going back now...this IS the Nixon/Dole/Heritage/ Pub plan...after all...
Houston Chronicle July 2014:

Three (3) new studies conducted separately by The Gallup organization, The Commonwealth Fund, and the Urban Institute show positive results for Obamacare. The different organizations used different methods to estimate the impact of the ACA and each came to the same conclusions:

The ACA has REDUCED the number of uninsured by between 8 and 11 million in it's first year.

The vast majority of enrollees report satisfaction with their new health plans..

The largest gains were adults under 35

58% said they were better off with the coverage, 9% said they were worse off.

Although democrats reported somewhat higher levels of satisfaction, 3 out of 4 or 75% of republicans said they were satisfied with their new health plans.

The figures from all 3 studies fall in line with projections by the Congressional Budget Office (bi partisan)

The CBO projects enrollment will continue to grow, further reducing the uninsured population.

(Although not in the polls, no death panels were found)


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More than 10 (now 11) million signed up

The New England Journal of Medicine found that more than 10 (now 11)million people signed up for medical insurance coverage.

Added Bonus: refunds from Health insurance companies to consumers. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said 6.8 million consumers will receive $330 million in refunds from insurers that did not spend at least 80% of collected premium revenue on patient care as the Health law requires. (Insurance companies were overcharging and making excessive profits off our illness)

In Texas, 189,005 consumers will receive almost $13.7 million in refunds.

United Healthcare, the country’s largest insurer recently announced it will sell marketplace coverage for the first time, increasing competition.

If you make healthcare more affordable, more people can become insured.

Analysts by The Baker Institute’s leading health economis experts indicates the Affordable care Act help insurance become more affordable.

Too much to ask?

We are required to carry liability on our cars to protect other people, we must carry insurance on our house if we finance it, we are required to pay in for medicare so when we reach 65 we can have affordable healthcare (thank God.)

Why is it asking too much for people to insure their health to protect themselves as well as the rest of us from having to pick up their bill?

This is the only civilized country that does not have some form of universal healthcare.

A certain political party party is constantly espousing “family values” and that the US is exceptional because of those values. I sometimes wonder if we really are that country.


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