Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report

No evidence
No crime
No Russian collusion
No Obstruction
No indictment for Russian Collusion
No indictment for Obstruction
No more indictments coming

...and snowflakes are breathlessly waiting for 400 pages of meaningless Trump-hating Dem/Hillary-donor personal attacks and 'gossip' who failed to produce any of what was mentioned above....

And Democrats are surprised that no one cares what these partisans have to say after it has been made clear already no crime was proven...except their own?

Yes we know what Republicans and their dupes think, even though nobody has seen the report yet. Except Republicans
Obviously some democrats should get to see it before it is forgotten. If they go overboard they will get their just reward. Transparency Republicans have not heard of, the scum...

The report is the last gasping whine of a bunch of anti-Trump Hillary supporters, the last opportunity to slander and smear a President they could not find anything on which to indict him after 2+ years.

Funny you mention 'transparency' when the still-corrupt FBI continues to refuse to comply with the FOIA to release self-incriminating evidence... LOL.
Any resemblance with your parotted propaganda and reality is coincidental, super duper...
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

It’s amazing what trump gets away with. No one cares anymore. We’ve grown immune. For example after calling Elizabeth warren pochahontis trump said his dad was born in Germany.

The other day trump said he didn’t know much about Wikileaks but he talked about it constantly on the campaign trail

You call that getting away with something???
How does he get away with lies, gaffes and saying horrible things about guys like John mccain? Easy. His voters are deplorable.

Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.

Trump's connections to Russia are in his tax returns.
Probably. Jr. Said he had all kinds of business in Russia...
If there is enough of the report released to make that determination, I will be happy to accept anything it might say.
We know already it says Trump had the opportunity to collude with Russia and did not collude. That was quoted strait from the Mueller report.

Do you accept that fact?

Here's an idea.

Listen to see if Mueller starts screaming that Barr is lying about the report. So far, not a peep.
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

It’s amazing what trump gets away with. No one cares anymore. We’ve grown immune. For example after calling Elizabeth warren pochahontis trump said his dad was born in Germany.

The other day trump said he didn’t know much about Wikileaks but he talked about it constantly on the campaign trail

You call that getting away with something???
How does he get away with lies, gaffes and saying horrible things about guys like John mccain? Easy. His voters are deplorable.

Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.
Your...all politicians lie defense is getting tiresome

No politician has ever lied with the frequency and audacity of Donald Trump.....not even close

Trump will create a lie even when the truth will be just as acceptable. While most politicians are looked at with a degree of suspicion...a Trump déclaration has no credibility either at home or abroad

Out of any lie Trump has told, no harm came to me, my family or my employer. Can't say the same thing about the Kenyan Kid.

When the right pointed out Smoking Joe's touchy feely contact with people, the left said it was no big deal.......that's just how Joe is. Well.......this is just how Trump is.
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

It’s amazing what trump gets away with. No one cares anymore. We’ve grown immune. For example after calling Elizabeth warren pochahontis trump said his dad was born in Germany.

The other day trump said he didn’t know much about Wikileaks but he talked about it constantly on the campaign trail

You call that getting away with something???
How does he get away with lies, gaffes and saying horrible things about guys like John mccain? Easy. His voters are deplorable.

Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.

Trump's connections to Russia are in his tax returns.

You mean the tax returns the IRS has seen over and over again? What kind of patriots are they over there? Not one of the agents tried to contact Mueller?
Without the blowjob, there was nothing to lie to a judge about.

No blowjob, no case. Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.

Then you wonder why we refer to you people as the Uninformed Voters.

OK Educate me. If Clinton hadn't gotten a Lewensky, what would he have been impeached for?

He wouldn't because you can't lie about something you didn't do. Nobody gets a perjury charge for a blowjob. You get charged for lying about it to a judge when questioned.

Exactly what I said. He was impeached because of a blowjob. If I'm wrong, perhaps you could state the exact question he answered with a lie. If it doesn't have anything to do with him denying Lewinsky's blow job, I'll admit I'm wrong.

You're not wrong, you're just a liar. Show me anyplace the judge found him guilty of perjury because he got a blowjob.
It’s amazing what trump gets away with. No one cares anymore. We’ve grown immune. For example after calling Elizabeth warren pochahontis trump said his dad was born in Germany.

The other day trump said he didn’t know much about Wikileaks but he talked about it constantly on the campaign trail

You call that getting away with something???
How does he get away with lies, gaffes and saying horrible things about guys like John mccain? Easy. His voters are deplorable.

Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.
Your...all politicians lie defense is getting tiresome

No politician has ever lied with the frequency and audacity of Donald Trump.....not even close

Trump will create a lie even when the truth will be just as acceptable. While most politicians are looked at with a degree of suspicion...a Trump déclaration has no credibility either at home or abroad

Out of any lie Trump has told, no harm came to me, my family or my employer. Can't say the same thing about the Kenyan Kid.

When the right pointed out Smoking Joe's touchy feely contact with people, the left said it was no big deal.......that's just how Joe is. Well.......this is just how Trump is.
Too bad you didn't get the big tax cut he promised the non rich. He said none of it would go to the rich and it turned out 83% did...

Meanwhile Obama's lie about your doctor etc was a prediction in 2007 that Congress made into a lie. In other words it was a prediction. He did not want a mandate originally, Democrats in Congress changed that. Not a lie.

All the lies from Fox and Trump have made you into an irrational dupe. Glad you don't mind...
You call that getting away with something???
How does he get away with lies, gaffes and saying horrible things about guys like John mccain? Easy. His voters are deplorable.

Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.
Your...all politicians lie defense is getting tiresome

No politician has ever lied with the frequency and audacity of Donald Trump.....not even close

Trump will create a lie even when the truth will be just as acceptable. While most politicians are looked at with a degree of suspicion...a Trump déclaration has no credibility either at home or abroad

Out of any lie Trump has told, no harm came to me, my family or my employer. Can't say the same thing about the Kenyan Kid.

When the right pointed out Smoking Joe's touchy feely contact with people, the left said it was no big deal.......that's just how Joe is. Well.......this is just how Trump is.
Too bad you didn't get the big tax cut he promised the non rich. He said none of it would go to the rich and it turned out 83% did...

Meanwhile Obama's lie about your doctor etc was a prediction in 2007 that Congress made into a lie. In other words it was a prediction. He did not want a mandate originally, Democrats in Congress changed that. Not a lie.

All the lies from Fox and Trump have made you into an irrational dupe. Glad you don't mind...

He never said the wealthy were not going to get a tax cut. I got mine, and I've been bringing home more money on top of my refund from 2018 this year.

Oh, but DumBama made a prediction! Why is it you commies never recognize a lie when one of your own tells one? It was a prediction and not a lie? :auiqs.jpg: Or the best one: He misspoke. But it's never a lie when a Democrat does it--only a Republican. Talk about dupes.
But you all have already decided what the "facts" are. Reality has no bearing on your viewpoint.

Prediction: If Barr says Trump did nothing actionable, you will ALL screech "HE'S LYING!!!"

I guarantee it.

I strongly suspect what the facts are, but it will take the actual report being released to find out what they are. I, and a hell of a lot of others just don't trust Barr.
If the facts do not support your fantasy, you WILL screech "HE'S LYING!!!"

I know it. You know it.

Did the voices tell you that?
No. Democrats have. And you have your screech all cued up and ready to go.

You have such a vivid imagination.
I do, but I don't need it here. What's working here is my perception of reality.

You should really try that sometime.
Uhhhh, perjury is more than a misdemeanor.

If dumb don was gonna be impeached for simple perjury, it would have happened long ago. The man can't tell the truth about anything.

And you can't follow a conversation. I was talking about Bill Clinton.

Yes, I know. Still whining about 20 years ago.
That's because liberals are still lying about it.

How many times have you, personally, said Clinton was impeached for a blowjob?

Take your time. Take off your shoes if you need more digits to count on.

Without the blowjob, there was no impeachment. He was impeached for a blow job.
Without the blowjob, he wouldn't have had any reason to commit perjury -- the crime for which he was impeached.

But, hey, you just keep bleating what you've been told to bleat.
It’s amazing what trump gets away with. No one cares anymore. We’ve grown immune. For example after calling Elizabeth warren pochahontis trump said his dad was born in Germany.

The other day trump said he didn’t know much about Wikileaks but he talked about it constantly on the campaign trail

You call that getting away with something???
How does he get away with lies, gaffes and saying horrible things about guys like John mccain? Easy. His voters are deplorable.

Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.
Your...all politicians lie defense is getting tiresome

No politician has ever lied with the frequency and audacity of Donald Trump.....not even close

Trump will create a lie even when the truth will be just as acceptable. While most politicians are looked at with a degree of suspicion...a Trump déclaration has no credibility either at home or abroad

Out of any lie Trump has told, no harm came to me, my family or my employer. Can't say the same thing about the Kenyan Kid.

When the right pointed out Smoking Joe's touchy feely contact with people, the left said it was no big deal.......that's just how Joe is. Well.......this is just how Trump is.
Being touchy feely vs grabbing women’s pussies. Same thing

Book marked this one to "remind you" of your stupidity and dishonesty for years to come. The full report comes out this week, retard.


Good for you. As soon as the full report is released to congress, we'll know if Barr was lying or not.
How will you know that?

Credible people will see the report and say if the facts match what Barr claims.

We're not talking about credible people, we're talking about YOU.

I will be happy to take the word of a credible source. Barr is not a credible source..
See? I told you. You're already screeching HES A LIAR.
Without the blowjob, there was no impeachment. He was impeached for a blow job.
The articles of impeachment did not include "Blow Job".

He was impeached primarily because he committed perjury and used the office of POTUS to obstruct justice and he perjured himself to stop a victim of his own sexual harassment from receiving a fair trial.

But hey, why should someone accusing a Democrat of wrongdoing deserve justice?

Right. He lied about a blow job. I will consider the possibility that I am wrong. What do you think he lied about, if not that blow job?
You moron, the subject of the lie is utterly immaterial. The fact he willfully told an untruth is the crime.

You sure are obsessed with Bill Clinton's penis.
It’s amazing what trump gets away with. No one cares anymore. We’ve grown immune. For example after calling Elizabeth warren pochahontis trump said his dad was born in Germany.

The other day trump said he didn’t know much about Wikileaks but he talked about it constantly on the campaign trail

You call that getting away with something???
How does he get away with lies, gaffes and saying horrible things about guys like John mccain? Easy. His voters are deplorable.

Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.

Trump's connections to Russia are in his tax returns.

You mean the tax returns the IRS has seen over and over again? What kind of patriots are they over there? Not one of the agents tried to contact Mueller?
There may be nothing illegal about it but it might explain why trump is so nice to put in.

Imagine if obama refused to show his taxes after he swore he’d show them after the audit.

Are you dumb ray?
You call that getting away with something???
How does he get away with lies, gaffes and saying horrible things about guys like John mccain? Easy. His voters are deplorable.

Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.
Your...all politicians lie defense is getting tiresome

No politician has ever lied with the frequency and audacity of Donald Trump.....not even close

Trump will create a lie even when the truth will be just as acceptable. While most politicians are looked at with a degree of suspicion...a Trump déclaration has no credibility either at home or abroad

Out of any lie Trump has told, no harm came to me, my family or my employer. Can't say the same thing about the Kenyan Kid.

When the right pointed out Smoking Joe's touchy feely contact with people, the left said it was no big deal.......that's just how Joe is. Well.......this is just how Trump is.
Too bad you didn't get the big tax cut he promised the non rich. He said none of it would go to the rich and it turned out 83% did...

Meanwhile Obama's lie about your doctor etc was a prediction in 2007 that Congress made into a lie. In other words it was a prediction. He did not want a mandate originally, Democrats in Congress changed that. Not a lie.

All the lies from Fox and Trump have made you into an irrational dupe. Glad you don't mind...

He said people like him would pay more.

Ray doesn’t know it but he will pay for that lie when his social security and Medicare gets cut to pay for those tax breaks.
How does he get away with lies, gaffes and saying horrible things about guys like John mccain? Easy. His voters are deplorable.

Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.
Your...all politicians lie defense is getting tiresome

No politician has ever lied with the frequency and audacity of Donald Trump.....not even close

Trump will create a lie even when the truth will be just as acceptable. While most politicians are looked at with a degree of suspicion...a Trump déclaration has no credibility either at home or abroad

Out of any lie Trump has told, no harm came to me, my family or my employer. Can't say the same thing about the Kenyan Kid.

When the right pointed out Smoking Joe's touchy feely contact with people, the left said it was no big deal.......that's just how Joe is. Well.......this is just how Trump is.
Too bad you didn't get the big tax cut he promised the non rich. He said none of it would go to the rich and it turned out 83% did...

Meanwhile Obama's lie about your doctor etc was a prediction in 2007 that Congress made into a lie. In other words it was a prediction. He did not want a mandate originally, Democrats in Congress changed that. Not a lie.

All the lies from Fox and Trump have made you into an irrational dupe. Glad you don't mind...

He said people like him would pay more.

Ray doesn’t know it but he will pay for that lie when his social security and Medicare gets cut to pay for those tax breaks.

So where are these cuts at liar?

SS and Medicare are separate funds although Medicare is paid from the general fund on top of contributions. Nobody is cutting either program because of tax cuts. If you want to worry about Medicare, better pray that Sanders doesn't become President. What he wants to do to Medicare is drive it into insolvency.
You call that getting away with something???
How does he get away with lies, gaffes and saying horrible things about guys like John mccain? Easy. His voters are deplorable.

Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.

Trump's connections to Russia are in his tax returns.

You mean the tax returns the IRS has seen over and over again? What kind of patriots are they over there? Not one of the agents tried to contact Mueller?
There may be nothing illegal about it but it might explain why trump is so nice to put in.

Imagine if obama refused to show his taxes after he swore he’d show them after the audit.

Are you dumb ray?

There may be nothing illegal about it, and you ask if I'm dumb?

Trump is a lot more harsh to Putin than Ears ever was.
You call that getting away with something???
How does he get away with lies, gaffes and saying horrible things about guys like John mccain? Easy. His voters are deplorable.

Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.
Your...all politicians lie defense is getting tiresome

No politician has ever lied with the frequency and audacity of Donald Trump.....not even close

Trump will create a lie even when the truth will be just as acceptable. While most politicians are looked at with a degree of suspicion...a Trump déclaration has no credibility either at home or abroad

Out of any lie Trump has told, no harm came to me, my family or my employer. Can't say the same thing about the Kenyan Kid.

When the right pointed out Smoking Joe's touchy feely contact with people, the left said it was no big deal.......that's just how Joe is. Well.......this is just how Trump is.
Being touchy feely vs grabbing women’s pussies. Same thing

It's the same thing? You have video of Trump grabbing anything? We have that with Biden.
How does he get away with lies, gaffes and saying horrible things about guys like John mccain? Easy. His voters are deplorable.

Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.
Your...all politicians lie defense is getting tiresome

No politician has ever lied with the frequency and audacity of Donald Trump.....not even close

Trump will create a lie even when the truth will be just as acceptable. While most politicians are looked at with a degree of suspicion...a Trump déclaration has no credibility either at home or abroad

Out of any lie Trump has told, no harm came to me, my family or my employer. Can't say the same thing about the Kenyan Kid.

When the right pointed out Smoking Joe's touchy feely contact with people, the left said it was no big deal.......that's just how Joe is. Well.......this is just how Trump is.
Being touchy feely vs grabbing women’s pussies. Same thing

It's the same thing? You have video of Trump grabbing anything? We have that with Biden.
You have nothing. If he’s doing it in public it tells you he is innocent.

Trump loves telling n word jokes behind closed doors. No one has caught him on tape YET

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