Dems find voters don't care about the Mueller report

If there is enough of the report released to make that determination, I will be happy to accept anything it might say.
We know already it says Trump had the opportunity to collude with Russia and did not collude. That was quoted strait from the Mueller report.

Do you accept that fact?

Here's an idea.

Listen to see if Mueller starts screaming that Barr is lying about the report. So far, not a peep.

No. I don't accept that as a fact. Nobody has seen Mueller's report yet, and Barr is actin like Trump's PR man.
No blowjob, no case. Clinton was impeached for a blowjob.

Then you wonder why we refer to you people as the Uninformed Voters.

OK Educate me. If Clinton hadn't gotten a Lewensky, what would he have been impeached for?

He wouldn't because you can't lie about something you didn't do. Nobody gets a perjury charge for a blowjob. You get charged for lying about it to a judge when questioned.

Exactly what I said. He was impeached because of a blowjob. If I'm wrong, perhaps you could state the exact question he answered with a lie. If it doesn't have anything to do with him denying Lewinsky's blow job, I'll admit I'm wrong.

You're not wrong, you're just a liar. Show me anyplace the judge found him guilty of perjury because he got a blowjob.

What do you think he lied about?
Good for you. As soon as the full report is released to congress, we'll know if Barr was lying or not.
How will you know that?

Credible people will see the report and say if the facts match what Barr claims.

We're not talking about credible people, we're talking about YOU.

I will be happy to take the word of a credible source. Barr is not a credible source..
See? I told you. You're already screeching HES A LIAR.

I suspect he is, but we won't know until we see the complete report.
Then you wonder why we refer to you people as the Uninformed Voters.

OK Educate me. If Clinton hadn't gotten a Lewensky, what would he have been impeached for?

He wouldn't because you can't lie about something you didn't do. Nobody gets a perjury charge for a blowjob. You get charged for lying about it to a judge when questioned.

Exactly what I said. He was impeached because of a blowjob. If I'm wrong, perhaps you could state the exact question he answered with a lie. If it doesn't have anything to do with him denying Lewinsky's blow job, I'll admit I'm wrong.

You're not wrong, you're just a liar. Show me anyplace the judge found him guilty of perjury because he got a blowjob.

What do you think he lied about?

He lied about the blowjob. But that doesn't mean he was convicted for a blowjob. He was convicted for lying, and it wouldn't matter what he lied about. He could have lied about where he was at on a particular day and that's still perjury.
Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.
Your...all politicians lie defense is getting tiresome

No politician has ever lied with the frequency and audacity of Donald Trump.....not even close

Trump will create a lie even when the truth will be just as acceptable. While most politicians are looked at with a degree of suspicion...a Trump déclaration has no credibility either at home or abroad

Out of any lie Trump has told, no harm came to me, my family or my employer. Can't say the same thing about the Kenyan Kid.

When the right pointed out Smoking Joe's touchy feely contact with people, the left said it was no big deal.......that's just how Joe is. Well.......this is just how Trump is.
Being touchy feely vs grabbing women’s pussies. Same thing

It's the same thing? You have video of Trump grabbing anything? We have that with Biden.
You have nothing. If he’s doing it in public it tells you he is innocent.

Trump loves telling n word jokes behind closed doors. No one has caught him on tape YET

Nobody has caught him yet, but you know about it.

rolling eyes.gif
Without the blowjob, there was no impeachment. He was impeached for a blow job.
The articles of impeachment did not include "Blow Job".

He was impeached primarily because he committed perjury and used the office of POTUS to obstruct justice and he perjured himself to stop a victim of his own sexual harassment from receiving a fair trial.

But hey, why should someone accusing a Democrat of wrongdoing deserve justice?

Right. He lied about a blow job. I will consider the possibility that I am wrong. What do you think he lied about, if not that blow job?
You moron, the subject of the lie is utterly immaterial. The fact he willfully told an untruth is the crime.

You sure are obsessed with Bill Clinton's penis.

He was impeached for lying about a blow job. Why is that so hard for you to admit?
OK Educate me. If Clinton hadn't gotten a Lewensky, what would he have been impeached for?

He wouldn't because you can't lie about something you didn't do. Nobody gets a perjury charge for a blowjob. You get charged for lying about it to a judge when questioned.

Exactly what I said. He was impeached because of a blowjob. If I'm wrong, perhaps you could state the exact question he answered with a lie. If it doesn't have anything to do with him denying Lewinsky's blow job, I'll admit I'm wrong.

You're not wrong, you're just a liar. Show me anyplace the judge found him guilty of perjury because he got a blowjob.

What do you think he lied about?

He lied about the blowjob. But that doesn't mean he was convicted for a blowjob. He was convicted for lying, and it wouldn't matter what he lied about. He could have lied about where he was at on a particular day and that's still perjury.

But he didn't get impeached for lying about where he was on a particular day. He was impeached for lying about a blowjob.
He wouldn't because you can't lie about something you didn't do. Nobody gets a perjury charge for a blowjob. You get charged for lying about it to a judge when questioned.

Exactly what I said. He was impeached because of a blowjob. If I'm wrong, perhaps you could state the exact question he answered with a lie. If it doesn't have anything to do with him denying Lewinsky's blow job, I'll admit I'm wrong.

You're not wrong, you're just a liar. Show me anyplace the judge found him guilty of perjury because he got a blowjob.

What do you think he lied about?

He lied about the blowjob. But that doesn't mean he was convicted for a blowjob. He was convicted for lying, and it wouldn't matter what he lied about. He could have lied about where he was at on a particular day and that's still perjury.

But he didn't get impeached for lying about where he was on a particular day. He was impeached for lying about a blowjob.

Either way it was lying that got him impeached and charged with perjury. This is how ridiculous your argument is: Clinton was charged with perjury because he was at the White House when he said he was having dinner at a restaurant. So Clinton was charged with perjury for eating dinner at a restaurant.
Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.
Your...all politicians lie defense is getting tiresome

No politician has ever lied with the frequency and audacity of Donald Trump.....not even close

Trump will create a lie even when the truth will be just as acceptable. While most politicians are looked at with a degree of suspicion...a Trump déclaration has no credibility either at home or abroad

Out of any lie Trump has told, no harm came to me, my family or my employer. Can't say the same thing about the Kenyan Kid.

When the right pointed out Smoking Joe's touchy feely contact with people, the left said it was no big deal.......that's just how Joe is. Well.......this is just how Trump is.
Being touchy feely vs grabbing women’s pussies. Same thing

It's the same thing? You have video of Trump grabbing anything? We have that with Biden.
You have nothing. If he’s doing it in public it tells you he is innocent.

Trump loves telling n word jokes behind closed doors. No one has caught him on tape YET
You lick yogurt off of hobos' feet. No one has caught you on tape YET.

Dood. You nasty.
Without the blowjob, there was no impeachment. He was impeached for a blow job.
The articles of impeachment did not include "Blow Job".

He was impeached primarily because he committed perjury and used the office of POTUS to obstruct justice and he perjured himself to stop a victim of his own sexual harassment from receiving a fair trial.

But hey, why should someone accusing a Democrat of wrongdoing deserve justice?

Right. He lied about a blow job. I will consider the possibility that I am wrong. What do you think he lied about, if not that blow job?
You moron, the subject of the lie is utterly immaterial. The fact he willfully told an untruth is the crime.

You sure are obsessed with Bill Clinton's penis.

He was impeached for lying about a blow job. Why is that so hard for you to admit?
He was impeached for lying. Why is that so hard for you to admit?

You sure are obsessed with Clinton's sex life.
How will you know that?

Credible people will see the report and say if the facts match what Barr claims.

We're not talking about credible people, we're talking about YOU.

I will be happy to take the word of a credible source. Barr is not a credible source..
See? I told you. You're already screeching HES A LIAR.

I suspect he is, but we won't know until we see the complete report.
And there is an excellent chance you will not accept the report.
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

That's because most voters accept the fact that Trump's a crook and will do whatever is needed to accomplish his goals. The democrats see that as a disqualify for the presidency. Republicans see as a qualification for the presidency. In short, both have fixed beliefs about Trump and Mueller does not really matter to either group. However, for independents and those leaning left or right, it is significant. And that is what the election is going to be about, capturing the few independents that still exist and swinging those swing states.

I am an independent, who sees that most politicians are crooks in varying degrees. Your hypocritical focus on Trump being one while ignoring many crooked democrats who are pushing an obvious partisan drumroll damages your credibility. Their absurd insistence to get his last 6 years of tax documents (while in office only 3 years), without probable cause is clear evidence of partisanship harassment.

Now that the IRS refuses to comply with the "request" for the documents, they are hyperventilating over it, just more evidence this is a partisan witch hunt.

You leftists don't have shit, because Mueller and the IRS hasn't found anything against him and that is a reality you better wise up to and soon.
The head of IRS is a Trump appointee that does not require Senate approval and can be fired without cause. Trump can get anything he wants from him and democrats will get nothing.

When one's own party is doing the investigating, it called oversight but when one's party is being investigated it's called a witch hunt.
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As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

That's because most voters accept the fact that Trump's a crook and will do whatever is needed to accomplish his goals. The democrats see that as a disqualify for the presidency. Republicans see as a qualification for the presidency. In short, both have fixed beliefs about Trump and Mueller does not really matter to either group. However, for independents and those leaning left or right, it is significant. And that is what the election is going to be about, capturing the few independents that still exist and swinging those swing states.

I am an independent, who sees that most politicians are crooks in varying degrees. Your hypocritical focus on Trump being one while ignoring many crooked democrats who are pushing an obvious partisan drumroll damages your credibility. Their absurd insistence to get his last 6 years of tax documents (while in office only 3 years), without probable cause is clear evidence of partisanship harassment.

Now that the IRS refuses to comply with the "request" for the documents, they are hyperventilating over it, just more evidence this is a partisan witch hunt.

You leftists don't have shit, because Mueller and the IRS hasn't found anything against him and that is a reality you better wise up to and soon.
The head of IRS is a Trump appointee that does not require Senate approval and can be fired without cause. Trump can get anything he wants from him and democrats will get nothing.

When one's own party is doing the investigating, it called oversight but when one's party is being investigated it's called a witch hunt.

So who was the head of the IRS before Trump became President when he was involved in business? Trump dropped his business dealings after he became President. It's really a moot point.
Wait a minute. You criticize Trump for name calling and in the same line, insult all his supporters?

Can you name me one President that never lied, never had gaffes, never said anything negative about another person?

They all lie at one point or another. It's not how many lies or what kind of lies that are important. It's what the lies are that counts. Trump not releasing his tax returns didn't cost us a trillion dollars and make millions of Americans lives miserable. When Trump made a statement about McCain's service to our country, he was castigated by both sides. But that didn't make Republicans turn into Democrats no more than Bill Clinton's perjury charge turned any Democrat into a Republican. In fact, there was overwhelming support for the guy by the left.
Your...all politicians lie defense is getting tiresome

No politician has ever lied with the frequency and audacity of Donald Trump.....not even close

Trump will create a lie even when the truth will be just as acceptable. While most politicians are looked at with a degree of suspicion...a Trump déclaration has no credibility either at home or abroad

Out of any lie Trump has told, no harm came to me, my family or my employer. Can't say the same thing about the Kenyan Kid.

When the right pointed out Smoking Joe's touchy feely contact with people, the left said it was no big deal.......that's just how Joe is. Well.......this is just how Trump is.
Too bad you didn't get the big tax cut he promised the non rich. He said none of it would go to the rich and it turned out 83% did...

Meanwhile Obama's lie about your doctor etc was a prediction in 2007 that Congress made into a lie. In other words it was a prediction. He did not want a mandate originally, Democrats in Congress changed that. Not a lie.

All the lies from Fox and Trump have made you into an irrational dupe. Glad you don't mind...

He said people like him would pay more.

Ray doesn’t know it but he will pay for that lie when his social security and Medicare gets cut to pay for those tax breaks.

So where are these cuts at liar?

SS and Medicare are separate funds although Medicare is paid from the general fund on top of contributions. Nobody is cutting either program because of tax cuts. If you want to worry about Medicare, better pray that Sanders doesn't become President. What he wants to do to Medicare is drive it into insolvency.
They are in Trump's budget. Too bad we won't pass that piece of crap.
As the Mueller report looms, Democrats find voters would rather talk 'kitchen-table' issues

LEESBURG, Va. — House Democrats pushing for the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russian election interference say they are not hearing much interest on the subject from their constituents back home...…

Now that the public is realizing just how bad they've been duped into this hoax...…..they don't care anymore. The people are more interested in what really effects their own daily lives and maybe, just maybe the DC Dumocrats might get their heads out of their asses and get on with real issues instead of trying to fester the TDS pimple on their noses.

That's because most voters accept the fact that Trump's a crook and will do whatever is needed to accomplish his goals. The democrats see that as a disqualify for the presidency. Republicans see as a qualification for the presidency. In short, both have fixed beliefs about Trump and Mueller does not really matter to either group. However, for independents and those leaning left or right, it is significant. And that is what the election is going to be about, capturing the few independents that still exist and swinging those swing states.

I am an independent, who sees that most politicians are crooks in varying degrees. Your hypocritical focus on Trump being one while ignoring many crooked democrats who are pushing an obvious partisan drumroll damages your credibility. Their absurd insistence to get his last 6 years of tax documents (while in office only 3 years), without probable cause is clear evidence of partisanship harassment.

Now that the IRS refuses to comply with the "request" for the documents, they are hyperventilating over it, just more evidence this is a partisan witch hunt.

You leftists don't have shit, because Mueller and the IRS hasn't found anything against him and that is a reality you better wise up to and soon.
The head of IRS is a Trump appointee that does not require Senate approval and can be fired without cause. Trump can get anything he wants from him and democrats will get nothing.

When one's own party is doing the investigating, it called oversight but when one's party is being investigated it's called a witch hunt.

So who was the head of the IRS before Trump became President when he was involved in business? Trump dropped his business dealings after he became President. It's really a moot point.
Trump has not dropped his business dealings, his family is a swamp LOL
Your...all politicians lie defense is getting tiresome

No politician has ever lied with the frequency and audacity of Donald Trump.....not even close

Trump will create a lie even when the truth will be just as acceptable. While most politicians are looked at with a degree of suspicion...a Trump déclaration has no credibility either at home or abroad

Out of any lie Trump has told, no harm came to me, my family or my employer. Can't say the same thing about the Kenyan Kid.

When the right pointed out Smoking Joe's touchy feely contact with people, the left said it was no big deal.......that's just how Joe is. Well.......this is just how Trump is.
Too bad you didn't get the big tax cut he promised the non rich. He said none of it would go to the rich and it turned out 83% did...

Meanwhile Obama's lie about your doctor etc was a prediction in 2007 that Congress made into a lie. In other words it was a prediction. He did not want a mandate originally, Democrats in Congress changed that. Not a lie.

All the lies from Fox and Trump have made you into an irrational dupe. Glad you don't mind...

He said people like him would pay more.

Ray doesn’t know it but he will pay for that lie when his social security and Medicare gets cut to pay for those tax breaks.

So where are these cuts at liar?

SS and Medicare are separate funds although Medicare is paid from the general fund on top of contributions. Nobody is cutting either program because of tax cuts. If you want to worry about Medicare, better pray that Sanders doesn't become President. What he wants to do to Medicare is drive it into insolvency.
They are in Trump's budget. Too bad we won't pass that piece of crap.
I’m sure a year ago they would have laughed at us if we said trump would try to defund the special Olympics but he did try. He backed down eventually but he tried.

Why wouldn’t republicans try to cut or kill social security? They admit they don’t like the program..

I suspect they’ll deny until they do it.
Out of any lie Trump has told, no harm came to me, my family or my employer. Can't say the same thing about the Kenyan Kid.

When the right pointed out Smoking Joe's touchy feely contact with people, the left said it was no big deal.......that's just how Joe is. Well.......this is just how Trump is.
Too bad you didn't get the big tax cut he promised the non rich. He said none of it would go to the rich and it turned out 83% did...

Meanwhile Obama's lie about your doctor etc was a prediction in 2007 that Congress made into a lie. In other words it was a prediction. He did not want a mandate originally, Democrats in Congress changed that. Not a lie.

All the lies from Fox and Trump have made you into an irrational dupe. Glad you don't mind...

He said people like him would pay more.

Ray doesn’t know it but he will pay for that lie when his social security and Medicare gets cut to pay for those tax breaks.

So where are these cuts at liar?

SS and Medicare are separate funds although Medicare is paid from the general fund on top of contributions. Nobody is cutting either program because of tax cuts. If you want to worry about Medicare, better pray that Sanders doesn't become President. What he wants to do to Medicare is drive it into insolvency.
They are in Trump's budget. Too bad we won't pass that piece of crap.
I’m sure a year ago they would have laughed at us if we said trump would try to defund the special Olympics but he did try. He backed down eventually but he tried.

Why wouldn’t republicans try to cut or kill social security? They admit they don’t like the program..

I suspect they’ll deny until they do it.
So much stupid in this post....
Too bad you didn't get the big tax cut he promised the non rich. He said none of it would go to the rich and it turned out 83% did...

Meanwhile Obama's lie about your doctor etc was a prediction in 2007 that Congress made into a lie. In other words it was a prediction. He did not want a mandate originally, Democrats in Congress changed that. Not a lie.

All the lies from Fox and Trump have made you into an irrational dupe. Glad you don't mind...

He said people like him would pay more.

Ray doesn’t know it but he will pay for that lie when his social security and Medicare gets cut to pay for those tax breaks.

So where are these cuts at liar?

SS and Medicare are separate funds although Medicare is paid from the general fund on top of contributions. Nobody is cutting either program because of tax cuts. If you want to worry about Medicare, better pray that Sanders doesn't become President. What he wants to do to Medicare is drive it into insolvency.
They are in Trump's budget. Too bad we won't pass that piece of crap.
I’m sure a year ago they would have laughed at us if we said trump would try to defund the special Olympics but he did try. He backed down eventually but he tried.

Why wouldn’t republicans try to cut or kill social security? They admit they don’t like the program..

I suspect they’ll deny until they do it.
So much stupid in this post....
That’s all you got WEAK
He said people like him would pay more.

Ray doesn’t know it but he will pay for that lie when his social security and Medicare gets cut to pay for those tax breaks.

So where are these cuts at liar?

SS and Medicare are separate funds although Medicare is paid from the general fund on top of contributions. Nobody is cutting either program because of tax cuts. If you want to worry about Medicare, better pray that Sanders doesn't become President. What he wants to do to Medicare is drive it into insolvency.
They are in Trump's budget. Too bad we won't pass that piece of crap.
I’m sure a year ago they would have laughed at us if we said trump would try to defund the special Olympics but he did try. He backed down eventually but he tried.

Why wouldn’t republicans try to cut or kill social security? They admit they don’t like the program..

I suspect they’ll deny until they do it.
So much stupid in this post....
That’s all you got WEAK
Social Security is insolvent idiot.

Millennials will be lucky to get a dime of it when we paid a lot more than a dime into it.

Meanwhile Democrats actually are cutting social security while you idiots are watching the Republicans do absolutely nothing.
So where are these cuts at liar?

SS and Medicare are separate funds although Medicare is paid from the general fund on top of contributions. Nobody is cutting either program because of tax cuts. If you want to worry about Medicare, better pray that Sanders doesn't become President. What he wants to do to Medicare is drive it into insolvency.
They are in Trump's budget. Too bad we won't pass that piece of crap.
I’m sure a year ago they would have laughed at us if we said trump would try to defund the special Olympics but he did try. He backed down eventually but he tried.

Why wouldn’t republicans try to cut or kill social security? They admit they don’t like the program..

I suspect they’ll deny until they do it.
So much stupid in this post....
That’s all you got WEAK
Social Security is insolvent idiot.

Millennials will be lucky to get a dime of it when we paid a lot more than a dime into it.

Meanwhile Democrats actually are cutting social security while you idiots are watching the Republicans do absolutely nothing.

See what I mean? You've been ready to steal my retirement for decades you idiot.

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