Dems Just Tried To Pay Military Families During #Trumpshutdown Guess Who Said Hell No?

Getting the troops paid will be their walk back ploy to be sure. Sorry dreamers, we tried :dunno: :lol: Suckers.

Huh! I wonder if you are right --- that it's a walkback ploy. The Dems are getting a LOT of problems from the meme that they put illegals ahead of American citizens and even shut down the government on behalf of these criminals. They might need to say, oh, wait, we'll pass a CR after all so Our Noble Troops can be paid. Thanks, that was a neat analysis.

Sucks for them that I mentioned ahead of the announcement huh?
That's why one shouldn' serve in the army and depend on the government (the last part is what conservatives would say)
That's why one shouldn' serve in the army and depend on the government (the last part is what conservatives would say)

Really? You find one that actually said that? Or are you just a hack liar?

Trump has been planning and angling for this shutdown since last May, when he tweeted that he wanted a “good shutdown” in a misguided ruse to win more GOP seats. After his latest sabotage of a bipartisan deal, he certainly looks like he got one--and a bigly one at that. The #TrumpShutdown breaks all kinds of records:

1. First shutdown in modern history with one party in control of all branches

2. First shutdown to start on anniversary of inauguration

3. Earliest shutdown ever in a presidency

The GOP is now furiously spinning. Trump kept repeating how a shutdown will hurt our military.

Donald J. Trump


A government shutdown will be devastating to our military...something the Dems care very little about!

7:49 AM - Jan 18, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

On the floor of the Senate, just after midnight, Mitch McConnell scolded Democrats by saying:

For America's men and women in uniform, shutting down the government means delayed pay.

I thought McConnell’s hypocrisy reached the apex when he said Dems didn’t want to help “vulnerable children” by supporting children’s health insurance—when it was Mitch himself who allowed CHIP to expire over 120 days ago!!

But I was wrong.

This is the new winner...

Maggie Jordan:mad:MaggieJordanACN

Claire McCaskill (D-MO) proposed a measure to guarantee military families get paid even during the #Trumpshutdown.

McConnell objected, after he, Trump, Ryan and other Republicans droned on for the last 24+ hrs about unpatriotic Dems disrespecting the military. …

12:43 AM - Jan 20, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

If you want to watch the entire video of the exchange, dsnottselliot provided it: Click Here

McCaskill (D-MO): I don’t want one moment to pass with there being any uncertainty of any soldier anywhere in the world that they will be paid for the valiant work they do on behalf of our national security...I ask for immediate consent.

McConnell (R-Turtle): I object.

Even Mitch McConnell doesn’t even listen to Mitch McConnell anymore!

If this doesn’t convince you that the GOP is full of BS, nothing will.

The GOP is in charge. They couldn’t even get 50 of their own member to support the continuing resolution. The GOP ended CHIP and DACA. The GOP broke their promises. This is their shutdown. They own it. By a 20-point margin, Americans agree. (Even freaking RedState is pinning this on McConnell.)

Unfortunately, it’s Americans who will suffer. I don’t know what Trump paid that porn star, but we’re the ones getting spanked.

Dems Just Tried to Pay Military Families During #TrumpShutdown. Guess Who Said HELL NO?

Trump has been planning and angling for this shutdown since last May, when he tweeted that he wanted a “good shutdown” in a misguided ruse to win more GOP seats. After his latest sabotage of a bipartisan deal, he certainly looks like he got one--and a bigly one at that. The #TrumpShutdown breaks all kinds of records:

1. First shutdown in modern history with one party in control of all branches

2. First shutdown to start on anniversary of inauguration

3. Earliest shutdown ever in a presidency

The GOP is now furiously spinning. Trump kept repeating how a shutdown will hurt our military.

Donald J. Trump


A government shutdown will be devastating to our military...something the Dems care very little about!

7:49 AM - Jan 18, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

On the floor of the Senate, just after midnight, Mitch McConnell scolded Democrats by saying:

For America's men and women in uniform, shutting down the government means delayed pay.

I thought McConnell’s hypocrisy reached the apex when he said Dems didn’t want to help “vulnerable children” by supporting children’s health insurance—when it was Mitch himself who allowed CHIP to expire over 120 days ago!!

But I was wrong.

This is the new winner...

Maggie Jordan:mad:MaggieJordanACN

Claire McCaskill (D-MO) proposed a measure to guarantee military families get paid even during the #Trumpshutdown.

McConnell objected, after he, Trump, Ryan and other Republicans droned on for the last 24+ hrs about unpatriotic Dems disrespecting the military. …

12:43 AM - Jan 20, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

If you want to watch the entire video of the exchange, dsnottselliot provided it: Click Here

McCaskill (D-MO): I don’t want one moment to pass with there being any uncertainty of any soldier anywhere in the world that they will be paid for the valiant work they do on behalf of our national security...I ask for immediate consent.

McConnell (R-Turtle): I object.

Even Mitch McConnell doesn’t even listen to Mitch McConnell anymore!

If this doesn’t convince you that the GOP is full of BS, nothing will.

The GOP is in charge. They couldn’t even get 50 of their own member to support the continuing resolution. The GOP ended CHIP and DACA. The GOP broke their promises. This is their shutdown. They own it. By a 20-point margin, Americans agree. (Even freaking RedState is pinning this on McConnell.)

Unfortunately, it’s Americans who will suffer. I don’t know what Trump paid that porn star, but we’re the ones getting spanked.

Dems Just Tried to Pay Military Families During #TrumpShutdown. Guess Who Said HELL NO?

Trump has been planning and angling for this shutdown since last May, when he tweeted that he wanted a “good shutdown” in a misguided ruse to win more GOP seats. After his latest sabotage of a bipartisan deal, he certainly looks like he got one--and a bigly one at that. The #TrumpShutdown breaks all kinds of records:

1. First shutdown in modern history with one party in control of all branches

2. First shutdown to start on anniversary of inauguration

3. Earliest shutdown ever in a presidency

The GOP is now furiously spinning. Trump kept repeating how a shutdown will hurt our military.

Donald J. Trump


A government shutdown will be devastating to our military...something the Dems care very little about!

7:49 AM - Jan 18, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

On the floor of the Senate, just after midnight, Mitch McConnell scolded Democrats by saying:

For America's men and women in uniform, shutting down the government means delayed pay.

I thought McConnell’s hypocrisy reached the apex when he said Dems didn’t want to help “vulnerable children” by supporting children’s health insurance—when it was Mitch himself who allowed CHIP to expire over 120 days ago!!

But I was wrong.

This is the new winner...

Maggie Jordan:mad:MaggieJordanACN

Claire McCaskill (D-MO) proposed a measure to guarantee military families get paid even during the #Trumpshutdown.

McConnell objected, after he, Trump, Ryan and other Republicans droned on for the last 24+ hrs about unpatriotic Dems disrespecting the military. …

12:43 AM - Jan 20, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

If you want to watch the entire video of the exchange, dsnottselliot provided it: Click Here

McCaskill (D-MO): I don’t want one moment to pass with there being any uncertainty of any soldier anywhere in the world that they will be paid for the valiant work they do on behalf of our national security...I ask for immediate consent.

McConnell (R-Turtle): I object.

Even Mitch McConnell doesn’t even listen to Mitch McConnell anymore!

If this doesn’t convince you that the GOP is full of BS, nothing will.

The GOP is in charge. They couldn’t even get 50 of their own member to support the continuing resolution. The GOP ended CHIP and DACA. The GOP broke their promises. This is their shutdown. They own it. By a 20-point margin, Americans agree. (Even freaking RedState is pinning this on McConnell.)

Unfortunately, it’s Americans who will suffer. I don’t know what Trump paid that porn star, but we’re the ones getting spanked.

Dems Just Tried to Pay Military Families During #TrumpShutdown. Guess Who Said HELL NO?

Trump has been planning and angling for this shutdown since last May, when he tweeted that he wanted a “good shutdown” in a misguided ruse to win more GOP seats. After his latest sabotage of a bipartisan deal, he certainly looks like he got one--and a bigly one at that. The #TrumpShutdown breaks all kinds of records:

1. First shutdown in modern history with one party in control of all branches

2. First shutdown to start on anniversary of inauguration

3. Earliest shutdown ever in a presidency

The GOP is now furiously spinning. Trump kept repeating how a shutdown will hurt our military.

Donald J. Trump


A government shutdown will be devastating to our military...something the Dems care very little about!

7:49 AM - Jan 18, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

On the floor of the Senate, just after midnight, Mitch McConnell scolded Democrats by saying:

For America's men and women in uniform, shutting down the government means delayed pay.

I thought McConnell’s hypocrisy reached the apex when he said Dems didn’t want to help “vulnerable children” by supporting children’s health insurance—when it was Mitch himself who allowed CHIP to expire over 120 days ago!!

But I was wrong.

This is the new winner...

Maggie Jordan:mad:MaggieJordanACN

Claire McCaskill (D-MO) proposed a measure to guarantee military families get paid even during the #Trumpshutdown.

McConnell objected, after he, Trump, Ryan and other Republicans droned on for the last 24+ hrs about unpatriotic Dems disrespecting the military. …

12:43 AM - Jan 20, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

If you want to watch the entire video of the exchange, dsnottselliot provided it: Click Here

McCaskill (D-MO): I don’t want one moment to pass with there being any uncertainty of any soldier anywhere in the world that they will be paid for the valiant work they do on behalf of our national security...I ask for immediate consent.

McConnell (R-Turtle): I object.

Even Mitch McConnell doesn’t even listen to Mitch McConnell anymore!

If this doesn’t convince you that the GOP is full of BS, nothing will.

The GOP is in charge. They couldn’t even get 50 of their own member to support the continuing resolution. The GOP ended CHIP and DACA. The GOP broke their promises. This is their shutdown. They own it. By a 20-point margin, Americans agree. (Even freaking RedState is pinning this on McConnell.)

Unfortunately, it’s Americans who will suffer. I don’t know what Trump paid that porn star, but we’re the ones getting spanked.

Dems Just Tried to Pay Military Families During #TrumpShutdown. Guess Who Said HELL NO?
Trump and the GOP have run out of other people's money. Now they want our enemies to lend them more money to spend.

The Democrats want amnesty for Dreamers.




Trump has been planning and angling for this shutdown since last May, when he tweeted that he wanted a “good shutdown” in a misguided ruse to win more GOP seats. After his latest sabotage of a bipartisan deal, he certainly looks like he got one--and a bigly one at that. The #TrumpShutdown breaks all kinds of records:

1. First shutdown in modern history with one party in control of all branches

2. First shutdown to start on anniversary of inauguration

3. Earliest shutdown ever in a presidency

The GOP is now furiously spinning. Trump kept repeating how a shutdown will hurt our military.

Donald J. Trump


A government shutdown will be devastating to our military...something the Dems care very little about!

7:49 AM - Jan 18, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

On the floor of the Senate, just after midnight, Mitch McConnell scolded Democrats by saying:

For America's men and women in uniform, shutting down the government means delayed pay.

I thought McConnell’s hypocrisy reached the apex when he said Dems didn’t want to help “vulnerable children” by supporting children’s health insurance—when it was Mitch himself who allowed CHIP to expire over 120 days ago!!

But I was wrong.

This is the new winner...

Maggie Jordan:mad:MaggieJordanACN

Claire McCaskill (D-MO) proposed a measure to guarantee military families get paid even during the #Trumpshutdown.

McConnell objected, after he, Trump, Ryan and other Republicans droned on for the last 24+ hrs about unpatriotic Dems disrespecting the military. …

12:43 AM - Jan 20, 2018
Twitter Ads info and privacy

If you want to watch the entire video of the exchange, dsnottselliot provided it: Click Here

McCaskill (D-MO): I don’t want one moment to pass with there being any uncertainty of any soldier anywhere in the world that they will be paid for the valiant work they do on behalf of our national security...I ask for immediate consent.

McConnell (R-Turtle): I object.

Even Mitch McConnell doesn’t even listen to Mitch McConnell anymore!

If this doesn’t convince you that the GOP is full of BS, nothing will.

The GOP is in charge. They couldn’t even get 50 of their own member to support the continuing resolution. The GOP ended CHIP and DACA. The GOP broke their promises. This is their shutdown. They own it. By a 20-point margin, Americans agree. (Even freaking RedState is pinning this on McConnell.)

Unfortunately, it’s Americans who will suffer. I don’t know what Trump paid that porn star, but we’re the ones getting spanked.

Dems Just Tried to Pay Military Families During #TrumpShutdown. Guess Who Said HELL NO?

The Illegals > Veterans Schumer Shutdown
That's why one shouldn' serve in the army and depend on the government (the last part is what conservatives would say)
Ungrateful twat
Trump dodge serving in the army, won't send his kids either. And I'm the twat?
Yes. I didn’t stutter
I never insulted a military servicemen Trump did in numerous occasions . I didnt cause the shutdown, Trump did. And I'm not the one who dodged the draft, Trump did. I also didn't cause the shutdown, Trump did.
That's why one shouldn' serve in the army and depend on the government (the last part is what conservatives would say)
Ungrateful twat
Trump dodge serving in the army, won't send his kids either. And I'm the twat?
Yes. I didn’t stutter
by the way, when did serving matter? Obummer serve? His kids? John Jr.? Dude trump syndrome has you bad
At time of war he dodged the draft = privileged pussy.
That's why one shouldn' serve in the army and depend on the government (the last part is what conservatives would say)
Ungrateful twat
Trump dodge serving in the army, won't send his kids either. And I'm the twat?
Yes. I didn’t stutter
by the way, when did serving matter? Obummer serve? His kids? John Jr.? Dude trump syndrome has you bad
At time of war he dodged the draft = privileged pussy.
No he didn’t . Why didn’t obummer sign up?
That's why one shouldn' serve in the army and depend on the government (the last part is what conservatives would say)
Ungrateful twat
Trump dodge serving in the army, won't send his kids either. And I'm the twat?
Yes. I didn’t stutter
I never insulted a military servicemen Trump did in numerous occasions . I didnt cause the shutdown, Trump did. And I'm not the one who dodged the draft, Trump did. I also didn't cause the shutdown, Trump did.
Dude, you got the wrong earth
here is what the troops got this morning

thanks to the shumershutdown

thanks dems

Well the Dems were about to fund it and our soldiers but McConnell demanded they go unpaid. :dunno:

Trumps own budget director stated today the budget for 2018 was proposed last February. The previous fiscal year ended on September 30. The Republicans should have already had this done since October. They are the ones that purposely dragged this out in favor of short term funding resolutions, solely for the purpose of trying to dismantle the Obama legacy in order to feed their rabid base.

There is no need to have a budget for 3 days, or 3 weeks unless it is for exactly those reasons. At this point the Democrats should not settle for anything less than a budget that is fully funded for the entire fiscal year. This will effectively shut down the House freedom caucus of radical right nutjobs, and take away any further bargaining power they will have for the rest of the year.

Poor Chuck-u. His mental stability continues to deteriorate. He cannot spend money when the Government is shut down until it has the authorization to do so. To do that, he would have to get a positive vote on the bill he obstructed yesterday.

Maybe Mitch should do away with the filibuster. Think Schumer would be willing to turn control of the Senate over to him by voting to do away with the 60% rule?

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