Dems Sinking to New Lows

Yeah right. Chelsea attacks long predated Bristol attacks. Both were stupid and useless.
I don't remember them, got a link? Back then children were pretty much off limits. Till liberals thought their golden nigga was in trouble.
It is said that Rush Limbaugh joked that she was the White House dog. You didn't know that? Some deny that he said that and I didn't hear him say it, but I don't really care anyways. It's something I believe he would do.

Chelsea Clinton talks leadership, apologies and Rush Limbaugh at University of Maryland

Yeah making fun of Bristol Palin is stupid. I'll agree with you on that.

But don't start pretending that all right wingers are classy and all leftists are classless. It just isn't true.
Nope you are wrong, I disagreed with Obama and I got called a racist by liberals. Now that Carson is becoming a real candidate. Liberals call him a coon. So who is racist?
What "liberals," exactly, are calling Ben Carson a "coon"?

Also, I have a hard time believing too many of these aggrieved conservatives who whine about how someone called them a big 'ol wacist for simply "disagreeing" with Obama. That is simply grade-A bullshit and you know it.

"I hate that ****** Obama!"
"Um, that's racist."
"You called me racist for disagreeing with Obama!"
There is a thread on here with plenty of liberals agreeing with Carson being called a coon. As to Obama being called a nigga, well your side made it popular with Carson.
Link to the thread, please?
Being a Liberal means being allowed to smear based on race, religion, etc and not be held accountable for it. Liberals claim they are supporting Blacks and Women but that is not accurate. What is more accurate is that if you are Black and / or a woman, Liberals will support you only if you share their views. Simply stated; Liberals only support Liberals .... What a shocker.
you are right for most of them.....but many righties are the same way...agree with me or fuck you....which is what i have said many a time....the mantra of the far left and right...."agree with us,and if you dont,fuck you eat shit and die"....
The way liberals treated Bristol, you taught us how to do it.
Yeah right. Chelsea attacks long predated Bristol attacks. Both were stupid and useless.
I don't remember them, got a link? Back then children were pretty much off limits. Till liberals thought their golden nigga was in trouble.
It is said that Rush Limbaugh joked that she was the White House dog. You didn't know that? Some deny that he said that and I didn't hear him say it, but I don't really care anyways. It's something I believe he would do.

Chelsea Clinton talks leadership, apologies and Rush Limbaugh at University of Maryland

Yeah making fun of Bristol Palin is stupid. I'll agree with you on that.

But don't start pretending that all right wingers are classy and all leftists are classless. It just isn't true.
Nope you are wrong, I disagreed with Obama and I got called a racist by liberals. Now that Carson is becoming a real candidate. Liberals call him a coon. So who is racist?
What "liberals," exactly, are calling Ben Carson a "coon"?

Also, I have a hard time believing too many of these aggrieved conservatives who whine about how someone called them a big 'ol wacist for simply "disagreeing" with Obama. That is simply grade-A bullshit and you know it.

"I hate that ****** Obama!"
"Um, that's racist."
"You called me racist for disagreeing with Obama!"
how someone called them a big 'ol wacist for simply "disagreeing" with Obama. That is simply grade-A bullshit and you know it.
Kobe you just joined how would you know?......there too many examples here back during the 2 times when Obama was running to say this is bullshit....i was called one just for asking if one can disagree with an Obama policy without being called a racist during his first run....the poster named Dean did it to any righty who disagreed with Obama even if the poster treated Obama with respect and explained why he was against his many times did i see him post "why dont you just admit its because of the black man in the White House".....
Yeah right. Chelsea attacks long predated Bristol attacks. Both were stupid and useless.
I don't remember them, got a link? Back then children were pretty much off limits. Till liberals thought their golden nigga was in trouble.
It is said that Rush Limbaugh joked that she was the White House dog. You didn't know that? Some deny that he said that and I didn't hear him say it, but I don't really care anyways. It's something I believe he would do.

Chelsea Clinton talks leadership, apologies and Rush Limbaugh at University of Maryland

Yeah making fun of Bristol Palin is stupid. I'll agree with you on that.

But don't start pretending that all right wingers are classy and all leftists are classless. It just isn't true.
Nope you are wrong, I disagreed with Obama and I got called a racist by liberals. Now that Carson is becoming a real candidate. Liberals call him a coon. So who is racist?
What "liberals," exactly, are calling Ben Carson a "coon"?

Also, I have a hard time believing too many of these aggrieved conservatives who whine about how someone called them a big 'ol wacist for simply "disagreeing" with Obama. That is simply grade-A bullshit and you know it.

"I hate that ****** Obama!"
"Um, that's racist."
"You called me racist for disagreeing with Obama!"
how someone called them a big 'ol wacist for simply "disagreeing" with Obama. That is simply grade-A bullshit and you know it.
Kobe you just joined how would you know?......there too many examples here back during the 2 times when Obama was running to say this is bullshit....i was called one just for asking if one can disagree with an Obama policy without being called a racist during his first run....the poster named Dean did it to any righty who disagreed with Obama even if the poster treated Obama with respect and explained why he was against his many times did i see him post "why dont you just admit its because of the black man in the White House".....
So why didn't he say he got called a racist by Dean? No, he said he got called a racist by "liberals." One dipshit on the internet, or two, or even 100, does not represent an entire ideological bloc.
I don't remember them, got a link? Back then children were pretty much off limits. Till liberals thought their golden nigga was in trouble.
It is said that Rush Limbaugh joked that she was the White House dog. You didn't know that? Some deny that he said that and I didn't hear him say it, but I don't really care anyways. It's something I believe he would do.

Chelsea Clinton talks leadership, apologies and Rush Limbaugh at University of Maryland

Yeah making fun of Bristol Palin is stupid. I'll agree with you on that.

But don't start pretending that all right wingers are classy and all leftists are classless. It just isn't true.
Nope you are wrong, I disagreed with Obama and I got called a racist by liberals. Now that Carson is becoming a real candidate. Liberals call him a coon. So who is racist?
What "liberals," exactly, are calling Ben Carson a "coon"?

Also, I have a hard time believing too many of these aggrieved conservatives who whine about how someone called them a big 'ol wacist for simply "disagreeing" with Obama. That is simply grade-A bullshit and you know it.

"I hate that ****** Obama!"
"Um, that's racist."
"You called me racist for disagreeing with Obama!"
how someone called them a big 'ol wacist for simply "disagreeing" with Obama. That is simply grade-A bullshit and you know it.
Kobe you just joined how would you know?......there too many examples here back during the 2 times when Obama was running to say this is bullshit....i was called one just for asking if one can disagree with an Obama policy without being called a racist during his first run....the poster named Dean did it to any righty who disagreed with Obama even if the poster treated Obama with respect and explained why he was against his many times did i see him post "why dont you just admit its because of the black man in the White House".....
So why didn't he say he got called a racist by Dean? No, he said he got called a racist by "liberals." One dipshit on the internet, or two, or even 100, does not represent an entire ideological bloc.

Some do (represent a large segment of the current iteration of far right conservative Republicans)

Here's an example of Racism within said large tent:

"JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — A white Mississippi lawmaker apologized Monday for saying at a local Republican meeting that "a black judge" would decide how to spend money on public schools if state voters approve an education funding initiative.

Rep. Lester "Bubba" Carpenter, who lives in the northern Mississippi town of Burnsville, issued his apology hours after a cameraman posted a video online of a speech Carpenter made at a Tishomingo County Republican meeting.

Mississippi lawmaker apologizes over 'black judge' comment

The Democratic Party will need to fall a great distance to be as low as the current segment of racist members & bigots of the once and no more GOP.
Who published this attack... Can this be credited to any reputable organisation.
look at the who the OP is
and remember who that is, as time goes by you'll understand it better
As usual, you find yourself to attack the OP instead of intelligently dealing with the subject matter.

Why am I not surprised?
as was said before,
look at the who the OP is
and remember who that is, as time goes by you'll understand it better
The way liberals treated Bristol, you taught us how to do it.
huh? get a clue
Yep, liberals called an under age kid a slut. Never heard Chelsea called that.
The age of consent in Alaska is 16; Bristol was 17 when she got pregnant. She was not "underage." As far as never hearing Chelsea called a "slut" ...

Anti-Clinton Author Robert Morrow Posted Bizarre Sexual Writings About Clintons, Wished Death On Hillary

Morrow: Someone Told Me "Chelsea Was The Slut."

Someone who knew Chelsea Clinton at Stanford in the late 1990's told me, as we worked out in the gym, that Chelsea was the slut for the Stanford swim. At least men like her unlike her mother.
I don't remember them, got a link? Back then children were pretty much off limits. Till liberals thought their golden nigga was in trouble.
It is said that Rush Limbaugh joked that she was the White House dog. You didn't know that? Some deny that he said that and I didn't hear him say it, but I don't really care anyways. It's something I believe he would do.

Chelsea Clinton talks leadership, apologies and Rush Limbaugh at University of Maryland

Yeah making fun of Bristol Palin is stupid. I'll agree with you on that.

But don't start pretending that all right wingers are classy and all leftists are classless. It just isn't true.
Nope you are wrong, I disagreed with Obama and I got called a racist by liberals. Now that Carson is becoming a real candidate. Liberals call him a coon. So who is racist?
What "liberals," exactly, are calling Ben Carson a "coon"?

Also, I have a hard time believing too many of these aggrieved conservatives who whine about how someone called them a big 'ol wacist for simply "disagreeing" with Obama. That is simply grade-A bullshit and you know it.

"I hate that ****** Obama!"
"Um, that's racist."
"You called me racist for disagreeing with Obama!"
how someone called them a big 'ol wacist for simply "disagreeing" with Obama. That is simply grade-A bullshit and you know it.
Kobe you just joined how would you know?......there too many examples here back during the 2 times when Obama was running to say this is bullshit....i was called one just for asking if one can disagree with an Obama policy without being called a racist during his first run....the poster named Dean did it to any righty who disagreed with Obama even if the poster treated Obama with respect and explained why he was against his many times did i see him post "why dont you just admit its because of the black man in the White House".....
So why didn't he say he got called a racist by Dean? No, he said he got called a racist by "liberals." One dipshit on the internet, or two, or even 100, does not represent an entire ideological bloc.
you said ....." I have a hard time believing too many of these aggrieved conservatives who whine about how someone called them a big 'ol wacist for simply "disagreeing" with Obama. That is simply grade-A bullshit and you know it"......which implies this never happens....when in this forum it has happened many a time,dean just being one of the bigger assholes here who has done it a lot,but he is not the only one......
I don't remember them, got a link? Back then children were pretty much off limits. Till liberals thought their golden nigga was in trouble.
It is said that Rush Limbaugh joked that she was the White House dog. You didn't know that? Some deny that he said that and I didn't hear him say it, but I don't really care anyways. It's something I believe he would do.

Chelsea Clinton talks leadership, apologies and Rush Limbaugh at University of Maryland

Yeah making fun of Bristol Palin is stupid. I'll agree with you on that.

But don't start pretending that all right wingers are classy and all leftists are classless. It just isn't true.
Nope you are wrong, I disagreed with Obama and I got called a racist by liberals. Now that Carson is becoming a real candidate. Liberals call him a coon. So who is racist?
What "liberals," exactly, are calling Ben Carson a "coon"?

Also, I have a hard time believing too many of these aggrieved conservatives who whine about how someone called them a big 'ol wacist for simply "disagreeing" with Obama. That is simply grade-A bullshit and you know it.

"I hate that ****** Obama!"
"Um, that's racist."
"You called me racist for disagreeing with Obama!"
There is a thread on here with plenty of liberals agreeing with Carson being called a coon. As to Obama being called a nigga, well your side made it popular with Carson.
Link to the thread, please?
It's on here in politics.
It is said that Rush Limbaugh joked that she was the White House dog. You didn't know that? Some deny that he said that and I didn't hear him say it, but I don't really care anyways. It's something I believe he would do.

Chelsea Clinton talks leadership, apologies and Rush Limbaugh at University of Maryland

Yeah making fun of Bristol Palin is stupid. I'll agree with you on that.

But don't start pretending that all right wingers are classy and all leftists are classless. It just isn't true.
Nope you are wrong, I disagreed with Obama and I got called a racist by liberals. Now that Carson is becoming a real candidate. Liberals call him a coon. So who is racist?
What "liberals," exactly, are calling Ben Carson a "coon"?

Also, I have a hard time believing too many of these aggrieved conservatives who whine about how someone called them a big 'ol wacist for simply "disagreeing" with Obama. That is simply grade-A bullshit and you know it.

"I hate that ****** Obama!"
"Um, that's racist."
"You called me racist for disagreeing with Obama!"
There is a thread on here with plenty of liberals agreeing with Carson being called a coon. As to Obama being called a nigga, well your side made it popular with Carson.
Link to the thread, please?
It's on here in politics.
That's not a link.
Nope you are wrong, I disagreed with Obama and I got called a racist by liberals. Now that Carson is becoming a real candidate. Liberals call him a coon. So who is racist?
What "liberals," exactly, are calling Ben Carson a "coon"?

Also, I have a hard time believing too many of these aggrieved conservatives who whine about how someone called them a big 'ol wacist for simply "disagreeing" with Obama. That is simply grade-A bullshit and you know it.

"I hate that ****** Obama!"
"Um, that's racist."
"You called me racist for disagreeing with Obama!"
There is a thread on here with plenty of liberals agreeing with Carson being called a coon. As to Obama being called a nigga, well your side made it popular with Carson.
Link to the thread, please?
It's on here in politics.
That's not a link.
jknowgood is good for nothing.

well not exactly true. HE's good for being an imbecile
The way liberals treated Bristol, you taught us how to do it.
huh? get a clue
Yep, liberals called an under age kid a slut. Never heard Chelsea called that.
The age of consent in Alaska is 16; Bristol was 17 when she got pregnant. She was not "underage." As far as never hearing Chelsea called a "slut" ...

Anti-Clinton Author Robert Morrow Posted Bizarre Sexual Writings About Clintons, Wished Death On Hillary

Morrow: Someone Told Me "Chelsea Was The Slut."

Someone who knew Chelsea Clinton at Stanford in the late 1990's told me, as we worked out in the gym, that Chelsea was the slut for the Stanford swim. At least men like her unlike her mother.
jknowgood ignores what is inconvenient
Dissing Dr, Carson's wife.


I for one think she has the look of a very intelligent and happy woman. The other?

It is low. Let's see some photos of Michelle, or anyone else, that aren't photoshopped and then compare again.

The left dissed Barbara Bush, too, by putting out an ad that said look what Bush did to her and we don't want the country to look like that. One Dem candidate said Bob Dole didn't even make good bananas even though he has nothing to do with the company. Of course the insults regarding Palin's looks and her child were hitting below the belt.

I suppose we should always expect low blows from both sides, but it's wrong.

I disagree with Michelle's views and disliked the way she said she wasn't proud of our country till her husband was elected and the way she behaved completely tacky at a flag ceremony where she said 'all this for a damn flag' or something to that effect. I also don't like how she constantly fans the flames of racial tension when she gives a speech. It wouldn't matter if she was pretty or ugly. I disagree with Obama's policies, too, and would hold the exact same opinion if he was all white instead of half-white.

I hope enough Americans are above this sort of juvenile behavior. I'm not so sure after seeing so many idiots speaking on news and in interviews. So much ignorance out there and it will be something to deal with if we want this country back on a more prosperous course.

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