Dems Struggle To Unify After GOP Embarrasses Them On Procedure


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Dems Struggle To Unify After GOP Embarrasses Them On Procedure

Dems struggle to unify after GOP embarrasses them on procedure | TheHill
By Cristina Marcos and Mike Lillis ~~ House Democratic leaders are scrambling for a way to unite their splintered caucus following a series of embarrassing votes that have empowered the minority Republicans and escalated tensions among the top party brass.... Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Thursday urged her troops to oppose the Republicans’ procedural motions as a blanket policy, regardless of their substance, but faced resistance from some moderates who want the leeway to vote with local concerns in mind. “Vote 'no.' Just vote 'no,' because the fact is a vote 'yes' is to give leverage to the other side, to surrender the leverage on the floor of the House,” Pelosi told reporters in the Capitol, relaying the message she gave to Democrats at a closed-door meeting.
Pelosi’s plea follows an embarrassing hiccup on Wednesday during a vote on a key gun reform bill to require universal background checks.

More than two dozen Democrats, mostly freshmen from swing districts, crossed the aisle to help Republicans pass a motion to recommit (MTR) — a parliamentary proposal released at the last minute — to notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement if a person in the country illegally tries to buy a gun.
The surprise GOP victory forced Democrats to endorse an immigration policy most oppose to ensure passage of their long-sought background check bill.
At a closed-door Thursday meeting of the Democratic whip team in the Capitol basement, Pelosi and a number of rank-and-file members — including prominent freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) — implored their colleagues to reject the GOP procedural gambits, regardless of how tough it might seem to vote against them.
n a Hill.TV interview last month, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said he expects Trump will be voted out of office.
“Where it ends I don’t know,” Schiff stated. “I presume it ends with Donald Trump being voted out of office.”
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) has also thrown cold water on impeachment, telling CNN late last year that “you don’t necessarily launch an impeachment against the president because he committed an impeachable offense. There are several things you have to look at.”
In order to quell the Democratic base, Pelosi could have Schiff and other committee chairs continue to investigate Trump in the wake of the special counsel’s final report.

Despite the biased Media feeding us "Fake News", little by little the public is seeing what a sorry display the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats provide. They care nothing about the people. They only care about their power and money. The folks are starting to pay attention.
Poor Nancy not only is Alzheimer's setting in, but now incontinency. she's going to need a ton of Adult Diapers too. It appears that true Independents, Libertarians, and balanced Americans fleeing the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat brand.
Talk about confused. Remember when in 2012 Romney replies that our greatest geopolitical foe is Russia and Obama tried to humiliate him by saying "Mitt the eighties called and want their foreign policy back" Now for the last two ears, all the Democrats are running around screaming The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming. Was Obama just clueless? or was Romney just way smarter about foreign policy?
PMS Democrats have proven clearly that America does not have the time to waste on giving that collection of misfits any real power. The five states on the verge of bankruptcy because taxes are so high that wealthy people are moving in droves are California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, and Connecticut. All driven into the septic system by PMS Democrats. They use seemingly innocent and positive phrases like "healthcare for all" but are disingenuous because there's no way to pay for it or make it work...
How dare them not all fall in line like good little sheep....they should follow the example of the Repubs and march in goosestep with their leaders.
How dare them not all fall in line like good little sheep....they should follow the example of the Repubs and march in goosestep with their leaders.

Ryan couldn't herd his cats to pass immigration reform. I'm glad most of those AHs got beat.

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