Dems: The Clinton are filthy rich, white Southerners. And you support them.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Clinton earned 138 million in past 8 years.
They're filthy rich.
They're white.
They're Southern (Arkansas) support them. Stupid zombies.
Clinton earned 138 million in past 8 years.
They're filthy rich.
They're white.
They're Southern (Arkansas) support them. Stupid zombies.
Being a Democrat means never having to say you're sorry for being rich, white, or a racist.
Clinton earned 138 million in past 8 years.
They're filthy rich.
They're white.
They're Southern (Arkansas) support them. Stupid zombies.
Clinton earned 138 million in past 8 years.
They're filthy rich.
They're white.
They're Southern (Arkansas) support them. Stupid zombies.

The Clintons paid a total of $43.9 million in federal taxes over those eight years, pretty good for a couple that according to Hillary were "flat broke" in January of 2001.
Clinton earned 138 million in past 8 years.
They're filthy rich.
They're white.
They're Southern (Arkansas) support them. Stupid zombies.

The Clintons paid a total of $43.9 million in federal taxes over those eight years, pretty good for a couple that according to Hillary were "flat broke" in January of 2001.
Bill called in a lot of markers after he left the White House.
Clinton earned 138 million in past 8 years.
They're filthy rich.
They're white.
They're Southern (Arkansas) support them. Stupid zombies.
You're a republican and you hate a rich, white southerner?! Stupid zombie.
One can dislike particular rich white southeners. If he is a rapist, if she is a thief. If both of them are battle banner waving rednecks
Clinton earned 138 million in past 8 years.
They're filthy rich.
They're white.
They're Southern (Arkansas) support them. Stupid zombies.

The clintons being highly educated have chosen to live in an educated place not that subhuman cracker Kulture of the souf , people do evolve unlike others , not mentioning anyone by name..................... BUCS
Clinton earned 138 million in past 8 years.
They're filthy rich.
They're white.
They're Southern (Arkansas) support them. Stupid zombies.

The Clintons paid a total of $43.9 million in federal taxes over those eight years, pretty good for a couple that according to Hillary were "flat broke" in January of 2001.

My heart truly goes out to Hill and Billary Clintoon considering the financial stress they have been under.
Bernie Sanders is the only one that isn't owned by wall street, banks and isn't filthy rich. He is the only one we can trust to help the poor and force the rich to PAY.

Nominate him or you're a bunch of hypocrites!
Clinton earned 138 million in past 8 years.
They're filthy rich. They're white. They're Southern (Arkansas) support them. Stupid zombies.
So what? Nothing wrong with any of those things. I think you need to be treated for your anger issues. Get help before it seriously effects your health.
Clinton earned 138 million in past 8 years.
They're filthy rich.
They're white.
They're Southern (Arkansas) support them. Stupid zombies.

The clintons being highly educated have chosen to live in an educated place not that subhuman cracker Kulture of the souf , people do evolve unlike others , not mentioning anyone by name..................... BUCS

You can't be older than 17.
Clinton earned 138 million in past 8 years.
They're filthy rich. They're white. They're Southern (Arkansas) support them. Stupid zombies.
So what? Nothing wrong with any of those things. I think you need to be treated for your anger issues. Get help before it seriously effects your health.


Libs have spent years trashing rich people. Trashing white people. And lately....absolutely demonizing the South.
Why do these GOPers hate the rich??
Rich is good, if earned honestly. Earned through bribes and theft we don't like. Clinton, Trump, both earned money by underhanded means. That is what we don't like.

I don't like the fact that they are both banner bots as well
Why do these GOPers hate the rich??
Rich is good, if earned honestly. Earned through bribes and theft we don't like. Clinton, Trump, both earned money by underhanded means. That is what we don't like.

I don't like the fact that they are both banner bots as well
And your opinion on inherited wealth, like the Kochs and the Waltons?
It was earned honestly. If not by them, then daddy. Or grandpa. Or grandpa's grandpa.

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