Dems Trying to Abort Gabbart's Prez Run.. I'm Getting Ready to Endorse Her.

Since Trump will be running in 2020. I can vote democrat in the primary. I may have to help vote her in if the hate on the left continues.
Chuck and Nancy will find getting donations difficult due to the Shut Down. The employment base for blue states are likely to see higher taxes. Barr is talking about prosecution of sanctuary jurisdictions. I think the Ds have already lost 2020.

You spent all of 2018 posting thread after thread predicting a Republican "wave" and the evaporation of the Democrats altogether, so don't quit the day job for that of political analyst....
they picked up two seats in the senate. hmmmm
Can't tolerate independent voices in the DNC that take their opinions to the public without approval.. So Gabbard resigns as vice chair of the DNC, gets into a protracted spat with Sgt Schultz, and MAJOR Gabbard outmaneuvers the Sgt and then THIS happens..

D.N.C. Officer Says She Was Disinvited From Debate After Calling for More of Them

Ms. Gabbard insisted otherwise.
“When I first came to Washington, one of the things that I was disappointed about was there’s a lot of immaturity and petty gamesmanship that goes on, and it kind of reminds me of how high school teenagers act,” Ms. Gabbard said in a telephone interview on Sunday night. She said she would watch the debate in her district in Hawaii, which elected her to her second term last year.

“It’s very dangerous when we have people in positions of leadership who use their power to try to quiet those who disagree with them,” she added. “When I signed up to be vice chair of the D.N.C., no one told me I would be relinquishing my freedom of speech and checking it at the door.”

Holly Shulman, a spokeswoman for the committee, said the desire was to allow the Democrats to present a clear contrast with the Republicans.

She's now got super-hero status with me. Because it's obvious that the parties are the major problem plaguing this country... I think she's got a very populist message on this spiraling leadership dysfunction and I know that there are many Dems tired or estranged by the "high school teenager act".....
Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

You should at least learn to spell her last name correctly. It's Gabbard - not Gabbart. She's just a phony opportunist. She's as goofy as Rand Paul.

What's your thoughts on the phony opportunist Princess Squawking Warren?

Mmm she speak truth white eyes. Not like white man with fork tounge.
Openly gay lawmaker defends Gabbard over past LGBT comments: "She recognized the fault in her past views"

Openly gay lawmaker defends Gabbard over past LGBT comments

So what? She was 17.. And at that time virtually every leading Dem was opposing gay marriage.. Why is SHE not excused for "changing her mind"???
i'm gay and i excused kevin hart and still love him and am indifferent about gabbard. i dont know much about her, which is untypical of me with politicians
She's a radical leftist who tried to stop the Dakota Access pipeline, believes in Medicaid for all, and opposed hitting Assad for gassing his own people. Leaving the DNC to support Crazy Bernie doesn't show me "independence" simply means she's a devout socialist who bet on the wrong horse, which goes to judgement. If she didn't have a Nikki Haley kind of hotness, nobody would pay attention to her. Trump would chew her up and spit her out....if she has plans for the future, a run now would end in catastrophe.

Tulsi Gabbard - Wikipedia
Tulsi Gabbard just netted her first major endorsement: The former Grand Wizard of the KKK, Holocaust denier and white supremacist:

"Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery responded to the uproar over their on-going support for the beautiful and wonderful Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.

The Zio-media and neocon establishments of both parties (yes, the Democrats are now thoroughly neocon) are attacking Gabbard over her pro-peace positions, and in particular are trying to “smear” her with an association with Dr. Duke. We promote Tulsi Gabbard because she is pro-peace, a position that Democrat voters have traditionally favored, but because Dr. Duke is pro-peace it must now be repudiated.
Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Salute Major Tulsi Gabbard: a Voice for Peace and American FIRST !
The Repubs must be scared to death of her, they have Duke already out doing their dirty work for them
The Repubs must be scared to death of her, they have Duke already out doing their dirty work for them
Although I think she's a very physically attractive woman, however, she wouldn't have my support in this endeavor.





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Tulsi Gabbard just netted her first major endorsement: The former Grand Wizard of the KKK, Holocaust denier and white supremacist:

"Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery responded to the uproar over their on-going support for the beautiful and wonderful Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.

The Zio-media and neocon establishments of both parties (yes, the Democrats are now thoroughly neocon) are attacking Gabbard over her pro-peace positions, and in particular are trying to “smear” her with an association with Dr. Duke. We promote Tulsi Gabbard because she is pro-peace, a position that Democrat voters have traditionally favored, but because Dr. Duke is pro-peace it must now be repudiated.
Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Salute Major Tulsi Gabbard: a Voice for Peace and American FIRST !
I swear that guy is a Democrat plant.

I bet Democrats pay him to endorse candidates just so they can paint them as racists.

She's a radical leftist who tried to stop the Dakota Access pipeline, believes in Medicaid for all, and opposed hitting Assad for gassing his own people. Leaving the DNC to support Crazy Bernie doesn't show me "independence" simply means she's a devout socialist who bet on the wrong horse, which goes to judgement. If she didn't have a Nikki Haley kind of hotness, nobody would pay attention to her. Trump would chew her up and spit her out....if she has plans for the future, a run now would end in catastrophe.

Tulsi Gabbard - Wikipedia

She's gonna beat the DNC establishment on this one. She's got "the right stuff" to make the case for freedom of speech amongst the elected representatives. And that's MORE important and fundamental to smashing the party domination of ideas and messaging that's destroying politics in this country than her "issues"..

If you've noticed, this glitter farting unicorn of "MediCare for All" isn't really getting much traction because the 4 Dem party bosses on the Hill aren't gonna allow it.. THAT'S a problem. Because the glitter fart will LINGER and attract more hopeless support as SocSec/Medicare starts to dominates the budget deficits because of the FAILURES of govt to properly manage these existing programs. Nation isn't gonna fall for MORE "Universal" anything when the govt has ROBBED, IGNORED the EXISTING "universal" programs.

And she's completely RIGHT about not taking down yet another SOB Mid East dictator. Even Repubs are seeing now that those countries NEED SOBs to keep the bloodshed down..
The Repubs must be scared to death of her, they have Duke already out doing their dirty work for them
Although I think she's a very physically attractive woman, however, she wouldn't have my support in this endeavor.

out of everyone that has thrown their name in the ring so far she would be the top choice if I were to ever vote for one of the two major parties again
Tulsi Gabbard just netted her first major endorsement: The former Grand Wizard of the KKK, Holocaust denier and white supremacist:

"Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery responded to the uproar over their on-going support for the beautiful and wonderful Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.

The Zio-media and neocon establishments of both parties (yes, the Democrats are now thoroughly neocon) are attacking Gabbard over her pro-peace positions, and in particular are trying to “smear” her with an association with Dr. Duke. We promote Tulsi Gabbard because she is pro-peace, a position that Democrat voters have traditionally favored, but because Dr. Duke is pro-peace it must now be repudiated.
Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Salute Major Tulsi Gabbard: a Voice for Peace and American FIRST !
I swear that guy is a Democrat plant.

I bet Democrats pay him to endorse candidates just so they can paint them as racists.


I thought the Repubs did that
Tulsi Gabbard just netted her first major endorsement: The former Grand Wizard of the KKK, Holocaust denier and white supremacist:

"Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery responded to the uproar over their on-going support for the beautiful and wonderful Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.

The Zio-media and neocon establishments of both parties (yes, the Democrats are now thoroughly neocon) are attacking Gabbard over her pro-peace positions, and in particular are trying to “smear” her with an association with Dr. Duke. We promote Tulsi Gabbard because she is pro-peace, a position that Democrat voters have traditionally favored, but because Dr. Duke is pro-peace it must now be repudiated.
Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Salute Major Tulsi Gabbard: a Voice for Peace and American FIRST !
I swear that guy is a Democrat plant.

I bet Democrats pay him to endorse candidates just so they can paint them as racists.

I swear that guy is a Democrat plant.

That was this guy.

out of everyone that has thrown their name in the ring so far she would be the top choice if I were to ever vote for one of the two major parties again[/QUOTE]What policies draw you to her?
She's gonna beat the DNC establishment on this one. She's got "the right stuff" to make the case for freedom of speech amongst the elected representatives. And that's MORE important and fundamental to smashing the party domination of ideas and messaging that's destroying politics in this country than her "issues"..

If you've noticed, this glitter farting unicorn of "MediCare for All" isn't really getting much traction because the 4 Dem party bosses on the Hill aren't gonna allow it.. THAT'S a problem. Because the glitter fart will LINGER and attract more hopeless support as SocSec/Medicare starts to dominates the budget deficits because of the FAILURES of govt to properly manage these existing programs. Nation isn't gonna fall for MORE "Universal" anything when the govt has ROBBED, IGNORED the EXISTING "universal" programs.

And she's completely RIGHT about not taking down yet another SOB Mid East dictator. Even Repubs are seeing now that those countries NEED SOBs to keep the bloodshed down..

She votes with Pelosi...the rest of it is irrelevant. She's in the vanguard of seemingly normal leftists but there's nothing normal about her.....Bernie supporter, climate change nut, curious affection for the murderer Assad, anti-oil, anti-corporations....AOC without the bug-eyes.

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