Dems Trying to Abort Gabbart's Prez Run.. I'm Getting Ready to Endorse Her.

“I fully believe in marriage equality, and my consistent and unequivocal voting record on marriage equality and other LGBT issues speaks for itself,” Gabbard wrote in an email to West Hawaii Today in 2016. “Where I was on this issue more than a decade ago was wrong.”

What's in this for DD>>>>>


She's a radical leftist who tried to stop the Dakota Access pipeline, believes in Medicaid for all, and opposed hitting Assad for gassing his own people. Leaving the DNC to support Crazy Bernie doesn't show me "independence" simply means she's a devout socialist who bet on the wrong horse, which goes to judgement. If she didn't have a Nikki Haley kind of hotness, nobody would pay attention to her. Trump would chew her up and spit her out....if she has plans for the future, a run now would end in catastrophe.

Tulsi Gabbard - Wikipedia

She's gonna beat the DNC establishment on this one. She's got "the right stuff" to make the case for freedom of speech amongst the elected representatives. And that's MORE important and fundamental to smashing the party domination of ideas and messaging that's destroying politics in this country than her "issues"..

If you've noticed, this glitter farting unicorn of "MediCare for All" isn't really getting much traction because the 4 Dem party bosses on the Hill aren't gonna allow it.. THAT'S a problem. Because the glitter fart will LINGER and attract more hopeless support as SocSec/Medicare starts to dominates the budget deficits because of the FAILURES of govt to properly manage these existing programs. Nation isn't gonna fall for MORE "Universal" anything when the govt has ROBBED, IGNORED the EXISTING "universal" programs.

And she's completely RIGHT about not taking down yet another SOB Mid East dictator. Even Repubs are seeing now that those countries NEED SOBs to keep the bloodshed down..
one party ,one voice. ask them

out of everyone that has thrown their name in the ring so far she would be the top choice if I were to ever vote for one of the two major parties again
What policies draw you to her?[/QUOTE]

I am not drawn to her, just said she was the best of the lot so far. I have not voted for one of the two major parties for POTUS since 1992, doubt I would do it this time either.

But she does supporting leaving Afghanistan and Syria as well as ending our blind support for Saudi Arabia.

I also have respect for the fact she has actually served in the military. A forgotten thing among today's elite
How long do you think it is going to take Gabbard to rebuke and reject Duke?
She's gonna beat the DNC establishment on this one. She's got "the right stuff" to make the case for freedom of speech amongst the elected representatives. And that's MORE important and fundamental to smashing the party domination of ideas and messaging that's destroying politics in this country than her "issues"..

If you've noticed, this glitter farting unicorn of "MediCare for All" isn't really getting much traction because the 4 Dem party bosses on the Hill aren't gonna allow it.. THAT'S a problem. Because the glitter fart will LINGER and attract more hopeless support as SocSec/Medicare starts to dominates the budget deficits because of the FAILURES of govt to properly manage these existing programs. Nation isn't gonna fall for MORE "Universal" anything when the govt has ROBBED, IGNORED the EXISTING "universal" programs.

And she's completely RIGHT about not taking down yet another SOB Mid East dictator. Even Repubs are seeing now that those countries NEED SOBs to keep the bloodshed down..

She votes with Pelosi...the rest of it is irrelevant. She's in the vanguard of seemingly normal leftists but there's nothing normal about her.....Bernie supporter, climate change nut, curious affection for the murderer Assad, anti-oil, anti-corporations....AOC without the bug-eyes.

Obviously, she is NOT fully controlled by Pelosi. That's the point. She flipped off the top echelon of the DNC.. Largely because Gabbart was RIGHT about "micro-controlling" the Dem 2016 primary to tip it to Hillary.. We NEED people on both sides who are not mindless dupes being played like puppets by just the party hierarchies.
I LOVE to discuss with HONEST and knowledgeable people who ADMIT they lean Socialist. It's so much more productive than being just a leftist fighting for political power. That's the discussions this nation NEEDS to have. Not just the usual grade school arguments about "what is a wall" or who is "shutting down the government". Or whether Trump should be impeached because he gets TWO scoops of ice cream at a WH dinner table..

So -- come 2020, I'm PRAYING for the best socialist to run to TEST their views and issues. Not just someone who's pretending to pander to that nonsense just to keep the party unified...

Would lift the discussions in America above the drain we're circling right now...
Tulsi Gabbard just netted her first major endorsement: The former Grand Wizard of the KKK, Holocaust denier and white supremacist:

"Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery responded to the uproar over their on-going support for the beautiful and wonderful Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.

The Zio-media and neocon establishments of both parties (yes, the Democrats are now thoroughly neocon) are attacking Gabbard over her pro-peace positions, and in particular are trying to “smear” her with an association with Dr. Duke. We promote Tulsi Gabbard because she is pro-peace, a position that Democrat voters have traditionally favored, but because Dr. Duke is pro-peace it must now be repudiated.
Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Salute Major Tulsi Gabbard: a Voice for Peace and American FIRST !
You got 1 out of 3 slurs right.
outside of Biden, she has the best chance to beat Trump

a far left Dem will get crushed & any Dem will have a hard time if the economy stays strong

out of everyone that has thrown their name in the ring so far she would be the top choice if I were to ever vote for one of the two major parties again
What policies draw you to her?[/QUOTE]

She’s female, liberal, weak, shallow and evolving. What more could he ask for?
Gabbard is a socialist. She endorsed Bernie Sanders. Remember, Bernie wants us out of Syria, too.

Also this: Universal Healthcare | Tulsi Gabbard - Fighting for the people.

While the Affordable Care Act was a step towards insuring roughly 20 million Americans, many issues remain with the Affordable Care Act, including escalating costs and high copayments/deductibles. Most importantly, 27 million Americans are still uninsured. All Americans should have access to affordable healthcare through Medicare or a public option.

And this: Environment | Tulsi Gabbard - Fighting for the people.

Tulsi has consistently voted against the keystone pipeline and other forms of environmentally-damaging energy and has voted for efforts to combat climate change, support clean energy, and in other ways protect our fragile environment.

And this: Gun Control | Tulsi Gabbard - Fighting for the people.

Tulsi has a consistent record of advocating for sensible gun control. She has long called for reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons and high capacity magazines, requiring comprehensive pre-purchase background checks, closing the gun-show loophole, and making sure that terrorists are not allowed to buy guns. Tulsi has an F-rating from the NRA, a 0% rating by the Hawaii Rifle Association, and a 100% rating by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
Gabbard is a socialist. She endorsed Bernie Sanders. Remember, Bernie wants us out of Syria, too.

Also this: Universal Healthcare | Tulsi Gabbard - Fighting for the people.

While the Affordable Care Act was a step towards insuring roughly 20 million Americans, many issues remain with the Affordable Care Act, including escalating costs and high copayments/deductibles. Most importantly, 27 million Americans are still uninsured. All Americans should have access to affordable healthcare through Medicare or a public option.

And this: Environment | Tulsi Gabbard - Fighting for the people.

Tulsi has consistently voted against the keystone pipeline and other forms of environmentally-damaging energy and has voted for efforts to combat climate change, support clean energy, and in other ways protect our fragile environment.

And this: Gun Control | Tulsi Gabbard - Fighting for the people.

Tulsi has a consistent record of advocating for sensible gun control. She has long called for reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons and high capacity magazines, requiring comprehensive pre-purchase background checks, closing the gun-show loophole, and making sure that terrorists are not allowed to buy guns. Tulsi has an F-rating from the NRA, a 0% rating by the Hawaii Rifle Association, and a 100% rating by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
Yes, she is pretty much a no-go for me.

I think the appeal of Gabbard is that she is not afraid to challenge the party establishment.

Tulsi Gabbard just netted her first major endorsement: The former Grand Wizard of the KKK, Holocaust denier and white supremacist:

"Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery responded to the uproar over their on-going support for the beautiful and wonderful Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.

The Zio-media and neocon establishments of both parties (yes, the Democrats are now thoroughly neocon) are attacking Gabbard over her pro-peace positions, and in particular are trying to “smear” her with an association with Dr. Duke. We promote Tulsi Gabbard because she is pro-peace, a position that Democrat voters have traditionally favored, but because Dr. Duke is pro-peace it must now be repudiated.
Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Salute Major Tulsi Gabbard: a Voice for Peace and American FIRST !

Why do you follow what David Duke says?
Tulsi Gabbard just netted her first major endorsement: The former Grand Wizard of the KKK, Holocaust denier and white supremacist:

"Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery responded to the uproar over their on-going support for the beautiful and wonderful Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.

The Zio-media and neocon establishments of both parties (yes, the Democrats are now thoroughly neocon) are attacking Gabbard over her pro-peace positions, and in particular are trying to “smear” her with an association with Dr. Duke. We promote Tulsi Gabbard because she is pro-peace, a position that Democrat voters have traditionally favored, but because Dr. Duke is pro-peace it must now be repudiated.
Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Salute Major Tulsi Gabbard: a Voice for Peace and American FIRST !

And she rebuked him viciously... Did you post her response? No --- you did not.. Because you just want to destroy her like the rest of the party warriors...

She's got the right answer.. You're just pushing juvenile talking points..

Tulsi Gabbard on Twitter

Replying to @DrDavidDuke
U didn't know I'm Polynesian/Cauc? Dad couldn't use "whites only" water fountain. No thanks. Ur white nationalism is pure evil

Covered that like an honest adult.. Remarkable. Probably a better choice to stand toe to toe with Trump...
Gabbard is a socialist. She endorsed Bernie Sanders. Remember, Bernie wants us out of Syria, too.

Also this: Universal Healthcare | Tulsi Gabbard - Fighting for the people.

While the Affordable Care Act was a step towards insuring roughly 20 million Americans, many issues remain with the Affordable Care Act, including escalating costs and high copayments/deductibles. Most importantly, 27 million Americans are still uninsured. All Americans should have access to affordable healthcare through Medicare or a public option.

And this: Environment | Tulsi Gabbard - Fighting for the people.

Tulsi has consistently voted against the keystone pipeline and other forms of environmentally-damaging energy and has voted for efforts to combat climate change, support clean energy, and in other ways protect our fragile environment.

And this: Gun Control | Tulsi Gabbard - Fighting for the people.

Tulsi has a consistent record of advocating for sensible gun control. She has long called for reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons and high capacity magazines, requiring comprehensive pre-purchase background checks, closing the gun-show loophole, and making sure that terrorists are not allowed to buy guns. Tulsi has an F-rating from the NRA, a 0% rating by the Hawaii Rifle Association, and a 100% rating by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.
Yes, she is pretty much a no-go for me.

I think the appeal of Gabbard is that she is not afraid to challenge the party establishment.

In the same way socialist Bernie Sanders challenged the party establishment. So why the pseudocons at Faux News have a throbbing hardon over her is beyond me.

They fear AOC and yet fawn over Gabbard.


But then again, I've been watching Pied Piper Trump lead the pseudocons into the far left camp bit by bit.

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