Dems Trying to Abort Gabbart's Prez Run.. I'm Getting Ready to Endorse Her.

Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

She's got my support! Hell I'll send donations!

I still say she's got it if there's a bikini debate!


Donations from Toxic masculinity males will be returned.. Pretty sure.. :rolleyes:

Anyone anywhere who gets shut out of a presidential debate is probably worth at the very least seeking info on
Wouldn't that be somewhere in the number of about 200 million adults? I mean, they can't just let any fart in a skillet on stage.

She wasn't banned from being on stage, she was initially told don't even show up to be in the audience. I believe they retracted the dis-invite but she decided to skip it. I'll have to find and attach article because I'm posting this all from memory and it didn't get all that much attention.

Here we go:

When Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a DNC vice chair, objected to Wasserman-Schultz’s “policy of retribution,” as well as her “unilateral decision” to limit debates, the response was swift. Wasserman-Schultz disinvited Gabbard from the first Democratic debate.

How We Got Here: The 'Rigged' Primary Debates | HuffPost

That does happen sometimes though. Ralph Nader was not only barred from the debate, he was even barred from viewing a live stream of it in a separate location. (How Third Parties are Kept Out of Presidential Debates)

Then there was this:
>> Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein and vice-presidential candidate Cheri Honkala were arrested Tuesday as they attempted to enter the grounds of the presidential debate site at Hofstra University. Like other third-party candidates, Stein was blocked from participating in the debate by the Commission on Presidential Debates, which is controlled by the Republican and Democratic parties. Stein and Honkala were held for eight hours, handcuffed to chairs. As she was being arrested, Stein condemned what she called “this mock debate, this mockery of democracy.” <<
To Fort Fun Indiana above, I'm not referring to "200 million people"; I'm referring to other legitimate candidates who may be outside the charmed circle of the Duopoly and its CPD.
You should at least learn to spell her last name correctly. She's just a phony opportunist.
Oooh. Don't like her, do you?
I like her on some stuff, but all that Christian conversion shit is not going to win her votes.

And you can all stop with your typical batshittery: the DNC or whatever boogie man you want to dream up doesn’t need to hamstring Gabbard. Her own positions will make her unappealing to most Democrats. Especially in 2020.

She's been beat on everyday since she's announced by the annointed of the DNC.. You can look at the vicious, largely untrue attacks for yourself.. They WANT to destroy her for her independence and heresy of quitting the DNC and taking whacks at Sgt Schultz...

Annnnnd for being straight! Toxic Hetero-ness!
No shit. That was the point I made in the first place.

No -- actually you claimed that Bernie was "an Independent voice of the party".. Only reason he could BE independent of DNC leadership and survive was not to BE one..

NO, I DID NOT. Roll the tape. Read slowly now.

Tulsi Gabbard is from Hawaìi, which everybody knows is in east Africa. :uhh:

Aside from that, "independent voices in the party" is nothing new. Look no further than Bernie Sanders, or if you like, look all the way back to 1948 and 1860 when entire factions got so independent they ran their own candidates against the party's nominations.

"In", not "of".
When you seek the nomination of party X, your campaign is a voice IN that party, whether you're a member of it or not. And I might add, nor is it necessary to be in that party's "leadership" let alone a member of it, whatever that means. Gabbard happened to hold a position in the DNC but it's not necessary to run as a candidate.
No shit. That was the point I made in the first place.

No -- actually you claimed that Bernie was "an Independent voice of the party".. Only reason he could BE independent of DNC leadership and survive was not to BE one..

NO, I DID NOT. Roll the tape. Read slowly now.

Tulsi Gabbard is from Hawaìi, which everybody knows is in east Africa. :uhh:

Aside from that, "independent voices in the party" is nothing new. Look no further than Bernie Sanders, or if you like, look all the way back to 1948 and 1860 when entire factions got so independent they ran their own candidates against the party's nominations.

"In", not "of".
When you seek the nomination of party X, your campaign is a voice IN that party, whether you're a member of it or not. And I might add, nor is it necessary to be in that party's "leadership" let alone a member of it, whatever that means. Gabbard happened to hold a position in the DNC but it's not necessary to run as a candidate.

Other people misunderstood as well.. Perhaps a little introspection on your compositions might be better than hosing this thread on semantics.
No shit. That was the point I made in the first place.

No -- actually you claimed that Bernie was "an Independent voice of the party".. Only reason he could BE independent of DNC leadership and survive was not to BE one..

NO, I DID NOT. Roll the tape. Read slowly now.

Tulsi Gabbard is from Hawaìi, which everybody knows is in east Africa. :uhh:

Aside from that, "independent voices in the party" is nothing new. Look no further than Bernie Sanders, or if you like, look all the way back to 1948 and 1860 when entire factions got so independent they ran their own candidates against the party's nominations.

"In", not "of".
When you seek the nomination of party X, your campaign is a voice IN that party, whether you're a member of it or not. And I might add, nor is it necessary to be in that party's "leadership" let alone a member of it, whatever that means. Gabbard happened to hold a position in the DNC but it's not necessary to run as a candidate.

Other people misunderstood as well.. Perhaps a little introspection on your compositions might be better than hosing this thread on semantics.

LOOK DOOD, that's my original, unedited post. It has said the same thing since it went up. Don't blame me if you can't read.

Besides which, you're pluralizing Stormy Daniels -- who came in late -- into a plural. Nobody misread it but you two.
Face it.

The Democrat Party will nominate Hillary.

No matter how many would-be candidates have to slit their own throats with knives held between their toes.
WTF dood? If you have a political party, and somebody comes in from outside rallying for your nomination ---- how is that not an independent voice in your party?

Read much?

You answered your own question. He is an OUTSIDER trying to infiltrate your party. And failed, by the way.
Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

Its not JUST the dems either its the establishment on BOTH sides,Israel Firsters,Neo Cons etc etc...

‘Putin puppet’ vs ‘Assad shill’: Dems & Reps unite in panic over Gabbard challenging Trump in 2020

Read the tweets from people lol.

THis is just the politics of destruction that stupid partisans pursue.. Because you don't want to TOPPLE Assad, you are dubbed "Assad's puppet"...

Exactly. The fallacy of Composition/Association, which runs rampant all over this board every day. Somebody like, say, me, who happens to criticize a Bush action automatically gets dumped into "therefore you're a far-left Obamadrone" even if I've posted literally nothing about O'bama. Or a "disciple" of some Paul Belinsky character I'd never heard of. I've lost count of how many times I've challenged a poster to quote my alleged positions on ... who I voted for in ANY election.... .. gun control laws.... abortion.... climate change... or anything else I've never posted on, yet the hacks can be counted on to plug in what I already know does not exist.

"Klanner endorses Hillary" (therefore....?) "Melania used to be a prostitute" (therefore....?) All that shit. Rhetorical bridges to nowhere.

Tulsi Gabbard addressed that sort of perverse thinking in the video in post 62, calling it ridiculous. I like her for that alone, at least she can fuckin' think.
WTF dood? If you have a political party, and somebody comes in from outside rallying for your nomination ---- how is that not an independent voice in your party?

Read much?

You answered your own question. He is an OUTSIDER trying to infiltrate your party. And failed, by the way.

I don't have a "party" so I guess I got the answer to the question. You don't read much.

He sought the party's nomination; that's not "infiltrating" anything. You don't need to be "IN" a party, again whatever that means, to be its nominee. We did all this last week too. Starring Horace Greeley, Millard Fillmore, Martin van Buren, William Jennings Bryan, Earl Warren, Allen Shivers (who managed to run against and defeat himself), and Donald Rump.

Donald Rump? Yep, he got the nomination in 2016 from the American Independent Party, the far-right wacko unit that George Wallace ran under in 1972. They're still around.

But "infiltration" wasn't the question anyway; apparently you're trying to make one question go away by addressing a different one nobody asked. The question was "an independent voice in the party".
Last edited:
Chuck and Nancy will find getting donations difficult due to the Shut Down. The employment base for blue states are likely to see higher taxes. Barr is talking about prosecution of sanctuary jurisdictions. I think the Ds have already lost 2020.
Chuck and Nancy will find getting donations difficult due to the Shut Down. The employment base for blue states are likely to see higher taxes. Barr is talking about prosecution of sanctuary jurisdictions. I think the Ds have already lost 2020.

You spent all of 2018 posting thread after thread predicting a Republican "wave" and the evaporation of the Democrats altogether, so don't quit the day job for that of political analyst....
Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

She won't get ten cents from donors. She doesn't subscribe to identity politics enough for the Democrats from what I have seen. Watch the Democrats try to drag her in to playing the women's card, it won't happen and they'll throw her under the bus.
Chuck and Nancy will find getting donations difficult due to the Shut Down. The employment base for blue states are likely to see higher taxes. Barr is talking about prosecution of sanctuary jurisdictions. I think the Ds have already lost 2020.

You spent all of 2018 posting thread after thread predicting a Republican "wave" and the evaporation of the Democrats altogether, so don't quit the day job for that of political analyst....
Thats right! ALL of his predictions were WRONG. What a maroon.
It’s not only Tucker Carlson heaping praise on the Assad-loving Tulsi Gabbard.
Here what the government-owned and controlled Russia Today just said about Gabbard:
With Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) entering the 2020 presidential fray, establishment figures on both Right and Left are scrambling to smear the anti-war congresswoman with impeccable identity-politics bona fides.
Ever since her 2017 visit to Syria, Gabbard has been condemned for daring to seek firsthand accounts rather than blindly trusting the MSM narrative, so on Friday the pundits were again off to the races, with fresh accusations of Assad-sympathizing.
‘Putin puppet’ vs ‘Assad shill’: Dems & Reps unite in panic over Gabbard challenging Trump in 2020

Note that Russia today lies about the right wing attacking Gabbard. In general, the right wing has been mostly silent or happy about her decision to enter the Democratic Primary, as in the case of Fox’s Tucker Carlson.

By hey. At least she can say SOMEONE endorsed her.
It’s not only Tucker Carlson heaping praise on the Assad-loving Tulsi Gabbard.
Here what the government-owned and controlled Russia Today just said about Gabbard:
With Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) entering the 2020 presidential fray, establishment figures on both Right and Left are scrambling to smear the anti-war congresswoman with impeccable identity-politics bona fides.
Ever since her 2017 visit to Syria, Gabbard has been condemned for daring to seek firsthand accounts rather than blindly trusting the MSM narrative, so on Friday the pundits were again off to the races, with fresh accusations of Assad-sympathizing.
‘Putin puppet’ vs ‘Assad shill’: Dems & Reps unite in panic over Gabbard challenging Trump in 2020

Note that Russia today lies about the right wing attacking Gabbard. In general, the right wing has been mostly silent or happy about her decision to enter the Democratic Primary, as in the case of Fox’s Tucker Carlson.

By hey. At least she can say SOMEONE endorsed her.

No Republican I know of is in "panic" over her intention to run, I say "Go for it, babe."

Anything that further divides the Democrat Party is fine with me.
Russia and Assad....Next thing you know, the demofreaks will accuse her of being a Trump sleeper.
She's made MANY STATEMENTS on Assad and Syria and been TOTALLY consistent about it.
Exactly,very consistent in refusing to admit that Assad gassed his own citizens.

"If he did it, he should be held accountable."

Sissy ass equivocation. Since nothing can convince her he did it, then he can never be held accountable. Very transparent.

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