Dems Trying to Abort Gabbart's Prez Run.. I'm Getting Ready to Endorse Her.

She's had a favorable opinion from me since 2016 with the news she was banned from attending the Hillary-Bernie 2016 primary debate.

Anyone anywhere who gets shut out of a presidential debate is probably worth at the very least seeking info on, because the Duopoly and the "Commission on Presidential Debates" sure as fuck aren't gonna tell us anything about them.
Anyone anywhere who gets shut out of a presidential debate is probably worth at the very least seeking info on
Wouldn't that be somewhere in the number of about 200 million adults? I mean, they can't just let any fart in a skillet on stage.
Yep, just like Hillary did Bernie, and they are after him again, the leftist machine has the media in tow and I think they want Bitchmala Harris.


Guess we'll have to wait until December of 2020 when the Democratic Party holds its convention on trolley tracks in Wisconsin, huh.
Aside from that, "independent voices in the party" is nothing new. Look no further than Bernie Sanders

Except that Sanders isn't a Democrat, he's an independent.

--- which is exactly my point; an independent voice in the party, i.e. within its operations, i.e. seeking that party's nomination, which involved steering that party's direction.

You are desperately trying to butcher the English language to turn your falsehood into an imaginary truth.
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"she wants Bashar to stay because she's worried about Syria's Christian population. just for saying that, The Daily Beast linked her to David Duke" - Tucker

Do you have any clue whatsoever what a "link" is? Or do you actually think that the act of posting words on the internets just magically makes it into a real thing?
Why Conservative Media and the Far Right Love Tulsi Gabbard for President

i recommend everyone see this piece. thanks for asking Pogo

They don't LOVE HER... That's just more pseudo-prop guilt by association tag naming from the left. Don't sell her short.... She's a war veteran... Might surprise there living hell out of everyone.
Right...and they certainly won't like her other views...stuff like, "believing scientists" and "caring for the poor" and "public option for healthcare".
Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

Tulsi Gabbard is from Hawaìi, which everybody knows is in east Africa. :uhh:

Aside from that, "independent voices in the party" is nothing new. Look no further than Bernie Sanders, or if you like, look all the way back to 1948 and 1860 when entire factions got so independent they ran their own candidates against the party's nominations.

In case you hadn't noticed, Bernie never had a (D) after his name. I'd like to go back to parties being just anchors for independents, rather than just approving flunkies on how many scars they shed for the party.. Much better than the One Party state of Cali that WILL NOT ALLOW anyone on the ballot after the Top 2 are picked in primaries.. Disenfranchises the entire state when the choice is ONLY two Democrats and the PARTY prefers one of them.

Libertarians agree with Bernie style Progressives on most everything that does not have to with math or economics. But not really on Progressives who have no freakin' concept of how anything works and wants to run everyone else's life..
You should at least learn to spell her last name correctly. She's just a phony opportunist.
Oooh. Don't like her, do you?
I like her on some stuff, but all that Christian conversion shit is not going to win her votes.

And you can all stop with your typical batshittery: the DNC or whatever boogie man you want to dream up doesn’t need to hamstring Gabbard. Her own positions will make her unappealing to most Democrats. Especially in 2020.
There is no "equivocation on Assad".
Wrong. She went against the consensus, saying, "If the syrian government did it..", not even mentioning his name... So, what would convince her that he did it? She was equivocating. And tapdancing. You know, like trump does with Saudi Arabia.
Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

Tulsi Gabbard is from Hawaìi, which everybody knows is in east Africa. :uhh:

Aside from that, "independent voices in the party" is nothing new. Look no further than Bernie Sanders, or if you like, look all the way back to 1948 and 1860 when entire factions got so independent they ran their own candidates against the party's nominations.

In case you hadn't noticed, Bernie never had a (D) after his name.

No shit. That was the point I made in the first place.

I've known Bernie for a long time. He used to be my Congressman. He's never been affiliated with any party except a local one called Liberty Union.

I'd like to go back to parties being just anchors for independents, rather than just approving flunkies on how many scars they shed for the party.. Much better than the One Party state of Cali that WILL NOT ALLOW anyone on the ballot after the Top 2 are picked in primaries.. Disenfranchises the entire state when the choice is ONLY two Democrats and the PARTY prefers one of them.

Amen to that. :thup:

Libertarians agree with Bernie style Progressives on most everything that does not have to with math or economics. But not really on Progressives who have no freakin' concept of how anything works and wants to run everyone else's life..

Now you lost me. Can't comment on "Progressives". I'm just not old enough. No one is.
Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

Its not JUST the dems either its the establishment on BOTH sides,Israel Firsters,Neo Cons etc etc...

‘Putin puppet’ vs ‘Assad shill’: Dems & Reps unite in panic over Gabbard challenging Trump in 2020

Read the tweets from people lol.

THis is just the politics of destruction that stupid partisans pursue.. Because you don't want to TOPPLE Assad, you are dubbed "Assad's puppet"... Same way my party was chastised for being "traitorous doves" about Iraq, Kosovo, etc.. When in REALITY, no one I knew had any affection at all for Slobadon Milosevich or Saddam Hussein...

Funny how the party that screamed about no "US National Interest" about invading Iraq, STILL TO THIS DAY, wants to dethrone yet another Arab bad guy in Syria.. They are NOT consistent on Foreign policy or Walls or most any other issue. They just respond to polling and focus groups and winning, not principles..
The miscount comes from those who for bizarro reasons that have never been explained, count Grover Cleveland twice.
Aside from that, "independent voices in the party" is nothing new. Look no further than Bernie Sanders

Except that Sanders isn't a Democrat, he's an independent.

--- which is exactly my point; an independent voice in the party, i.e. within its operations, i.e. seeking that party's nomination, which involved steering that party's direction.

You are desperately trying to butcher the English language to turn your falsehood into an imaginary truth.

WTF dood? If you have a political party, and somebody comes in from outside rallying for your nomination ---- how is that not an independent voice in your party?

Read much?
Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

She's got my support! Hell I'll send donations!

I still say she's got it if there's a bikini debate!


Donations from Toxic masculinity males will be returned.. Pretty sure.. :rolleyes:
Anyone anywhere who gets shut out of a presidential debate is probably worth at the very least seeking info on
Wouldn't that be somewhere in the number of about 200 million adults? I mean, they can't just let any fart in a skillet on stage.

She wasn't banned from being on stage, she was initially told don't even show up to be in the audience. I believe they retracted the dis-invite but she decided to skip it. I'll have to find and attach article because I'm posting this all from memory and it didn't get all that much attention.

Here we go:

When Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a DNC vice chair, objected to Wasserman-Schultz’s “policy of retribution,” as well as her “unilateral decision” to limit debates, the response was swift. Wasserman-Schultz disinvited Gabbard from the first Democratic debate.

How We Got Here: The 'Rigged' Primary Debates | HuffPost
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"she wants Bashar to stay because she's worried about Syria's Christian population. just for saying that, The Daily Beast linked her to David Duke" - Tucker

Do you have any clue whatsoever what a "link" is? Or do you actually think that the act of posting words on the internets just magically makes it into a real thing?
Why Conservative Media and the Far Right Love Tulsi Gabbard for President

i recommend everyone see this piece. thanks for asking Pogo

Thanks. Added info is never a bad thing. However your made-up quote doesn't appear in there anywhere, because you made it up, which is why I demanded a link.

Interesting what is in there though:

>> David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan leader and current racist, has also heaped praise upon her.

“Tulsi Gabbard is brave and the kind of person we need in the diplomatic corps,” Spencer tweeted in January 2017. “Tulsi Gabbard 2020,” he tweeted later that year.

In a November 2016 tweet, Duke said Gabbard was representative of a “political realignment” he hoped to see in the U.S., and called for Donald Trump to appoint her secretary of state. Duke ran a favorable blog post about Gabbard on his website.

Gabbard hit back at Duke. “U didn't know I'm Polynesian/Cauc?” she tweeted at the former KKK leader. “Dad couldn't use ‘whites only’ water fountain. No thanks. Ur white nationalism is pure evil.” <<
The Ass-ociation Fallacy was already addressed by Gabbard in the video I posted in 62.

have a nice life

You're saying you posted the wrong link?

Is this the right one? Or is it just unrelated?

Got a time stamp then?
Don't look now Dems, but you have a "dissenter" in the ranks that MUST be muzzled and chained. And even WORSE -- she MIGHT be a "closet Libertarian"... :biggrin: Even if she is NOT -- she's definitely "standing out" as an INDEPENDENT voice in the party.. And the first actually smart candidate to declare..

Sure -- the Party chiefs are mad about her not wanting to add Assad to the list of mid-east bastard tyrants that we have disposed. Called her an Assad puppet, not because she SUPPORTS him, but because she knows the insanity of removing tyrants in the Mid East.

But the MAJOR reason she needs to be whacked is that she publicly spoke out about Sgt Debbie Whatzhername Schultz and her antics that tipped the DNC support against Uncle Bernie. And Tulsi Gabbart had the honor of RESIGNING from the DNC... A move NO FUTURE party Dem nominee ought to make..

Don't care if this interview was on Fox. Greenwald is the last of REAL journalism in this world. And has my total respect. WATCH the 3.4 minutes for a list of how Gabbart "offended" her own party...

You should at least learn to spell her last name correctly. It's Gabbard - not Gabbart. She's just a phony opportunist. She's as goofy as Rand Paul.

If Lakota hates her..............she must be the Real Thing...........LOL

Not bad .........not bad at all.
You should at least learn to spell her last name correctly. She's just a phony opportunist.
Oooh. Don't like her, do you?
I like her on some stuff, but all that Christian conversion shit is not going to win her votes.

And you can all stop with your typical batshittery: the DNC or whatever boogie man you want to dream up doesn’t need to hamstring Gabbard. Her own positions will make her unappealing to most Democrats. Especially in 2020.

She's been beat on everyday since she's announced by the annointed of the DNC.. You can look at the vicious, largely untrue attacks for yourself.. They WANT to destroy her for her independence and heresy of quitting the DNC and taking whacks at Sgt Schultz...
There is no "equivocation on Assad".
Wrong. She went against the consensus, saying, "If the syrian government did it..", not even mentioning his name... So, what would convince her that he did it? She was equivocating. And tapdancing. You know, like trump does with Saudi Arabia.

That's not the full picture.. She's made MANY STATEMENTS on Assad and Syria and been TOTALLY consistent about it.. She's condemned him, and she's condemned our recent retaliations for the chemical attacks. Which is understandable, because the Russians INVITED US to send a science team to the airbase we took out to take samples, and we refused the offer.. And there IS conflicting evidence..

There were years in the past 2 decades where we bombed 6 Arab countries a year. YOU'D THINK ONE of the parties would have gotten the message sooner. But NEITHER apparently learned anything from Einsteins' def of insanity...

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