Dems Trying to Abort Gabbart's Prez Run.. I'm Getting Ready to Endorse Her.

Although I think she's a very physically attractive woman, however, she wouldn't have my support in this endeavor.

How about you go fuck yourself, mkay? There is never a situation where a woman's candidacy for elected office should ever be mentioned in the same sentence as her appearance. Nobody talks about voting for Corey Booker because they want to get in his pants. And if anyone did, they would be hammered from every direction.

Like her politics, or don't. Believe in her qualifications, or don't. But when you're looking to get your rocks off go to a different fucking website, you sexist asshole!

A lot of politicians of both sexes are critiqued on their appearances, Ms. Gabbard is hardly alone. President Trump is being judged on his appearance every day, it comes with the territory.
How long do you think it is going to take Gabbard to rebuke and reject Duke?

The Repubs must be scared to death of her, they have Duke already out doing their dirty work for them
Although I think she's a very physically attractive woman, however, she wouldn't have my support in this endeavor.






And what does her looks have to do with her candidacy ?

That's true of every female politician, isn't it. As it should be.

And yet on this board we're daily subjected to endless torrents of "Cankles" and whatever other contrived names plus the continual fallacies of how women on "that" side are perennially ugly, and if they're not ugly they're "whores".

And the male posters are just as bad....
Although I think she's a very physically attractive woman, however, she wouldn't have my support in this endeavor.

How about you go fuck yourself, mkay? There is never a situation where a woman's candidacy for elected office should ever be mentioned in the same sentence as her appearance. Nobody talks about voting for Corey Booker because they want to get in his pants. And if anyone did, they would be hammered from every direction.

Like her politics, or don't. Believe in her qualifications, or don't. But when you're looking to get your rocks off go to a different fucking website, you sexist asshole!

A lot of politicians of both sexes are critiqued on their appearances, Ms. Gabbard is hardly alone. President Trump is being judged on his appearance every day, it comes with the territory.

Nobody bases a male candidate's qualifications on his attractiveness. The fact that Donald won the election pretty much proves that. People criticize Donald for being unhealthy and being so vane that he resorts to bad cosmetic jobs. But never once has a male candidate been reduced to a sex object. Meanwhile, almost every female candidate gets reduced to a sex object. People hardly care about their mind at all, just their tits and their ass. You want tits and ass go watch some porn. Obviously I've got nothing against that. But when in the political arena, if the only value you can see in a woman is her tits and ass then you're a sexist shithead who should be set to the gay for play set for a week for minimum wage.
The Repubs must be scared to death of her, they have Duke already out doing their dirty work for them
Although I think she's a very physically attractive woman, however, she wouldn't have my support in this endeavor.






And what does her looks have to do with her candidacy ?

That's true of every female politician, isn't it. As it should be.

And yet on this board we're daily subjected to endless torrents of "Cankles" and whatever other contrived names plus the continual fallacies of how women on "that" side are perennially ugly, and if they're not ugly they're "whores".

And the male posters are just as bad....

none of the Trump sheep cried when he attacked the looks of carly fiorina
Like her politics, or don't. Believe in her qualifications, or don't. But when you're looking to get your rocks off go to a different fucking website, you sexist asshole!
you seem upset

erryting o-tay?
Tulsi Gabbard just netted her first major endorsement: The former Grand Wizard of the KKK, Holocaust denier and white supremacist:

"Today Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery responded to the uproar over their on-going support for the beautiful and wonderful Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.

The Zio-media and neocon establishments of both parties (yes, the Democrats are now thoroughly neocon) are attacking Gabbard over her pro-peace positions, and in particular are trying to “smear” her with an association with Dr. Duke. We promote Tulsi Gabbard because she is pro-peace, a position that Democrat voters have traditionally favored, but because Dr. Duke is pro-peace it must now be repudiated.
Dr Duke & Dr Slattery Salute Major Tulsi Gabbard: a Voice for Peace and American FIRST !

And she rebuked him viciously... Did you post her response? No --- you did not.. Because you just want to destroy her like the rest of the party warriors...

She's got the right answer.. You're just pushing juvenile talking points..

Tulsi Gabbard on Twitter

Replying to @DrDavidDuke
U didn't know I'm Polynesian/Cauc? Dad couldn't use "whites only" water fountain. No thanks. Ur white nationalism is pure evil

Covered that like an honest adult.. Remarkable. Probably a better choice to stand toe to toe with Trump...

This point has been made at least five times now. I posted the same video (different camera angle) back in post 62.

I dunno, we post this shit over and over and the Illiterati breeze right by going :lalala: because it's not what they wanna hear.
She's a radical leftist who tried to stop the Dakota Access pipeline, believes in Medicaid for all, and opposed hitting Assad for gassing his own people. Leaving the DNC to support Crazy Bernie doesn't show me "independence" simply means she's a devout socialist who bet on the wrong horse, which goes to judgement. If she didn't have a Nikki Haley kind of hotness, nobody would pay attention to her. Trump would chew her up and spit her out....if she has plans for the future, a run now would end in catastrophe.

Tulsi Gabbard - Wikipedia

Yeah I'm afraid there isn't evidence that Assad gassed his own people.
That's not a policy. Try again.
That's not reason enough to reject everything about David Duke, regardless of the policies he supports?


You can't possibly reject "everything" about anybody. Not possible.

Example: Hitler liked dogs.

The idea that some kind of contagious infection spreads to a politician just because some heinous crap-bag gives them a nod, is a blatant Association Fallacy and deserves immediate dismissal.
You can't possibly reject "everything" about anybody. Not possible.

Example: Hitler liked dogs.

The idea that some kind of contagious infection spreads to a politician just because some heinous crap-bag gives them a nod, is a blatant Association Fallacy and deserves immediate dismissal.
Then, why do Democrats routinely use a David Duke endorsement to paint the endorsed as racist?

No, I reject everything about David Duke, because I can only assume that any motive he has must stem from his white supremacy state of mind. He likes dogs? Probably because they aren't black people. You get the idea.
The Repubs must be scared to death of her, they have Duke already out doing their dirty work for them
Although I think she's a very physically attractive woman, however, she wouldn't have my support in this endeavor.






And what does her looks have to do with her candidacy ?

That's true of every female politician, isn't it. As it should be.

And yet on this board we're daily subjected to endless torrents of "Cankles" and whatever other contrived names plus the continual fallacies of how women on "that" side are perennially ugly, and if they're not ugly they're "whores".

And the male posters are just as bad....

none of the Trump sheep cried when he attacked the looks of carly fiorina

Yep, that's another one. I believe the line was, "would anyone vote for that face", which is pretty goddam ironic coming from a klown who paints himself orange.

Not to be confused with "blood coming out of her wherever" or "bleeding badly from a facelift" of course. Nor to be confused with dismissing charges of sexual intimidation based on the victim's looks not being worthy of it.

I forget, was that Rump or Bolsonaro?

Oh yeah --- it was both.
You can't possibly reject "everything" about anybody. Not possible.

Example: Hitler liked dogs.

The idea that some kind of contagious infection spreads to a politician just because some heinous crap-bag gives them a nod, is a blatant Association Fallacy and deserves immediate dismissal.
Then, why do Democrats routinely use a David Duke endorsement to paint the endorsed as racist?

You'd have to ask these Democrats who do so, wouldn't you.

No, I reject everything about David Duke, because I can only assume that any motive he has must stem from his white supremacy state of mind. He likes dogs? Probably because they aren't black people. You get the idea.

No, I said Hitler liked dogs. I don't know about Duke. It's a classic refutation of the Association Fallacy --- "Hitler liked dogs, you like dogs, therefore you're the same as Hitler".

The point being, you cannot possibly reject literally everything about any person. As long as they're human they have some things in common with you and me. Even David The Fuck Duke.

As far as I know about Duke, he seems to have more of a thing for Jews, than for blacks. In fact in 2016 when he was running for Senate, at one point it was noted that Duke's black support in Sleaziana was higher than Rump's. Which I thought was freaking hilarious.
The point being, you cannot possibly reject literally everything about any person. As long as they're human they have some things in common with you and me. Even David The Fuck Duke.
But, given the total ape shit hyper sensitivity of those who hate my libertarian values, if I dare say that I have something.....ANYTHING, in common with David Duke, they will immediately try to tie his racist ass to me, as MarcALT demonstrated in his comments at post #s 154 and 171.

I will wait for you to specifically call him out.
Yeah I'm afraid there isn't evidence that Assad gassed his own people.

You mean other than it being the same bombs he was caught using before and forensic evidence from the sites that it was his AF that dropped it? It's amazing the lies your ilk tells to harm Trump...treasonous.
Of course Assad used chemical weapons on his own citizens. He did it many times before, and he will do it again.
The point being, you cannot possibly reject literally everything about any person. As long as they're human they have some things in common with you and me. Even David The Fuck Duke.
But, given the total ape shit hyper sensitivity of those who hate my libertarian values, if I dare say that I have something.....ANYTHING, in common with David Duke, they will immediately try to tie his racist ass to me, as MarcALT demonstrated in his comments at post #s 154 and 171.

I will wait for you to specifically call him out.

It's not worth it to page back through all that. I stand by my posts so feel free to show them to anybody who needs 'em.

Association and Composition Fallacies are what I hunt around here.
Yeah I'm afraid there isn't evidence that Assad gassed his own people.

You mean other than it being the same bombs he was caught using before and forensic evidence from the sites that it was his AF that dropped it? It's amazing the lies your ilk tells to harm Trump...treasonous.

Uh huh.

And your source is?

Aye, there's the rub, innit.

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