Dems want a 1000% tax on rifles

If the Dems are able to get away with this, it will open the door to putting a tax on guns that people already own.

To tax firearms already owned ... They would have to conduct a door-to-door inspection of every house ...
Or admit to lying about not having a National Registry of firearms.


To tax firearms already owned ... They would have to conduct a door-to-door inspection of every house ...
Or admit to lying about not having a National Registry of firearms.

The Dems are just the sort of goosestepping fanatics that would do it.

That's correct with the inclusion that one can still be sued in Civil Proceedings even if the shooting occurred in "self-defense" and was ruled "justified".
It's not just a qualifier either and has been attempted both successfully and unsuccessfully.

I wasn't aware that liability insurance specifically for guns was a thing. Civil and criminal cases do have different rules, but liability insurance is generally civil only. No insurence protects you from criminal actions.
House Democrats want to draft a measure aimed at severely restricting access to the AR-15-style weapon used by different gunmen in the carnage. Rep. Donald Beyer of Virginia, a member of the tax-writing Ways and Means panel, wants to impose a 1,000% excise tax on assault weapons.
"What it's intended to do is provide another creative pathway to actually make some sensible gun control happen," Beyer told Insider. "We think that a 1,000% fee on assault weapons is just the kind of restrictive measure that creates enough fiscal impact to qualify for reconciliation."

The Democrats just need an issue for the mid term election.
But, this could backfire on the these far left extremists Democrats.
This could drive more mainstream voters to the polls.

First off, your post title is misleading. The bill proposed is not a tax on all rifles, just the AR-15's. Regular hunting rifles and ammo WOULD NOT be taxed. Nor would weapons used by the military be taxed. Bolt action and lever action rifles would continue to be the same price. They only want to tax rifles that can throw a lot of ammo downrange in a very short amount of time (i.e. high capacity magazines and semi automatic rifles). From your link......................

Law enforcement agencies and the US military wouldn't be subject to the tax, Beyer said. The legislation would also apply only to future assault weapon sales — and not to the 20 million AR-15-style rifles already estimated to be in circulation across the US. Other guns used for hunting and other recreational purposes would also be exempt.

Bullets wouldn't be subject to the new tax. But high-capacity magazines that can carry more than 10 rounds of ammunition would be aggressively taxed at that level.

Myself? I have no problem with this. All the rifles I've hunted with were bolt action rifles (because they are much more accurate), and the way I learned to hunt was that my uncle Bill gave each of us 3 rounds to carry while hunting. If you missed and used up all 3 rounds, you had to hike back to the truck to pick up only 3 more (usually a long hike, and always known to us as the "walk of shame", because you obviously didn't spend enough time during the month of practice we had the month before hunting season to become accurate). If you need to shoot 30 rounds at a deer while hunting, you need to either (a) spend more time at the range getting accurate, or (b) you don't need to be hunting at all. Besides, hitting a deer with more than 2 rounds will mess up a lot of the meat you could use for food later. And yeah, I've spent most of my life around guns, first while hunting as a kid in Montana, and then while in the military, and now as a retired military person who still likes to hunt.
If the Dems are able to get away with this, it will open the door to putting a tax on guns that people already own.
We already pay taxes on lots of things we already own. Property taxes and auto registration are taxes on things we already own.
I would rather have gun owners stop killing 30,000 people a year
First of all, that's not anywhere close to a true number unless you're a complete moron & include suicides.
Second, take out the gang bangers killing each other in inner city poverty plantations & you'll have nothing to wet the bed over anymore.
I notice you all care very little for the blacks murdering each other though.
No all black lives matter to you, do they?
I wasn't aware that liability insurance specifically for guns was a thing. Civil and criminal cases do have different rules, but liability insurance is generally civil only. No insurence protects you from criminal actions.

That's true ... But there is Liability Insurance for firearm owners.

It is an option that covers the cost of representation, and liability should a firearms owner be sued in Civil Proceedings.
In fact ... Most companies that offer it, provide their own lawyers that specialize in firearms cases.
It includes a monthly/quarterly premium and is fairly expensive.

The plans vary and have options limited to, or include any combination of ...
Accidental Discharge, Criminal Use of a Firearm Lost or Stolen from Owner, and up to Intentional Discharge.
It isn't indented to protect the person shot ... It protects the owner of the firearm.

That's why it is bullshit when suggested as legislation to ensure safety.
Legislating the Mandatory Liability Insurance would only be to hinder or prohibit one's ability to exercise their Rights.

The Dems aren't really going after the spree shooters.
They are going after the law abiding gun owners.
In reality it is their cultural contempt for gun owners.
This is why the radical left uses the term "gun culture".
First off, your post title is misleading. The bill proposed is not a tax on all rifles, just the AR-15's. Regular hunting rifles and ammo WOULD NOT be taxed.

Stop right there.

They tried that argument in Minneapolis Star Tribune v Commissioner ... And it failed.
The tax in question was restricted to an ink and paper used by the Tribune ... To punish, hinder or prohibit the Tribune ...
And intentionally violate their ability to exercise their Protected Right freely.

They don't get to decide what anyone uses a firearm for in order to promote their desire to restrict Constitutionally Protected Rights,
by simply specifying what specific Right they want to violate.


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