Dems: What is American culture?...Dems: Respect & preserve Iranian culture.

Don’t Democrats usually pretend they don’t know what American “culture” is?
Do you find it odd that they seem to be experts on Iranian culture...notice their extreme concern for the preservation of Iranian culture...weird huh?

Or we just don't think going to war with Iran because Trump needs a distraction from impeachment is a good idea.
Don’t Democrats usually pretend they don’t know what American “culture” is?
Do you find it odd that they seem to be experts on Iranian culture...notice their extreme concern for the preservation of Iranian culture...weird huh?

Or we just don't think going to war with Iran because Trump needs a distraction from impeachment is a good idea.

Where have you been..the Kavanaugh Loon-out, the Russia hoax, the banged liberal porn star whore, the Ukraine fabrication, the sort of impeachment bullshit...etc etc..,has been some of the best shit for Trump...haven’t you paid attention to his fundraising yields, his approval ratings etc?
If you look at the way the tweet is worded...I think Trump was sending iran a message.

We know you have a bio-weapons facility and it is in our sights.

Culture...germ cultures.

I could be wrong...time will tell.
The people democrats really are and are in our intel is scary
Don’t Democrats usually pretend they don’t know what American “culture” is?
Do you find it odd that they seem to be experts on Iranian culture...notice their extreme concern for the preservation of Iranian culture...weird huh?

Or we just don't think going to war with Iran because Trump needs a distraction from impeachment is a good idea.

You people have failed at every turn. Keep up the good work.
Don’t Democrats usually pretend they don’t know what American “culture” is?
Do you find it odd that they seem to be experts on Iranian culture...notice their extreme concern for the preservation of Iranian culture...weird huh?

Or we just don't think going to war with Iran because Trump needs a distraction from impeachment is a good idea.

How did Trump get Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq?

He is a fucking smart MFer, isn’t he?
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

TDS level 9....holy shit.
Where have you been..the Kavanaugh Loon-out, the Russia hoax, the banged liberal porn star whore, the Ukraine fabrication, the sort of impeachment bullshit...etc etc..,has been some of the best shit for Trump...haven’t you paid attention to his fundraising yields, his approval ratings etc?

His approval rating has never topped 50% and never will.

It's becoming more and more obvious as people are calling bullshit on this whole raid...
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.
Don’t Democrats usually pretend they don’t know what American “culture” is?
Do you find it odd that they seem to be experts on Iranian culture...notice their extreme concern for the preservation of Iranian culture...weird huh?

Or we just don't think going to war with Iran because Trump needs a distraction from impeachment is a good idea.

So how did Trump get the Iranian Militia to attack the US embassy?
Don’t Democrats usually pretend they don’t know what American “culture” is?
Do you find it odd that they seem to be experts on Iranian culture...notice their extreme concern for the preservation of Iranian culture...weird huh?

Or we just don't think going to war with Iran because Trump needs a distraction from impeachment is a good idea.

You are retarded
The impeachment hoax has benefited The President.
It was in all the papers.
Where have you been..the Kavanaugh Loon-out, the Russia hoax, the banged liberal porn star whore, the Ukraine fabrication, the sort of impeachment bullshit...etc etc..,has been some of the best shit for Trump...haven’t you paid attention to his fundraising yields, his approval ratings etc?

His approval rating has never topped 50% and never will.

Media would never permit such a thing.

In reality, I figure it to be near 70%.
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.

What should have been the response? Specifically lay out what Trump should have done.
Don’t Democrats usually pretend they don’t know what American “culture” is?
Do you find it odd that they seem to be experts on Iranian culture...notice their extreme concern for the preservation of Iranian culture...weird huh?
Donald Trump warns Iran that 'we have targeted 52 Iranian sites' if any Americans are attacked - CNNPolitics

I never know what the fuck you're on about, since you're a tribal retard. All I know is that you hate democrats. K. I can agree somewhat. Are your opinions purely based around TV? Do you ever have thoughts of your own?
The culture of the USA is not to respect anyone of anything. Meanwhile grew this "idea" to hostility against everyone and everything.You will not leave the Iraq for example, although the parliament of the Iraq decided your 5000 soldiers there will have to leave this country. I wish you a happy war time during the next millennium, idiots. And don't forget to shoot down all anti-US-Americans too, who live within the USA. There can be only one, who survives.

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The destruction of Iran by fire, hailstone pestilence, and insanity when 90% of their entire military is destroyed by Hell Fire, and their Wicked Nation is set ablaze is guaranteed to happen.

All of Iraq will rejoice!

Ezekiel 38.

The culture of the USA is not to respect anyone of anything. Meanwhile grew this "idea" to hostility against everyone ande everything.You will not leave the Iraq for example, although the parliament of the Iraq decided your 5000 soldiers there will have to leave this country. I wish you a happy war time during the next millennium, idiots.
John Kerry is a Criminal.

Boston GlobeBombshell: John Kerry Secretly Working With Foreign Leaders To Undermine Trump’s Iran Decision

The Democrat Party is actively colluding with Iran.

This seems like another blatant partisan lie. You can't support this claim, can you? Dude, put at least a modicum of effort into your shit posts.

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