Dems: What is American culture?...Dems: Respect & preserve Iranian culture.

No, angry Iraqi citizens did...

You need some new sources. It was an Iranian backed militia group.

Again, when you wingnuts all sign up for the military and some of you come home in boxes, instead of these poor kids who were just looking for college tuition, I'll take you seriously.

First off, most of the military is Republican, so you may want to rethink what you post. Secondly, the ones that are fighting aren't typically the ones looking for free college. They enlist and never attend college. Liberals tend to go into debt, major in some non-productive pseudo-science and vote for Bernie or Warren to get bailed out. That is their route.

Nothing Iran did required a military response.

You might want to look over the last year at what Iran has done and the military restraint shown by Trump. At some point, we have to put our foot down. Grow a pair.
No, angry Iraqi citizens did...

You need some new sources. It was an Iranian backed militia group.

Again, when you wingnuts all sign up for the military and some of you come home in boxes, instead of these poor kids who were just looking for college tuition, I'll take you seriously.

First off, most the military is Republican, so you may want to rethink what you post. Secondly, the ones that are fighting aren't typcially the ones looking for free college. They enlist and never attend college. Liberals tend to go into debt, major in some non-productive pseudo-science and vote for Bernie or Warren to get bailed out. That is their route.

Nothing Iran did required a military response.

You might want to look over the last year at what Iran has done and the military restraint shown by Trump. At some point, we have to put our foot down. Grow a pair.
You would be surprised at how many recruits have a college degree. The majority of the ones in the MOS I chose had one.
The far left does not understand the order of events!

They attacked the embassy first, then the general was taken out!

My how the far Left is already rewriting history!

Okay, let's look at the sequence of events.

A rocket hits a base, killing a Mercenary... er "contractor".

Trump orders attacks on three Shi'ite militia bases.

Shi'ites demonstrate outside the US Embassy

Trump orders the illegal murder of an Iranian official.

Got it?
First off, most of the military is Republican, so you may want to rethink what you post. Secondly, the ones that are fighting aren't typically the ones looking for free college. They enlist and never attend college. Liberals tend to go into debt, major in some non-productive pseudo-science and vote for Bernie or Warren to get bailed out. That is their route.

They weren't when I was in. Most of them didn't care about politics, and a lot of them were minority and had no use for Republicans... I doubt that changed all that much.

You need some new sources. It was an Iranian backed militia group.

Iranian backed group of IRAQIS.. Hey, the Iraqi parliament just voted to throw us out, you gonna blame Iran for that, too.

You might want to look over the last year at what Iran has done and the military restraint shown by Trump. At some point, we have to put our foot down. Grow a pair.

I have looked at it... Why is any of this out problem again? OOOh, they shot down a drone that was in their airspace.

I'm all for putting our foot down. We need to pull our troops out of that region and put their feet down on American Soil.


We've been over there for 17 years... when does it stop?
The far left does not understand the order of events!

They attacked the embassy first, then the general was taken out!

My how the far Left is already rewriting history!

Okay, let's look at the sequence of events.

A rocket hits a base, killing a Mercenary... er "contractor".

Trump orders attacks on three Shi'ite militia bases.

Shi'ites demonstrate outside the US Embassy

Trump orders the illegal murder of an Iranian official.

Got it?

Wrong as always!

Thanks for proving that teh far left will rewrite history!
Wrong as always!

Thanks for proving that teh far left will rewrite history!

Uh, guy, we are talking about the last few weeks.

But never mind... you guys have your own reality... the one where Trump is a stable Genius.

Yes we know you support terrorists!

And I win, this goes to show what happens when you make the far left face reality!

And you supported the illegal wars of Obama!
Wrong as always!

Thanks for proving that teh far left will rewrite history!

Uh, guy, we are talking about the last few weeks.

But never mind... you guys have your own reality... the one where Trump is a stable Genius.

We are talking about the last 3 weeks huh? What is all this about being "over there for 17 years" talk from you? I guess you feel like it helps your argument regarding THIS attack so you bring it up, but when someone wants to point out the actions of the Iranians for the last 2-3 years, you don't want to talk about that.
To call Christianity and Islam the "same thing" shows you are 100% clueless on this subject.

EARTH TO LYSISTRATA: Christianity's documents (New Testament) don't advocate mass genocide, rape, wife beating, women discrimination, pedophilia, slavery, and other abominations, as does the Koran. It's also not an illegal, unconstitutional supremacism, like Islam. You're not ready for this discussion.

The Old Testament advocates all those things, and Chrisitans still consider that the bulk of their "Bible".


They don’t !!!

That’s why the change came with the New Testament

Wake the heck up !!

Trump is hitting the top leaders who organizes and brainwashing their people to murder

So each time a Muslim kills Americans then the leaders gets killed

That is the perfect deterrent and will finally stop this harm of Islam

Today’s China are fighting the Muslims hard in their nation harder than the western nations are fighting their own Muslims

Both China and trump America and the UK will work together now to stop Muslims and liberals world wide

It’s over for both liberals and radical
Don’t Democrats usually pretend they don’t know what American “culture” is?
Do you find it odd that they seem to be experts on Iranian culture...notice their extreme concern for the preservation of Iranian culture...weird huh?

Or we just don't think going to war with Iran because Trump needs a distraction from impeachment is a good idea.
who's going to war? Don't you need Congress? just saying
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

TDS level 9....holy shit.
they wanted Iran to take that embassy down. ask them.
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

TDS level 9....holy shit.
they wanted Iran to take that embassy down. ask them.
Maybe it started with the Kavanaugh hearings, but it has gotten to the point where it's pointless to listen to leftists.

Except maybe for psychiatrists, and those who study mass mental abberation.
And afterwards, Nazi?

Merry Christmas dear orthodox Christians and same to you dear Muslims, Sunnits as well as Shiits. Jesus is one of your most important prophets too. Have a nice birthday party together with us and everyone else, who tries to live in the spirit of god. Do not take serios all this anti-religious nonsense, which comes from the USA. Most Christians in the rest of the world don't have any idea what many, many and many US-Americans call "Christ".

Islam is a satanic cult, not a religion.


Dupe idiot.


Islam last of the barbarians harmful religion

Trump America ... uk... and China will now work together to stop Islam and liberalism world wide

Does your master brain really think China forgot the british opium wars and will now fight together with a totalitarian USA against Russia, Europe and all other Muslim nations of the world?

Oh by the way: The USA seems to weave in the moment a new gordic knot out of pure political shit. Alexander will have a lot of fun next time. ... Hmm: And do you also think Russia for example will pay your 10 billion Dollar declaration of war with the name "Protecting Europe's Energy Security act of 2019"? Do you think the EU, Germany or Switzerland will pay this US-war on their nations and on free world economy?

Oh by the way: What is doing Trump with all the additional money, which the US-taxpayers payed for his sanctions? Has every US-American now golden laces or still a growing hole in the own money purse? Trump and his USA is by the way very successful in their war against the Muslim country Germany and by supporting Nazi-movements in Germany and all over Europe. I guess it's a nice feeling for US-Americans when the USA ruins not only the own economy in long term but the complete western world - while Trump supports all over the world autocrats and islamists. I remember not any situation in world history, when the USA was so damned down as it is down today (Except perhaps during the time of your wars against the Red Indians). What for heavens sake is the USA fighting for, while swimming like a non-swimmer?

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Islam last of the barbarians harmful religion

Trump America ... uk... and China will now work together to stop Islam and liberalism world wide

Does your master brain really think China frobgvtion the Opüium wars and will now fight together with a totalitarian USA against Russia, Europe and all other Muslim nations of the world?

Oh by the way: The USA seems to weave in the moment a new gordic knot out of pure political shit. ... Hmm: And do you also think Russia for example will pay your 10 billion Dollar declaration of war with the name "Protecting Europe's Energy Security act of 2019"? Do you think the EU, Germany or Switzerland will pay this war on their nations and on free economy of the USA?

Oh by the way : What is doing Trump with all the additional money, which the US-taxpayers payed for his sanctions? Has every US-American now golden laces or still a growing hole in the own money purse? Trump and his USA is by the way very successful in their war against the Muslim country Germany.

Do some thinking

China has no choice they have made their population believe that Muslims and liberalism are the real enemy

So China would have to work with trump

Russia will join trump too

Also the men of Europe . We see the UK men have just woke up against their women voters

China has stopped the harm that comes from women voters and will side with trump with making logic tests for voting

Islam last of the barbarians harmful religion

Trump America ... uk... and China will now work together to stop Islam and liberalism world wide

Does your master brain really think China frobgvtion the Opüium wars and will now fight together with a totalitarian USA against Russia, Europe and all other Muslim nations of the world?

Oh by the way: The USA seems to weave in the moment a new gordic knot out of pure political shit. ... Hmm: And do you also think Russia for example will pay your 10 billion Dollar declaration of war with the name "Protecting Europe's Energy Security act of 2019"? Do you think the EU, Germany or Switzerland will pay this war on their nations and on free economy of the USA?

Oh by the way : What is doing Trump with all the additional money, which the US-taxpayers payed for his sanctions? Has every US-American now golden laces or still a growing hole in the own money purse? Trump and his USA is by the way very successful in their war against the Muslim country Germany.

Do some thinking

China has no choice they have made their population believe that Muslims and liberalism are the real enemy

So China would have to work with trump

Russia will join trump too

Also the men of Europe . We see the UK men have just woke up against their women voters

China has stopped the harm that comes from women voters and will side with trump with making logic tests for voting

May I ask from which planet you are, Schopenhauer?

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Islam last of the barbarians harmful religion

Trump America ... uk... and China will now work together to stop Islam and liberalism world wide

Does your master brain really think China frobgvtion the Opüium wars and will now fight together with a totalitarian USA against Russia, Europe and all other Muslim nations of the world?

Oh by the way: The USA seems to weave in the moment a new gordic knot out of pure political shit. ... Hmm: And do you also think Russia for example will pay your 10 billion Dollar declaration of war with the name "Protecting Europe's Energy Security act of 2019"? Do you think the EU, Germany or Switzerland will pay this war on their nations and on free economy of the USA?

Oh by the way : What is doing Trump with all the additional money, which the US-taxpayers payed for his sanctions? Has every US-American now golden laces or still a growing hole in the own money purse? Trump and his USA is by the way very successful in their war against the Muslim country Germany.

Do some thinking

China has no choice they have made their population believe that Muslims and liberalism are the real enemy

So China would have to work with trump

Russia will join trump too

Also the men of Europe . We see the UK men have just woke up against their women voters

China has stopped the harm that comes from women voters and will side with trump with making logic tests for voting

May I ask from which planet you are, ET?

Use just an ounce of logic and you could see this easily

Wake the heck up

Islam last of the barbarians harmful religion

Trump America ... uk... and China will now work together to stop Islam and liberalism world wide

Does your master brain really think China frobgvtion the Opüium wars and will now fight together with a totalitarian USA against Russia, Europe and all other Muslim nations of the world?

Oh by the way: The USA seems to weave in the moment a new gordic knot out of pure political shit. ... Hmm: And do you also think Russia for example will pay your 10 billion Dollar declaration of war with the name "Protecting Europe's Energy Security act of 2019"? Do you think the EU, Germany or Switzerland will pay this war on their nations and on free economy of the USA?

Oh by the way : What is doing Trump with all the additional money, which the US-taxpayers payed for his sanctions? Has every US-American now golden laces or still a growing hole in the own money purse? Trump and his USA is by the way very successful in their war against the Muslim country Germany.

Do some thinking

China has no choice they have made their population believe that Muslims and liberalism are the real enemy

So China would have to work with trump

Russia will join trump too

Also the men of Europe . We see the UK men have just woke up against their women voters

China has stopped the harm that comes from women voters and will side with trump with making logic tests for voting

May I ask from which planet you are, ET?

Use just an ounce of logic and you could see this easily

Wake the heck up

Don't use alcohol or drugs. Speak with a real person outside of the internet about your problems.

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