Dems: What is American culture?...Dems: Respect & preserve Iranian culture.

View attachment 298613John Kerry is a Criminal.

Boston GlobeBombshell: John Kerry Secretly Working With Foreign Leaders To Undermine Trump’s Iran Decision

The Democrat Party is actively colluding with Iran.

This seems like another blatant partisan lie. You can't support this claim, can you? Dude, put at least a modicum of effort into your shit posts.

You're such an idiot. :bs1:
The destruction of Iran by fire, hailstone pestilence, and insanity when 90% of their entire military is destroyed by Hell Fire, and their Wicked Nation is set ablaze is guaranteed to happen.

All of Iraq will rejoice!

Ezekiel 38.

Idiot from a very sick nation: Don't use alcohol or drugs!
I bet you cheered when Obama and Clinton and Joe Biden Colluded with Russia and Al Queda to Assassinate Qadaffi.

Flashback 2011: Hillary Clinton Laughs About Killing Moammar Gaddafi: "We Came, We Saw, He Died!"

View attachment 298613John Kerry is a Criminal.

Boston GlobeBombshell: John Kerry Secretly Working With Foreign Leaders To Undermine Trump’s Iran Decision

The Democrat Party is actively colluding with Iran.

This seems like another blatant partisan lie. You can't support this claim, can you? Dude, put at least a modicum of effort into your shit posts.

You're such an idiot. :bs1:
You should join The Iranian Army. They are going to need a lot of bodies. In fact when they attack Israel there are so many bodies it takes 7 months to bury them.

Cool huh?

The destruction of Iran by fire, hailstone pestilence, and insanity when 90% of their entire military is destroyed by Hell Fire, and their Wicked Nation is set ablaze is guaranteed to happen.

All of Iraq will rejoice!

Ezekiel 38.

Idiot from a very sick nation: Don't use alcohol or drugs!
View attachment 298613John Kerry is a Criminal.

Boston GlobeBombshell: John Kerry Secretly Working With Foreign Leaders To Undermine Trump’s Iran Decision

The Democrat Party is actively colluding with Iran.

This seems like another blatant partisan lie. You can't support this claim, can you? Dude, put at least a modicum of effort into your shit posts.

Iran’s President Defends Nuclear Deal in Blunt Remarks

Picture is 5 years old...

You must one of the idiots said he needed to stay in power...
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.

No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.

No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion

And afterwards, Nazi?

Merry Christmas dear orthodox Christians and same to you dear Muslims, Sunnits as well as Shiits. Jesus is one of your most important prophets too. Have a nice birthday party together with us and everyone else, who tries to live in the spirit of god. Do not take serios all this anti-religious nonsense, which comes from the USA. Most Christians in the rest of the world don't have any idea what many, many and many US-Americans call "Christ".
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Where have you been..the Kavanaugh Loon-out, the Russia hoax, the banged liberal porn star whore, the Ukraine fabrication, the sort of impeachment bullshit...etc etc..,has been some of the best shit for Trump...haven’t you paid attention to his fundraising yields, his approval ratings etc?

His approval rating has never topped 50% and never will.

It's becoming more and more obvious as people are calling bullshit on this whole raid...
been at 50% or over for a long timeDaily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports®
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.

No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion

And afterwards, Nazi?


It was the Catholics that supported Hitler

Not the Protestant Christians who fought them and won

China hates Muslims the worst and then Catholic Christians which sided with hitler and japan .. China was on America’s side against japan

China hates japan and the Muslims and catholic liberal Christians.
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.

No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion

And afterwards, Nazi?


It was the Catholics that supported Hitler

Not the Protestant Christians who fought them and won

China hates Muslims the worst and then Catholic Christians which sided with hitler and japan .. China was on America’s side against japan

China hates japan and the Muslims and catholic liberal Christians.

Wonderful wrong story. The problem is it has absolutelly nothing to do with reality. The only fact: Chinese make a crime on Uyghurs (Muslims) in re-education camps, which is called sometimes "cultural genocide". And as a German I'm much to tired meanwhile to try to discuss any longer with US-American Nazis about their weird fantasies.

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Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.

No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion

And afterwards, Nazi?


It was the Catholics that supported Hitler

Not the Protestant Christians who fought them and won

China hates Muslims the worst and then Catholic Christians which sided with hitler and japan .. China was on America’s side against japan

China hates japan and the Muslims and catholic liberal Christians.

Wonderful wrong story. The problem is it has absolutelly nothing to do with reality. The only fact: Chinese make a crime on Uyghurs (Muslims) in re-education camps, which is called sometimes "cultural genocide". And as a German I'm much to tired meanwhile to try to discuss any longer with US-American Nazis about their weird fantasies.


Facts are Facts

Germany’s unwise women voters voted in the harm of Muslims

The wise German men have fled to places like conservative tenn in America

Democracies always commits suicide

Only the democracies of the highest logical votes works well. All others results in suicide

The former leader of Germany scolded the greed of Germany for their fault in bringing down Germany’s future

The men of UK has just woke up and may save UK

The western democracies of Europe will be stopped just like what they produced liberalism

Mekel should have been tried for Treason in bringing the harmful Muslims to Germany and instead of telling the truth and scolding the Germans for being so greedy and stupid

Germany failed when they did not listen to their past leader who blamed correctly on the greed of Germans leaders and voters
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.

No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion

And afterwards, Nazi?

Merry Christmas dear orthodox Christians and same to you dear Muslims, Sunnits as well as Shiits. Jesus is one of your most important prophets too. Have a nice birthday party together with us and everyone else, who tries to live in the spirit of god. Do not take serios all this anti-religious nonsense, which comes from the USA. Most Christians in the rest of the world don't have any idea what many, many and many US-Americans call "Christ".

Islam is a satanic cult, not a religion.
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.

No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion

And afterwards, Nazi?

Merry Christmas dear orthodox Christians and same to you dear Muslims, Sunnits as well as Shiits. Jesus is one of your most important prophets too. Have a nice birthday party together with us and everyone else, who tries to live in the spirit of god. Do not take serios all this anti-religious nonsense, which comes from the USA. Most Christians in the rest of the world don't have any idea what many, many and many US-Americans call "Christ".

Islam is a satanic cult, not a religion.

You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.

No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion

And afterwards, Nazi?


It was the Catholics that supported Hitler

Not the Protestant Christians who fought them and won

China hates Muslims the worst and then Catholic Christians which sided with hitler and japan .. China was on America’s side against japan

China hates japan and the Muslims and catholic liberal Christians.

Wonderful wrong story. The problem is it has absolutelly nothing to do with reality. The only fact: Chinese make a crime on Uyghurs (Muslims) in re-education camps, which is called sometimes "cultural genocide". And as a German I'm much to tired meanwhile to try to discuss any longer with US-American Nazis about their weird fantasies.


Facts are Facts

Germany’s unwise women voters voted in the harm of Muslims

The wise German men have fled to places like conservative tenn in America

Democracies always commits suicide

Only the democracies of the highest logical votes works well. All others results in suicide

The former leader of Germany scolded the greed of Germany for their fault in bringing down Germany’s future

The men of UK has just woke up and may save UK

The western democracies of Europe will be stopped just like what they produced liberalism



should have been tried for Treason in bringing the harmful Muslims to Germany and instead of telling the truth and scolding the Germans for being so greedy and stupid

Germany failed when they did not listen to their past leader who blamed correctly on the greed of Germans leaders and voters

Germany? Who the fuck is Germany? I do not think we exist. Bye bye, asshole.

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Islam will be noted as the last barbaric religion

Coming from the most unwise followers

And because of being unwise they cannot invent and now will be wiped out

Just a bunch of real stoopid people not knowing good from bad
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.

No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion

And afterwards, Nazi?

Merry Christmas dear orthodox Christians and same to you dear Muslims, Sunnits as well as Shiits. Jesus is one of your most important prophets too. Have a nice birthday party together with us and everyone else, who tries to live in the spirit of god. Do not take serios all this anti-religious nonsense, which comes from the USA. Most Christians in the rest of the world don't have any idea what many, many and many US-Americans call "Christ".

Islam is a satanic cult, not a religion.


Dupe idiot.
Don’t Democrats usually pretend they don’t know what American “culture” is?
Do you find it odd that they seem to be experts on Iranian culture...notice their extreme concern for the preservation of Iranian culture...weird huh?

Or we just don't think going to war with Iran because Trump needs a distraction from impeachment is a good idea.
Iran attacked a US Embassy you loon.
You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.

No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion

And afterwards, Nazi?

Merry Christmas dear orthodox Christians and same to you dear Muslims, Sunnits as well as Shiits. Jesus is one of your most important prophets too. Have a nice birthday party together with us and everyone else, who tries to live in the spirit of god. Do not take serios all this anti-religious nonsense, which comes from the USA. Most Christians in the rest of the world don't have any idea what many, many and many US-Americans call "Christ".

Islam is a satanic cult, not a religion.


Dupe idiot.


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