Dems: What is American culture?...Dems: Respect & preserve Iranian culture.

Some people keep talking about "American culture," but nobody knows what it consists of. The same thing goes for "white culture."
Don’t Democrats usually pretend they don’t know what American “culture” is?
Do you find it odd that they seem to be experts on Iranian culture...notice their extreme concern for the preservation of Iranian culture...weird huh?

Or we just don't think going to war with Iran because Trump needs a distraction from impeachment is a good idea.
Iran attacked a US Embassy you loon.

Hypothese: Trump needs a war, because he likes to be reelected. During this entertainement game in the quality of gladiator fights, which US-Americans call "war", the USA never changed the president.
Trump was going to be reelected even without the attack on the Embassy.

Indeed Donald Trump is president against the mayorite of voters. The reason for is your English majority voting system. This English system splits your country artificially in good Americans (I and my people) and Anti-Americans (you and your people). Your political debates are excessive and often only a titanic nonsense. The will to win dominates everything. But it's one thing to train a football team and to watch every year some nice football games - or to govern a country with wisdom and to have to take care for a complete planet too. In Germany Angela Merkel had with the English mayorite system by the way a mayorite of 75%.

Your nation needs orientation and this orientation - for example to the value "life" - no one is able to find in single persons or in only one political party.

Huh, and what the fuck is a mayorite ?
No, he doesn't need a distraction. Anyone with an IQ above 80 knows it a sham. We do have quite a few people who are ignorant and only read headlines of liberals trash media as they pass by. That is the real problem with the majority of the country...pure ignorance. The Democrats needs more of these types of voters to win in 2020 an in the future.

If Trump did nothing wrong, then he'd let Pompeo, Guliani, Mulvaney, etc... testify.

Instead, he's trying to create a distraction.... and if some American boys get killed in the process, sucks to be them.
Are you trying to say Trump orchestrated the attack on the Embassy ?
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.

No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion

And afterwards, Nazi?

Merry Christmas dear orthodox Christians and same to you dear Muslims, Sunnits as well as Shiits. Jesus is one of your most important prophets too. Have a nice birthday party together with us and everyone else, who tries to live in the spirit of god. Do not take serios all this anti-religious nonsense, which comes from the USA. Most Christians in the rest of the world don't have any idea what many, many and many US-Americans call "Christ".

Islam is a satanic cult, not a religion.

If Islam is "is a satanic cult, not a religion," what do you call the horseshit being peddled by graham, falwell, perkins, etc.? It's the same thing. Stop being so foolish. It's people like you who get other people killed. How many coffins do you want to see arrive at Dover this time?

Wrong Dead Wrong

The whole world was reshaped by the printing press invention where books could be mass produced for people to read and COMPARE

All of the wise then flocked to the Bible and all the other religions lost their wise and the Bible believers then won all the wars because of being more wise

You stooopid Democrats are the same losers !

Insane with stupidity and now the sleeping gian t wise has awakened You all will be stopped from being free to harm
Think about it. These dumbshit Lefties want us to believe that Trump got Iran to attack our embassy in Iraq so that he could drone strike Iran’s top terrorist to distract from his impeachment from a month ago or the election 11 months from now.

You think about it.

Trump escalated a minor attack on a base to trigger demonstrations. When the Iraqi officials got the demonstrations under control, he kicked the hornets nest again by murdering Soleimani.

No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion

And afterwards, Nazi?


It was the Catholics that supported Hitler

Not the Protestant Christians who fought them and won

China hates Muslims the worst and then Catholic Christians which sided with hitler and japan .. China was on America’s side against japan

China hates japan and the Muslims and catholic liberal Christians.

How can you be so consistently stupid and get away with it? My entire Catholic family was involved in the war effort, some in places like North Africa, Anzio, the Philippines. One of my uncles drove a tank.

And, of course, everything that goes wrong is the fault of women. Do you have a working brain?

Again the wise read and compared and went with Protestant Christianity and then all white Protestant Christianity defeated all the Catholics in the wars

The Catholics were too stoopid and joined hitler

America’s unwise white Catholics are now democrats.

Protestant white trump has come to stop your stooooid harm so we can keep advancing like with our founders blue print
No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion

And afterwards, Nazi?

Merry Christmas dear orthodox Christians and same to you dear Muslims, Sunnits as well as Shiits. Jesus is one of your most important prophets too. Have a nice birthday party together with us and everyone else, who tries to live in the spirit of god. Do not take serios all this anti-religious nonsense, which comes from the USA. Most Christians in the rest of the world don't have any idea what many, many and many US-Americans call "Christ".

Islam is a satanic cult, not a religion.


Dupe idiot.


Islam last of the barbarians harmful religion

Trump America ... uk... and China will now work together to stop Islam and liberalism world wide
No Trump has started to save the world from Muslims and from unwise voters

He now must act with China to wipe out the harmful religion

And afterwards, Nazi?

Merry Christmas dear orthodox Christians and same to you dear Muslims, Sunnits as well as Shiits. Jesus is one of your most important prophets too. Have a nice birthday party together with us and everyone else, who tries to live in the spirit of god. Do not take serios all this anti-religious nonsense, which comes from the USA. Most Christians in the rest of the world don't have any idea what many, many and many US-Americans call "Christ".

Islam is a satanic cult, not a religion.


Dupe idiot.


Foolish Loser !!!
No, he doesn't need a distraction. Anyone with an IQ above 80 knows it a sham. We do have quite a few people who are ignorant and only read headlines of liberals trash media as they pass by. That is the real problem with the majority of the country...pure ignorance. The Democrats needs more of these types of voters to win in 2020 an in the future.

If Trump did nothing wrong, then he'd let Pompeo, Guliani, Mulvaney, etc... testify.

Instead, he's trying to create a distraction.... and if some American boys get killed in the process, sucks to be them.

Um, an Iran back militia attacked the US embassy. How did Trump "create a distraction?" I guess you expect and like the policy of appeasement by Obama, the complete moron when it came to foreign policy. Remember all the other stuff Iran has done recently in which Trump did NOT respond militarily? At some point, somebody in leadership in the US must grow a pair. We can't be like girly Democrats and be the leading super power. It doesn't work that way.
Iran has been at war with the U.S. since 1979. The U.S. has taken barely any action against the Iranians until now.

It's long overdue that we started responding to Iranians military aggression.

It's very possible that Trump may have killed Soleimani to distract from his impeachment, but that doesn't mean that it was wrong. It was long overdue.

Trump should work with Congress to devise a strategy for dealing with Iran.

'Peace at all costs' will not work!
If Islam is "is a satanic cult, not a religion," what do you call the horseshit being peddled by graham, falwell, perkins, etc.? It's the same thing. Stop being so foolish. It's people like you who get other people killed. How many coffins do you want to see arrive at Dover this time?
To call Christianity and Islam the "same thing" shows you are 100% clueless on this subject.

EARTH TO LYSISTRATA: Christianity's documents (New Testament) don't advocate mass genocide, rape, wife beating, women discrimination, pedophilia, slavery, and other abominations, as does the Koran. It's also not an illegal, unconstitutional supremacism, like Islam. You're not ready for this discussion.
Um, an Iran back militia attacked the US embassy. How did Trump "create a distraction?" I guess you expect and like the policy of appeasement by Obama, the complete moron when it came to foreign policy. Remember all the other stuff Iran has done recently in which Trump did NOT respond militarily? At some point, somebody in leadership in the US must grow a pair. We can't be like girly Democrats and be the leading super power. It doesn't work that way.
:iagree: US Must Attack Iran NOW - Full Force
Some people keep talking about "American culture," but nobody knows what it consists of. The same thing goes for "white culture."

The pursuit of whatever makes me happy, A good work ethic & teaching my kids so they have a better life than I do, and leaving a legacy for my kids when I am gone. And apple pie :)

THAT is American culture!
You people can’t possibly predict what that moron will do next like everyone else.

That's easy...just watch what Trump did with tariffs.

With the embassy attack...Trump hit them proportionally.

If iran stops their shinanigans Trump wont hit them again. If they don't Trump will hit them 10 times harder...then 100 X harder.

Trump is easy to read if you don't let hate cloud your judgement.
Um, an Iran back militia attacked the US embassy.

No, angry Iraqi citizens did...

How did Trump "create a distraction?" I guess you expect and like the policy of appeasement by Obama, the complete moron when it came to foreign policy. Remember all the other stuff Iran has done recently in which Trump did NOT respond militarily? At some point, somebody in leadership in the US must grow a pair. We can't be like girly Democrats and be the leading super power. It doesn't work that way.

Again, when you wingnuts all sign up for the military and some of you come home in boxes, instead of these poor kids who were just looking for college tuition, I'll take you seriously.

Nothing Iran did required a military response.

Why are we there in the first place? The Iraqis clearly don't want us there. We don't want to be there. We can't even send the troops out to fight ISIS at this point because the Shi'ite militias they were working with are likely to shoot them in the back.

We've been fighting in Iraq for 17 years now. We've been fighting in Afghanistan for 19. By contrast, we only fought in Vietnam for 8 before realizing that was a terrible idea. At what point do we say- sensibly- that there's really no good reason for us to be there.
To call Christianity and Islam the "same thing" shows you are 100% clueless on this subject.

EARTH TO LYSISTRATA: Christianity's documents (New Testament) don't advocate mass genocide, rape, wife beating, women discrimination, pedophilia, slavery, and other abominations, as does the Koran. It's also not an illegal, unconstitutional supremacism, like Islam. You're not ready for this discussion.

The Old Testament advocates all those things, and Chrisitans still consider that the bulk of their "Bible".

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