Dems...why should your health and care be my concern?

I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers

So why don't you help them then? Charity is not an act which can be performed with someone else's money

Wrong again Skippy

It is not someone else’s money. It is the money of We the People who want Obamacare
Hey rightwinger Rigby5 how likely is it that those begging the loudest for free healthcare are unemployed, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, smoking weed, drinking booze, doing meth, driving drunk, having the most children...etc etc
I’m sure they represent a very small fraction....right?

Our poor already qualify for Medicaid, they are taken care of.

It is the guy struggling on $20-$30,000 a year that can’t afford healthcare. Families with a child suffering from cancer who get denied because of Pre-existing conditions.

Those are the people Obamacare helped.
Those are the people Trump wants to kick off insurance
How much does that family have to pay?
Now or before Obamacare?

Obamacare gives subsidies to low income families so they can afford insurance. It also forces insurance companies to charge the same to those with pre-existing conditions the same as healthy patients and to accept new patients regardless of their health history.

Trump wants to take it away.......In the middle of a COVID Pandemic

Nah. If Republicans wanted to take that away, they'd have done it when they had control of Congress.
Hey rightwinger Rigby5 how likely is it that those begging the loudest for free healthcare are unemployed, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, smoking weed, drinking booze, doing meth, driving drunk, having the most children...etc etc
I’m sure they represent a very small fraction....right?

Our poor already qualify for Medicaid, they are taken care of.

It is the guy struggling on $20-$30,000 a year that can’t afford healthcare. Families with a child suffering from cancer who get denied because of Pre-existing conditions.

Those are the people Obamacare helped.
Those are the people Trump wants to kick off insurance
How much does that family have to pay?
Now or before Obamacare?

Obamacare gives subsidies to low income families so they can afford insurance. It also forces insurance companies to charge the same to those with pre-existing conditions the same as healthy patients and to accept new patients regardless of their health history.

Trump wants to take it away.......In the middle of a COVID Pandemic

Your desire for free healthcare has nothing to do with Covid. You'd want that regardless. So that's just a red herring
I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers

So why don't you help them then? Charity is not an act which can be performed with someone else's money

Wrong again Skippy

It is not someone else’s money. It is the money of We the People who want Obamacare

No, my money is not "we the people"'s money. It's my money.

Keep your greedy, filthy hands to yourself
I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers

So why don't you help them then? Charity is not an act which can be performed with someone else's money

Wrong again Skippy

It is not someone else’s money. It is the money of We the People who want Obamacare

No, my money is not "we the people"'s money. It's my money.

Keep your greedy, filthy hands to yourself

You need to pull out a copy of the Constitution.
We the People established this more perfect Union

A Union Abe Lincoln described as .......Of the People, By the People and FOR THE PEOPLE

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.
it charges me more in taxs,,,

Most of our taxes go to military spending, and so little goes to social programs, that this is not a good argument.
If you want to reduce taxes, then get us out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean, etc.
that might be because the constitution requires a military and forbids social programs,,,

The constitution intended for there to be no standing military and instead rely on state militias when attacked.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of ...

Promoting general welfare could include social programs like health care.
promoting isnt [providing at the loss of another person,,,

thats called tyranny by theft,,,

Providing universal health care you are calling "tyranny by theft"?
How come the whole rest of the world does it?
one thing I think you and many others are missing is the constitutions doesnt allow this at a federal level,,, the states on the other hand are more than welcome to do it themselves,,,

You keep saying that but can’t point out a single SCOTUS decision saying healthcare can’t be provided at the Federal Level
and yet you cant quote a single section of the constitution that allows for it,,,

SCOTUS gives opinions that can change later which might explain the outrage from leftists over the current nomination,,,
Yes, that's why the left endorses the lie of "settled law". There is no such thing.
I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers

So why don't you help them then? Charity is not an act which can be performed with someone else's money

Wrong again Skippy

It is not someone else’s money. It is the money of We the People who want Obamacare

No, my money is not "we the people"'s money. It's my money.

Keep your greedy, filthy hands to yourself

You need to pull out a copy of the Constitution.
We the People established this more perfect Union

A Union Abe Lincoln described as .......Of the People, By the People and FOR THE PEOPLE

You think single payer is allowed in the Constitution? Wow, you really know nothing about your own country at all.

And nowhere does the Constitution say that what is mine is yours

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right
which does not make them correct

What is incorrect about caring about the health and well being of your citizens?

Forcing people to choose between paying the rent or seeing a doctor is not correct

Forcing people into bankruptcy because they got sick is not correct

Other nations recognize this

Forcing others to pay for their fellow citizens is wrong

No one forced another into making such choices or filing for bancruptcy
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I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers

So why don't you help them then? Charity is not an act which can be performed with someone else's money

Wrong again Skippy

It is not someone else’s money. It is the money of We the People who want Obamacare

No, my money is not "we the people"'s money. It's my money.

Keep your greedy, filthy hands to yourself

You need to pull out a copy of the Constitution.
We the People established this more perfect Union

A Union Abe Lincoln described as .......Of the People, By the People and FOR THE PEOPLE
You obviously don't understand what that phrase means.
Seriously, do you really want US politicians controlling your health care??

As opposed to Employers and Insurance Corporations controlling our healthcare?

Nope. False dichotomy. Try again.

How's about neither?
Also, you should understand why your comment is so exasperating to libertarians and conservatives. Liberals create the regulatory framework that pushes people into relying on employers and insurance companies for their health care, and then have the gall to claim that it's a bad thing. Fuck you very much.
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Hey rightwinger Rigby5 how likely is it that those begging the loudest for free healthcare are unemployed, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, smoking weed, drinking booze, doing meth, driving drunk, having the most children...etc etc
I’m sure they represent a very small fraction....right?

Our poor already qualify for Medicaid, they are taken care of.

It is the guy struggling on $20-$30,000 a year that can’t afford healthcare. Families with a child suffering from cancer who get denied because of Pre-existing conditions.

Those are the people Obamacare helped.
Those are the people Trump wants to kick off insurance
How much does that family have to pay?
Now or before Obamacare?

Obamacare gives subsidies to low income families so they can afford insurance. It also forces insurance companies to charge the same to those with pre-existing conditions the same as healthy patients and to accept new patients regardless of their health history.

Trump wants to take it away.......In the middle of a COVID Pandemic
But the rest of us have to pay more to subsidize this. Correct?
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Marxists rely on the fact that a population is easily controlled if it is defenseless and all are equally miserable. You will have nothing.... but neither will your neighbors. Your healthcare will be considered substandard by voodoo witchdoctors in sub-saharan africa.... but it won't cost you a penny.

Pick a side.
Right wingers have no better solutions at lower cost; all they do is complain about left wing solutions.
Your fucking solutions have only made things worse for the middle classes

Not really.
I do not like ACA, but it has made a slight improvement for the middle class.
Premiums are more uniform, more easy to compare, no worries over pre-existing, and slightly lower.

Premiums are only lower when you get government money to help pay for them. They are unaffordable to people who don't qualify for getting Obamacare with the welfare provision

Not sure I believe that.
Insurance rates were increasing by about 15% annually, and were unaffordable before ACA.
I think ACA actually lowered them slightly, and the only increase came from those who did not buy insurance at all before, but now have to because of the penalty.

Well, since I operated my own businesses back then, I was writing the full check for my insurance and I know what it cost. Before Obamacare, I paid just under $400 a month for family high deductible coverage. In just 3-4 years under Obamacare it doubled, then they cancelled it completely and similar Obamacare policies were $1,000 a month and up because the taxpayers weren't paying any of my policy

All insurance doubled in about 4 years.
ACA had nothing to do with that.

Complete unadulterated BS
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I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers

So why don't you help them then? Charity is not an act which can be performed with someone else's money

Wrong again Skippy

It is not someone else’s money. It is the money of We the People who want Obamacare

2010 should have made you jackasses the majority didn't want it. It's not "healthcare" it's a tax....even SCOTUS agreed

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.
it charges me more in taxs,,,

Most of our taxes go to military spending, and so little goes to social programs, that this is not a good argument.
If you want to reduce taxes, then get us out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean, etc.
that might be because the constitution requires a military and forbids social programs,,,

The constitution intended for there to be no standing military and instead rely on state militias when attacked.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of ...

Promoting general welfare could include social programs like health care.
promoting isnt [providing at the loss of another person,,,

thats called tyranny by theft,,,

Providing universal health care you are calling "tyranny by theft"?
How come the whole rest of the world does it?
one thing I think you and many others are missing is the constitutions doesnt allow this at a federal level,,, the states on the other hand are more than welcome to do it themselves,,,

You keep saying that but can’t point out a single SCOTUS decision saying healthcare can’t be provided at the Federal Level
and yet you cant quote a single section of the constitution that allows for it,,,

SCOTUS gives opinions that can change later which might explain the outrage from leftists over the current nomination,,,
Yes, that's why the left endorses the lie of "settled law". There is no such thing.
Show me

Easy enough. You claim Government Healthcare is Unconstitutional yet it has been in place for 75 years.

You seem to love the courts when they support gun rights but deny their authority when it comes to public healthcare
I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers

So why don't you help them then? Charity is not an act which can be performed with someone else's money

Wrong again Skippy

It is not someone else’s money. It is the money of We the People who want Obamacare

2010 should have made you jackasses the majority didn't want it. It's not "healthcare" it's a tax....even SCOTUS agreed

It is the law of the land written and passed by Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama.
I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers

So why don't you help them then? Charity is not an act which can be performed with someone else's money

Wrong again Skippy

It is not someone else’s money. It is the money of We the People who want Obamacare

2010 should have made you jackasses the majority didn't want it. It's not "healthcare" it's a tax....even SCOTUS agreed

It is the law of the land written and passed by Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama.

As a tax escapes you....dumbfuck

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.
it charges me more in taxs,,,

Most of our taxes go to military spending, and so little goes to social programs, that this is not a good argument.
If you want to reduce taxes, then get us out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean, etc.
that might be because the constitution requires a military and forbids social programs,,,

The constitution intended for there to be no standing military and instead rely on state militias when attacked.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of ...

Promoting general welfare could include social programs like health care.
promoting isnt [providing at the loss of another person,,,

thats called tyranny by theft,,,

Providing universal health care you are calling "tyranny by theft"?
How come the whole rest of the world does it?

Other people committing armed robbery justifies committing armed robbery? Yeah, sure

Civilized society always had welfare.
Hunter/gatherers shared the hunt.
Egyptians, ancient Hebrew, etc., paid into religions to help the poor, needy, orphans, widow, etc.
thats a voluntary system and didnt require the use of the government gun,,,

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