Dems...why should your health and care be my concern?

Hey rightwinger Rigby5 how likely is it that those begging the loudest for free healthcare are unemployed, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, smoking weed, drinking booze, doing meth, driving drunk, having the most children...etc etc
I’m sure they represent a very small fraction....right?

Our poor already qualify for Medicaid, they are taken care of.

It is the guy struggling on $20-$30,000 a year that can’t afford healthcare. Families with a child suffering from cancer who get denied because of Pre-existing conditions.

Those are the people Obamacare helped.
Those are the people Trump wants to kick off insurance

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.
it charges me more in taxs,,,

Most of our taxes go to military spending, and so little goes to social programs, that this is not a good argument.
If you want to reduce taxes, then get us out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean, etc.
that might be because the constitution requires a military and forbids social programs,,,

The constitution intended for there to be no standing military and instead rely on state militias when attacked.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of ...

Promoting general welfare could include social programs like health care.
promoting isnt [providing at the loss of another person,,,

thats called tyranny by theft,,,

Providing universal health care you are calling "tyranny by theft"?
How come the whole rest of the world does it?

Other people committing armed robbery justifies committing armed robbery? Yeah, sure

Civilized society always had welfare.
Hunter/gatherers shared the hunt.
Egyptians, ancient Hebrew, etc., paid into religions to help the poor, needy, orphans, widow, etc.
Hey rightwinger Rigby5 how likely is it that those begging the loudest for free healthcare are unemployed, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, smoking weed, drinking booze, doing meth, driving drunk, having the most children...etc etc
I’m sure they represent a very small fraction....right?

Our poor already qualify for Medicaid, they are taken care of.

It is the guy struggling on $20-$30,000 a year that can’t afford healthcare. Families with a child suffering from cancer who get denied because of Pre-existing conditions.

Those are the people Obamacare helped.

Which is why I like Bernie Sanders with Medicare for all.
And government we control by voting, instead of a private monopoly that controls us, like insurance companies.
We do not control government by voting. Period.

It's really not a choice between a private monopoly and government. We can opt for neither.

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
Wanna bet?
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.

Insurance industry profits grew, in some case quite radically, under ACA. Might wanna put that argument on the backburner.

I would agree that mandating private insurance would open the door for even more profiteering by insurance companies. Which is why I would prefer public health care instead.
Which would open the door, wider, for even more profiteering by insurance companies.

Yes. The idea that a choice leads to corruption so we should have our choice removed and our decision made for us to protect us from corruption is a s dumb as it sounds.

Let's leave it up to politicians, they aren't corrupt!!!!!!

You have much more choice by voting for the health care you want, instead of being stuck with what the monopoly forces on you.

Revoke the monopoly. End of story.
Hey rightwinger Rigby5 how likely is it that those begging the loudest for free healthcare are unemployed, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, smoking weed, drinking booze, doing meth, driving drunk, having the most children...etc etc
I’m sure they represent a very small fraction....right?

Our poor already qualify for Medicaid, they are taken care of.

It is the guy struggling on $20-$30,000 a year that can’t afford healthcare. Families with a child suffering from cancer who get denied because of Pre-existing conditions.

Those are the people Obamacare helped.
Those are the people Trump wants to kick off insurance
How much does that family have to pay?
Health care is not something that people can abuse.
It is only for when catastrophic things happen.

That is where Conservatives get it wrong.

They think that people with serious illness are scamming the system. That they somehow are making out like bandits while healthy people get screwed.

Someone with a serious illness is the one getting screwed. Healthy people are the lucky ones.

If you paid health insurance your whole life and rarely used it......You WON
Hey rightwinger Rigby5 how likely is it that those begging the loudest for free healthcare are unemployed, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, smoking weed, drinking booze, doing meth, driving drunk, having the most children...etc etc
I’m sure they represent a very small fraction....right?

Our poor already qualify for Medicaid, they are taken care of.

It is the guy struggling on $20-$30,000 a year that can’t afford healthcare. Families with a child suffering from cancer who get denied because of Pre-existing conditions.

Those are the people Obamacare helped.
Those are the people Trump wants to kick off insurance
How much does that family have to pay?
Now or before Obamacare?

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
Wanna bet?
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.

Insurance industry profits grew, in some case quite radically, under ACA. Might wanna put that argument on the backburner.

I would agree that mandating private insurance would open the door for even more profiteering by insurance companies. Which is why I would prefer public health care instead.

So you don't trust private companies because people are corruptible and you don't want corruptible people to make those decisions.

So you want government to do it, because government isn't people, it's ...

... hmm ...

... I may have identified a flaw in your plan ...

No you don't want a for profit company to do it because they greatly increase the overhead by them skimming off profits.
If you have a nonprofit do it instead, then it costs less.
And government we control by voting, instead of a private monopoly that controls us, like insurance companies.

You want government to run 20% of our economy because you think it will be more efficient and save us money!?!?!?!?!

OMG, feel behind your ears, Virginia. It's still wet isn't it?
Health care is not something that people can abuse.
It is only for when catastrophic things happen.

That's not true at all. Most of our health care needs are not catastrophic.

We can't continue with paid private insurance because it costs so much that our goods are uncompetitive.
I have no idea what that means.

We need to reduce employer costs and take health care costs away from them.
Yep. Insurance should have never become an employee "benefit". That's ninety percent of the problem. We need to repeal the tax incentives, and legal mandates, pushing employers into the health care game.
Hey rightwinger Rigby5 how likely is it that those begging the loudest for free healthcare are unemployed, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, smoking weed, drinking booze, doing meth, driving drunk, having the most children...etc etc
I’m sure they represent a very small fraction....right?

Our poor already qualify for Medicaid, they are taken care of.

It is the guy struggling on $20-$30,000 a year that can’t afford healthcare. Families with a child suffering from cancer who get denied because of Pre-existing conditions.

Those are the people Obamacare helped.
Those are the people Trump wants to kick off insurance
How much does that family have to pay?
Now or before Obamacare?

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

Caring for them and paying for them aren't the same thing.

I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Only fucking idiots (read: liberals) can't see what's wrong with that. For a group which is ostensibly concerned about the concept of "fairness", the way they want to go about achieving fairness is about as unfair as it gets.

I would rather set fire to every last dollar in my bank account than have it given to some lazy piece of shit who doesn't want to earn it himself...
You want government to run 20% of our economy because you think it will be more efficient and save us money!?!?!?!?!

It is more efficient and costs less in other countries that have single payer healthcare.

Are you claiming their governments are better than ours?
I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers
I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers

So why don't you help them then? Charity is not an act which can be performed with someone else's money
It is more efficient and costs less in other countries that have single payer healthcare.
Perhaps you'll recall (because we're still slogging through it) our nation's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Are you claiming their governments are better than ours?

When it comes to dictating behavior - they're way ahead of us. But we're catching up!

Seriously, do you really want US politicians controlling your health care??
Hey rightwinger Rigby5 how likely is it that those begging the loudest for free healthcare are unemployed, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, smoking weed, drinking booze, doing meth, driving drunk, having the most children...etc etc
I’m sure they represent a very small fraction....right?

Our poor already qualify for Medicaid, they are taken care of.

It is the guy struggling on $20-$30,000 a year that can’t afford healthcare. Families with a child suffering from cancer who get denied because of Pre-existing conditions.

Those are the people Obamacare helped.
Those are the people Trump wants to kick off insurance
How much does that family have to pay?
Now or before Obamacare?

Obamacare gives subsidies to low income families so they can afford insurance. It also forces insurance companies to charge the same to those with pre-existing conditions the same as healthy patients and to accept new patients regardless of their health history.

Trump wants to take it away.......In the middle of a COVID Pandemic
It is more efficient and costs less in other countries that have single payer healthcare.
Do you recall (because we're still slogging through it) our nation's response to the COVID-19 pandemic?

Are you claiming their governments are better than ours?

When it comes to dictating behavior - they're way ahead of us. But we're catching up!

Seriously, do you really want US politicians controlling your health care??

Here's what you said: "do you really want US politicians controlling your health care??"

Here's what RW heard: "do you really want US politicians controlling paying for your health care??"

So his answer of course is hell yeah!

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