Dems...why should your health and care be my concern?


Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.
it charges me more in taxs,,,

Most of our taxes go to military spending, and so little goes to social programs, that this is not a good argument.
If you want to reduce taxes, then get us out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean, etc.
that might be because the constitution requires a military and forbids social programs,,,

The constitution intended for there to be no standing military and instead rely on state militias when attacked.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of ...

Promoting general welfare could include social programs like health care.

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.
it charges me more in taxs,,,

Most of our taxes go to military spending, and so little goes to social programs, that this is not a good argument.
If you want to reduce taxes, then get us out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean, etc.
that might be because the constitution requires a military and forbids social programs,,,

It does nothing of the kind.

It talks about “Defense”
Fighting repeated wars at far ends of the world is not defense
maybe you should try reading it sometimes,,,

and the endless wars are the work of political parties not the constitution

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.
it charges me more in taxs,,,

Most of our taxes go to military spending, and so little goes to social programs, that this is not a good argument.
If you want to reduce taxes, then get us out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean, etc.
that might be because the constitution requires a military and forbids social programs,,,

The constitution intended for there to be no standing military and instead rely on state militias when attacked.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of ...

Promoting general welfare could include social programs like health care.
promoting isnt [providing at the loss of another person,,,

thats called tyranny by theft,,,
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Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.

Again, premiums are only lower when there's a welfare government benefit included. They are expensive and unusable because of the high deductibles for most people.

It totally fucked me. I had a policy that I loved. It was high deductible and cheap for family coverage. Under Obamacare the premiums skyrocketed then they cancelled it completely.

BTW, insurance company profits aren't yours, you are advocating armed robbery

The high costs of insurance is not because of ACA but due to the insurance companies high profits.
High deductibles are good.
If you want lower health costs, then we have to get the insurance companies out of it, because they are the one stealing all the profits.
Marxists rely on the fact that a population is easily controlled if it is defenseless and all are equally miserable. You will have nothing.... but neither will your neighbors. Your healthcare will be considered substandard by voodoo witchdoctors in sub-saharan africa.... but it won't cost you a penny.

Pick a side.
Right wingers have no better solutions at lower cost; all they do is complain about left wing solutions.
Your fucking solutions have only made things worse for the middle classes

Not really.
I do not like ACA, but it has made a slight improvement for the middle class.
Premiums are more uniform, more easy to compare, no worries over pre-existing, and slightly lower.

Premiums are only lower when you get government money to help pay for them. They are unaffordable to people who don't qualify for getting Obamacare with the welfare provision

Not sure I believe that.
Insurance rates were increasing by about 15% annually, and were unaffordable before ACA.
I think ACA actually lowered them slightly, and the only increase came from those who did not buy insurance at all before, but now have to because of the penalty.
you can think that all you want,,,

but its a fact my ins went up after the ACA not down,,,

But health insurance was going up about 15% a year before ACA, so how could you tell?

its been going up every yr since the feds decided to get involved and will continue to do so as long as they keep doing it,,,

but with the ACA it made a huge jump in my case,,,
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Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

I don't say you need to get a job and pay your own damn bills because I don't care about you, it's because I do. I want you to be a man. Do you feel better about paying your own damned bills now because I care? No huh, you actually just wanted the money, didn't you? Be honest

Typical Conservative view about healthcare

I got mine, FUK the rest of you
Typical Leftist beggar spin....
How about...”I got mine, go get your own.”
You beggars just can’t wrap your head around our founding principles and individualism...So weird

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

That's not true. Look at all the nationalized healthcare systems in Europe sporting high rates of COVID deaths. If well-being was a concern, then why do their national healthcare systems suck?

The US has slightly higher covid-19 death rates than Europe.
But it is not just Europe that has nationalized health care.
It is the whole world, except just the US.

INCORRCT. Europe has 2-3 times the death rate the USA does, some more than that. Deaths/Cases = mortality rate.
Marxists rely on the fact that a population is easily controlled if it is defenseless and all are equally miserable. You will have nothing.... but neither will your neighbors. Your healthcare will be considered substandard by voodoo witchdoctors in sub-saharan africa.... but it won't cost you a penny.

Pick a side.
Right wingers have no better solutions at lower cost; all they do is complain about left wing solutions.
Your fucking solutions have only made things worse for the middle classes

Not really.
I do not like ACA, but it has made a slight improvement for the middle class.
Premiums are more uniform, more easy to compare, no worries over pre-existing, and slightly lower.

Premiums are only lower when you get government money to help pay for them. They are unaffordable to people who don't qualify for getting Obamacare with the welfare provision

Not sure I believe that.
Insurance rates were increasing by about 15% annually, and were unaffordable before ACA.
I think ACA actually lowered them slightly, and the only increase came from those who did not buy insurance at all before, but now have to because of the penalty.
you can think that all you want,,,

but its a fact my ins went up after the ACA not down,,,

And were your insurance rates not going up before ACA?
Of course they were.
Marxists rely on the fact that a population is easily controlled if it is defenseless and all are equally miserable. You will have nothing.... but neither will your neighbors. Your healthcare will be considered substandard by voodoo witchdoctors in sub-saharan africa.... but it won't cost you a penny.

Pick a side.
Right wingers have no better solutions at lower cost; all they do is complain about left wing solutions.
Your fucking solutions have only made things worse for the middle classes

Not really.
I do not like ACA, but it has made a slight improvement for the middle class.
Premiums are more uniform, more easy to compare, no worries over pre-existing, and slightly lower.

Premiums are only lower when you get government money to help pay for them. They are unaffordable to people who don't qualify for getting Obamacare with the welfare provision

Not sure I believe that.
Insurance rates were increasing by about 15% annually, and were unaffordable before ACA.
I think ACA actually lowered them slightly, and the only increase came from those who did not buy insurance at all before, but now have to because of the penalty.
you can think that all you want,,,

but its a fact my ins went up after the ACA not down,,,

And were your insurance rates not going up before ACA?
Of course they were.
not like the major jump it did under ACA,,,

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

Don’t those “great countries” make bottom feeding beggars like you pay an effective tax rate of 20-40% while nearly half of America doesn’t contribute anything to the treasury?

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

Why can’t I “CARE” yet not be willing to pay for your bad decisions in life?
You mean like our alleged wars on crime, drugs and terror?

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

Explain how that should make perfect sense for the sane mind though? Fuck what other countries do...
You’re a grown ass
Yet, you don't complain about the fake and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; go figure.

There are no such things...those are simply not so clever talking points engineered by beggars and criminals....THE LEFT.
If there’s a “war on drugs” then there’s a war on drunk driving, a war on rape, a war on murder.....LefTards declare every imposition of law as a War on _________
They’re dumbmotherfuckers

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

That's not true. Look at all the nationalized healthcare systems in Europe sporting high rates of COVID deaths. If well-being was a concern, then why do their national healthcare systems suck?

The US has slightly higher covid-19 death rates than Europe.
But it is not just Europe that has nationalized health care.
It is the whole world, except just the US.

INCORRCT. Europe has 2-3 times the death rate the USA does, some more than that. Deaths/Cases = mortality rate.

Totally wrong.
The US is almost identical death rates to Europe, from covid-19.


Confirmed deaths per million from covid-19
Peru 1,042.76
Belgium 893.97
Bolivia 733.37
Brazil 719.38
Ecuador 715.16
Chile 714.18
Spain 708.93
Mexico 665.22
USA¹ 654.94
United Kingdom¹ 643.49
Italy 599.11
Panama 599.01
Sweden 578.8
Marxists rely on the fact that a population is easily controlled if it is defenseless and all are equally miserable. You will have nothing.... but neither will your neighbors. Your healthcare will be considered substandard by voodoo witchdoctors in sub-saharan africa.... but it won't cost you a penny.

Pick a side.
Right wingers have no better solutions at lower cost; all they do is complain about left wing solutions.
Your fucking solutions have only made things worse for the middle classes

Not really.
I do not like ACA, but it has made a slight improvement for the middle class.
Premiums are more uniform, more easy to compare, no worries over pre-existing, and slightly lower.

Premiums are only lower when you get government money to help pay for them. They are unaffordable to people who don't qualify for getting Obamacare with the welfare provision

Not sure I believe that.
Insurance rates were increasing by about 15% annually, and were unaffordable before ACA.
I think ACA actually lowered them slightly, and the only increase came from those who did not buy insurance at all before, but now have to because of the penalty.

Well, since I operated my own businesses back then, I was writing the full check for my insurance and I know what it cost. Before Obamacare, I paid just under $400 a month for family high deductible coverage. In just 3-4 years under Obamacare it doubled, then they cancelled it completely and similar Obamacare policies were $1,000 a month and up because the taxpayers weren't paying any of my policy

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
Wanna bet?
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.

Insurance industry profits grew, in some case quite radically, under ACA. Might wanna put that argument on the backburner.

I would agree that mandating private insurance would open the door for even more profiteering by insurance companies. Which is why I would prefer public health care instead.

So you don't trust private companies because people are corruptible and you don't want corruptible people to make those decisions.

So you want government to do it, because government isn't people, it's ...

... hmm ...

... I may have identified a flaw in your plan ...

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone

I don't say you need to get a job and pay your own damn bills because I don't care about you, it's because I do. I want you to be a man. Do you feel better about paying your own damned bills now because I care? No huh, you actually just wanted the money, didn't you? Be honest

Typical Conservative view about healthcare

I got mine, FUK the rest of you

No. He, like me, pays for it. You want everyone to pay for those that can't pay for themselves. Typical liberal view about healthcare.

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
Wanna bet?
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.

Insurance industry profits grew, in some case quite radically, under ACA. Might wanna put that argument on the backburner.

I would agree that mandating private insurance would open the door for even more profiteering by insurance companies. Which is why I would prefer public health care instead.

So you don't trust private companies because people are corruptible and you don't want corruptible people to make those decisions.

So you want government to do it, because government isn't people, it's ...

... hmm ...

... I may have identified a flaw in your plan ...

Government has no business in healthcare. You won't find HC in the Constitution because Govt. has nothing to do with it.

Only idiots want the Govt. to provide HC for 350 million Americans. Nothing but red tape, long waits and mountains of paperwork. NO thanks.
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Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right

False. You have no legitimate right to stick your filthy, greedy hands into someone else's pocket.

There is no "human right" to confiscate the property of others, the only legitimate rights are your rights over your own life, liberty and property

No one can complain, because ACA does not cost anyone any more.
Wanna bet?
That is because ACA subsidizes the poor only by cutting insurance company profits, not by charging anyone more.

Insurance industry profits grew, in some case quite radically, under ACA. Might wanna put that argument on the backburner.

I would agree that mandating private insurance would open the door for even more profiteering by insurance companies. Which is why I would prefer public health care instead.
Which would open the door, wider, for even more profiteering by insurance companies.

Yes. The idea that a choice leads to corruption so we should have our choice removed and our decision made for us to protect us from corruption is a s dumb as it sounds.

Let's leave it up to politicians, they aren't corrupt!!!!!!
Only idiots want the Govt. to provide HC for 350 million Americans. Nothing but red tape, long waits and mountains of paperwork. NO thanks.

Those same idiots want government / taxpayers to provide HC for Mexico as well. This is where the dumbmotherfuckers really screwed up and lost all credibility.

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