Dems worst nightmare black, gay veteran walks away becomes a Republican tells world why

Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................

So since you have a gay black guy becoming a republican that means your party doesn't hate blacks or gays??-- cool...we can agree -- However the democratic party has whites in it, yet you still keep claiming that party is anti-white -- make it make sense, trumpist..

Basically your OP is just another version of "look at my African American over here"
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................
One......everyone makes their choices.....
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................
Lol what an idiot. Like a Jew joining the Nazis.

George Soros?
Lol you retard. A 9 year old ranking high in the SS :laugh:
LOL A Blue Wave coming, maybe even a Blue Tsunami. LOL Squeal and retreat into an alternative universe quick, reality is getting too rough. Poor, poor little 'Conservative' snowflakes. The Cult of Trump is about to crash and burn.

If you all honestly believed that you wouldn't be running away from the walkaway campaign.
LOL A Blue Wave coming, maybe even a Blue Tsunami. LOL Squeal and retreat into an alternative universe quick, reality is getting too rough. Poor, poor little 'Conservative' snowflakes. The Cult of Trump is about to crash and burn.

If you all honestly believed that you wouldn't be running away from the walkaway campaign.
It's quite amusing watching trumpanzees put all this effort and faith into this so-called "walkaway" campaign. :71:


PTBAA - Proud to be an American
LOL A Blue Wave coming, maybe even a Blue Tsunami. LOL Squeal and retreat into an alternative universe quick, reality is getting too rough. Poor, poor little 'Conservative' snowflakes. The Cult of Trump is about to crash and burn.

If you all honestly believed that you wouldn't be running away from the walkaway campaign.
It's quite amusing watching trumpanzees put all this effort and faith into this so-called "walkaway" campaign. :71:


PTBAA - Proud to be an American
The #walkaway campaign doesn't really exist, it is nothing more than a social media blitz by Russian posters and bots.

Russian bots are using #WalkAway to try to wound Democrats in the midterms (Opinion) - CNN
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................

So since you have a gay black guy becoming a republican that means your party doesn't hate blacks or gays??-- cool...we can agree -- However the democratic party has whites in it, yet you still keep claiming that party is anti-white -- make it make sense, trumpist..

Basically your OP is just another version of "look at my African American over here"
White democrats actually hate white people. They call it white privelage.
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................

So since you have a gay black guy becoming a republican that means your party doesn't hate blacks or gays??-- cool...we can agree -- However the democratic party has whites in it, yet you still keep claiming that party is anti-white -- make it make sense, trumpist..

Basically your OP is just another version of "look at my African American over here"
White democrats actually hate white people. They call it white privelage.
So you are not smart? got it.
LOL A Blue Wave coming, maybe even a Blue Tsunami. LOL Squeal and retreat into an alternative universe quick, reality is getting too rough. Poor, poor little 'Conservative' snowflakes. The Cult of Trump is about to crash and burn.

If you all honestly believed that you wouldn't be running away from the walkaway campaign.
It's quite amusing watching trumpanzees put all this effort and faith into this so-called "walkaway" campaign. :71:


PTBAA - Proud to be an American
The #walkaway campaign doesn't really exist, it is nothing more than a social media blitz by Russian posters and bots.

Russian bots are using #WalkAway to try to wound Democrats in the midterms (Opinion) - CNN
Even CNN isn't stupid enough to call #walkaway fake, moron.

They are talking about the fact that at that time #walkaway was used 2 billion times on twitter(it would be a lot higher now, but twitter shut it down). #Walkaway is located on facebook, dipshit.

I have direct links to the movement located all over this forum and not one of you losers bothered to click it.

As I said, you cowards are afraid to feel that your "blue wave" is a laughable joke once you see all the Democrats and Independents who are saying they will never vote Democrat again from every state in the country and closing in on every single voting precinct.
LOL A Blue Wave coming, maybe even a Blue Tsunami. LOL Squeal and retreat into an alternative universe quick, reality is getting too rough. Poor, poor little 'Conservative' snowflakes. The Cult of Trump is about to crash and burn.

If you all honestly believed that you wouldn't be running away from the walkaway campaign.
It's quite amusing watching trumpanzees put all this effort and faith into this so-called "walkaway" campaign. :71:


PTBAA - Proud to be an American
The #walkaway campaign doesn't really exist, it is nothing more than a social media blitz by Russian posters and bots.

Russian bots are using #WalkAway to try to wound Democrats in the midterms (Opinion) - CNN
Even CNN isn't stupid enough to call #walkaway fake, moron.

They are talking about the fact that at that time #walkaway was used 2 billion times on twitter(it would be a lot higher now, but twitter shut it down). #Walkaway is located on facebook, dipshit.

I have direct links to the movement located all over this forum and not one of you losers bothered to click it.

As I said, you cowards are afraid to feel that your "blue wave" is a laughable joke once you see all the Democrats and Independents who are saying they will never vote Democrat again from every state in the country and closing in on every single voting precinct.
You have fallen for the Russian fake news machine again.
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................

So since you have a gay black guy becoming a republican that means your party doesn't hate blacks or gays??-- cool...we can agree -- However the democratic party has whites in it, yet you still keep claiming that party is anti-white -- make it make sense, trumpist..

Basically your OP is just another version of "look at my African American over here"
White democrats actually hate white people. They call it white privelage.
So you are not smart? got it.
Coming from a liberal, that's actually a complement. Figured out which bathroom you gonna use today?
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................
One......everyone makes their choices.....
Yeah but he will pay for it. The left does not tolerate people they believe should be Democrats without question jumping ship.
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................

So since you have a gay black guy becoming a republican that means your party doesn't hate blacks or gays??-- cool...we can agree -- However the democratic party has whites in it, yet you still keep claiming that party is anti-white -- make it make sense, trumpist..

Basically your OP is just another version of "look at my African American over here"
White democrats actually hate white people. They call it white privelage.
So you are not smart? got it.
Coming from a liberal, that's actually a complement. Figured out which bathroom you gonna use today?
No, I am actually telling you that your comment "white democrats hate white people, they call it white privelage" is not smart for a multitude of reasons.

First, it is spelled "privilege" -- also, the idea of acknowledging some classes (white people) have historically enjoyed privileges that non-whites didn't doesn't mean you hate white people.

Second, you can't name one policy currently being pushed by "democrats" that is geared towards hating white people -- name one, and I guarantee you whatever you come up with will be dumb

Third, so you won't look stupid again, in order to be a political party who hates "white people" -- you would need to put some policies in place that helps you to manifest that hate, like they did with Jim Crow laws -- you know any Jim Crow style laws that is aimed at white people?
The far right makes people of color pay for not listening and do what they are told to do by the far right.
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................
One......everyone makes their choices.....
Yeah but he will pay for it. The left does not tolerate people they believe should be Democrats without question jumping ship.

How has JC Watts paid for it? He was a democrat before he became republican -- he is still leading a normal healthy life -- no one has threatened to punish him -- he still gets to go out and about and live his life..

Now if you ask me who is JC Watts, I wouldn't be folks only pay attention to black republicans when they are buckdancing and shining in order to pacify your inner white supremacist..
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................
One......everyone makes their choices.....
Yeah but he will pay for it. The left does not tolerate people they believe should be Democrats without question jumping ship.

How has JC Watts paid for it? He was a democrat before he became republican -- he is still leading a normal healthy life -- no one has threatened to punish him -- he still gets to go out and about and live his life..

Now if you ask me who is JC Watts, I wouldn't be folks only pay attention to black republicans when they are buckdancing and shining in order to pacify your inner white supremacist..
I know who JC Watts is and you can bet money he was called all kinds of nasty names for being a Republican that's how the left handles that shit. By the way I was married to a Black Women and have mixed race kids so you can take your supremacist accusations and cram them up your fourth point of contact. .

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