Dems worst nightmare black, gay veteran walks away becomes a Republican tells world why

Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................
Lol what an idiot. Like a Jew joining the Nazis.

Nobody is going to fall for that shit. Even the RWNJs see it's just another set of republican lies.

Well I follow this guy on Twitter, so unless he's lying or something, it's legit.

Somebody on twitter lying? That will NEVER happen.

Well I have seen him on Twitter telling his story for quite a while and then I saw him on TV telling the same story. So I think it might be legit, but you never know.
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................

Is this a far-right wing dream? A black man in uniform who will go down on other men?

Leave it to a libtard to bring sex into the conversation.
It’s so cute watching morons say things like that.
I disagree......I've been watching you and your posts for years, and I don't think they're cute.
Poor muddy. Luckily I don’t put much stick into what loony lying bigoted trumptards say.
Well, considering your reputation here, I'm sure the feelings mutual.
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................

Is this a far-right wing dream? A black man in uniform who will go down on other men?

Leave it to a libtard to bring sex into the conversation.
It’s so cute watching morons say things like that.
I guess the truth hurts.
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................
Such constituency erosion is to be expected given the extremely hard left turn the DNC has taken recently. Current chairjefe Tommy Perez has endorsed socialist Alexa Ocasio-Cortez, saying she represents the “future of our party.”

Good Democrats and others know that means among other things no borders, no ICE, giveaways galore a la Bernie Sanders, and all on their tax dollars! That sure seems fair, huh?

What’s funny is the guy in the OP is a three-fer problem for the DNC . He’s a veteran, as are other Democrats. He’s black, as are other Democrats. He’s gay, as are other Democrats. Just a question of how many in those demos and dozens of others decide they’ve had enough of the jackass party.

So, Tomas. Buenas noches, duerme bien!
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................

Is this a far-right wing dream? A black man in uniform who will go down on other men?

Leave it to a libtard to bring sex into the conversation.
It’s so cute watching morons say things like that.
I guess the truth hurts.

none of you trumpkins have ever told the truth

and truth doesn't offend me. that's the thing of trump and his little Russian duped trumpkins.

y'all are too funny.
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................
Such constituency erosion is to be expected given the extremely hard left turn the DNC has taken recently. Current chairjefe Tommy Perez has endorsed socialist Alexa Ocasio-Cortez, saying she represents the “future of our party.”

Good Democrats and others know that means among other things no borders, no ICE, giveaways galore a la Bernie Sanders, and all on their tax dollars! That sure seems fair, huh?

What’s funny is the guy in the OP is a three-fer problem for the DNC . He’s a veteran, as are other Democrats. He’s black, as are other Democrats. He’s gay, as are other Democrats. Just a question of how many in those demos and dozens of others decide they’ve had enough of the jackass party.

So, Tomas. Buenas noches, duerme bien!
Even if by some miracle Democrats survive #walkaway in 2018(LOL the dipshits on here and elsewhere have NO idea what is coming for them), by 2020 it will be so huge that the 2010 Tea Party wave will look like a blue wave.

God help the Democrats if they win in 2018 and block Trump. #Walkaway will literally have 10s of millions of members who will turn Minnesota, Connecticut, Virginia and New Hampshire red in 2020, on top of every Trump state from 2016 going even more red.

2020-2024 will be the greatest years the conservative movement has ever had.
Dems’ Worst Nightmare: Black, Gay Veteran Walks Away, Becomes a Republican, Tells World Why

The extreme leftward movement of the Democratic party and the identity politics that they employ has caused a lot of people to #WalkAway, so much so it even prompted the hashtag movement.

Oh now the traitors will call him an uncle Tom because why he woke up he saw what Democrats are and what they are really about.

Who wants to be a part of these lunatics gone wild, who wants to be a part of ANTIFA who can only bet up women, attack old ladies or men only the truly demented will stick with the democratic scum cult.

Oh what will they ever use on this one they CAN'T USE :

You are a racist

You hate gays

You hate blacks

Oh but wait they will dream up something .........................

WAIT FOR IT.........................WAIT FOR IT.........................
Lol what an idiot. Like a Jew joining the Nazis.

With this comment alone you’re discriminating against him bc of his race. You believe people of a certain skin color should think a certain way and if they don’t something is wrong with them... you don’t think your mindset here is problematic?
Skin color? Did Jews have a different skin color than Nazi’s? Too dumb.

LOL you saying a BLACK person going to the Republican Party is akin to a Jew joining the Nazis, so his skin color doesn’t play a part in you making that statement?
He’s also gay, or are you too fixated on his being black to know that? What stupid game are you playing here? He is a member of groups that are hated by the GOP. No different than the Jews who supported the Nazi’s in the 1930’s.

I’m not playing a game. I’m simply pointing out that you’re judging him based on his skin color, which I thought you’d be against. I don’t care about his skin color. The story in the OP shouldn’t even be a story in my opinion because it reinforces the flawed belief that skin color somehow means something it doesn’t. We should all feel free to express and/or change our political beliefs and not have to worry that others are ridiculing us of that because of the race we happen to be.
Why would the GOP want more sicko deviants? They already have those 'Log Cabin' deviants and other pedo-friendly establishment types. Send it back to Pelosi; we don't need the mentally ill deviant vote. The Dems are already on a downward spiral, no need to recruit and pander to their random outlier. Faggots aren't Democrats, anyway, they have more in common with Leona Helmsley and Nancy Reagan than they do Democrats outside of a single' issue', their ' Constitutional Rights' to molest school children and spread nasty epidemics with impunity. the 'Right' already supports them in all that. They hate proles, love rich bimbos and worship wealthy people, and vote GOP already.

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