Denier Stalinism: Mandatory psych evals for scientists who say "global warming"

So you know it's Stalinist, but you're still choosing to embrace it, using the justification "But he did it too!".

Fascinating. We here on the rational side would never think of excusing bad behavior by pointing to your past Stalinist episodes, such as when you tried to send scientists to the gulag. Wrong is wrong, and we don't do it, regardless of what you do.
Oh, no. These are all factual.

No, the Gore quote was a total fake. Again, here's the real one.

SXSW Gore says climate-change deniers should pay political price - Chicago Tribune
We need to put a price on carbon to accelerate these market trends,” Gore said, referring to a proposed federal cap-and-trade system that would penalize companies that exceeded their carbon-emission limits. “And in order to do that, we need to put a price on denial in politics."

I don't blame you too much, of course, being that every denier source out there went full metal Stalinist and used the fake quote. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to point out how all the denier sources proudly lied, reinforcing my point about their Stalinist nature.

Funny how you totally ignored this link....The link go's to a blog that saved the initial post because as was to be expected the dear professor realized he was speaking his mind a little too early so they deleted it. But not before it could be saved for posterity.

"In this article I am going to suggest that the death penalty is an appropriate punishment for influential GW deniers. But before coming to this surprising conclusion, please allow me to explain where I am coming from."

Prof. Richard Parncutt Death Penalty for Global Warming Deniers Tallbloke s Talkshop

Joe Romm did the same when he declared that deniers needed to be strangled in their beds.
Below is the link to the "cleaned up post" but the comment by the blog runner make clear what was said.
Exclusive New NSIDC director Serreze explains the death spiral of Arctic ice brushes off the breathtaking ignorance of blogs like WattsUpWithThat ThinkProgress

Then you have Mike Hulme bringing back the dark specter of Nazism with this paper....

"This paper traces how climate has moved from playing a deterministic to a reductionist role in discourses about environment, society and the future. Climate determinism previously offered an explanation, and hence a justification, for the superiority of certain imperial races and cultures. The argument put forward here is that the new climate reductionism is driven by the hegemony exercised by the predictive natural sciences over contingent, imaginative and humanistic accounts of social life and visions of the future. It is a hegemony which lends disproportionate power in political and social discourse to model-based descriptions of putative future climates. Some possible reasons for this climate reductionism, as well as some of the limitations and dangers of this position for human relationships with the future, are suggested."

JSTOR An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

No, admiral....the Stalinistas are you and yours. Welcome to the new reality that it is YOU who are the murderous scumbags.....and we caught you..
And anyone should care about the unknown professor ... why? We all agree he's a jacksass. But his opinion matters no more than any other random person's.

And seriously, you're counting colorful language as Stalinism? If we go through every denier comment that mentions violence, deniers will come across looking like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Ghengis Khan combined. You probably don't want to go down that route. Just look at Frank here, and understand there are millions of Franks out there.

Let's keep going over this until it sticks.

The rational people immediately criticize any such stupidity from their own side.

The deniers ... don't. Even when prompted.

Here, I'll help you out with an example of what a decent person might say.

"It was inexcusable for the state of Florida to ban mentions of global warming. It was inexcusable for them to imply that a researcher who did mention it was mentally ill."

Go on, you try. What did you think of the actions of the state of Florida here? Note that this wasn't just a random person giving an opinion. This was a whole state government actually mandating a stalinist tactic by government force. It's so much worse, it's not even in the same ballpark. And none of the deniers have any problem with it at all.
and when you become someone let us know! Heh, heh, or, f-n-a.
I see the dead cat flop and occasional jerky movements.. Its been really entertaining to watch it flail around hoping every one wont see that it is projecting itself and lying about it..

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