Denier Stalinism: Mandatory psych evals for scientists who say "global warming"

It doesn't go far enough, we need to deprogram the entire batshit crazy, anti-science AGWCult

Science is not done by "Consensus" that's Cult-speak
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I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.
ahh.... hoss the earth tilts on it's axis 4 time a year we call that the seasons.

Axis Tilt is Critical for Life

The tilt of the Earth's spin axis with respect to the plane of its orbit about the sun (the ecliptic plane) is important for a habitable Earth. The Earth's spin axis is tilted 23.5° with respect to the ecliptic, giving moderate seasons and preventing temperature extremes anywhere on the planet.

This illustration, patterned after Ward and Brownlee, summarizes the effects of different tilt angles with respect to the ecliptic plane. The lines parallel to the equator are the polar circles where the sun never sets in midsummer and never rises in midwinter.


The tilt angles range from zero for Mercury to 90 degrees for Uranus. Both extremes produce drastic temperature differences across the planet. Mercury, close to the Sun and tidally locked to having the same face toward the Sun all the time, ranges from extreme heat at the equator to ice at the poles. But for angles above 54 degrees, the poles get more energy than the equator. "Although our viewpoint is certainly biased, our planet's tilt axis seems to be 'just right'". (Ward and Brownlee)
Not only is the Earth's angle of tilt close to the optimum value, it also seems to have been essentially constant. That is crucial for the development of advanced life. Since there are torques which could have caused the axis direction to change, it appears to have been the stabilizing effect of the Moon that has kept the spin axis in a stable direction to provide a stable climate for life.

Axis Tilt is Critical for Life

well it's apparent that our liberal friends have no idea of that.
really the poster who didn't have a clue was a conservative.
A swing and a miss.....
I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.

this site blames the shift on climate change:

Earth s Axis has changed Sun position abnormally north during summer
so it's an uncredited blog with no credibility and you are buying it ?

Not really buying it, I just thought it was a great example of how the GW fearists are blaming everything on GW.
they are 50%right.
what is that? That 50% is due to the axis of the earth shift and they are human?
wow you are clueless there is no credible evidence supporting the shift claim.
fun facts : the sun is closer to the earth in winter and farther away in summer due to axial shift.
for that claim to be fact, earth would have to change its orbit to a flatter ellipse than it currently has....
the 50% comment means the earth experiences naturally occurring climate change however if you "think "we have had no effect on climate you are wrong ..
the sad part is, it's something we can fix.
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so it's an uncredited blog with no credibility and you are buying it ?

Not really buying it, I just thought it was a great example of how the GW fearists are blaming everything on GW.
they are 50%right.
what is that? That 50% is due to the axis of the earth shift and they are human?
wow you are clueless there is no credible evidence supporting the shift claim.
fun facts : the sun is closer to the earth in winter and farther away in summer due to axial shift.
for that clam to be fact earth would have to change its orbit to a flatter ellipse than it currently has....
the 50% comment means the earth experiences naturally occurring climate change however if you "think "we have had no effect on climate you are wrong ..
the sad part is, it's something we can fix.
It doesn't go far enough, we need to deprogram the entire batshit crazy, anti-science AGWCult

Science is not done by "Consensus" that's Cult-speak
you mean you will dismantle the craze you started?
yep, we allowed them to infiltrate our media and political factions. Them meaning the lefty lizards that go bat nuts for nothing and producing fear mongering tactics.
It doesn't go far enough, we need to deprogram the entire batshit crazy, anti-science AGWCult

Science is not done by "Consensus" that's Cult-speak
you mean you will dismantle the craze you started?
yep, we allowed them to infiltrate our media and political factions. Them meaning the lefty lizards that go bat nuts for nothing and producing fear mongering tactics.
that's funny! fear mongering is the specialty of the right .
Republican Campaign Ads Fear-Mongering Over ISIS Threat

The threat of terrorism is once again being featured on the campaign trail.

Republicans in particular are putting America's military conflict in the Middle East front and center in television ads less than two months before the midterm elections, calling into question their opponents' willingness to confront Islamic State extremists that beheaded two U.S. journalists earlier this summer.

One of the latest examples comes from Iowa's competitive 3rd Congressional District, where a new spot produced by the National Republican Congressional Committee on behalf of David Young (R) attacks former state Sen. Staci Appel (D) for opposing efforts that would strip American extremists of their passports.

"David Young would be tough on terrorists," the ad says. "Staci Appel is dangerously wrong for Iowa."

Revoking passports of U.S. citizens who sign on as fighters with the Islamic State is an idea that has some support in Congress, but there is concern among the intelligence community that the tactic would impede how the U.S. gathers information on possible threats abroad.

Another ad produced by the NRCC earlier this month portrays incumbent Rep. Rick Nolan (D-Minn.) as soft on terror. "Rick Nolan voted to cut funds for the fight against al Qaeda," says the ad's narrator.

Islamic State militants even made cameos in several Senate races. An ad cut for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier this month suggests that Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes is unprepared to handle "serious times," such as the extremists that appear at the outset of the ad. Over in the Georgia Senate race, Republican David Perdue is taking flack for a dubious ad that linked Democrat Michelle Nunn to "terrorists." Another Perdue ad suggests support for immigration reform is somehow related to the Islamic State. And a spot from Republican New Mexico Senate candidate Allen Weh drew criticism last month for including an image from the gruesome execution of American journalist James Foley. Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) sent out a fundraising email this week titled "Fighting ISIS" that declared, "In a dangerous world, we need Thad Cochran in the Senate now more than ever."

Democrats on Thursday accused Republicans of stooping to "Karl Rove's scare tactics" in an effort to expand their majority in the House.

"With their own anti-middle class agenda leading to record low approval ratings, House Republicans are resorting to Karl Rove's scare tactics. It's a shame that at a time when our nation is facing real threats abroad and economic challenges at home, the NRCC would stoop to these lows just to try to win seats," said Josh Schwerin, a spokesman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

That's not to say that Democrats haven't preyed on fears over turbulent world events. Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor's (D) re-election campaign hit his Republican opponent for voting to cut emergency programs by running an ad centered on the growing Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Republican Campaign Ads Fear-Mongering Over ISIS Threat
Republican Campaign Ads Fear-Mongering Over ISIS Threat

The threat of terrorism is once again being featured on the campaign trail.

Republicans in particular are putting America's military conflict in the Middle East front and center in television ads less than two months before the midterm elections, calling into question their opponents' willingness to confront Islamic State extremists that beheaded two U.S. journalists earlier this summer.

One of the latest examples comes from Iowa's competitive 3rd Congressional District, where a new spot produced by the National Republican Congressional Committee on behalf of David Young (R) attacks former state Sen. Staci Appel (D) for opposing efforts that would strip American extremists of their passports.

"David Young would be tough on terrorists," the ad says. "Staci Appel is dangerously wrong for Iowa."

Revoking passports of U.S. citizens who sign on as fighters with the Islamic State is an idea that has some support in Congress, but there is concern among the intelligence community that the tactic would impede how the U.S. gathers information on possible threats abroad.

Another ad produced by the NRCC earlier this month portrays incumbent Rep. Rick Nolan (D-Minn.) as soft on terror. "Rick Nolan voted to cut funds for the fight against al Qaeda," says the ad's narrator.

Islamic State militants even made cameos in several Senate races. An ad cut for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) earlier this month suggests that Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes is unprepared to handle "serious times," such as the extremists that appear at the outset of the ad. Over in the Georgia Senate race, Republican David Perdue is taking flack for a dubious ad that linked Democrat Michelle Nunn to "terrorists." Another Perdue ad suggests support for immigration reform is somehow related to the Islamic State. And a spot from Republican New Mexico Senate candidate Allen Weh drew criticism last month for including an image from the gruesome execution of American journalist James Foley. Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) sent out a fundraising email this week titled "Fighting ISIS" that declared, "In a dangerous world, we need Thad Cochran in the Senate now more than ever."

Democrats on Thursday accused Republicans of stooping to "Karl Rove's scare tactics" in an effort to expand their majority in the House.

"With their own anti-middle class agenda leading to record low approval ratings, House Republicans are resorting to Karl Rove's scare tactics. It's a shame that at a time when our nation is facing real threats abroad and economic challenges at home, the NRCC would stoop to these lows just to try to win seats," said Josh Schwerin, a spokesman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

That's not to say that Democrats haven't preyed on fears over turbulent world events. Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor's (D) re-election campaign hit his Republican opponent for voting to cut emergency programs by running an ad centered on the growing Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Republican Campaign Ads Fear-Mongering Over ISIS Threat
LOL, I see you have no understanding of a real threat eh? Keep claiming that fake climate crap though!! Hypocrit.

I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.
ahh.... hoss the earth tilts on it's axis 4 time a year we call that the seasons.

Axis Tilt is Critical for Life

The tilt of the Earth's spin axis with respect to the plane of its orbit about the sun (the ecliptic plane) is important for a habitable Earth. The Earth's spin axis is tilted 23.5° with respect to the ecliptic, giving moderate seasons and preventing temperature extremes anywhere on the planet.

This illustration, patterned after Ward and Brownlee, summarizes the effects of different tilt angles with respect to the ecliptic plane. The lines parallel to the equator are the polar circles where the sun never sets in midsummer and never rises in midwinter.


The tilt angles range from zero for Mercury to 90 degrees for Uranus. Both extremes produce drastic temperature differences across the planet. Mercury, close to the Sun and tidally locked to having the same face toward the Sun all the time, ranges from extreme heat at the equator to ice at the poles. But for angles above 54 degrees, the poles get more energy than the equator. "Although our viewpoint is certainly biased, our planet's tilt axis seems to be 'just right'". (Ward and Brownlee)
Not only is the Earth's angle of tilt close to the optimum value, it also seems to have been essentially constant. That is crucial for the development of advanced life. Since there are torques which could have caused the axis direction to change, it appears to have been the stabilizing effect of the Moon that has kept the spin axis in a stable direction to provide a stable climate for life.

Axis Tilt is Critical for Life

I was aware of that but the Weather Channel guys were talking about a permanent shift of 3 0r 4 degrees on top of the normal tilt. Could be caused by the many earthquakes in the past few years. I don't know if Gore's scientists take that into consideration.

I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.
ahh.... hoss the earth tilts on it's axis 4 time a year we call that the seasons.

Axis Tilt is Critical for Life

The tilt of the Earth's spin axis with respect to the plane of its orbit about the sun (the ecliptic plane) is important for a habitable Earth. The Earth's spin axis is tilted 23.5° with respect to the ecliptic, giving moderate seasons and preventing temperature extremes anywhere on the planet.

This illustration, patterned after Ward and Brownlee, summarizes the effects of different tilt angles with respect to the ecliptic plane. The lines parallel to the equator are the polar circles where the sun never sets in midsummer and never rises in midwinter.


The tilt angles range from zero for Mercury to 90 degrees for Uranus. Both extremes produce drastic temperature differences across the planet. Mercury, close to the Sun and tidally locked to having the same face toward the Sun all the time, ranges from extreme heat at the equator to ice at the poles. But for angles above 54 degrees, the poles get more energy than the equator. "Although our viewpoint is certainly biased, our planet's tilt axis seems to be 'just right'". (Ward and Brownlee)
Not only is the Earth's angle of tilt close to the optimum value, it also seems to have been essentially constant. That is crucial for the development of advanced life. Since there are torques which could have caused the axis direction to change, it appears to have been the stabilizing effect of the Moon that has kept the spin axis in a stable direction to provide a stable climate for life.

Axis Tilt is Critical for Life

I was aware of that but the Weather Channel guys were talking about a permanent shift of 3 0r 4 degrees on top of the normal tilt. Could be caused by the many earthquakes in the past few years. I don't know if Gore's scientists take that into consideration.

they'd then blame humans anyway for being too heavy.
I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.

this site blames the shift on climate change:

Earth s Axis has changed Sun position abnormally north during summer
so it's an uncredited blog with no credibility and you are buying it ?

Not really buying it, I just thought it was a great example of how the GW fearists are blaming everything on GW.
they are 50%right.
what is that? That 50% is due to the axis of the earth shift and they are human?

QUICK... Run to the other side of the earth before it flips over..../sarc
To Funny:
The alarmist regime no longer wants the terms used because they do not create fear any more and they cant make up a new term as it will be used against them so they opt to not use it for a while hoping that it will again cause fear....
The liberal circular logic is killing me...
It doesn't go far enough, we need to deprogram the entire batshit crazy, anti-science AGWCult

Science is not done by "Consensus" that's Cult-speak

How is it done Frank? How do we know, for instance, that heliocentrism, the germ theory and relativity are all likeliest to be correct? Who decides that Frank?
Does ANYONE here have a word of defense for the actions of Florida governor Rick Scott as detailed in the OP?
It doesn't go far enough, we need to deprogram the entire batshit crazy, anti-science AGWCult

Science is not done by "Consensus" that's Cult-speak

How is it done Frank? How do we know, for instance, that heliocentrism, the germ theory and relativity are all likeliest to be correct? Who decides that Frank?

Crick, go pick up the recent edition of "Discover", we're still testing General Relativity 100 years after it was first proposed. That's real science

By Comparison, 30 years ago your "Theory" said Global Cooling, you changed it 5 years later, have not presented any lab work, can't make anything but the vaguest prediction regarding "Climate change" (just turn on the Weather Channel, there it is) and you have the anti-science audacity to state the debate is over because you have "Consensus"

That thousands of studies have been conducted regarding global warming shows us that it IS being tested. The conclusions at which those studies arrive show us that the primary cause of global warming is human GHG emissions and deforestation. The vast majority of scientists, examining the results of that testing, have concluded that AGW is valid.

So, why don't you get a grasp on reality and try again.

How do we determine what scientific theory is likeliest to be correct? What is a dominant or widely accepted theory Frank?
Does ANYONE here have a word of defense for the actions of Florida governor Rick Scott as detailed in the OP?


It's a Cult that need to be handled as such

So you believe that censorship is the appropriate way to conduct scientific investigation and that it is proper for government to ban the dissemination of widely held scientific opinion regarding matters of enormous public interest.

Are you suggesting that the world's scientists constitute a cult?

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