Dennis Kucinich WARNS

Soros needs them asleep and brainwashed his way and his loyal Media executes his orders pretty accurately. Because if everybody wakes up and starts seeing the reality, it will be "Game Over!" for Globalists.

Looks like dumbing down the world population is currently the main occupation of Globalists.
It is an uphill battle since they control every government (legislative, judicial and executive branches)in the Western Hemisphere with unlimited money supply and total control over the media and education.
I thought you rubes elected an outsider. A no nonsense business mogul who knew how to get things done. He was going to drain the swamp! :rolleyes-41:

The swamp is apparently too big, too wide and too deep and the outsider they elected hasn't been in the office for even a month yet. And progressives are soooooo darn helpful with sticking his wheels: they even are preventing his Administration approval.
Are you planning on being an apologist for his entire term?
A better question might be, are you and your kind going to scream hysterically for four years?
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
It is an uphill battle since they control every government (legislative, judicial and executive branches)in the Western Hemisphere with unlimited money supply and total control over the media and education.
I thought you rubes elected an outsider. A no nonsense business mogul who knew how to get things done. He was going to drain the swamp! :rolleyes-41:

The swamp is apparently too big, too wide and too deep and the outsider they elected hasn't been in the office for even a month yet. And progressives are soooooo darn helpful with sticking his wheels: they even are preventing his Administration approval.
Are you planning on being an apologist for his entire term?
A better question might be, are you and your kind going to scream hysterically for four years?
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
I thought you rubes elected an outsider. A no nonsense business mogul who knew how to get things done. He was going to drain the swamp! :rolleyes-41:

The swamp is apparently too big, too wide and too deep and the outsider they elected hasn't been in the office for even a month yet. And progressives are soooooo darn helpful with sticking his wheels: they even are preventing his Administration approval.
Are you planning on being an apologist for his entire term?
A better question might be, are you and your kind going to scream hysterically for four years?
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
It is politics. Remember, never let your enemies know what your plan is.
The swamp is apparently too big, too wide and too deep and the outsider they elected hasn't been in the office for even a month yet. And progressives are soooooo darn helpful with sticking his wheels: they even are preventing his Administration approval.
Are you planning on being an apologist for his entire term?
A better question might be, are you and your kind going to scream hysterically for four years?
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
It is politics. Remember, never let your enemies know what your plan is.
Especially if just about everybody around you are (or may be) enemies. When very powerful people like Soros declared a war on you, made their loyal Media constantly spread a lot of lies about you and have been training their brainwashed flock of liberal sheep and bribed high officials like McCain to get you as soon as they order to.

Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016 - Breitbart

Since Soros in against Trump (and we all know how dirty and bloody he is), and even if I am not sure yet if Trump is good or bad, I would take Trump's side. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
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Are you planning on being an apologist for his entire term?
A better question might be, are you and your kind going to scream hysterically for four years?
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
It is politics. Remember, never let your enemies know what your plan is.
Especially if just about everybody around you are (or may be) enemies. When very powerful people like Soros declared a war on you, made their loyal Media constantly spread a lot of lies about you and have been training their brainwashed flock of liberal sheep and bribed high officials like McCain to get you as soon as they order to.

Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016 - Breitbart

Since Soros in against Trump (and we all know how dirty and bloody he is), and even if I am not sure yet if Trump is good or bad, I would take Trump's side. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
I believe that Soros is the hatchet man and things run deeper under the surface. It is said that he made his fortune by breaking the Bank of England. That's a fairy tale. Nobody and I emphasize, NOBODY breaks a Rothschild Bank. It was a gimmick to allocate money to Soros to do his subversive dirty deeds worldwide. The perfect candidate with no conscience as his previous acts prove it in betraying his own people. He is the front man for the Global Elite. The only way to effectively neutralize Globalist efforts eradicating Western civilization is nationalizing all the banks world wide by countries respectively.
I thought you rubes elected an outsider. A no nonsense business mogul who knew how to get things done. He was going to drain the swamp! :rolleyes-41:

The swamp is apparently too big, too wide and too deep and the outsider they elected hasn't been in the office for even a month yet. And progressives are soooooo darn helpful with sticking his wheels: they even are preventing his Administration approval.
Are you planning on being an apologist for his entire term?
A better question might be, are you and your kind going to scream hysterically for four years?
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
Have hope but let's be clear. Trump has signaled his intentions to continue policies instituted by Obama. Just as Obama did Bush. There is no change coming.
The swamp is apparently too big, too wide and too deep and the outsider they elected hasn't been in the office for even a month yet. And progressives are soooooo darn helpful with sticking his wheels: they even are preventing his Administration approval.
Are you planning on being an apologist for his entire term?
A better question might be, are you and your kind going to scream hysterically for four years?
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
Have hope but let's be clear. Trump has signaled his intentions to continue policies instituted by Obama. Just as Obama did Bush. There is no change coming.
You are likely right. Sadly so.

We knew there was no hope with Cankles. At least Trump is saying we need good relations with Russia. Big Ears and Cankles would not have said that.
Are you planning on being an apologist for his entire term?
A better question might be, are you and your kind going to scream hysterically for four years?
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
Have hope but let's be clear. Trump has signaled his intentions to continue policies instituted by Obama. Just as Obama did Bush. There is no change coming.
You are likely right. Sadly so.

We knew there was no hope with Cankles. At least Trump is saying we need good relations with Russia. Big Ears and Cankles would not have said that.
You're right, Obama and Clinton wouldn't have said that. Unfortunately, I believe Trump has done more damage than good for our relations with Russia. The whole focus for more than a year has been on Trump's relationship with Putin, there was none, but it has been non stop anti Russian propaganda as a result. Trump is an idiot and we are all being played for fools.
The swamp is apparently too big, too wide and too deep and the outsider they elected hasn't been in the office for even a month yet. And progressives are soooooo darn helpful with sticking his wheels: they even are preventing his Administration approval.
Are you planning on being an apologist for his entire term?
A better question might be, are you and your kind going to scream hysterically for four years?
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
Have hope but let's be clear. Trump has signaled his intentions to continue policies instituted by Obama. Just as Obama did Bush. There is no change coming.
Nonsense. He has signaled better relations with Russia, it was horrible under Obama. Much better relations with Israel, same. TPP gone. Nafta on the chopping block, on and on. The rube would be you.
A better question might be, are you and your kind going to scream hysterically for four years?
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
Have hope but let's be clear. Trump has signaled his intentions to continue policies instituted by Obama. Just as Obama did Bush. There is no change coming.
You are likely right. Sadly so.

We knew there was no hope with Cankles. At least Trump is saying we need good relations with Russia. Big Ears and Cankles would not have said that.
You're right, Obama and Clinton wouldn't have said that. Unfortunately, I believe Trump has done more damage than good for our relations with Russia. The whole focus for more than a year has been on Trump's relationship with Putin, there was none, but it has been non stop anti Russian propaganda as a result. Trump is an idiot and we are all being played for fools.

Tehon, you must be the smartest among all of us: looks like we can't figure it out so quickly.

You may be right or wrong, time will show.

there was none, but it has been non stop anti Russian propaganda as a result. a result of all attempts to stop Putin (and now Trump as well) from destroying Globalism. FYI, anti-Russian propaganda was very strong, when Bush approved the first Ukrainian orange revolution in 2005 and anti-Constitutional president Yuschenko, Soros' puppet. And then he approved Georgian president Saakashvili shelling its territory of Ossetia in 2008 (media reported that big Russia attacked small Georgia). And of course, Ukrainian coup in 2014.
Are you planning on being an apologist for his entire term?
A better question might be, are you and your kind going to scream hysterically for four years?
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
Have hope but let's be clear. Trump has signaled his intentions to continue policies instituted by Obama. Just as Obama did Bush. There is no change coming.
Nonsense. He has signaled better relations with Russia, it was horrible under Obama. Much better relations with Israel, same. TPP gone. Nafta on the chopping block, on and on. The rube would be you.
Nikki Halley said Russian sanctions would remain in place. Mattis said no cooperation with Russia. Fuck Israel. TPP was already dead. We will have to wait and see on NAFTA but I'm not too hopeful.
A better question might be, are you and your kind going to scream hysterically for four years?
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
Have hope but let's be clear. Trump has signaled his intentions to continue policies instituted by Obama. Just as Obama did Bush. There is no change coming.
Nonsense. He has signaled better relations with Russia, it was horrible under Obama. Much better relations with Israel, same. TPP gone. Nafta on the chopping block, on and on. The rube would be you.
Nikki Halley said Russian sanctions would remain in place. Mattis said no cooperation with Russia. Fuck Israel. TPP was already dead. We will have to wait and see on NAFTA but I'm not too hopeful.
Sanctions for now, no reason to remove them. TPP was dead? When? Fuck Israel? Netanyahu seemed happy. Not so much with Obie.
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
Have hope but let's be clear. Trump has signaled his intentions to continue policies instituted by Obama. Just as Obama did Bush. There is no change coming.
You are likely right. Sadly so.

We knew there was no hope with Cankles. At least Trump is saying we need good relations with Russia. Big Ears and Cankles would not have said that.
You're right, Obama and Clinton wouldn't have said that. Unfortunately, I believe Trump has done more damage than good for our relations with Russia. The whole focus for more than a year has been on Trump's relationship with Putin, there was none, but it has been non stop anti Russian propaganda as a result. Trump is an idiot and we are all being played for fools.

Tehon, you must be the smartest among all of us: looks like we can't figure it out so quickly.

You may be right or wrong, time will show.

there was none, but it has been non stop anti Russian propaganda as a result. a result of all attempts to stop Putin (and now Trump as well) from destroying Globalism. FYI, anti-Russian propaganda was very strong, when Bush approved the first Ukrainian orange revolution in 2005 and anti-Constitutional president Yuschenko, Soros' puppet. And then he approved Georgian president Saakashvili shelling its territory of Ossetia in 2008 (media reported that big Russia attacked small Georgia). And of course, Ukrainian coup in 2014.
The propaganda was nothing like what we have seen here recently Stratford. The election was a big win for those who wish to undermine Russia, believe me, yuuuuuge. :) If I say it like trump would you believe me.
So far Trump has sent Haley to the UN and reaffirmed the sanctions on Russia and he sent Mattis to NATO and declared his loyalty there. Wake up rube!
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
Have hope but let's be clear. Trump has signaled his intentions to continue policies instituted by Obama. Just as Obama did Bush. There is no change coming.
Nonsense. He has signaled better relations with Russia, it was horrible under Obama. Much better relations with Israel, same. TPP gone. Nafta on the chopping block, on and on. The rube would be you.
Nikki Halley said Russian sanctions would remain in place. Mattis said no cooperation with Russia. Fuck Israel. TPP was already dead. We will have to wait and see on NAFTA but I'm not too hopeful.
Sanctions for now, no reason to remove them. TPP was dead? When? Fuck Israel? Netanyahu seemed happy. Not so much with Obie.
TPP was dead in the water. If Obama could have gotten it thru Congress don't you think he would have? Fuck Israel, fuck Netanyahu. Is that not clear enough? And lift sanctions on Russia, force Ukraine to the table to discuss the future of eastern Ukraine.
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
Have hope but let's be clear. Trump has signaled his intentions to continue policies instituted by Obama. Just as Obama did Bush. There is no change coming.
Nonsense. He has signaled better relations with Russia, it was horrible under Obama. Much better relations with Israel, same. TPP gone. Nafta on the chopping block, on and on. The rube would be you.
Nikki Halley said Russian sanctions would remain in place. Mattis said no cooperation with Russia. Fuck Israel. TPP was already dead. We will have to wait and see on NAFTA but I'm not too hopeful.
Sanctions for now, no reason to remove them. TPP was dead? When? Fuck Israel? Netanyahu seemed happy. Not so much with Obie.
TPP was dead in the water. If Obama could have gotten it thru Congress don't you think he would have? Fuck Israel, fuck Netanyahu. Is that not clear enough? And lift sanctions on Russia, force Ukraine to the table to discuss the future of eastern Ukraine.

And lift sanctions on Russia, force Ukraine to the table to discuss the future of eastern Ukraine

Ditto. I believe it will happen eventually with Trump, but never with Clinton.
Wake up Americans!!! Says Democrat Dennis. He defends Trump.

If only they would wake up. Sadly millions are asleep or just plain dupes for the corrupt State.

"Wake Up America" Dennis Kucinich Defends Trump, Issues Dire Warning About "Deep State" | Zero Hedge

Soros needs them asleep and brainwashed his way and his loyal Media executes his orders pretty accurately. Because if everybody wakes up and starts seeing the reality, it will be "Game Over!" for Globalists.

Looks like dumbing down the world population is currently the main occupation of Globalists.
It is an uphill battle since they control every government (legislative, judicial and executive branches)in the Western Hemisphere with unlimited money supply and total control over the media and education.
I thought you rubes elected an outsider. A no nonsense business mogul who knew how to get things done. He was going to drain the swamp! :rolleyes-41:

The swamp is apparently too big, too wide and too deep and the outsider they elected hasn't been in the office for even a month yet. And progressives are soooooo darn helpful with sticking his wheels: they even are preventing his Administration approval.
dude one fking democrat has voted for one or maybe two of trump's nominees. That's simply impossible odds to achieve unless the intent was to just say fk you. which it clearly means they have said. I laugh. If the GOP is smart, they are noting all of that and use it during the 2018 midterms. All they have to say is that the entire Democratic party minus one, couldn't vote 'yes' to any nominee. Now how is that for taking you the constituent's needs into account. That they couldn't compromise even on one nomination of a lesser department.
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Have hope but let's be clear. Trump has signaled his intentions to continue policies instituted by Obama. Just as Obama did Bush. There is no change coming.
Nonsense. He has signaled better relations with Russia, it was horrible under Obama. Much better relations with Israel, same. TPP gone. Nafta on the chopping block, on and on. The rube would be you.
Nikki Halley said Russian sanctions would remain in place. Mattis said no cooperation with Russia. Fuck Israel. TPP was already dead. We will have to wait and see on NAFTA but I'm not too hopeful.
Sanctions for now, no reason to remove them. TPP was dead? When? Fuck Israel? Netanyahu seemed happy. Not so much with Obie.
TPP was dead in the water. If Obama could have gotten it thru Congress don't you think he would have? Fuck Israel, fuck Netanyahu. Is that not clear enough? And lift sanctions on Russia, force Ukraine to the table to discuss the future of eastern Ukraine.

And lift sanctions on Russia, force Ukraine to the table to discuss the future of eastern Ukraine

Ditto. I believe it will happen eventually with Trump, but never with Clinton.
I hope you are right but I don't like what I see.
Wake up Americans!!! Says Democrat Dennis. He defends Trump.

If only they would wake up. Sadly millions are asleep or just plain dupes for the corrupt State.

"Wake Up America" Dennis Kucinich Defends Trump, Issues Dire Warning About "Deep State" | Zero Hedge

Soros needs them asleep and brainwashed his way and his loyal Media executes his orders pretty accurately. Because if everybody wakes up and starts seeing the reality, it will be "Game Over!" for Globalists.

Looks like dumbing down the world population is currently the main occupation of Globalists.
It is an uphill battle since they control every government (legislative, judicial and executive branches)in the Western Hemisphere with unlimited money supply and total control over the media and education.
I thought you rubes elected an outsider. A no nonsense business mogul who knew how to get things done. He was going to drain the swamp! :rolleyes-41:

The swamp is apparently too big, too wide and too deep and the outsider they elected hasn't been in the office for even a month yet. And progressives are soooooo darn helpful with sticking his wheels: they even are preventing his Administration approval.
Are you planning on being an apologist for his entire term?
apologist for what exactly?
True enough. He made mistakes with those two people, but we have hope that war can be averted with Trump. He wants to get along with Russia rather than start WWIII
Have hope but let's be clear. Trump has signaled his intentions to continue policies instituted by Obama. Just as Obama did Bush. There is no change coming.
Nonsense. He has signaled better relations with Russia, it was horrible under Obama. Much better relations with Israel, same. TPP gone. Nafta on the chopping block, on and on. The rube would be you.
Nikki Halley said Russian sanctions would remain in place. Mattis said no cooperation with Russia. Fuck Israel. TPP was already dead. We will have to wait and see on NAFTA but I'm not too hopeful.
Sanctions for now, no reason to remove them. TPP was dead? When? Fuck Israel? Netanyahu seemed happy. Not so much with Obie.
TPP was dead in the water. If Obama could have gotten it thru Congress don't you think he would have? Fuck Israel, fuck Netanyahu. Is that not clear enough? And lift sanctions on Russia, force Ukraine to the table to discuss the future of eastern Ukraine.
Congress? The TPP is an international agreement, all Obie had to do was sign it. like a lot of other stuff.

I mentioned Israel in response to your claim that everything will be the same under Trump and now you don't want to talk about Israel?

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