Dennis Kucinich WARNS

...and it gets worse. This from Pat Buchanan's column today...

But the deep state is after larger game than General Flynn. It is out to bring down President Trump and abort any move to effect the sort of rapprochement with Russia that Ronald Reagan achieved.

For the deep state is deeply committed to Cold War II.

Hence, suddenly, we read reports of a Russian spy ship off the Connecticut, Delaware and Virginia coasts, of Russian jets buzzing a U.S. warship in the Black Sea, and Russian violations of Reagan’s INF treaty outlawing intermediate-range missiles in Europe.

Purpose: Stampede the White House into abandoning any idea of a detente with Russia. And it appears to be working. At a White House briefing Tuesday, Sean Spicer said, “President Trump has made it very clear that he expects the Russian government to … return Crimea.”

Is the White House serious?

Putin could no more survive returning Crimea to Ukraine than Bibi Netanyahu could survive giving East Jerusalem back to Jordan.

How does the deep state go about its work? We have seen a classic example with Flynn. The intelligence and investigative arms of the regime dig up dirt, and then move it to their Fourth Estate collaborators, who enjoy First Amendment immunity to get it out.
Nikki Halley said Russian sanctions would remain in place. Mattis said no cooperation with Russia. Fuck Israel. TPP was already dead. We will have to wait and see on NAFTA but I'm not too hopeful.
Sanctions for now, no reason to remove them. TPP was dead? When? Fuck Israel? Netanyahu seemed happy. Not so much with Obie.
TPP was dead in the water. If Obama could have gotten it thru Congress don't you think he would have? Fuck Israel, fuck Netanyahu. Is that not clear enough? And lift sanctions on Russia, force Ukraine to the table to discuss the future of eastern Ukraine.
Congress? The TPP is an international agreement, all Obie had to do was sign it. like a lot of other stuff.

I mentioned Israel in response to your claim that everything will be the same under Trump and now you don't want to talk about Israel?
Obie did sign it, Congress still had to implement it. The president can negotiate it but Congress has to make it law.

Everything will be the same in the context of Russian relations.
You are probably right.

News today...
US 'unwavering' in support for Nato allies, says Pence

Pence: US will hold Russia accountable
Pence says that the Trump administration will still be looking for common ground with Russia. Probably find it in oil and gas exploration would be my guess.
Pence says that the Trump administration will still be looking for common ground with Russia. Probably find it in oil and gas production would be my guess.
I hope so. Good business makes for good relations.
If what we are hearing from this administration is correct, favorable relations with Russia seem unlikely. While Trump is saying he wants good relations, others in the administration don't seem to be on board.

It does appear the Deep State is very much against the US and Russia getting along. With their many friends and agents imbibed in the MSM, we are likely to hear more anti-Russia propaganda.
Pence says that the Trump administration will still be looking for common ground with Russia. Probably find it in oil and gas production would be my guess.
I hope so. Good business makes for good relations.
I think US capitalists are looking for a more dominant role however. More like what they had during the Yeltsin years, before Putin crashed the party.
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Are you planning on being an apologist for his entire term?
apologist for what exactly?
I meant what is it we're supposedly apologizing for?
It is in the context of Russian relations and it was directed at someone directly, it was not meant to catch you in the crossfire.
The promise for some people is that Trump will remove Russia from the crosshairs of US policy. I don't believe he will and I believe he is signalling a stay of course. Some can see my point of view but are unwilling to let go the dream.

And you don't mind to break our dreams... However unlike you, Tehon, some Senators think Trump will lift sanctions on Russia and are pretty scared of that.

Feb,8 2017:

WASHINGTON -- A group of U.S. senators has introduced legislation that would hamstring any effort by President Donald Trump's administration to lift sanctions on Russia.

The bill, called the Russia Sanctions Review Act, has both Republican and Democratic backers and comes amid mounting concerns in Congress about the Trump administration's policy intentions toward Russia.

U.S. Senators Submit Bill Seeking Veto Power Over Trump On Russia Sanctions
It is just theater Stratford. Designed to keep you in a dream state. Sorry, but it's time to wake up.
Dennis K. is warning us, as are others including this columnist. The Deep State is out to start Cold War II and maybe WWIII.

You Are Forbidden to Talk With Russians!
By Michael S. Rozeff

February 18, 2017

You see, American citizens do not have the freedom to talk with Russians. The people they talk to may be spies, after all. My 1991 visit to Russia with my wife is next to be investigated, especially since we spent some time in Kiev. Russia is the enemy of us all. Don’t speak to any Russian or person of Russian descent. Putin deserves no respect, and Trump obviously is his puppet. Putin obviously tampered with American voting machines and secured Trump’s election. Trump must be thrown out of office immediately. Russia is imperialist and wants to take over the world. It’s aggressive. It never abandoned its Communist ambitions. The Cold War never ended. These are facts! Russia threatens Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and your local bar and pool hall. This is not fake news! It is real, you fools! Russia should give back Crimea and allow the Ukrainian armed forces to take back Donbass. Russia should allow westerners to enter its country and preach the overthrow of its government. It should allow George Soros to finance the dismemberment of the country. Russia is nothing but a bunch of backward peasants; Obama has said so. It must be true. The U.S. must never alter its suspicion and distrust of anything Russian. We must all erase from history Russia’s role in defeating Hitler in World War II. Russia was never an ally of America. That’s an impossibility. How could such a poor country have stood up against Hitler’s mechanized divisions and panzers?

If you are even thinking about being friendly to Russians, stop it now! Get it through your heads, you numbskulls: Russia is our Enemy! Trump is a Russian agent. Even his own party wants to investigate him and defang him. They want to take away his Twitter account! Milo was a trial run. Next, come bigger fish. Trump will be confined to his quarters where he can twitter all day long, but they won’t go any further than the desk of John O. Brennan. Who is he? He’s the man who can’t stand anything that Trump says. He’s the former CIA chief who’s one of the powers behind the anti-Trump campaign; that’s my guess because his antipathy to Trump has been open and strong.

You May Not Talk to the Russians - LewRockwell
apologist for what exactly?
I meant what is it we're supposedly apologizing for?
It is in the context of Russian relations and it was directed at someone directly, it was not meant to catch you in the crossfire.
The promise for some people is that Trump will remove Russia from the crosshairs of US policy. I don't believe he will and I believe he is signalling a stay of course. Some can see my point of view but are unwilling to let go the dream.

And you don't mind to break our dreams... However unlike you, Tehon, some Senators think Trump will lift sanctions on Russia and are pretty scared of that.

Feb,8 2017:

WASHINGTON -- A group of U.S. senators has introduced legislation that would hamstring any effort by President Donald Trump's administration to lift sanctions on Russia.

The bill, called the Russia Sanctions Review Act, has both Republican and Democratic backers and comes amid mounting concerns in Congress about the Trump administration's policy intentions toward Russia.

U.S. Senators Submit Bill Seeking Veto Power Over Trump On Russia Sanctions
It is just theater Stratford. Designed to keep you in a dream state. Sorry, but it's time to wake up.

And again: you may be (or not be) right, we don't know yet, we don't have enough facts (not words!) to be able to judge. Let's say Trump wants to change everything in your FREE (???) country very radically. The war hawks in Congress will wipe him away in a moment and Soros will gladly pay for that. To do something radical Trump has to grow a root to make it more difficult for his opponents/enemies to do so. Besides, Trump's favorite thing to say is: don't let your enemies know ahead what you want to do.

‘CIA leaks like a sieve, Obama’s holdovers should be probed' - Roger Stone, former Trump adviser

Meanwhile thet's what Russian top officials think about Flynn's resignation:

Under these circumstances, my conclusion is that the real target in this scheme is Russian-American relations and the general trust in the new administration,” Slutskiy said.

This situation is a negative signal for arranging Russian-American dialogue. It is obvious that Flynn had to submit his resignation under certain pressure. But President Trump accepted it. The chosen pretext was Flynn’s contact with the Russian ambassador, even though this is normal diplomatic practice,” he noted.

Konstantin Kosachev, the head of the Upper House Committee for International Relations, noted that Flynn’s resignation testifies to the fact that certain US politicians are prone to anti-Russia paranoia and, at the same time, are trying to make life difficult for Donald Trump.

Hawks in Washington see even simple willingness for dialogue with the Russians as a thought crime (in the words of the immortal G. Orwell). To drive a national security adviser into resignation for his contacts with the Russian ambassador (a common diplomatic practice) is more than paranoia, it is something immeasurably worse,” Kosachev wrote on his Facebook page on Tuesday.

It is either Trump has not achieved the sought-after independence and he is being persistently and successfully driven into a corner, or the new administration has been hit by Russophobia, from top to bottom.“

Senator Aleksei Pushkov expressed a similar opinion. “Flynn is leaving but Russian problem stays in Trump’s White House. The purging of Flynn was just the first act, now Trump himself becomes the target,” Pushkov wrote on Twitter.
Russian lawmakers blame US ‘paranoia’ for Michael Flynn’s resignation
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