DePape, Paul Pelosi’s “attacker”, not charged with breaking and entering.

You're still all so proud of being such shit humans.

You all do understand that your devoted service the Lord of Lies will have consequences for your eternal souls, right?

Maybe you all think you've made deals with Satan for a luxury suite in Hell. Sorry to break this to you, but he's the Lord of Lies, and he doesn't keep his deals. You're all ending up in the special hell.

That's another thing that so awesome about being liberal, not burning in hell along with the pedoservatives. Reference the story of Lazarus. Trump cultists will be roasting, and they'll beg for Hillary Clinton to step over from heaven and bring them a drink of water, but a great abyss will divide them, so Hillary won't be able to help.
^^ wow, someone is triggered.

What lies? I stated the facts. Your side has been lying about this case from day one, claiming this nudist hippy from Canada was MAGA and this attack was political.

The rest of your rant is just unhinged nonsense. You clearly need to take your meds.

So maybe you can tell us why he wasn’t charged with breaking and entering?
^^ wow, someone is triggered.

What lies? I stated the facts. Your side has been lying about this case from day one, claiming this nudist hippy from Canada was MAGA and this attack was political.

The rest of your rant is just unhinged nonsense. You clearly need to take your meds.

So maybe you can tell us why he wasn’t charged with breaking and entering?
Careful. He's about to call you a big fat poopy pants.
You're still all so proud of being such shit humans.

You all do understand that your devoted service the Lord of Lies will have consequences for your eternal souls, right?

Maybe you all think you've made deals with Satan for a luxury suite in Hell. Sorry to break this to you, but he's the Lord of Lies, and he doesn't keep his deals. You're all ending up in the special hell.

That's another thing that so awesome about being liberal, not burning in hell along with the pedoservatives. Reference the story of Lazarus. Trump cultists will be roasting, and they'll beg for Hillary Clinton to step over from heaven and bring them a drink of water, but a great abyss will divide them, so Hillary won't be able to help.
That really a stretch. And that is saying something. We are defining the parameters of what real "privilege" is. A word that Progs have shoved down the throats of people for too many years. Teh criminals in Prog cities are "privileged" at this moment. So many more in the real cornucopia rainbow.
Everyone knows he isn't a super ultra mega maga that broke in, hit Paul in the head with a hammer, demanded to see Nancy and all that other nonsense.

Paul is a fag that got in a bitch fight with some fag he picked up, end of story.

You know none of what they said is true because look at how quickly that news story disappeared. I mean that shit vanished from the msm in days.
There are several reasons why they might not add breaking and entering. They may be trying to keep the charges simple; they may be planning to add it later, perhaps after they do more investigation; they may consider it to overlap with the federal kidnaping charge; they may be holding off so if he skates they can later charge him without violating double jeopardy. The list goes on.
Geez, we get it, Trump cult hellspawn.

When Satan tells you to repeat an especially awful lie, you all line up to obey.

No need to keep hammering on that point. You all apparently _want_ to be reamed out by spikey fiery demons for all of eternity.
The initial story was the guy got in the house by breaking a window or glass door if that is the case it seems odd that would not be in the charges against him. If that is not the case and Paul Pelosi let him in that also seems odd very strange case.

I thought when they got there, the glass was on the outside of the door and not the inside, indicating the glass was broken from the inside of the house.
I thought when they got there, the glass was on the outside of the door and not the inside, indicating the glass was broken from the inside of the house.
There has been so much conflicting stuff put out it’s hard to say about the only thing that is pretty much assured is the guy will be found guilty as his victim is someone of wealth and status.
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