Depressed New Year's Eve


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
and as Trump was spot-on ... " Depression like 1929
Looms If I don't win. " I mean the guy should know.
Only Graduated arguably The Finest Business College
in America { Wharton }. And NO! His pappy dint help him with
his homework.That was the charge the then Liberals { now
flaming Leftists' } accused Bush 43 of.That his Daddy helped
him thru Yale.However Bush 43 was man enough to submit his
Yale GPA and most courses he took.Where 2004 Presidential candidate
John Kerry also a Yaley and member of the infamous Scull &
Bones Yale fraternity DINT.Or wouldn't,even when former
- Meet the Press - host Tim Russert pressed him to do so.
Kerry merely hemmed & hawed and made excuses.

Funny how marvelously Wronged them Liberal leftists' have
been in History.Now of course more than ever.
No wonder they're pushing { Putzing } an open unsecure border.
Even helping Illegals gain entry.They desperately need a new
voting demographic.Funny how many illegals seen entering have
backpacks that look almost identical.Like they were handed off to them.
But then You'll knew all that ... Right.
Because Biden and his Mismanagement crew are so
open,honest and willing to debate.Like what America used to
be about.True grit and transparency.Or for those non too
used to understanding terms like - True Grit - it has to do
with resolve,strength of character,honesty,courage and
perseverance.If nothing else Donald J. Trump possesses'
perseverance.Like a Noah's Ark full.
No matter what some Democrat Aardvark says and tinks.
Well, he certainly frightened you.

The rest of us know he's full shit though.
Because in some nocturnal world where " the rest of us "
is Hell driven like Bidenomics and virtually everything the
guy says,touches { women's hairdo from behind } and maybe
even son Hunter's crack pipe.Because under Biden and his flock
{ think the movie - The Birds - { 1963 } } where crowing is amplified
and Birds are settled in their lockdown mode.Usually on some
perch.Where bird droppings easily make their way to the ground.
Grounded in yer thinking is obvioulsy not yer high point.
Nothing the OP said is true. And hopefully in 2024 most of America wakes up to see the falsehoods perpetrated by the right wing.
Well, he certainly frightened you.

The rest of us know he's full shit though.
We know you are full of shit.

The economy did great under Trump until Potatohead's Chinese buddies unleased their bio weapon. Now, after Potatohead stole the election, we have a record of tremendous inflation, decrease family income, high price of energy, tens of millions of Illegals, weakened military and a filthy ass queer woke administration that literally gets everything it does wrong. Just like Gay Barry warned us about Potatohead's fuckups.
We know you are full of shit.

The economy did great under Trump until Potatohead's Chinese buddies unleased their bio weapon. Now, after Potatohead stole the election, we have a record of tremendous inflation, decrease family income, high price of energy, tens of millions of Illegals, weakened military and a filthy ass queer woke administration that literally gets everything it does wrong. Just like Gay Barry warned us about Potatohead's fuckups.
Do you need me to loan yous some money?
you dumb Ox. Trump did not launch man-made Fauchi flu and spread it thru DEM Governors. Get off it. You appear stupid when you troll BS like thst.
He was in charge and therefore takes the blame just like it is done to Biden and every other president, deal with it.

Because in some nocturnal world where " the rest of us "
is Hell driven like Bidenomics and virtually everything the
guy says,touches { women's hairdo from behind } and maybe
even son Hunter's crack pipe.Because under Biden and his flock
{ think the movie - The Birds - { 1963 } } where crowing is amplified
and Birds are settled in their lockdown mode.Usually on some
perch.Where bird droppings easily make their way to the ground.
Grounded in yer thinking is obvioulsy not yer high point.
The irony involved in you worrying about someone else's crack pipe...

Well lets just say it's not small.
We know you are full of shit.

The economy did great under Trump until Potatohead's Chinese buddies unleased their bio weapon. Now, after Potatohead stole the election, we have a record of tremendous inflation, decrease family income, high price of energy, tens of millions of Illegals, weakened military and a filthy ass queer woke administration that literally gets everything it does wrong. Just like Gay Barry warned us about Potatohead's fuckups.
A. tRump was throwing money at wall street and begging the fed not to raise rates from day one. The tRump economy was a sham.

B. How do I address delusional whack-jobbery like the rest of your post?
A. tRump was throwing money at wall street and begging the fed not to raise rates from day one. The tRump economy was a sham.

B. How do I address delusional whack-jobbery like the rest of your post?

If you earned a dollar when Trump was President thanks to Potatohead after stealing the election now it is worth less than 80 cents. Potatohead has been a disater for this country. Increased inflation, decreased family income, millions of goddamn Illegals, increase cost of energy, disastrous foreign policy, trillions more in debt with nothing to show for it, more COVID deaths, weakened military and disgusting sicko woke policies.

Only idiots voted for Potatohead. Only American traitors ignored the fact the Democrats stole the 2020 election from the American people.

But we all know you ain't too bright, don't we?
If you earned a dollar when Trump was President thanks to Potatohead after stealing the election now it is worth less than 80 cents. Potatohead has been a disater for this country. Increased inflation, decreased family income, millions of goddamn Illegals, increase cost of energy, disastrous foreign policy, trillions more in debt with nothing to show for it, more COVID deaths, weakened military and disgusting sicko woke policies.

Only idiots voted for Potatohead. Only American traitors ignored the fact the Democrats stole the 2020 election from the American people.

But we all know you ain't too bright, don't we?
Doubling down on the insanity does not make it easier to address.

Please try again, this time with more reality and less made up shit.
Nothing the OP said is true. And hopefully in 2024 most of America wakes up to see the falsehoods perpetrated by the right wing.
Just like Biden's Border security Liar { Secretary of Homeland Security |
Mayorkas is about as Keen on telling the Truth as is Biden's
Joe and James and Hunter.
Using the word " falsehoods " is like Shirley Temple
insisting she's a Boy.Wants to be a major league baseball
player.Or Professional WWF headliner.
This pathetic use of constant Mass Hysteria Psychosis
has been found out.
All it can reap now is visits to whatever Shrink { Psychiatrist }
Lefties can afford.
Doubling down on the insanity does not make it easier to address.

Please try again, this time with more reality and less made up shit.
No one with half a head above water is fooled by Bidenomics.
Groceries are at a record high.The value of a dollar is also
in extreme risk.The apparent recession can no longer be
anything BUT a Recession.Violence,record spending by Joe's
manifest lackadaisical disinterst in any semblance of
managing a budget and controlling costs.
It's called use of :
Cloward-Piven Strategy or
Societal change through orchestrated crisis.Overloading
government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands
ammasing massive unpayable national debt such as
unfettered immigration.

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