Deputy accused of handcuffing third-graders in school: video

if you had your way, nearly everyone would be dead, cause it'd be anarchy. you want NO cops, is what you want, ,and you're too weak and stupid to see what that would mean.
Not teaching children (1) boundaries and (2) actions have consequences by (3) persons of authority in a (4) safe and acceptable environment is (5) idiotic. No credentials were required by the officer in that situation. He acted with common sense and restraint, and he helped that child in a safe environment to learn acceptable boundaries.

Zoom-boing, you are the idiot. You remind me of a mother who threatened a teacher with "I will kill you" and was amazed that she was led out of school in hand cuffs.

Listen to non-credentialed individuals like zoom and hutch act as if they know anything about how to handle this situation.

Every teacher, teacher's aid or counselor must be credentialed by the state to work directly with kids in schools. Even teachers defer to the others who are trained to work with special needs kids. Why do you suppose that is and where does an officer fit into the mix? Was the child's behavior criminal?
One, yes, the police officer should have been called, and, two, I said you reminded me of the mother not the you were the mother.

You sound hysterical. You are not a credential individual to say what is the proper behavior in such a setting.

I raised four children, some of those years as a single parent.

I am fully qualified to tell you that you are wrong.

I remind you of someone who threatens a teacher because calling the cop was a dumbass move. Ok, you go with that. :cuckoo:

Single parent does not in anyway equate to raising a special needs kid. People on the outside looking in have no clue what it's like to raise a kid like that. None. Get off your high horse.

The school has iep's in place to deal with the s/n kids, they have teachers and aides who are educated about these kids, about how to handle them, what to do. Calling a cop and handcuffing the kid was the wrong move ... unless the kid was pointing a gun or something. Was he?

You talk out your ass then act smug when others point out that you stink.
Not teaching children (1) boundaries and (2) actions have consequences by (3) persons of authority in a (4) safe and acceptable environment is (5) idiotic. No credentials were required by the officer in that situation. He acted with common sense and restraint, and he helped that child in a safe environment to learn acceptable boundaries.

Zoom-boing, you are the idiot. You remind me of a mother who threatened a teacher with "I will kill you" and was amazed that she was led out of school in hand cuffs.

Listen to non-credentialed individuals like zoom and hutch act as if they know anything about how to handle this situation.

Every teacher, teacher's aid or counselor must be credentialed by the state to work directly with kids in schools. Even teachers defer to the others who are trained to work with special needs kids. Why do you suppose that is and where does an officer fit into the mix? Was the child's behavior criminal?

He doesn't have a clue, it's just that Jake can never accept that he might be wrong about something. He digs in and acts uppity. True story.
if you had your way, nearly everyone would be dead, cause it'd be anarchy. you want NO cops, is what you want, ,and you're too weak and stupid to see what that would mean.

We're talking about an eight year old misbehaving in school. Not criminals captain hyperbole.
Handcuffing is taught/used as a way to keep EVERYONE safer, including the person in cuffs. If the kid got physical and the cop so much as bear hugged him to keep him and others from being hurt, , you pos's would go hysterical about THAT too, So eff you

Another one who has no clue about kids with adhd. Go away.
Handcuffing is taught/used as a way to keep EVERYONE safer, including the person in cuffs. If the kid got physical and the cop so much as bear hugged him to keep him and others from being hurt, , you pos's would go hysterical about THAT too, So eff you

Another one who has no clue about kids with adhd. Go away.

Then how should the kid have been handled? And...why didn't the teachers handle it? Instead they called a man with a gun and handcuffs. If THOSE aren't needed....why call him to do what they can do themselves?
Not teaching children (1) boundaries and (2) actions have consequences by (3) persons of authority in a (4) safe and acceptable environment is (5) idiotic. No credentials were required by the officer in that situation. He acted with common sense and restraint, and he helped that child in a safe environment to learn acceptable boundaries.

Zoom-boing, you are the idiot. You remind me of a mother who threatened a teacher with "I will kill you" and was amazed that she was led out of school in hand cuffs.

Listen to non-credentialed individuals like zoom and hutch act as if they know anything about how to handle this situation.

Every teacher, teacher's aid or counselor must be credentialed by the state to work directly with kids in schools. Even teachers defer to the others who are trained to work with special needs kids. Why do you suppose that is and where does an officer fit into the mix? Was the child's behavior criminal?
I have explained. He is a certified police officer trained to handle difficult situations. He violated no laws, no regulations. It is what it is.

Parents, when your child goes into the public, he is subject to the public's rules first, and your ability to interfere is restricted.
Not teaching children (1) boundaries and (2) actions have consequences by (3) persons of authority in a (4) safe and acceptable environment is (5) idiotic. No credentials were required by the officer in that situation. He acted with common sense and restraint, and he helped that child in a safe environment to learn acceptable boundaries.

Zoom-boing, you are the idiot. You remind me of a mother who threatened a teacher with "I will kill you" and was amazed that she was led out of school in hand cuffs.

Listen to non-credentialed individuals like zoom and hutch act as if they know anything about how to handle this situation.

Every teacher, teacher's aid or counselor must be credentialed by the state to work directly with kids in schools. Even teachers defer to the others who are trained to work with special needs kids. Why do you suppose that is and where does an officer fit into the mix? Was the child's behavior criminal?
I have explained. He is a certified police officer trained to handle difficult situations. He violated no laws, no regulations. It is what it is.

Cops should NOT have been called to that. They aren't nannies or special needs kids damn counselors. Their only legit role is enforcing violations of law.
Not teaching children (1) boundaries and (2) actions have consequences by (3) persons of authority in a (4) safe and acceptable environment is (5) idiotic. No credentials were required by the officer in that situation. He acted with common sense and restraint, and he helped that child in a safe environment to learn acceptable boundaries.

Zoom-boing, you are the idiot. You remind me of a mother who threatened a teacher with "I will kill you" and was amazed that she was led out of school in hand cuffs.

Listen to non-credentialed individuals like zoom and hutch act as if they know anything about how to handle this situation.

Every teacher, teacher's aid or counselor must be credentialed by the state to work directly with kids in schools. Even teachers defer to the others who are trained to work with special needs kids. Why do you suppose that is and where does an officer fit into the mix? Was the child's behavior criminal?
I have explained. He is a certified police officer trained to handle difficult situations. He violated no laws, no regulations. It is what it is.

Cops should NOT have been called to that. They aren't nannies or special needs kids damn counselors. Their only legit role is enforcing violations of law.
The school officials thought otherwise, and the officer took on the responsibility. Good on him. Parents get uppity, and then even more so when made to look uppity. :lol:
Not teaching children (1) boundaries and (2) actions have consequences by (3) persons of authority in a (4) safe and acceptable environment is (5) idiotic. No credentials were required by the officer in that situation. He acted with common sense and restraint, and he helped that child in a safe environment to learn acceptable boundaries.

Zoom-boing, you are the idiot. You remind me of a mother who threatened a teacher with "I will kill you" and was amazed that she was led out of school in hand cuffs.

Listen to non-credentialed individuals like zoom and hutch act as if they know anything about how to handle this situation.

Every teacher, teacher's aid or counselor must be credentialed by the state to work directly with kids in schools. Even teachers defer to the others who are trained to work with special needs kids. Why do you suppose that is and where does an officer fit into the mix? Was the child's behavior criminal?
I have explained. He is a certified police officer trained to handle difficult situations. He violated no laws, no regulations. It is what it is.

Cops should NOT have been called to that. They aren't nannies or special needs kids damn counselors. Their only legit role is enforcing violations of law.
The school officials thought otherwise, and the officer took on the responsibility. Good on him. Parents get uppity, and then even more so when made to look uppity. :lol:

He shouldn't have. His sergeant shouldn't have allowed it. It's a liability. they now see.

You wouldn't call the cable company if your car broke down. Don't call cops to do a teachers job.
Bucs90, that's not your call, is it, only your opinion. A child is not a car or a cable.

If the child can't or won't focus and can't or won't follow simple instructions at school, the logical conclusion must be the parent, in part, is not following up.
Bucs90, that's not your call, is it, only your opinion. A child is not a car or a cable.

If the child can't or won't focus and can't or won't follow simple instructions at school, the logical conclusion must be the parent, in part, is not following up.

Correct. And where in the part of dealing with the child's development a gun or handcuffs or taser needed? A child isn't going to jail. By statute they can't. A gun and taser aren't necessary either. So WHAT is the reason a parent or teacher would ask cops to handle it? Answer: They're too chicken shit to handle it themselves, don't want to be on video and are just overall morons.

A child with those issues.....doesn't need to be handled by arrest, handcuffing, a gun or taser or baton or spray or special police takedown techniques. Therefore....cops arent needed. Teachers and parents can do whatever is necessary.
Maybe we need each child to be accompanied by a police officer. God forbid anyone act up in school.

We may agree on this. It's absolutely absurd that parents or teachers would ask cops to deal with their brat child. Cops were put into schools originally because of Columbine because no one wanted armed teachers.

Over time....teachers began using cops for child discipline and police chiefs were too much ass kissers to say no.
Not teaching children (1) boundaries and (2) actions have consequences by (3) persons of authority in a (4) safe and acceptable environment is (5) idiotic. No credentials were required by the officer in that situation. He acted with common sense and restraint, and he helped that child in a safe environment to learn acceptable boundaries.

Zoom-boing, you are the idiot. You remind me of a mother who threatened a teacher with "I will kill you" and was amazed that she was led out of school in hand cuffs.

Listen to non-credentialed individuals like zoom and hutch act as if they know anything about how to handle this situation.

Every teacher, teacher's aid or counselor must be credentialed by the state to work directly with kids in schools. Even teachers defer to the others who are trained to work with special needs kids. Why do you suppose that is and where does an officer fit into the mix? Was the child's behavior criminal?
I have explained. He is a certified police officer trained to handle difficult situations. He violated no laws, no regulations. It is what it is.

Parents, when your child goes into the public, he is subject to the public's rules first, and your ability to interfere is restricted.

You're just wrong. What "public rule" was violated and warranted police intervention?
The co An 8 yr old for p did not act wrongly or excessively or illegal. He acted appropriately. Such children can learn that certain behaviors in certain situations are not acceptable, period. If it takes reasonable restraint for a short period of time to catch the child's attention, OK.

The other day, I heard a person who was a teacher talking quietly with another woman, and told her, "I care for your child. But in my class, it is my rules." Children need to learn acceptable boundaries.

You cant be serious. A police officer and handcuffs are for people who break the law. This is a school and a kid with learning/ behavior issues. (A young kid, not even high school.)
Alzheimer patients can also act out of control...would you rather have trained nursing staff appropriately deal with them/ restrain if needed.... or have a cop handcuff them to a chair.
Handcuffing is taught/used as a way to keep EVERYONE safer, including the person in cuffs. If the kid got physical and the cop so much as bear hugged him to keep him and others from being hurt, , you pos's would go hysterical about THAT too, So eff you

Another one who has no clue about kids with adhd. Go away.

Then how should the kid have been handled? And...why didn't the teachers handle it? Instead they called a man with a gun and handcuffs. If THOSE aren't needed....why call him to do what they can do themselves?

Depends on the kid. Moving him to a quiet room might help, if he got in trouble for being disruptive in class have him run the track for 20 mins to burn off the excess, have him sit on a stability ball in class and have him fidget on that, other alternatives to handcuffing the kids. Does he have other issues? I don't know. My son would have meltdowns and bear hugging him helped. Read up on sensory integration disorders. Is there more to the video than that clip? What happened prior to what we saw? Was he in class, did he whack someone over the head with a brick, was he just being disruptive? Schools are way big on inclusiveness, which is fine. But some kids cannot function in that type of environment and need to be in a more restrictive classroom setting. My son was one of the latter types of kids.

I don't know why the teachers didn't handle it, you'd have to ask them. It's their job to handle it, they're equipped to handle it. Unless he fell through the cracks, didn't have an iep, teachers weren't aware of his adhd, etc. Even in that case (I can't imagine the school didn't know), call his damn parents not a cop. Cops are for criminals not for unruly/disruptive kids in school.
Bucs90, that's not your call, is it, only your opinion. A child is not a car or a cable.

If the child can't or won't focus and can't or won't follow simple instructions at school, the logical conclusion must be the parent, in part, is not following up.

Spoken out the ass from a person who has never raised a kid with a disorder such as adhd or special needs.

Shut up, Jake. You have no clue what you are talking about. None.

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