Deputy accused of handcuffing third-graders in school: video

ADHD is not recognized as a disability within the spec ed protections.

End of that subject.

I don't have to prove there has been no new infractions. All I can say there is no record of it. If you can disprove me, go for it.

You could get the same result by binding them to the post and putting the strap to them. The efficacy of your program is not in question, it's the method.
Your argument is lost.

BTW, continuing to downplay the child's affect only strenghtens the idea that the adults overreacted. By now you have winnowed out any of the relevant significance of the child's disorder to the point where you are essentially arguing that those actions are acceptable under any circumstance.

Good job!
You lefties are wrong.

Argue all you want.

There will be no charges, and the child has learned a good lesson.

Someone asked, "Well, the family could sue," and I pointed out the school system will counter sue.
"Deputy accused of handcuffing third-graders in school: video"

Just as disturbing is that the deputy claims that this is consistent with his training and is SOP.

Um...yes. it is consistent with training. How do cops restrain a human who is out of control?? Handcuffs or hand to hand tactics. You don't want that? Dont call cops. They aren't trained to hug them into compliance.
A cop knows how to handcuff such a suspect, whether 8 or 80.

That is why the MPs always partied downtown as a group. They knew better than to go in groups of less than five. Not healthy.
And still....cops shouldn't be called to discipline a child.

Cops dont have the authority to discipline. The judicial that. Cops accuse, charge and book violators of crime. THAT IS their only real authority. And the child....wasn't gonna be any of those.

So....adults who call cops for child discipline are fucking morons.
In fact...the cop touching the child...without a criminal offense having been actually committing simple assault.

But....dumbass ass kissing police chiefs still let their guys be called for community policing nonsense like disciplining a child.

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