Deputy AG: No American Was a Knowing Participant in Russian Efforts to Influence 2016 Election

You lefties sure like chomping on nothing burgers.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said at a press conference Friday that no American was “a knowing participant” in the Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election, as detailed in the DOJ’s Friday indictment of 13 Russian nationals.

A reporter noted that, “On page four of the indictment, paragraph six, it specifically talks about the Trump campaign, saying that defendants communicated with unwitting individuals associated with the Trump campaign.”

“My question is later in the indictment, campaign officials are referenced not by their name, by campaign official one or two or three,” she continued. “Were campaign officials cooperative or were they duped? What was their relationship with this?”

NO COLLUSION -- Rosenstein: No American Was 'A Knowing Participant' In Russian Meddling Indictment

Nothing new. We all knew this months ago.
Rosenstein answered, “There’s no allegation in this indictment that any American had any knowledge..."

NO COLLUSION -- Rosenstein: No American Was 'A Knowing Participant' In Russian Meddling Indictment

call me crazy, but i bet there's more indictments coming

cons- they'll latch onto anything that keeps the fantasy alive

Fine as long as ROSENSTEIN doesn't define himself as "American" because he has precisely ZERO PATRIOTISM to America....

How is going after a criminal (no matter what office he holds) un-American?

We are a nation of laws, not men.

Hazlnut wants you to believe a "757" made this hole in the Pentagon...

You’re an idiot
It's over lefties. Zero Americans involved.
Just Hillary accepting hundreds of millions from the Russians for favors.
Conirmed: you’re a liar
Russians interfering in the election being “a hoax” was just another lie. And naturally, Trumpsters fell for it! An example of their consistent gullibility. :2up:
House passes Russia sanctions deal

419 to 3 on sanctions against Russia for the wiretapping...............

Oh Mr. Clueless one.
And Trump won’t further sanctions against them even after the intelligence community overwhelmingly concluded that Russia interfered with US elections in 2016
You lefties sure like chomping on nothing burgers.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said at a press conference Friday that no American was “a knowing participant” in the Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election, as detailed in the DOJ’s Friday indictment of 13 Russian nationals.

A reporter noted that, “On page four of the indictment, paragraph six, it specifically talks about the Trump campaign, saying that defendants communicated with unwitting individuals associated with the Trump campaign.”

“My question is later in the indictment, campaign officials are referenced not by their name, by campaign official one or two or three,” she continued. “Were campaign officials cooperative or were they duped? What was their relationship with this?”

NO COLLUSION -- Rosenstein: No American Was 'A Knowing Participant' In Russian Meddling Indictment
Damn that newspaper is an embarrassing rag. the headline is a lie... he didn't say that or even imply it.
Deleted, it's all been said.
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True. He is reported in the OP's link as saying this...

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said at a press conference Friday that no American was “a knowing participant” in the Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election, as detailed in the DOJ’s Friday indictment of 13 Russian nationals.

You may have your own opinion as to whether the OP is stupid or devious, I couldn't possibly comment.

Don't forget the "unindicted co-conspirators"...

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