Deranged gun nut posted this

In what can only be described as a crude, hateful rant, a deranged Tea Party adherent named Drew Walker went off the deep end, calling for the deaths of liberals and making the claim that Michelle Obama is really a man. And that is just the appetizer for the astounding level of ignorance on display in the 4 minutes and 18 second rant.

There were at least 58 f-bombs crammed into this 258 seconds long rant. That’s roughly one f-bomb every 4 seconds, for those scoring at home, and doesn’t include the other choice words that spewed from Mr. Walker’s mouth hole. It was a speech that only those with a double digit IQ – or less – could be proud of.

In between all of the cuss words, Mr. Walker made several inane statements that Fox News would be proud of. He claimed that all of the liberals on welfare are milking the country dry (never mind that there are poor conservatives on welfare as well), that liberals “hate” veterans, Obamacare is “illegal” (guess we missed the part where Mr. Walker is a law expert), and that he’s not a racist because he has “Godchildren” who are black, but later claims that the Obamas “stole” their two beautiful daughters from Africa.

Then he hates on the Islam religion, calling it a “cult”, and that “blackish” President Obama is getting away with treason and crimes, though just like millions of other rednecks who have said the same thing, he avoids specifics.

Just when we thought Mr. Walker would continue to go on with his special brand of stupid, he ended his rant with class, saying, “So, liberals, eat sh*t and die, motherf*ckers. You’re no good to this world, anyway.”

And it gets even worse. Take a look at the pictures on his profile. We see that there is one where he is pointing a gun with the caption, “hey Obama, smile motherf*cker”. Then we see another pic of a few African children with the caption, “look here Obama, we found your family pic”. But remember… he’s totally not racist! He said so!.


More at the link, including a video and another photo. Hopefully, child protective services and the Secret Service can disarm this guy before he goes ballistic.

Like I keep saying, they are their own worst enemies.
Firebrand progessives LMAO. Duddy drinks the daily kool aid
In what can only be described as a crude, hateful rant, a deranged Tea Party adherent named Drew Walker went off the deep end, calling for the deaths of liberals and making the claim that Michelle Obama is really a man. And that is just the appetizer for the astounding level of ignorance on display in the 4 minutes and 18 second rant.

There were at least 58 f-bombs crammed into this 258 seconds long rant. That’s roughly one f-bomb every 4 seconds, for those scoring at home, and doesn’t include the other choice words that spewed from Mr. Walker’s mouth hole. It was a speech that only those with a double digit IQ – or less – could be proud of.

In between all of the cuss words, Mr. Walker made several inane statements that Fox News would be proud of. He claimed that all of the liberals on welfare are milking the country dry (never mind that there are poor conservatives on welfare as well), that liberals “hate” veterans, Obamacare is “illegal” (guess we missed the part where Mr. Walker is a law expert), and that he’s not a racist because he has “Godchildren” who are black, but later claims that the Obamas “stole” their two beautiful daughters from Africa.

Then he hates on the Islam religion, calling it a “cult”, and that “blackish” President Obama is getting away with treason and crimes, though just like millions of other rednecks who have said the same thing, he avoids specifics.

Just when we thought Mr. Walker would continue to go on with his special brand of stupid, he ended his rant with class, saying, “So, liberals, eat sh*t and die, motherf*ckers. You’re no good to this world, anyway.”

And it gets even worse. Take a look at the pictures on his profile. We see that there is one where he is pointing a gun with the caption, “hey Obama, smile motherf*cker”. Then we see another pic of a few African children with the caption, “look here Obama, we found your family pic”. But remember… he’s totally not racist! He said so!.


More at the link, including a video and another photo. Hopefully, child protective services and the Secret Service can disarm this guy before he goes ballistic.

Like I keep saying, they are their own worst enemies.
Firebrand progessives LMAO. Duddy drinks the daily kool aid

Oh, so you're saying its not true?

Did you watch the video?

Of course you didn't.

That's okay. You go with what works for you.

In what can only be described as a crude, hateful rant, a deranged Tea Party adherent named Drew Walker went off the deep end, calling for the deaths of liberals and making the claim that Michelle Obama is really a man. And that is just the appetizer for the astounding level of ignorance on display in the 4 minutes and 18 second rant.

There were at least 58 f-bombs crammed into this 258 seconds long rant. That’s roughly one f-bomb every 4 seconds, for those scoring at home, and doesn’t include the other choice words that spewed from Mr. Walker’s mouth hole. It was a speech that only those with a double digit IQ – or less – could be proud of.

In between all of the cuss words, Mr. Walker made several inane statements that Fox News would be proud of. He claimed that all of the liberals on welfare are milking the country dry (never mind that there are poor conservatives on welfare as well), that liberals “hate” veterans, Obamacare is “illegal” (guess we missed the part where Mr. Walker is a law expert), and that he’s not a racist because he has “Godchildren” who are black, but later claims that the Obamas “stole” their two beautiful daughters from Africa.

Then he hates on the Islam religion, calling it a “cult”, and that “blackish” President Obama is getting away with treason and crimes, though just like millions of other rednecks who have said the same thing, he avoids specifics.

Just when we thought Mr. Walker would continue to go on with his special brand of stupid, he ended his rant with class, saying, “So, liberals, eat sh*t and die, motherf*ckers. You’re no good to this world, anyway.”

And it gets even worse. Take a look at the pictures on his profile. We see that there is one where he is pointing a gun with the caption, “hey Obama, smile motherf*cker”. Then we see another pic of a few African children with the caption, “look here Obama, we found your family pic”. But remember… he’s totally not racist! He said so!.


More at the link, including a video and another photo. Hopefully, child protective services and the Secret Service can disarm this guy before he goes ballistic.

Like I keep saying, they are their own worst enemies.
Do you spend every waking moment searching for the "A HA!" stories?
Jeez you lead an empty life.
Nobody cares about this nonsense.
THAT'S your excuse for him?

That its a liberal hoax.

There are some on this board, including you, who seem to be just as frikken nuts as he is. We can only hope none of you are endangering the life of a child like he is.

How about this one? Is this also a liberal hoax?

Video at the link.

A police chief in a small town in Pennsylvania is attracting controversy this week after posting a series of YouTube videos attacking people that disagree with his views on gun rights.

Mark Kessler, police chief of Gilberton Borough and a member of the North Schuylkill school board, caught the attention of viewers earlier this month with profanity-laced videos blasting "libtards" and Secretary of State John Kerry for supposedly wanting to take away his guns.

In the video above, which contains NSFW language, Kessler goes on the offensive.

"Fuck all you libtards out there ... yous take it in the ass," he says in the video, posted in mid-July. "I don't give a fuck what you say, so you can all go fuck yourselves. Period."

Kessler goes on to suggest that he wouldn't take part in an "armed revolt" on Washington, D.C., apparently a reference to a march planned and later canceled by libertarian activist Adam Kokesh, who is now in jail on drug charges. It appears that Kessler and others are planning a different event in D.C. in September, though it's unclear if they plan on being armed.

In a separate video, Kessler takes aim at Kerry and the Obama administration for their support of a UN arms trade treaty. The agreement, designed to stem the trafficking of illicit weapons to terrorists, warlords, organized crime figures and human rights violators, has emerged as a popular bugbear for gun rights activists who claim that it will be used to confiscate guns domestically.

The initial round of videos apparently made enough of a stir for Kessler to make an apology video, in which he offers a tongue-in-cheek "sorry" for "hurting feelings," before shooting off a bunch of rounds from an automatic assault rifle.
What's your point?
Consider how drastically the number of gun deaths per 100,000 people differ between red and blue states. We know what approach works and what approach doesn't. It is just a matter of doing what is working.
I agree that he babbles nonsense. He looks like he's barely holding on to reality.

Will you care if he goes on a shooting spree?


What if its one of your family one of these nutters blows away?

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