Dershowitz Is Insane

not really. the house is safe & the senate is up for grabs. even if donny gets re-installed - it's gonna be a really bad time for him.

Why would it be a bad time?

if the (D)s get the majority in both the house & senate? c'mon - he will have to walk the straight & narrow & that is gonna be sooooooooooooo hard for the dotard, cause he ain't got an honest bone in his obese mango hued body. & if he ever gets impeahed again- he will shirley be removed AND then NYS has him by his cheeto balls.

Why would he have to walk the straight and narrow?
What would a slight majority in the Senate mean for him?

slight majority? who knows how many will lose this time around. i think it's over (R) 20 seats & for sure some will regain their seats but we'll see. anyhoo, if the (D)s get the majority & donny inevitably gets greedy & does another impeachable act, then he will be impeached & just might be removed. either way- when he's outa office--- he's toast. not to mention a lot of his shitty policies won't get thru either.
why won't he give up the testimony & hard copy docs that would exonerate him?



this is gettng a little boring but i'll explain it to you. foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr donny will have an asterisk after his name & be known as the 3rd prez in american history to ever have been impeached. & that 'acquittal' will also have an asterisk stating that his 'trial' was the first one ever in senate history to not have any witness' or documents.

that means he will have a taint on him for centuries that he'll never be able to wash off.
I used to respect Alan Dershowitz. Not any more.

He argued that a President can do pretty much ANYTHING to get himself re-elected, as long as he thinks it's for the good of the country. Please tell me: has ANY President or Presidential candidate ever believed that his (or her) election would be bad for the country? Of course not. Therefore, Dershowitz is arguing that any President can do anything to get re-elected (or, perhaps, elected to begin with). This is utter insanity, and inanity.
If you remember what Dershowitz was saying during Bill Clinton's impeachment, you would agree that he has been pretty consistent.


Dershowitz was saying exactly opposite during Bill Clinton's impeachment.

Dershowitz 1998 Contradicts Dershowitz 2020
this is gettng a little boring but i'll explain it to you. foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr donny will have an asterisk after his name & be known as the 3rd prez in american history to ever have been impeached.
The 2020 Democrats - especially Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler - will go down as the politicians who sought to affect a political coup of a democratically elected President, rushing the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case for Impeachment in US history....the 1st Impeachment in US history of a President based on NO CRIME, no evidence, and no witnesses.

Years from now Trump will be hailed as a hero for opposing Democrats who waged a 4-year criminal, Constitution-violating coup attempt begun by the former President of the United States and his exposed criminal administration....despite how hard snowflakes attempt to rewrite history

when he defended hedda nussbaum - that did it for me.

You don't believe everyone has a right to defense? OR just those you have already deemed, 'guilty'.?

the constitution says everyone has a right to a defense. i just think defense lawyers have to have something scummy in them to defend someone just for the cash & forget their own ethics.
The problem with your thought is that you immediately assign guilt when the presumption is innocent.

actually the problem with your thought is that you are conflating my opinion with actual due process. of course i think he's guilty. not because of any hatred i may harbor towards donny - but rather from evaluating the DECADES of seeing his vile behavior
( that has taken so many forms ) always ends up being for his personal benefit.

is he entitled to a defense? sure. should he be found guilty? absolutely. will he? looks like the fix was in.

On the positive side, Trump’s corruption, as well as that of Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party, has been laid bare to the American people.

Even the Senators voting to acquit are saying the Democrats proved their case but they don’t think his actions warrant removal. They are voting against the Constitution for political reasons.

This won’t go well for Republicans in November.


this is gettng a little boring but i'll explain it to you. foreverrrrrrrrrrrrr donny will have an asterisk after his name & be known as the 3rd prez in american history to ever have been impeached.
The 2020 Democrats - especially Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler - will go down as the politicians who sought to affect a political coup of a democratically elected President, rushing the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest case for Impeachment in US history....the 1st Impeachment in US history of a President based on NO CRIME, no evidence, and no witnesses.

Years from now Trump will be hailed as a hero for opposing Democrats who waged a 4-year criminal, Constitution-violating coup attempt begun by the former President of the United States and his exposed criminal administration....despite how hard snowflakes attempt to rewrite history


i didn't even get thru the first sentence of that conspiratorial bullshit.

Amazing President Trump!
Look closer: The signs reads 'TRUMP Impeachment'

That's the TDS-sufferers sucking black hole Pelosi, Schiff, and Nadler led the Democratic Party into with their 4-yer failed coup attempt.


not really. the house is safe & the senate is up for grabs. even if donny gets re-installed - it's gonna be a really bad time for him.

Why would it be a bad time?

if the (D)s get the majority in both the house & senate? c'mon - he will have to walk the straight & narrow & that is gonna be sooooooooooooo hard for the dotard, cause he ain't got an honest bone in his obese mango hued body. & if he ever gets impeahed again- he will shirley be removed AND then NYS has him by his cheeto balls.

Why would he have to walk the straight and narrow?
What would a slight majority in the Senate mean for him?

slight majority? who knows how many will lose this time around. i think it's over (R) 20 seats & for sure some will regain their seats but we'll see. anyhoo, if the (D)s get the majority & donny inevitably gets greedy & does another impeachable act, then he will be impeached & just might be removed. either way- when he's outa office--- he's toast. not to mention a lot of his shitty policies won't get thru either.

Maybe you don't believe any of this and are just trolling, but if not you are the dumbest skirt I've ever ran across.
DEMOCRATS Seats Up in 2020.

Alabama: Doug Jones (Running) Current age: 64

Delaware: Chris Coons (Running) Current age: 54

Illinois: Dick Durbin (Intent unknown) Current age: 73

Massachusetts: Ed Markey (Running) Current age: 71

Michigan: Gary Peters (Intent unknown) Current age: 59

Minnesota: Tina Smith (Running) Current age: 60

New Hampshire: Jeanne Shaheen (Intent unknown) Current age: 71

New Jersey: Cory Booker (Intent Unknown) Current age: 48

New Mexico: Tom Udall (Running) Current age: 69

Oregon: Jeff Merkley (Intent unknown) Current age: 61

Rhode Island: Jack Reed (Intent unknown) Current age: 68

Virginia: Mark Warner (Intent unknown) Current age: 63

Republicans up for reelection in 2020:

Alaska: Dan Sullivan (Intent unknown) Current age: 53

Arizona: Martha McSally (Running) Current age: 52

Arkansas: Tom Cotton (Running) Current age: 40

Colorado: Cory Gardner (Running) Current age: 43

Georgia: David Perdue (Running) Current age: 68

Idaho: John Risch (Intent unknown) Current age: 74

Iowa: Joni Ernst (Running) Current age: 47

Kansas: Pat Roberts (Retiring) Current age: 81

Kentucky: Mitch McConnell (Running) Current age: 75

Louisiana: Bill Cassidy (Intent unknown) Current age: 60

Maine: Susan Collins (Running) Current age: 66

Mississippi: Cindy Hyde-Smith (Intent unknown) Current age: 59

Montana: Steve Daines (Intent unknown) Current age: 55

Nebraska: Ben Sasse (Intent unknown) Current age: 45

North Carolina: Thom Tillis (Running) Current age: 57

Oklahoma: Jim Inhofe (Intent unknown) Current age: 83

South Carolina: Lindsey Graham (Running) Current age: 63

South Dakota: Mike Rounds (Intent unknown) Current age: 63

Tennessee: Lamar Alexander (Retiring) Current age: 77

Texas: John Cornyn (Running) Current age: 65

West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito (Intent unknown) Current age: 64

Wyoming: Mike Enzi (Intent unknown) Current age: 73

Here is the list.

The Republicans are almost all from Red States - which seats do the dems pick up?

They will for sure lose Alabama back to the Republicans
Probably also New Hampshire.
DEMOCRATS Seats Up in 2020.

Alabama: Doug Jones (Running) Current age: 64

Delaware: Chris Coons (Running) Current age: 54

Illinois: Dick Durbin (Intent unknown) Current age: 73

Massachusetts: Ed Markey (Running) Current age: 71

Michigan: Gary Peters (Intent unknown) Current age: 59

Minnesota: Tina Smith (Running) Current age: 60

New Hampshire: Jeanne Shaheen (Intent unknown) Current age: 71

New Jersey: Cory Booker (Intent Unknown) Current age: 48

New Mexico: Tom Udall (Running) Current age: 69

Oregon: Jeff Merkley (Intent unknown) Current age: 61

Rhode Island: Jack Reed (Intent unknown) Current age: 68

Virginia: Mark Warner (Intent unknown) Current age: 63

Republicans up for reelection in 2020:

Alaska: Dan Sullivan (Intent unknown) Current age: 53

Arizona: Martha McSally (Running) Current age: 52

Arkansas: Tom Cotton (Running) Current age: 40

Colorado: Cory Gardner (Running) Current age: 43

Georgia: David Perdue (Running) Current age: 68

Idaho: John Risch (Intent unknown) Current age: 74

Iowa: Joni Ernst (Running) Current age: 47

Kansas: Pat Roberts (Retiring) Current age: 81

Kentucky: Mitch McConnell (Running) Current age: 75

Louisiana: Bill Cassidy (Intent unknown) Current age: 60

Maine: Susan Collins (Running) Current age: 66

Mississippi: Cindy Hyde-Smith (Intent unknown) Current age: 59

Montana: Steve Daines (Intent unknown) Current age: 55

Nebraska: Ben Sasse (Intent unknown) Current age: 45

North Carolina: Thom Tillis (Running) Current age: 57

Oklahoma: Jim Inhofe (Intent unknown) Current age: 83

South Carolina: Lindsey Graham (Running) Current age: 63

South Dakota: Mike Rounds (Intent unknown) Current age: 63

Tennessee: Lamar Alexander (Retiring) Current age: 77

Texas: John Cornyn (Running) Current age: 65

West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito (Intent unknown) Current age: 64

Wyoming: Mike Enzi (Intent unknown) Current age: 73

Here is the list.

The Republicans are almost all from Red States - which seats do the dems pick up?

They will for sure lose Alabama back to the Republicans
Probably also New Hampshire.

we'll see.... (D)s took back the house from (R)s in districts that weren't blue.
DEMOCRATS Seats Up in 2020.

Alabama: Doug Jones (Running) Current age: 64

Delaware: Chris Coons (Running) Current age: 54

Illinois: Dick Durbin (Intent unknown) Current age: 73

Massachusetts: Ed Markey (Running) Current age: 71

Michigan: Gary Peters (Intent unknown) Current age: 59

Minnesota: Tina Smith (Running) Current age: 60

New Hampshire: Jeanne Shaheen (Intent unknown) Current age: 71

New Jersey: Cory Booker (Intent Unknown) Current age: 48

New Mexico: Tom Udall (Running) Current age: 69

Oregon: Jeff Merkley (Intent unknown) Current age: 61

Rhode Island: Jack Reed (Intent unknown) Current age: 68

Virginia: Mark Warner (Intent unknown) Current age: 63

Republicans up for reelection in 2020:

Alaska: Dan Sullivan (Intent unknown) Current age: 53

Arizona: Martha McSally (Running) Current age: 52

Arkansas: Tom Cotton (Running) Current age: 40

Colorado: Cory Gardner (Running) Current age: 43

Georgia: David Perdue (Running) Current age: 68

Idaho: John Risch (Intent unknown) Current age: 74

Iowa: Joni Ernst (Running) Current age: 47

Kansas: Pat Roberts (Retiring) Current age: 81

Kentucky: Mitch McConnell (Running) Current age: 75

Louisiana: Bill Cassidy (Intent unknown) Current age: 60

Maine: Susan Collins (Running) Current age: 66

Mississippi: Cindy Hyde-Smith (Intent unknown) Current age: 59

Montana: Steve Daines (Intent unknown) Current age: 55

Nebraska: Ben Sasse (Intent unknown) Current age: 45

North Carolina: Thom Tillis (Running) Current age: 57

Oklahoma: Jim Inhofe (Intent unknown) Current age: 83

South Carolina: Lindsey Graham (Running) Current age: 63

South Dakota: Mike Rounds (Intent unknown) Current age: 63

Tennessee: Lamar Alexander (Retiring) Current age: 77

Texas: John Cornyn (Running) Current age: 65

West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito (Intent unknown) Current age: 64

Wyoming: Mike Enzi (Intent unknown) Current age: 73

Here is the list.

The Republicans are almost all from Red States - which seats do the dems pick up?

They will for sure lose Alabama back to the Republicans
Probably also New Hampshire.

we'll see.... (D)s took back the house from (R)s in districts that weren't blue.

I laugh
When did you first start paying attention to politics, when the half colored boy ran?

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