Dershowitz is up

Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

First of all, I question all your inputs because you can't even pay attention to the little red dotted line pointing out your errors.."Jiustice"?
What is " & mote polluted water"?
Did you use the internet at all to substantiate any of your claims?

I took your first one... Using federal funds as leverage...
FACT Take a little time and READ the below that is substantiated by the link.
It finds that the executive branch delivers more money and grants to swing states than all other states.
Further, the proximity of a presidential election enhances this swing state bias in the distribution of funds.
The paper concludes that presidential electoral interest drives the distribution of funds and, that scholars must consider the role of the president in studies of distributive politics.

12) Stealing children at the border is bad then what Obama did was "bad" also?
Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border?
View attachment 303024
Wow, another dumbass Trumpette who is ignorant of what Trump is doping.

He has lowered standards fpor air & water quality.

If you need a link, you are an uninformed idiot.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump took kids from their families. Another example 0f your ignorance.

Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron.

There is NO credibility to your statements simply because YOU ignore the simplest aid, i.e. the red dotted line under your spelling errors.
"fpor".."doping"??? Little red dotted line tells you a spelling error but you ignore. And if you ignore "little" details, then how can you
possibly understand bigger issues?

As far as Trump policy of zero tolerance to illegals bringing children.
The term "illegals" means something.
  • In 2017, the total cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was approximately $116 billion.
  • FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – about $19 billion – from the total economic impact of illegal migration, $134.9 billion.
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Oh as far as "Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron"
Leverage for what?
Do you mean "leverage" like this that Biden used to get rid of the Ukraine prosecutor investigating Biden't son and Burisma?
At one point, Biden withheld $1 billion in aid to Ukraine to pressure the government to remove Shokin from the Prosecutor General's Office.

Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal Its not a crime
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice Comey will be in jail before Trump, ask Barr
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Justice Trump has due process rights, just ask the USSC (Trump's tax records)
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad OK, not a crime
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad OK, not a crime
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad OK, not a crime
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad OK, not a crime
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad OK, not a crime
9) Being accused of child rape is bad Now you're delusional
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad Now you're delusional again
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad OK, not a crime
12) Stealing children at the border is bad That's the cartels and sex trafficking
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad no its not
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad no its not
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad Oppo research is ok
Is that enough? Its nothing, so no.

I understand that life as a Trumpette is truying.

I was responding to a "orange man bad" trypical post from on of your brothern Trumpettes. Note that I did not call, Trump's lying illegal, I called it bad. Are you arguing that Trump's lying to the American people is good?

Certainly, using federal funds to gain political gain is illegal.

Firing the man investigating you is obstruction of justice.

The idea that you know of no trashing of our military leaders and vets by Trump is proof of your ignorance.

I see you are OK with Trump lying & his destruction on our environment.
Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

First of all, I question all your inputs because you can't even pay attention to the little red dotted line pointing out your errors.."Jiustice"?
What is " & mote polluted water"?
Did you use the internet at all to substantiate any of your claims?

I took your first one... Using federal funds as leverage...
FACT Take a little time and READ the below that is substantiated by the link.
It finds that the executive branch delivers more money and grants to swing states than all other states.
Further, the proximity of a presidential election enhances this swing state bias in the distribution of funds.
The paper concludes that presidential electoral interest drives the distribution of funds and, that scholars must consider the role of the president in studies of distributive politics.

12) Stealing children at the border is bad then what Obama did was "bad" also?
Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border?
View attachment 303024
Wow, another dumbass Trumpette who is ignorant of what Trump is doping.

He has lowered standards fpor air & water quality.

If you need a link, you are an uninformed idiot.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump took kids from their families. Another example 0f your ignorance.

Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron.
Air and water quality are monitored and controlled by your state’s Department of Health.
Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

First of all, I question all your inputs because you can't even pay attention to the little red dotted line pointing out your errors.."Jiustice"?
What is " & mote polluted water"?
Did you use the internet at all to substantiate any of your claims?

I took your first one... Using federal funds as leverage...
FACT Take a little time and READ the below that is substantiated by the link.
It finds that the executive branch delivers more money and grants to swing states than all other states.
Further, the proximity of a presidential election enhances this swing state bias in the distribution of funds.
The paper concludes that presidential electoral interest drives the distribution of funds and, that scholars must consider the role of the president in studies of distributive politics.

12) Stealing children at the border is bad then what Obama did was "bad" also?
Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border?
View attachment 303024
Wow, another dumbass Trumpette who is ignorant of what Trump is doping.

He has lowered standards fpor air & water quality.

If you need a link, you are an uninformed idiot.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump took kids from their families. Another example 0f your ignorance.

Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron.

There is NO credibility to your statements simply because YOU ignore the simplest aid, i.e. the red dotted line under your spelling errors.
"fpor".."doping"??? Little red dotted line tells you a spelling error but you ignore. And if you ignore "little" details, then how can you
possibly understand bigger issues?

As far as Trump policy of zero tolerance to illegals bringing children.
The term "illegals" means something.
  • In 2017, the total cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was approximately $116 billion.
  • FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – about $19 billion – from the total economic impact of illegal migration, $134.9 billion.
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Oh as far as "Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron"
Leverage for what?
Do you mean "leverage" like this that Biden used to get rid of the Ukraine prosecutor investigating Biden't son and Burisma?
At one point, Biden withheld $1 billion in aid to Ukraine to pressure the government to remove Shokin from the Prosecutor General's Office.

So, you are OK with the idea Trump steals children because of the cost? WTF?

Biden got that prosecutor removed so corruption could be reduced in the Ukraine so our aid would not be stolen through corruption.

You are lying about Hunter Biden just as you stupid assfucks lie about everything else.

Trump is guilty. He did it. What Bidern did or Hunter did or Hillasry dod or anyone else did dores not chamnge iot.

Your orange hero is a fucking crook
Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

First of all, I question all your inputs because you can't even pay attention to the little red dotted line pointing out your errors.."Jiustice"?
What is " & mote polluted water"?
Did you use the internet at all to substantiate any of your claims?

I took your first one... Using federal funds as leverage...
FACT Take a little time and READ the below that is substantiated by the link.
It finds that the executive branch delivers more money and grants to swing states than all other states.
Further, the proximity of a presidential election enhances this swing state bias in the distribution of funds.
The paper concludes that presidential electoral interest drives the distribution of funds and, that scholars must consider the role of the president in studies of distributive politics.

12) Stealing children at the border is bad then what Obama did was "bad" also?
Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border?
View attachment 303024
Wow, another dumbass Trumpette who is ignorant of what Trump is doping.

He has lowered standards fpor air & water quality.

If you need a link, you are an uninformed idiot.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump took kids from their families. Another example 0f your ignorance.

Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron.
Air and water quality are monitored and controlled by your state’s Department of Health.

But the federal limits have been changed. Why did they change them?
Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

First of all, I question all your inputs because you can't even pay attention to the little red dotted line pointing out your errors.."Jiustice"?
What is " & mote polluted water"?
Did you use the internet at all to substantiate any of your claims?

I took your first one... Using federal funds as leverage...
FACT Take a little time and READ the below that is substantiated by the link.
It finds that the executive branch delivers more money and grants to swing states than all other states.
Further, the proximity of a presidential election enhances this swing state bias in the distribution of funds.
The paper concludes that presidential electoral interest drives the distribution of funds and, that scholars must consider the role of the president in studies of distributive politics.

12) Stealing children at the border is bad then what Obama did was "bad" also?
Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border?
View attachment 303024
Wow, another dumbass Trumpette who is ignorant of what Trump is doping.

He has lowered standards fpor air & water quality.

If you need a link, you are an uninformed idiot.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump took kids from their families. Another example 0f your ignorance.

Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron.
Air and water quality are monitored and controlled by your state’s Department of Health.

But the federal limits have been changed. Why did they change them?
I have no idea.
I do know that neither the NYS Department of Health nor the EPA ever comes to any regional area to confirm whether or not the local authorities are bullshitting them.
Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

First of all, I question all your inputs because you can't even pay attention to the little red dotted line pointing out your errors.."Jiustice"?
What is " & mote polluted water"?
Did you use the internet at all to substantiate any of your claims?

I took your first one... Using federal funds as leverage...
FACT Take a little time and READ the below that is substantiated by the link.
It finds that the executive branch delivers more money and grants to swing states than all other states.
Further, the proximity of a presidential election enhances this swing state bias in the distribution of funds.
The paper concludes that presidential electoral interest drives the distribution of funds and, that scholars must consider the role of the president in studies of distributive politics.

12) Stealing children at the border is bad then what Obama did was "bad" also?
Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border?
View attachment 303024
Wow, another dumbass Trumpette who is ignorant of what Trump is doping.

He has lowered standards fpor air & water quality.

If you need a link, you are an uninformed idiot.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump took kids from their families. Another example 0f your ignorance.

Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron.

There is NO credibility to your statements simply because YOU ignore the simplest aid, i.e. the red dotted line under your spelling errors.
"fpor".."doping"??? Little red dotted line tells you a spelling error but you ignore. And if you ignore "little" details, then how can you
possibly understand bigger issues?

As far as Trump policy of zero tolerance to illegals bringing children.
The term "illegals" means something.
  • In 2017, the total cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was approximately $116 billion.
  • FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – about $19 billion – from the total economic impact of illegal migration, $134.9 billion.
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Oh as far as "Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron"
Leverage for what?
Do you mean "leverage" like this that Biden used to get rid of the Ukraine prosecutor investigating Biden't son and Burisma?
At one point, Biden withheld $1 billion in aid to Ukraine to pressure the government to remove Shokin from the Prosecutor General's Office.

So, you are OK with the idea Trump steals children because of the cost? WTF?

Biden got that prosecutor removed so corruption could be reduced in the Ukraine so our aid would not be stolen through corruption.

You are lying about Hunter Biden just as you stupid assfucks lie about everything else.

Trump is guilty. He did it. What Bidern did or Hunter did or Hillasry dod or anyone else did dores not chamnge iot.

Your orange hero is a fucking crook

You have mastered "Orange Man Bad" grasshopper. Time to leave the Temple.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

First of all, I question all your inputs because you can't even pay attention to the little red dotted line pointing out your errors.."Jiustice"?
What is " & mote polluted water"?
Did you use the internet at all to substantiate any of your claims?

I took your first one... Using federal funds as leverage...
FACT Take a little time and READ the below that is substantiated by the link.
It finds that the executive branch delivers more money and grants to swing states than all other states.
Further, the proximity of a presidential election enhances this swing state bias in the distribution of funds.
The paper concludes that presidential electoral interest drives the distribution of funds and, that scholars must consider the role of the president in studies of distributive politics.

12) Stealing children at the border is bad then what Obama did was "bad" also?
Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border?
View attachment 303024
Wow, another dumbass Trumpette who is ignorant of what Trump is doping.

He has lowered standards fpor air & water quality.

If you need a link, you are an uninformed idiot.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump took kids from their families. Another example 0f your ignorance.

Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron.

There is NO credibility to your statements simply because YOU ignore the simplest aid, i.e. the red dotted line under your spelling errors.
"fpor".."doping"??? Little red dotted line tells you a spelling error but you ignore. And if you ignore "little" details, then how can you
possibly understand bigger issues?

As far as Trump policy of zero tolerance to illegals bringing children.
The term "illegals" means something.
  • In 2017, the total cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was approximately $116 billion.
  • FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – about $19 billion – from the total economic impact of illegal migration, $134.9 billion.
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Oh as far as "Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron"
Leverage for what?
Do you mean "leverage" like this that Biden used to get rid of the Ukraine prosecutor investigating Biden't son and Burisma?
At one point, Biden withheld $1 billion in aid to Ukraine to pressure the government to remove Shokin from the Prosecutor General's Office.

So, you are OK with the idea Trump steals children because of the cost? WTF?

Biden got that prosecutor removed so corruption could be reduced in the Ukraine so our aid would not be stolen through corruption.

You are lying about Hunter Biden just as you stupid assfucks lie about everything else.

Trump is guilty. He did it. What Bidern did or Hunter did or Hillasry dod or anyone else did dores not chamnge iot.

Your orange hero is a fucking crook

You have mastered "Orange Man Bad" grasshopper. Time to leave the Temple.

I see you have nothing to counter my post.

Yes, your fat assed orange buddy is bad. Why don't you care?
Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

First of all, I question all your inputs because you can't even pay attention to the little red dotted line pointing out your errors.."Jiustice"?
What is " & mote polluted water"?
Did you use the internet at all to substantiate any of your claims?

I took your first one... Using federal funds as leverage...
FACT Take a little time and READ the below that is substantiated by the link.
It finds that the executive branch delivers more money and grants to swing states than all other states.
Further, the proximity of a presidential election enhances this swing state bias in the distribution of funds.
The paper concludes that presidential electoral interest drives the distribution of funds and, that scholars must consider the role of the president in studies of distributive politics.

12) Stealing children at the border is bad then what Obama did was "bad" also?
Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border?
View attachment 303024
Wow, another dumbass Trumpette who is ignorant of what Trump is doping.

He has lowered standards fpor air & water quality.

If you need a link, you are an uninformed idiot.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump took kids from their families. Another example 0f your ignorance.

Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron.

There is NO credibility to your statements simply because YOU ignore the simplest aid, i.e. the red dotted line under your spelling errors.
"fpor".."doping"??? Little red dotted line tells you a spelling error but you ignore. And if you ignore "little" details, then how can you
possibly understand bigger issues?

As far as Trump policy of zero tolerance to illegals bringing children.
The term "illegals" means something.
  • In 2017, the total cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was approximately $116 billion.
  • FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – about $19 billion – from the total economic impact of illegal migration, $134.9 billion.
The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR

Oh as far as "Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron"
Leverage for what?
Do you mean "leverage" like this that Biden used to get rid of the Ukraine prosecutor investigating Biden't son and Burisma?
At one point, Biden withheld $1 billion in aid to Ukraine to pressure the government to remove Shokin from the Prosecutor General's Office.

So, you are OK with the idea Trump steals children because of the cost? WTF?

Biden got that prosecutor removed so corruption could be reduced in the Ukraine so our aid would not be stolen through corruption.

You are lying about Hunter Biden just as you stupid assfucks lie about everything else.

Trump is guilty. He did it. What Bidern did or Hunter did or Hillasry dod or anyone else did dores not chamnge iot.

Your orange hero is a fucking crook

My goodness. I apologize for criticizing your spelling errors.
You are evidently handicapped in some manner and I am sorry.
"What Bidern did or Hunter did or Hillasry dod or anyone else did dores not chamnge iot."
The problem with believing anything you write is how poorly you write!
Sorry but all your comments are suspect!
Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal Its not a crime
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice Comey will be in jail before Trump, ask Barr
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Justice Trump has due process rights, just ask the USSC (Trump's tax records)
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad OK, not a crime
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad OK, not a crime
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad OK, not a crime
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad OK, not a crime
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad OK, not a crime
9) Being accused of child rape is bad Now you're delusional
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad Now you're delusional again
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad OK, not a crime
12) Stealing children at the border is bad That's the cartels and sex trafficking
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad no its not
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad no its not
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad Oppo research is ok
Is that enough? Its nothing, so no.

I understand that life as a Trumpette is truying.

I was responding to a "orange man bad" trypical post from on of your brothern Trumpettes. Note that I did not call, Trump's lying illegal, I called it bad. Are you arguing that Trump's lying to the American people is good?

Certainly, using federal funds to gain political gain is illegal.

Firing the man investigating you is obstruction of justice.

The idea that you know of no trashing of our military leaders and vets by Trump is proof of your ignorance.

I see you are OK with Trump lying & his destruction on our environment.
if you're going to go this route, how to you declare trumps "lies" worse than any president before him?

you only care and make it an issue cause - TRUMP. but you have zero interest in applying said standard in a fair manner, now do you?

i'll answer. no. you don't.
That Dershowitz guy had no idea what he was talking about!

I am with Maxine Waters. Impeachment is whatever Congress decides it is!

She is well versed in the Constitution.

Let's see...

Maxine Waters...BA California State.
She graduated from Vashon High School in St. Louis before moving with her family to Los Angeles, California in 1961.
She worked in a garment factory and as a telephone operator before being hired as an assistant teacher with the Head Start program in Watts in 1966.[5]
Waters later enrolled at Los Angeles State College (now California State University, Los Angeles), where she received a bachelor's degree in sociology in 1971.[6]
In her 27 years she has 3 bills passed: a Haiti relief bill, the renaming of a post office, and a modification of the national flood insurance program. Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics in Washington labeled her as the most corrupt member in Congress during the years of 2005, 2006, 2009, and 2011.
A few years ago, Waters was charged by the House ethics committee for allegedly securing bailout funds for a bank in which her husband owned stock. She received three counts of violating House rules in addition to the federal ethics code. These charges were linked to her moves to establish a meeting between OneUnited bank representatives and Treasury officials in 2008. The committee stated that Waters’ moves to benefit OneUnited bank would serve as personally beneficial to her own interests due to her husband’s ownership of stock. The Congresswoman and her attorney filed a motion to have the charges dismissed, but unsurprisingly, the ethics panel denied it.
Maxine Waters Has Passed Three Bills in 27 Years; Named Most Corrupt Four Times!
Maxine Waters - Wikipedia

Dershowitz: He is a scholar of United States constitutional law and criminal law.[1][2] He has also been described as a noted civil libertarian.[1][3] He began his teaching career at Harvard Law School where, in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history. He held the Felix Frankfurter professorshipthere from 1993[4] until his retirement in December 2013,[5] and has been a regular media contributor, political commentator, and legal analyst. He is also a prominent voice on the Arab–Israeli conflict and has written a several books on the subject.
He has written over 30 books.

Alan Dershowitz - Wikipedia

Let's see... hmmm who actually taught law as the youngest professor of law. hmmm.. who has been: labeled as
most corrupt member in Congress during the years of 2005, 2006, 2009, and 2011.
For those that think abuse of power or that obstruction is not a relevant to presidential impeachment, I have these questions:

1. If a future president attempts a coup is that an abuse of power?
2. If a president decides to declassify our nuclear codes is that an abuse of power?
3. If a president makes calls to foreign leaders to enhance private business deals is that an abuse of power?

Now there is school of thought that abuse of process and obstruction of Congress are crimes. Common law crimes.

See: Opinion | Don’t Be Confused by Trump’s Defense. What He Is Accused of Are Crimes.

Dershowitz has quoted Mr. Bowie as someone who supports his position that abuse of power and obstruction of Congress are not crimes . Mr, Bowie does not.

Your dumb assed post should be removed for it's absurdity as NONE of what you brought up applies to the current situation. So why don't you spend some time learning how to be a man, and quit engaging in hysterics, hyperbole, and theatrics? Maybe if your mascara was running you'd get some sympathy in your corner of Libphuckistan, but not here.

Well, just answer my questions. Dershowitz says abuse of power is not impeachable. PERIOD. I gave hypotheticals. Answer my questions if you dare. You can just write agree or disagree.

1. If a future president attempts a coup is that an abuse of power?
2. If a president decides to declassify our nuclear codes is that an abuse of power?
3. If a president makes calls to foreign leaders to enhance private business deals is that an abuse of power?

I am honestly just curious.

How do you honestly perceive these two videos?
Check out these links..
video obama with russian ambassador

Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired

Biden had the backing of the EU, the US and International Organizations in his pressuring the removal of Shokin. Trump's actions were purely for personal and political gain.

You are partially correct, i.e. Biden just took credit for something that was in the process over months before Biden's taking credit.

And so was Trump continuing the questioning of the Ukraine corruption history when he as other presidents have done, i.e.
Obama holding up funds for
During Israel’s 2015 elections, the Obama administration — led by Secretary of State John Kerry — illegally intervened when they attempted to defeat the reelection of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by covertly funneling State Department grants to opposition groups. The Obama administration detested Netanyahu due to his refusal to cave into Palestinian demands, a group that even refused to recognize the existence of Israel.

In 2011, Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, not only interfered politically in Libya but militarily as well, by orchestrating a series of policies designed to remove Muammar Gaddafi from power. While it would be a stretch to call Gaddafi a U.S. ally, he was cooperating with the U.S.A. in fighting Islamic extremists and had turned over all his WMDs to American officials. Western investment was flowing into Libya, the country was becoming more westernized and, most certainly, it was no longer a threat to the USA.

As NR wrote, “all that vanished when Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power, and Susan Rice ordered the bombings that turned Libya into a terrorist paradise.”

Obama’s State Department gave $350,000 to a group called the “One Voice Movement (OVM),” for supporting “peace negotiations between Israel and Palestine.”
Obama’s Meddling in Foreign Elections: Six Examples | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.
It tells me you ARE a donkey ball. THE POPULAR VOTE COUNTS AT THE STATE LEVEL, you Dumb Fuck! For like the fiftieth time. This isn't England, Jackass. This isn't MOB rule. Our system was carefully devised to ensure that ALL our states have a voice in our election, not just California and New York. EVEN AT THAT, most of the state of New York still doesn't have a voice, and neither does California. just NYC, LA and San Fran. The rest of the people in those states can go SHOVE IT, right?

Presidential elections are 50 STATE elections, you ignorant fuck, not one national vote. Try to at least learn how your country works and always HAS worked. And they are weighted so that all contribute enough to be heard and be represented, to ensure that a president represents a diversity of people across the country and not just a minute few.

Trump won THIRTY states and all of them but one he took with a higher percentage of the populace by state than Hillary.

Hillary's entire election was ONE state, California, with help from New York City and Chicago. That is it.

If you don't like it, DROP DEAD or move to Europe.

View attachment 302997

You aren't telling me something I don't already know. The fact all you got out of my post was this drivel you posted says a lot about you. None of it good - hint: Your diatribe above has nothing to do with the point of my post. Moron.

BTW, I'm not even American shit for brains. And your system suck donkey balls. It is probably the second worst form of electoral system in the western world after the UK.
That buffoon whooped Hillary’s ass and her $1.5 billion.

He is so dumb that he defeated “The most qualified candidate in history”.

So if he is a buffoon, what is HIllary, a fucking retard?

Is that the same Hillary that got 3 million more votes than him?
Not 3.
Not 30.
Not 300.
Not 3,000.

It tells me the US political systems sucks donkey balls. But there are a tonne of threads on that topic on this board. No need to pollute this thread with it. Just pointing out the obvious to a Dimwitted Deplorable...

In the US its electoral college votes that count dumbass. If you liked 2016 you'll love 2020. Bernie, Biden, Warren, Buttplug, Bloomberg? LOL!!


Oh, look a priddy widdle map that gives Deplorables a hard on. The same map that shows a lot of red where nobody lives, or at most there is one person every 200sq miles.
That buffoon whooped Hillary’s ass and her $1.5 billion.

He is so dumb that he defeated “The most qualified candidate in history”.

So if he is a buffoon, what is HIllary, a fucking retard?

Is that the same Hillary that got 3 million more votes than him?
Not 3.
Not 30.
Not 300.
Not 3,000.

It tells me the US political systems sucks donkey balls. But there are a tonne of threads on that topic on this board. No need to pollute this thread with it. Just pointing out the obvious to a Dimwitted Deplorable...

In the US its electoral college votes that count dumbass. If you liked 2016 you'll love 2020. Bernie, Biden, Warren, Buttplug, Bloomberg? LOL!!


Oh, look a priddy widdle map that gives Deplorables a hard on. The same map that shows a lot of red where nobody lives, or at most there is one person every 200sq miles.
As opposed to a dense population of Junior High School dropouts?
It tells me you ARE a donkey ball. THE POPULAR VOTE COUNTS AT THE STATE LEVEL, you Dumb Fuck! For like the fiftieth time. This isn't England, Jackass. This isn't MOB rule. Our system was carefully devised to ensure that ALL our states have a voice in our election, not just California and New York. EVEN AT THAT, most of the state of New York still doesn't have a voice, and neither does California. just NYC, LA and San Fran. The rest of the people in those states can go SHOVE IT, right?

Presidential elections are 50 STATE elections, you ignorant fuck, not one national vote. Try to at least learn how your country works and always HAS worked. And they are weighted so that all contribute enough to be heard and be represented, to ensure that a president represents a diversity of people across the country and not just a minute few.

Trump won THIRTY states and all of them but one he took with a higher percentage of the populace by state than Hillary.

Hillary's entire election was ONE state, California, with help from New York City and Chicago. That is it.

If you don't like it, DROP DEAD or move to Europe.

View attachment 302997

You aren't telling me something I don't already know. The fact all you got out of my post was this drivel you posted says a lot about you. None of it good - hint: Your diatribe above has nothing to do with the point of my post. Moron.

BTW, I'm not even American shit for brains. And your system suck donkey balls. It is probably the second worst form of electoral system in the western world after the UK.
So let's be clear.

You know you are a donkey ball.
It tells me you ARE a donkey ball. THE POPULAR VOTE COUNTS AT THE STATE LEVEL, you Dumb Fuck! For like the fiftieth time. This isn't England, Jackass. This isn't MOB rule. Our system was carefully devised to ensure that ALL our states have a voice in our election, not just California and New York. EVEN AT THAT, most of the state of New York still doesn't have a voice, and neither does California. just NYC, LA and San Fran. The rest of the people in those states can go SHOVE IT, right?

Presidential elections are 50 STATE elections, you ignorant fuck, not one national vote. Try to at least learn how your country works and always HAS worked. And they are weighted so that all contribute enough to be heard and be represented, to ensure that a president represents a diversity of people across the country and not just a minute few.

Trump won THIRTY states and all of them but one he took with a higher percentage of the populace by state than Hillary.

Hillary's entire election was ONE state, California, with help from New York City and Chicago. That is it.

If you don't like it, DROP DEAD or move to Europe.

View attachment 302997

You aren't telling me something I don't already know. The fact all you got out of my post was this drivel you posted says a lot about you. None of it good - hint: Your diatribe above has nothing to do with the point of my post. Moron.

BTW, I'm not even American shit for brains. And your system suck donkey balls. It is probably the second worst form of electoral system in the western world after the UK.

Lick me and drop dead, Dr. Cramp. You're in no position to judge that which is obviously far above your head.
It tells me you ARE a donkey ball. THE POPULAR VOTE COUNTS AT THE STATE LEVEL, you Dumb Fuck! For like the fiftieth time. This isn't England, Jackass. This isn't MOB rule. Our system was carefully devised to ensure that ALL our states have a voice in our election, not just California and New York. EVEN AT THAT, most of the state of New York still doesn't have a voice, and neither does California. just NYC, LA and San Fran. The rest of the people in those states can go SHOVE IT, right?

Presidential elections are 50 STATE elections, you ignorant fuck, not one national vote. Try to at least learn how your country works and always HAS worked. And they are weighted so that all contribute enough to be heard and be represented, to ensure that a president represents a diversity of people across the country and not just a minute few.

Trump won THIRTY states and all of them but one he took with a higher percentage of the populace by state than Hillary.

Hillary's entire election was ONE state, California, with help from New York City and Chicago. That is it.

If you don't like it, DROP DEAD or move to Europe.

View attachment 302997

You aren't telling me something I don't already know. The fact all you got out of my post was this drivel you posted says a lot about you. None of it good - hint: Your diatribe above has nothing to do with the point of my post. Moron.

BTW, I'm not even American shit for brains. And your system suck donkey balls. It is probably the second worst form of electoral system in the western world after the UK.

Lick me and drop dead, Dr. Cramp. You're in no position to judge that which is obviously far above your head.
That would involve anything from removing the paper around the straw and up.

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