Dershowitz is up

How do you honestly perceive these two videos?
Check out these links..
video obama with russian ambassador

Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired

Biden had the backing of the EU, the US and International Organizations in his pressuring the removal of Shokin. Trump's actions were purely for personal and political gain.

So people taking bribes, getting kickbacks from foreign aid, and who were involved in money laundering wanted the Attorney General of the Ukraine who was investigating corruption fired, and called him corrupt when lobbying for his being removed.

Yet Shokin has his law license still, has never been charged with a crime, and is still practicing law in Ukraine, while a man like Bill Clinton has no Law License & The Former President of Ukraine which was proven to be corrupt who The Obama Administration spent Billions of Dollars to keep in power, fled with his associates to Russia when an Anti-Corruption Government was elected in The Ukraine.

Shokin was fired by the Ukrainian president. Not only was the EU, IMF and others for Sokin's sacking but there were street protests wanting his removal for corruption. Contrast with Trump who sough dirt on a domestic political opponent.

Shokin has his Law License, and The People he was investigating Fled in to the loving Arms of Vladimir Putin, and you are defending those people, and are defending a Corrupt Company called Burisma who was involved in and being investigated for Money Laundering and Bribery by Several Companies.

You are on The Side of Lawlessness.
Thinking yourself wise, you have become a fool.

Your post is wrong. there was no investigation into Burisma when Shokin was fired. That investigation concluded years before.

The inside story of Ukraine’s ‘very good’ prosecutor at the centre of Trump's latest scandal

Oh Lawless One, Son of Perdition, Child of Hell: A Half Truth is a Lie, and all carefully crafted lies are Half Truths. You are a liar, and your father is a liar. The Father of Lies who was a Murder from The Beginning, when he speaks, he speaks in his native tongue, the language of lies and so do you.

Between Devon Archer, Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi's Son, John Kerry's Son these four were pulling in OVER a quarter of a million dollars a month. $360,000 a month. Many of these payments went on for 17 months. Can you do math?

My question is, couldn't these people find jobs in The US? And why would they accept positions to a company that was under investigation and that Joe Biden was warned about?

And why was Burisma the only Company in Ukraine that the Obama Administration had to Prep Ukraine Embassy Staffers on how to answer questions about Burisma if Congress had questions for them?




Last edited:
I love how the left hate him all of a sudden.

What does this guy know about the Constitution?
Not very much.

Why did the founders put in impeachment & impeachment is just over turning an election.

Why bother writing the powers of the President if abuse of power has no repercussions?

TDS level 10.

Thinks he knows more about the Constitution than Dershowitz.

If it was HIllary being impeached, you wouldn’t be saying that.
Here is the flaw in your logic. Dershowitz made a fine presentation on Constitutional law for his client. It was not meant to be impartial but to advocate. There is plenty to disagree with what Dershowitz said. Hell, even Dershowitz disagrees with Dershowitz. He said he was mistaken in 1999 when he said you did not need a crime to impeach. I could make an argument he was right in 1999 and is making this reversal purely because he is representing his client. BTW, which he is.

I watched Dershowitz entire presentation on C-Span last night and for most of it was extremely entranced by his knowledge, scholarship and above all bipartisanship! He voted for Democrats. But he first of all loves America, the Constitution and truth!
What he said regarding "quid pro quo" is TRUE! All Presidents from Washington to Trump ask for something in return. And according to Dershowitz partisans attacked these presidents for abuse of power..BUT NEVER ever brought FDR,Wilson, Kennedy, Johnson, to the point of impeachment.

And he pointed out that the house management didn't use logic, facts, but passion and politics to bring impeachment.
One of the major points Dershowitz pointed out was the role the Supreme court has in refereeing the issues legality i.e. why didn't the
Democrat controlled House allow the executive branch to contest with the courts subpoenas etc.? The GOP allowed in Clinton to have
SCOTUS determine and that is what the Constitutional founders proffered.

Bottom line... the majority of Americans recognize the impeachment as a total political rationale.
No...Dershowitz is no idiot. The smart lawyers cloak their opinions in impartiality when in fact they are advocating for a cause. Dershowitz was especially wrong on quid pro quo. Never have we had a president shakedown a nation at war by demanding dirt on a domestic political opponent in return for congressionally approved aide.
I love how the left hate him all of a sudden.

What does this guy know about the Constitution?
Not very much.

Why did the founders put in impeachment & impeachment is just over turning an election.

Why bother writing the powers of the President if abuse of power has no repercussions?

TDS level 10.

Thinks he knows more about the Constitution than Dershowitz.

If it was HIllary being impeached, you wouldn’t be saying that.
Here is the flaw in your logic. Dershowitz made a fine presentation on Constitutional law for his client. It was not meant to be impartial but to advocate. There is plenty to disagree with what Dershowitz said. Hell, even Dershowitz disagrees with Dershowitz. He said he was mistaken in 1999 when he said you did not need a crime to impeach. I could make an argument he was right in 1999 and is making this reversal purely because he is representing his client. BTW, which he is.

I watched Dershowitz entire presentation on C-Span last night and for most of it was extremely entranced by his knowledge, scholarship and above all bipartisanship! He voted for Democrats. But he first of all loves America, the Constitution and truth!
What he said regarding "quid pro quo" is TRUE! All Presidents from Washington to Trump ask for something in return. And according to Dershowitz partisans attacked these presidents for abuse of power..BUT NEVER ever brought FDR,Wilson, Kennedy, Johnson, to the point of impeachment.

And he pointed out that the house management didn't use logic, facts, but passion and politics to bring impeachment.
One of the major points Dershowitz pointed out was the role the Supreme court has in refereeing the issues legality i.e. why didn't the
Democrat controlled House allow the executive branch to contest with the courts subpoenas etc.? The GOP allowed in Clinton to have
SCOTUS determine and that is what the Constitutional founders proffered.

Bottom line... the majority of Americans recognize the impeachment as a total political rationale.

Plenty of facts presented. Plenty of testimony presented.

The only defense presented was an opinion that it was not impeachable.
Biden had the backing of the EU, the US and International Organizations in his pressuring the removal of Shokin. Trump's actions were purely for personal and political gain.
So people taking bribes, getting kickbacks from foreign aid, and who were involved in money laundering wanted the Attorney General of the Ukraine who was investigating corruption fired, and called him corrupt when lobbying for his being removed.

Yet Shokin has his law license still, has never been charged with a crime, and is still practicing law in Ukraine, while a man like Bill Clinton has no Law License & The Former President of Ukraine which was proven to be corrupt who The Obama Administration spent Billions of Dollars to keep in power, fled with his associates to Russia when an Anti-Corruption Government was elected in The Ukraine.
Shokin was fired by the Ukrainian president. Not only was the EU, IMF and others for Sokin's sacking but there were street protests wanting his removal for corruption. Contrast with Trump who sough dirt on a domestic political opponent.
Shokin has his Law License, and The People he was investigating Fled in to the loving Arms of Vladimir Putin, and you are defending those people, and are defending a Corrupt Company called Burisma who was involved in and being investigated for Money Laundering and Bribery by Several Companies.

You are on The Side of Lawlessness.
Thinking yourself wise, you have become a fool.
Your post is wrong. there was no investigation into Burisma when Shokin was fired. That investigation concluded years before.

The inside story of Ukraine’s ‘very good’ prosecutor at the centre of Trump's latest scandal
Oh Lawless One, Son of Perdition, Child of Hell: A Half Truth is a Lie, and all carefully crafted lies are Half Truths. You are a liar, and your father is a liar. The Father of Lies who was a Murder from The Beginning, when he speaks, he speaks in his native tongue, the language of lies and so do you.

Between Devon Archer, Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi's Son, John Kerry's Son these four were pulling in OVER a quarter of a million dollars a month. $360,000 a month. My question is, couldn't these people find jobs in The US? And why would they accept positions to a company that was under investigation and that Joe Biden was warned about?

And why was Burisma the only Company in Ukraine that the Obama Administration had to Prep Ukraine Embassy Staffers on how to answer questions about Burisma if Congress had questions for them?



You're just dealing in conspiracy theories. Isn't your argument that Biden wanted Shokin fired because he was investigating Buresma. The fact is that when Biden threatened to withhold aid to the Ukraine, Buresma was not under investigation. Read my link. It completely undercuts your argument.
He voted for HIllary.

Oh shit.
Fox News Contributor

All you need to know
Too bad Hillary never got her chance to shut Fox down, eh Komrade
I don't think Hillary ever called the press the enemy of the people as did your Komrade Trump.
Hemingway: Obama Treated Press Worse Than Trump, Media Didn’t Care

obamas admin is also now before the supreme court for spying on the press. see sharyl attkisson

obama teed off on FOX News all the time and you on the left followed suit and to this day go FAUX LOL and crap.

obama treated the press worse than trump has to date. by far.

but hey - get a russia slam in. say negative shit about trump as if it only applies to him. then sit and wonder my most thinking people consider you a clueless moron.
I love how the left hate him all of a sudden.

What does this guy know about the Constitution?
Not very much.

Why did the founders put in impeachment & impeachment is just over turning an election.

Why bother writing the powers of the President if abuse of power has no repercussions?

TDS level 10.

Thinks he knows more about the Constitution than Dershowitz.

If it was HIllary being impeached, you wouldn’t be saying that.
Here is the flaw in your logic. Dershowitz made a fine presentation on Constitutional law for his client. It was not meant to be impartial but to advocate. There is plenty to disagree with what Dershowitz said. Hell, even Dershowitz disagrees with Dershowitz. He said he was mistaken in 1999 when he said you did not need a crime to impeach. I could make an argument he was right in 1999 and is making this reversal purely because he is representing his client. BTW, which he is.

A just and honorable man like Dershowitz does not join unjust and dishonorable causes.

He explained that back in 1999 he did not research it and was just going along with Academic Consensus. You intentionally left that part out. Why did you? Telling another lie (half-truth) again?

Once Dershowitz started doing research for his book and on this topic, he saw that there were historical precedents set that change his views.
Last edited:
So people taking bribes, getting kickbacks from foreign aid, and who were involved in money laundering wanted the Attorney General of the Ukraine who was investigating corruption fired, and called him corrupt when lobbying for his being removed.

Yet Shokin has his law license still, has never been charged with a crime, and is still practicing law in Ukraine, while a man like Bill Clinton has no Law License & The Former President of Ukraine which was proven to be corrupt who The Obama Administration spent Billions of Dollars to keep in power, fled with his associates to Russia when an Anti-Corruption Government was elected in The Ukraine.
Shokin was fired by the Ukrainian president. Not only was the EU, IMF and others for Sokin's sacking but there were street protests wanting his removal for corruption. Contrast with Trump who sough dirt on a domestic political opponent.
Shokin has his Law License, and The People he was investigating Fled in to the loving Arms of Vladimir Putin, and you are defending those people, and are defending a Corrupt Company called Burisma who was involved in and being investigated for Money Laundering and Bribery by Several Companies.

You are on The Side of Lawlessness.
Thinking yourself wise, you have become a fool.
Your post is wrong. there was no investigation into Burisma when Shokin was fired. That investigation concluded years before.

The inside story of Ukraine’s ‘very good’ prosecutor at the centre of Trump's latest scandal
Oh Lawless One, Son of Perdition, Child of Hell: A Half Truth is a Lie, and all carefully crafted lies are Half Truths. You are a liar, and your father is a liar. The Father of Lies who was a Murder from The Beginning, when he speaks, he speaks in his native tongue, the language of lies and so do you.

Between Devon Archer, Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi's Son, John Kerry's Son these four were pulling in OVER a quarter of a million dollars a month. $360,000 a month. My question is, couldn't these people find jobs in The US? And why would they accept positions to a company that was under investigation and that Joe Biden was warned about?

And why was Burisma the only Company in Ukraine that the Obama Administration had to Prep Ukraine Embassy Staffers on how to answer questions about Burisma if Congress had questions for them?



You're just dealing in conspiracy theories. Isn't your argument that Biden wanted Shokin fired because he was investigating Buresma. The fact is that when Biden threatened to withhold aid to the Ukraine, Buresma was not under investigation. Read my link. It completely undercuts your argument.
and what are you doing with the RUSSIA KOMRAD crap? nothing has been proven, mueller came up butkiss and here you are bitching at someone for listening to conspiracies while you quote them as your religion for your side.
Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

First of all, I question all your inputs because you can't even pay attention to the little red dotted line pointing out your errors.."Jiustice"?
What is " & mote polluted water"?
Did you use the internet at all to substantiate any of your claims?

I took your first one... Using federal funds as leverage...
FACT Take a little time and READ the below that is substantiated by the link.
It finds that the executive branch delivers more money and grants to swing states than all other states.
Further, the proximity of a presidential election enhances this swing state bias in the distribution of funds.
The paper concludes that presidential electoral interest drives the distribution of funds and, that scholars must consider the role of the president in studies of distributive politics.

12) Stealing children at the border is bad then what Obama did was "bad" also?
Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border?
Screen Shot 2020-01-28 at 9.37.35 AM.png
Shokin was fired by the Ukrainian president. Not only was the EU, IMF and others for Sokin's sacking but there were street protests wanting his removal for corruption. Contrast with Trump who sough dirt on a domestic political opponent.
Shokin has his Law License, and The People he was investigating Fled in to the loving Arms of Vladimir Putin, and you are defending those people, and are defending a Corrupt Company called Burisma who was involved in and being investigated for Money Laundering and Bribery by Several Companies.

You are on The Side of Lawlessness.
Thinking yourself wise, you have become a fool.
Your post is wrong. there was no investigation into Burisma when Shokin was fired. That investigation concluded years before.

The inside story of Ukraine’s ‘very good’ prosecutor at the centre of Trump's latest scandal
Oh Lawless One, Son of Perdition, Child of Hell: A Half Truth is a Lie, and all carefully crafted lies are Half Truths. You are a liar, and your father is a liar. The Father of Lies who was a Murder from The Beginning, when he speaks, he speaks in his native tongue, the language of lies and so do you.

Between Devon Archer, Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi's Son, John Kerry's Son these four were pulling in OVER a quarter of a million dollars a month. $360,000 a month. My question is, couldn't these people find jobs in The US? And why would they accept positions to a company that was under investigation and that Joe Biden was warned about?

And why was Burisma the only Company in Ukraine that the Obama Administration had to Prep Ukraine Embassy Staffers on how to answer questions about Burisma if Congress had questions for them?



You're just dealing in conspiracy theories. Isn't your argument that Biden wanted Shokin fired because he was investigating Buresma. The fact is that when Biden threatened to withhold aid to the Ukraine, Buresma was not under investigation. Read my link. It completely undercuts your argument.
and what are you doing with the RUSSIA KOMRAD crap? nothing has been proven, mueller came up butkiss and here you are bitching at someone for listening to conspiracies while you quote them as your religion for your side.
Liars who have seared their Conscience can never depart from lying nor ever be convinced of The Truth.
I love how the left hate him all of a sudden.

What does this guy know about the Constitution?
Not very much.

Why did the founders put in impeachment & impeachment is just over turning an election.

Why bother writing the powers of the President if abuse of power has no repercussions?

TDS level 10.

Thinks he knows more about the Constitution than Dershowitz.

If it was HIllary being impeached, you wouldn’t be saying that.
Here is the flaw in your logic. Dershowitz made a fine presentation on Constitutional law for his client. It was not meant to be impartial but to advocate. There is plenty to disagree with what Dershowitz said. Hell, even Dershowitz disagrees with Dershowitz. He said he was mistaken in 1999 when he said you did not need a crime to impeach. I could make an argument he was right in 1999 and is making this reversal purely because he is representing his client. BTW, which he is.
He explained that back in 1999 he did not research it and was just going along with Academic Consensus. You intentionally left that part out. Why did you? Telling another lie (half-truth) again?

Once Dershowitz started doing research for his book and on this topic, he saw that there were historical precedents set that change his views.
Dershowitz was a professor for how many years at Harvard law? He was hired in 1967. So from 1967 to 1999 when he was teaching constitutional law, he was wrong on how High crimes and misdemeanors was to be interpreted. After he retires he conveniently changes his opinion when advocating for a client. Reminds me of Barry Scheck. Remember him from the OJ Simpson trial.. He was a real proponent of DNA evidence until Simpson hired him and paid him some money then spent the trial bashing the DNA evidence. It is what lawyers do.
I love how the left hate him all of a sudden.

What does this guy know about the Constitution?
Not very much.

Why did the founders put in impeachment & impeachment is just over turning an election.

Why bother writing the powers of the President if abuse of power has no repercussions?

TDS level 10.

Thinks he knows more about the Constitution than Dershowitz.

If it was HIllary being impeached, you wouldn’t be saying that.
Here is the flaw in your logic. Dershowitz made a fine presentation on Constitutional law for his client. It was not meant to be impartial but to advocate. There is plenty to disagree with what Dershowitz said. Hell, even Dershowitz disagrees with Dershowitz. He said he was mistaken in 1999 when he said you did not need a crime to impeach. I could make an argument he was right in 1999 and is making this reversal purely because he is representing his client. BTW, which he is.
He explained that back in 1999 he did not research it and was just going along with Academic Consensus. You intentionally left that part out. Why did you? Telling another lie (half-truth) again?

Once Dershowitz started doing research for his book and on this topic, he saw that there were historical precedents set that change his views.
Dershowitz was a professor for how many years at Harvard law? He was hired in 1967. So from 1967 to 1999 when he was teaching constitutional law, he was wrong on how High crimes and misdemeanors was to be interpreted. After he retires he conveniently changes his opinion when advocating for a client. Reminds me of Barry Scheck. Remember him from the OJ Simpson trial.. He was a real proponent of DNA evidence until Simpson hired him and paid him some money then spent the trial bashing the DNA evidence. It is what lawyers do.

You are a fraud and I would love to take you on in court and run circles around your logical fallacies, and your incomplete assertions.

Did you take a class from him where he taught "High Crimes" and "Misdemeanors," son of Beelzebub? How do you know specifically what he taught in such a class if he held such a class?

When a man is asked his informal opinion on a topic over 20 years ago, and later becomes informed after researching such a nagging question, and changes his mind, that is called "intellectual honesty".

It's a shame you are Ignorant of that concept.
I love how the left hate him all of a sudden.

What does this guy know about the Constitution?
Not very much.

Why did the founders put in impeachment & impeachment is just over turning an election.

Why bother writing the powers of the President if abuse of power has no repercussions?

TDS level 10.

Thinks he knows more about the Constitution than Dershowitz.

If it was HIllary being impeached, you wouldn’t be saying that.
Here is the flaw in your logic. Dershowitz made a fine presentation on Constitutional law for his client. It was not meant to be impartial but to advocate. There is plenty to disagree with what Dershowitz said. Hell, even Dershowitz disagrees with Dershowitz. He said he was mistaken in 1999 when he said you did not need a crime to impeach. I could make an argument he was right in 1999 and is making this reversal purely because he is representing his client. BTW, which he is.
He explained that back in 1999 he did not research it and was just going along with Academic Consensus. You intentionally left that part out. Why did you? Telling another lie (half-truth) again?

Once Dershowitz started doing research for his book and on this topic, he saw that there were historical precedents set that change his views.
Dershowitz was a professor for how many years at Harvard law? He was hired in 1967. So from 1967 to 1999 when he was teaching constitutional law, he was wrong on how High crimes and misdemeanors was to be interpreted. After he retires he conveniently changes his opinion when advocating for a client. Reminds me of Barry Scheck. Remember him from the OJ Simpson trial.. He was a real proponent of DNA evidence until Simpson hired him and paid him some money then spent the trial bashing the DNA evidence. It is what lawyers do.
So Lawyers change as per their clients needs.
Not very much.

Why did the founders put in impeachment & impeachment is just over turning an election.

Why bother writing the powers of the President if abuse of power has no repercussions?

TDS level 10.

Thinks he knows more about the Constitution than Dershowitz.

If it was HIllary being impeached, you wouldn’t be saying that.
Here is the flaw in your logic. Dershowitz made a fine presentation on Constitutional law for his client. It was not meant to be impartial but to advocate. There is plenty to disagree with what Dershowitz said. Hell, even Dershowitz disagrees with Dershowitz. He said he was mistaken in 1999 when he said you did not need a crime to impeach. I could make an argument he was right in 1999 and is making this reversal purely because he is representing his client. BTW, which he is.
He explained that back in 1999 he did not research it and was just going along with Academic Consensus. You intentionally left that part out. Why did you? Telling another lie (half-truth) again?

Once Dershowitz started doing research for his book and on this topic, he saw that there were historical precedents set that change his views.
Dershowitz was a professor for how many years at Harvard law? He was hired in 1967. So from 1967 to 1999 when he was teaching constitutional law, he was wrong on how High crimes and misdemeanors was to be interpreted. After he retires he conveniently changes his opinion when advocating for a client. Reminds me of Barry Scheck. Remember him from the OJ Simpson trial.. He was a real proponent of DNA evidence until Simpson hired him and paid him some money then spent the trial bashing the DNA evidence. It is what lawyers do.
So Lawyers change as per their clients needs.
An Honorable and Just Man, even if he is an attorney, will not join a Dishonorable and Unjust Cause.

You, however, wallow in injustice, like a pig wallows in his own excrement.

Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

First of all, I question all your inputs because you can't even pay attention to the little red dotted line pointing out your errors.."Jiustice"?
What is " & mote polluted water"?
Did you use the internet at all to substantiate any of your claims?

I took your first one... Using federal funds as leverage...
FACT Take a little time and READ the below that is substantiated by the link.
It finds that the executive branch delivers more money and grants to swing states than all other states.
Further, the proximity of a presidential election enhances this swing state bias in the distribution of funds.
The paper concludes that presidential electoral interest drives the distribution of funds and, that scholars must consider the role of the president in studies of distributive politics.

12) Stealing children at the border is bad then what Obama did was "bad" also?
Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border?
View attachment 303024
Wow, another dumbass Trumpette who is ignorant of what Trump is doping.

He has lowered standards fpor air & water quality.

If you need a link, you are an uninformed idiot.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump took kids from their families. Another example 0f your ignorance.

Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron.
Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

First of all, I question all your inputs because you can't even pay attention to the little red dotted line pointing out your errors.."Jiustice"?
What is " & mote polluted water"?
Did you use the internet at all to substantiate any of your claims?

I took your first one... Using federal funds as leverage...
FACT Take a little time and READ the below that is substantiated by the link.
It finds that the executive branch delivers more money and grants to swing states than all other states.
Further, the proximity of a presidential election enhances this swing state bias in the distribution of funds.
The paper concludes that presidential electoral interest drives the distribution of funds and, that scholars must consider the role of the president in studies of distributive politics.

12) Stealing children at the border is bad then what Obama did was "bad" also?
Fact Check: Did Obama Detain 90,000 Children At The Border?
View attachment 303024
Wow, another dumbass Trumpette who is ignorant of what Trump is doping.

He has lowered standards fpor air & water quality.

If you need a link, you are an uninformed idiot.

Obama had a flood of unaccompanied children. Trump took kids from their families. Another example 0f your ignorance.

Trump used federal funds as leverage in the Ukraine you fucking moron.
Why should a man who is a liar, and bases his arguments on emotion rather than fact, not be written off as a deranged buffoon whose vacuous soul is devoid of truth and righteousness?

Pam Bondi exposes the unrighteousness of The Democrat's Cause.
He voted for HIllary.

Oh shit.
Fox News Contributor

All you need to know
Too bad Hillary never got her chance to shut Fox down, eh Komrade
I don't think Hillary ever called the press the enemy of the people as did your Komrade Trump.
Hemingway: Obama Treated Press Worse Than Trump, Media Didn’t Care

obamas admin is also now before the supreme court for spying on the press. see sharyl attkisson

obama teed off on FOX News all the time and you on the left followed suit and to this day go FAUX LOL and crap.

obama treated the press worse than trump has to date. by far.

but hey - get a russia slam in. say negative shit about trump as if it only applies to him. then sit and wonder my most thinking people consider you a clueless moron.
Obama was trying to find out who was leaking classified information to the press. When a member of the press seeks this information, it is illegal.
He voted for HIllary.

Oh shit.
Fox News Contributor

All you need to know
Too bad Hillary never got her chance to shut Fox down, eh Komrade
I don't think Hillary ever called the press the enemy of the people as did your Komrade Trump.
Hemingway: Obama Treated Press Worse Than Trump, Media Didn’t Care

obamas admin is also now before the supreme court for spying on the press. see sharyl attkisson

obama teed off on FOX News all the time and you on the left followed suit and to this day go FAUX LOL and crap.

obama treated the press worse than trump has to date. by far.

but hey - get a russia slam in. say negative shit about trump as if it only applies to him. then sit and wonder my most thinking people consider you a clueless moron.
Obama was trying to find out who was leaking classified information to the press. When a member of the press seeks this information, it is illegal.
So what do you say about all the leaks The Obama holdovers were engaged in during the so called "Peaceful Transition of Power"?

If the Wellspring of your soul is contaminated and filthy, no clean thing nor any truth can come out of your mouth, nor is there any clean thoughts or virtue within you. For a defiled well, defiles the whole man. And the defiled man, defiles his own home.
Dershowitz is obviously not smart enough to grasp the Democrat's Grand Unification Theory "Orange Man Bad" . If anything bad happens, it's Trump's fault. If Trump does anything, it's bad.
We grasp the following:
1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Jiustice
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad
9) Being accused of child rape is bad
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad
12) Stealing children at the border is bad
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad
Is that enough?

1) Using federal funds as leverage to gain political dirt from a foreign leader is illegal Its not a crime
2) Firing Comey because he is investigating the President's Russian ties is obstruction of justice Comey will be in jail before Trump, ask Barr
3) Illegally with holding subpoenaed information is obstruction of Justice Trump has due process rights, just ask the USSC (Trump's tax records)
4) Lying every fucking day to the American people IS bad OK, not a crime
5) Running up the deficit to back over a trillion is bad OK, not a crime
6) Allowing for dirtier air & mote polluted water is bad OK, not a crime
7) Selling off our national parks & sanctuaries is bad OK, not a crime
8) Have over 20 women accuse him of improper sexual advances is bad OK, not a crime
9) Being accused of child rape is bad Now you're delusional
10) Trashing our military leaders & veterans is bad Now you're delusional again
11) Keeping his travel expenses secret is bad OK, not a crime
12) Stealing children at the border is bad That's the cartels and sex trafficking
13) Throwing people off food stamps is bad no its not
14) Cutting Medicaid os bad no its not
15) Using his personal lawyer to do country's business is bad Oppo research is ok
Is that enough? Its nothing, so no.

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