Dershowitz is up

You have to pretend that there is no God and that you aren’t going to Hell to feel good about yourself.

That was not a diatribe, that is basically the gist of everything the Leftists have been actively promoting for several years now.

Clearly leftist. He must tell you how you feel then be a cuck when wrong. :)

she's clearly hysterical, & full of so much bullshit that she's gotta believe in order to feel good about supporting donny.

haaaaaaaaa.................. what? i am a christian, twigs... but not a nutter like you who thinx trump is.
Not all people who claim they are Christians enter in to the Kingdom of Heaven.

You traffic in lies so how do you call yourself of Christ?

Matthew 7:21-23

21 Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’…

matthew 6: 5-11.

now fuck off.
That buffoon whooped Hillary’s ass and her $1.5 billion.

He is so dumb that he defeated “The most qualified candidate in history”.

So if he is a buffoon, what is HIllary, a fucking retard?

Is that the same Hillary that got 3 million more votes than him?
Not 3.
Not 30.
Not 300.
Not 3,000.

It tells me the US political systems sucks donkey balls. But there are a tonne of threads on that topic on this board. No need to pollute this thread with it. Just pointing out the obvious to a Dimwitted Deplorable...

In the US its electoral college votes that count dumbass. If you liked 2016 you'll love 2020. Bernie, Biden, Warren, Buttplug, Bloomberg? LOL!!


howeverrrrrrrrrrrr.... this just might put a flying monkey wrench in yer hopes.

More States Join Interstate Compact to Bypass Electoral College

Why, specifically, do you want there to be one big national election rather than 50 individual elections?

i want the popular vote to be THE vote. the EC is obsolete. trump only won by 75K votes that got him the majority of the EC. however hillary actually got 3,000,0000 more votes.

forget about the names & forget the actual people involved for a minute & think.

75,000 vs 3,000,000 votes... & it was the lesser who actually got the white house.
He voted for HIllary.

Oh shit.
Fox News Contributor

All you need to know
Too bad Hillary never got her chance to shut Fox down, eh Komrade
I don't think Hillary ever called the press the enemy of the people as did your Komrade Trump.
Hemingway: Obama Treated Press Worse Than Trump, Media Didn’t Care

obamas admin is also now before the supreme court for spying on the press. see sharyl attkisson

obama teed off on FOX News all the time and you on the left followed suit and to this day go FAUX LOL and crap.

obama treated the press worse than trump has to date. by far.

but hey - get a russia slam in. say negative shit about trump as if it only applies to him. then sit and wonder my most thinking people consider you a clueless moron.

but but OBAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

there hasn't been a press in almost a year. march 11 was sarah honey boo boo's last one & the new drunken press secretary hasn't held one. not one. why?
That buffoon whooped Hillary’s ass and her $1.5 billion.

He is so dumb that he defeated “The most qualified candidate in history”.

So if he is a buffoon, what is HIllary, a fucking retard?

Is that the same Hillary that got 3 million more votes than him?
Not 3.
Not 30.
Not 300.
Not 3,000.

It tells me the US political systems sucks donkey balls. But there are a tonne of threads on that topic on this board. No need to pollute this thread with it. Just pointing out the obvious to a Dimwitted Deplorable...

In the US its electoral college votes that count dumbass. If you liked 2016 you'll love 2020. Bernie, Biden, Warren, Buttplug, Bloomberg? LOL!!


howeverrrrrrrrrrrr.... this just might put a flying monkey wrench in yer hopes.

More States Join Interstate Compact to Bypass Electoral College

Why, specifically, do you want there to be one big national election rather than 50 individual elections?

i want the popular vote to be THE vote. the EC is obsolete. trump only won by 75K votes that got him the majority of the EC. however hillary actually got 3,000,0000 more votes.

forget about the names & forget the actual people involved for a minute & think.

75,000 vs 3,000,000 votes... & it was the lesser who actually got the white house.
Because we want the slums to select our Commander In Chief.
Is that the same Hillary that got 3 million more votes than him?
Not 3.
Not 30.
Not 300.
Not 3,000.

It tells me the US political systems sucks donkey balls. But there are a tonne of threads on that topic on this board. No need to pollute this thread with it. Just pointing out the obvious to a Dimwitted Deplorable...

In the US its electoral college votes that count dumbass. If you liked 2016 you'll love 2020. Bernie, Biden, Warren, Buttplug, Bloomberg? LOL!!


howeverrrrrrrrrrrr.... this just might put a flying monkey wrench in yer hopes.

More States Join Interstate Compact to Bypass Electoral College

Why, specifically, do you want there to be one big national election rather than 50 individual elections?

i want the popular vote to be THE vote. the EC is obsolete. trump only won by 75K votes that got him the majority of the EC. however hillary actually got 3,000,0000 more votes.

forget about the names & forget the actual people involved for a minute & think.

75,000 vs 3,000,000 votes... & it was the lesser who actually got the white house.
Because we want the slums to select our Commander In Chief.

jim crow is dead.
In the US its electoral college votes that count dumbass. If you liked 2016 you'll love 2020. Bernie, Biden, Warren, Buttplug, Bloomberg? LOL!!


howeverrrrrrrrrrrr.... this just might put a flying monkey wrench in yer hopes.

More States Join Interstate Compact to Bypass Electoral College

Why, specifically, do you want there to be one big national election rather than 50 individual elections?

i want the popular vote to be THE vote. the EC is obsolete. trump only won by 75K votes that got him the majority of the EC. however hillary actually got 3,000,0000 more votes.

forget about the names & forget the actual people involved for a minute & think.

75,000 vs 3,000,000 votes... & it was the lesser who actually got the white house.
Because we want the slums to select our Commander In Chief.

jim crow is dead.
Because we want the slums to run our nation.
howeverrrrrrrrrrrr.... this just might put a flying monkey wrench in yer hopes.

More States Join Interstate Compact to Bypass Electoral College

Why, specifically, do you want there to be one big national election rather than 50 individual elections?

i want the popular vote to be THE vote. the EC is obsolete. trump only won by 75K votes that got him the majority of the EC. however hillary actually got 3,000,0000 more votes.

forget about the names & forget the actual people involved for a minute & think.

75,000 vs 3,000,000 votes... & it was the lesser who actually got the white house.
Because we want the slums to select our Commander In Chief.

jim crow is dead.
Because we want the slums to run our nation.

because one man = one vote & money shouldn't dictate which man gets to vote.

sounds rather american don't it?
Why, specifically, do you want there to be one big national election rather than 50 individual elections?

i want the popular vote to be THE vote. the EC is obsolete. trump only won by 75K votes that got him the majority of the EC. however hillary actually got 3,000,0000 more votes.

forget about the names & forget the actual people involved for a minute & think.

75,000 vs 3,000,000 votes... & it was the lesser who actually got the white house.
Because we want the slums to select our Commander In Chief.

jim crow is dead.
Because we want the slums to run our nation.

because one man = one vote & money shouldn't dictate which man gets to vote.

sounds rather american don't it?
Define the connection between the Electoral Vote and wealth.
I would agree that a wealthy contributor has more influence than a poor individual.
i want the popular vote to be THE vote. the EC is obsolete. trump only won by 75K votes that got him the majority of the EC. however hillary actually got 3,000,0000 more votes.

forget about the names & forget the actual people involved for a minute & think.

75,000 vs 3,000,000 votes... & it was the lesser who actually got the white house.
Because we want the slums to select our Commander In Chief.

jim crow is dead.
Because we want the slums to run our nation.

because one man = one vote & money shouldn't dictate which man gets to vote.

sounds rather american don't it?
Define the connection between the Electoral Vote and wealth.
I would agree that a wealthy contributor has more influence than a poor individual.

make the connection between 'slums' & the popular vote & why they shouldn't matter or count.
Because we want the slums to run our nation.

As opposed to white privilege? This is not the US circa 1789. One person, one vote. If voting was done along those intelligent enough to make a decision the Orange Buffoon wouldn't have gotten within a Bull's Roar of the WH. The fact that about 1/3 of his votes were from his Deplorables suggests privileged white crackers have no right to talk about slums running the country.
before Diposhitz said one word , his comments about clinton impeachment witnesses should have been played for the senate ..

but the honorable bald spot sc judge looked the other way, and kept looking the other way.

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Because we want the slums to run our nation.

As opposed to white privilege? This is not the US circa 1789. One person, one vote. If voting was done along those intelligent enough to make a decision the Orange Buffoon wouldn't have gotten within a Bull's Roar of the WH. The fact that about 1/3 of his votes were from his Deplorables suggests privileged white crackers have no right to talk about slums running the country.
Dershowitz. “John F. Kennedy School of Law” let me repeat. “John F. Kennedy School of Law.”
before Diposhitz said one word , his comments about clinton impeachment witnesses should have been played for the senate ..

but the honorable bald spot sc judge looked the other way, and kept looking the other way.

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Dershowitz. “John F. Kennedy School of Law.” JFK “School of Law.”
The senator from Connecticut, Whitehouse..Told Bill Hemmer that Dershowitz had no idea what he was talking about and his statement was “AN EMBARRASSMENT”

Bill was so shocked, he repeated....”You’re saying what Alan Dershowitz was an embarrassment?”

Dude says......YES.

Why are we doing this bullshit dog and pony show? Everyone’s minds are made up. This is a waste of time and money.
I love the light weight left wing faggots on this board stepping to the Constitutional knowledge of Alan Dershowitz.

He said he would be making the same arguments for HIllary, you stupid disingenuous duplicitous fucks.

If you would apply the laws differently, based on party, you are a basic bitch.

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